Beispiel #1
def newGame():
    if (DEBUG):
        print "Welcome to Chess!"
    pygame.init() #initialize all imported pygame modules

    window_size = [1000, 650] # width, height
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(window_size)

    updateText(screen, "Welcome to Chess!")
    pygame.display.set_caption("Colleen's Chess")

    buttons = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain()
    buttons = Button.makeButton(buttons, screen, "Quit", Button.ButtonType.Quit, white, black)
    Button.makeButton(buttons, screen, "Castle", Button.ButtonType.Castle, green, white)

    board = Board()

    turnCount = 0

    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    mainLoop(screen, board, turnCount, clock, buttons, False)
Beispiel #2
def mainLoop(screen, board, turnCount, clock, buttons, done):
    board.squares.draw(screen) #draw Sprites (Squares)
    if board.border != None:
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, red, board.border, BORDER_THICKNESS)
    board.piecesOnBoard.draw(screen) #draw Sprites (Pieces)
    pygame.display.flip() #update screen
    if done == True:
        #Button.makeButton(buttons, screen, "Play Again", Button.ButtonType.PlayAgain, blue, white)
        while done == True:
            for e in pygame.event.get():
                if e.type == pygame.QUIT: #user clicks close
                    if (DEBUG):
                        print "Close clicked"
                    done = True
                elif e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:               
                    x, y = e.pos
                    clickedButton = Button.clicked(buttons, e.pos)
                    if (clickedButton != False):
                        if (clickedButton.ButtonType == Button.ButtonType.Quit):
                            makeButton(buttons, screen, "Play Again", Button.ButtonType.PlayAgain, blue, white)
                        elif (clickedButton.ButtonType == Button.ButtonType.PlayAgain):
                            print "no button type"
        #again = raw_input("Would you like to play again? If yes, type 'yes'\n")
        #if again == 'yes':
        #    newGame()
    while done == False:
        currentMouseOverSquare = board.mouseOverSquare
        currentLoc = None
        for e in pygame.event.get():
            if e.type == pygame.QUIT: #user clicks close
                if (DEBUG):
                    print "Close clicked"
                done = True
            elif e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:               
                x, y = e.pos
                clickedButton = Button.clicked(buttons, e.pos)
                if (clickedButton != False):
                    if (clickedButton.ButtonType == Button.ButtonType.Quit):
                        castleButton = buttons.sprites()[0]
                        buttons.empty() # takes castle button out of list, but it's still showing
                        pygame.draw.rect(screen, black, castleButton.rect) # draws black over where the castle button used to be
                        Button.makeButton(buttons, screen, "Play Again", Button.ButtonType.PlayAgain, blue, white)
                        updateText(screen, "Do you want to play again?")
                        mainLoop(screen, board, turnCount, clock, buttons, True)
                    elif (clickedButton.ButtonType == Button.ButtonType.PlayAgain):
                        newGame() #sets done=False, emptys buttons (and puts new quit button in)
                        print "no button type"
                row = get_row_from_mouse_y(y)
                col = get_col_from_mouse_x(x)
                currentLoc = colStr(col)+str(row)
                if currentLoc in board.squareDic.keys():
                    if board.selectedPiece == None:
                        board.selectedPiece = board.squareDic[currentLoc].piece
                        board.border = board.squareDic[currentLoc].get_rect()
                    elif (board.selectedPiece.row == str(row) and board.selectedPiece.col == colStr(col)):
                        board.border = None
                        board.selectedPiece = None
                        oldLocation = board.selectedPiece.row + "," + board.selectedPiece.col
                        newLocation = str(row) + "," + str(colStr(col))
                        if (DEBUG):
                            print oldLocation #new location
                            print newLocation #old location
                        madeMove, exp = makeMove(screen, board, colStr(col), str(row), turnCount, clock)
                        # returns (bool, string explaination )

                        if madeMove:
                            if (DEBUG):
                                print "made move"
                                print exp
                            if turnCount%2==0:
                                turnColor = 'black'
                                turnColor = 'white'
                            if 'Game Over' in exp:
                                updateText(screen, exp)

                                buttons.empty() # takes buttons out of list
                                Button.makeButton(buttons, screen, "Play Again", Button.ButtonType.PlayAgain, blue, white)
                                mainLoop(screen, board, turnCount, clock, buttons, True)

                                updateText(screen, turnColor + " moved from " + oldLocation + " to " + newLocation)
                                turnCount +=1
                                board.border = None
                                board.selectedPiece = None
                                for hSquare in board.highlightedSquares:
                                    hSquare.un_highlight() # unhighlight old possible moves
                        else: #error
                            print "exp: " + exp
                            if (DEBUG):
                                print exp
                            updateText(screen, exp)
            elif e.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                x, y = e.pos
                row = get_row_from_mouse_y(y)
                col = get_col_from_mouse_x(x)
                currentLoc = colStr(col)+str(row)

            if currentLoc in board.squareDic.keys():
                    board.mouseOverSquare = board.squareDic[currentLoc]
            if board.mouseOverSquare != currentMouseOverSquare: # hovering over new square
                if board.selectedPiece == None:
                    for hSquare in board.highlightedSquares:
                        hSquare.un_highlight() # unhighlight old possible moves
                    if isinstance(board.mouseOverSquare, Square):
                        # ^ highlight new available moves

        board.squares.draw(screen) #draw Sprites (Squares)

        if board.border != None:
            pygame.draw.rect(screen, red, board.border, BORDER_THICKNESS)
        board.piecesOnBoard.draw(screen) #draw Sprites (Pieces)
        labelSquares(screen) # displays letters for columns and numbers for rows

        pygame.display.flip() #update screen


    pygame.quit() #closes things, keeps idle from freezing