def main(argv):

    # If there are no arguments, send to the welcome screen
    if not len(sys.argv) > 1:
        full_paramfile = print_welcome()

    # Get the arguments
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # The location of the data files
    parser.add_argument("-dir", "--base_directory", type=str, help="The base directory that contains your data files. If this isn't defined I'll assume it's the same as the current directory.")
    parser.add_argument("-fname", "--fname_prefix", type=str, help="The prefix of your DEM WITHOUT EXTENSION!!! This must be supplied or you will get an error (unless you're running the parallel plotting).")
    parser.add_argument("-out_fname", "--out_fname_prefix", type=str, help="The prefix of the figures WITHOUT EXTENSION!!! If not supplied the fname prefix will be used.")
    # These are some arguments for potting rasters other than the defaults
    parser.add_argument("-drape_fname", "--drape_fname_prefix", type=str, help="The prefix of a raster that is used in a drape plot WITHOUT EXTENSION!!! If not supplied this will just use the hillshade.")
    parser.add_argument("-drape_cbar_loc", "--drape_cbar_loc", type=str, default = "right", help="This is the location of the colourbar for the drape plot. Options are None, left, right, top and bottom.")
    parser.add_argument("-drape_cbar_label", "--drape_cbar_label", type=str, default = "colourbar_label", help="This is the label on the colourbar.")
    parser.add_argument("-drape_cmap", "--drape_cmap", type=str, default = "jet", help="This is colourmap. See matplotlib docs for options.") 
    parser.add_argument("-drape_colour_min_max", "--drape_colour_min_max", default = "", help="Add a comma separated minimum and maximum colour for plotting. WARNING if one of the floats in negative you need to add a space before it in the string or else it will be treated as an option.") 

    # These are some arguments for stacking plots
    parser.add_argument("-profile_stack_fnames", "--profile_stack_fnames", type=str, default = "", help="This is a comma separated list of file prefixes for stacking profile plots.")
    # Selecting and renaming basins
    parser.add_argument("-basin_keys", "--basin_keys",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a comma delimited string that gets the list of basins you want for the plotting. Default = no basins")  
    parser.add_argument("-rename_dict", "--rename_dict",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a string that initiates a dictionary for renaming basins. The different dict entries should be comma separated, and key and value should be separated by a colon. Default = no dict")   
    parser.add_argument("-basin_lists", "--basin_lists",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a string that initiates a list of a list for grouping basins. The object becomes a list of a list but the syntax is comma seperated lists, and each one is separated by a colon. Default = no dict")
    parser.add_argument("-chi_offsets", "--chi_offsets",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a string that initiates a list of chi offsets for each of the basin lists. Default = no list")
    parser.add_argument("-fd_offsets", "--flow_distance_offsets",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a string that initiates a list of flow distance offsets for each of the basin lists. Default = no list")
    # What sort of analyses you want--these are rather simple versions
    parser.add_argument("-PB", "--plot_basins", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make a simple basin plot.")
    parser.add_argument("-PBC", "--plot_basins_channels", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make a simple basin plot with channels.")
    parser.add_argument("-PCh", "--plot_channels", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make a simple plot of channels.") 
    parser.add_argument("-PD", "--plot_drape", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make a simple draped plot that puts a colour scale on a drape of your choice.")
    parser.add_argument("-PC", "--plot_chi_coord", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make a chi coordinate plot.") 
    parser.add_argument("-SimpleChFmt", "--simple_channel_format", type=str, default="elevation", help="The column in the channel file used to colour the channels.")    
    parser.add_argument("-SStack", "--simple_stacked_plots", type=bool, default=False, help="Plots chi and  channel profile plots using only the chi data map csv.")  
    parser.add_argument("-MStack", "--multiple_stacked_plots", type=bool, default=False, help="Plots profiles from different files on top of one another.")  
    # What sort of analyses you want--these are rather simple versions   
    parser.add_argument("-PS","--plot_swath", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll plot a swath.")
    parser.add_argument("-swath_prefix","--swath_prefix", type=str, default="swath", help="This is the prefix to the swath filename.")
    # What sort of analyses you want--these lump different analyses
    parser.add_argument("-all", "--all_chi_plots", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make all the plots including raster and chi profile plots.")
    parser.add_argument("-all_rasters", "--all_raster_plots", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make all the raster plots.")
    parser.add_argument("-all_stacks", "--all_stacked_plots", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make all the stacked plots.")
    # Some simple geographic functions that can aid in plotting regional maps. They do things like create shapefile that
    # can then be used with basemap. We don't include the basemap functions since that is not in the LSDTT toolchain (but
    # might get included later)
    parser.add_argument("-RF", "--create_raster_footprint_shapefile",type=bool, default=False, help="If true, create a shapefile from the raster. Can be used with basemap to make regional maps")
    parser.add_argument("-BM", "--create_basemap_figure",type=bool, default=False, help="If true, create a basemap file")

    # These control the format of your figures
    parser.add_argument("-drape_colour_norm", "--drape_colour_norm", type=str, default='none', help="This allows the user to set the colour normalisation. The options are none (which is just linear), LogNorm, PowerNorm, and SymLogNorm. See for details. If these options (case sentitive) are not use it defaults to none.")    
    parser.add_argument("-coord_type", "--coord_type", type=str, default='UTM_km', help="The tick coordinate type. Options are UTM, UTM_km and None. UTM has ticks in metres. None should produce no tick marks.")
    parser.add_argument("-scalebar", "--use_scalebar", type=bool, default=False, help="A boolean that determines if you use a scalebar. This is currently only in operation for the simple drape plot.")    
    parser.add_argument("-fmt", "--FigFormat", type=str, default='png', help="Set the figure format for the plots. Default is png")
    parser.add_argument("-size", "--size_format", type=str, default='ESURF', help="Set the size format for the figure. Can be 'big' (16 inches wide), 'geomorphology' (6.25 inches wide), or 'ESURF' (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf).")
    parser.add_argument("-ar", "--figure_aspect_ratio", type=float, default=2, help="The aspect ratio of profile plots. Doesn't affect maps, whose aspect ratio is set by the size of the DEM.")
    parser.add_argument("-parallel", "--parallel", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true I'll assume you ran the code in parallel and append all your CSVs together before plotting.")
    parser.add_argument("-dpi", "--dpi", type=int, default=250, help="The dots per inch of your figure.")
    parser.add_argument("-bmpsm", "--basemap_parallel_spacing_multiplier", type=float, default=0.5, help="Basemap parallel spacing multiplier. Increase if parallels are too close on your basemap.")
    parser.add_argument("-bmrem", "--basemap_regional_extent_multiplier", type=float, default=4, help="Basemap regional extent multiplier. The multiple of the size of the raster to make the basemap extent")
    parser.add_argument("-bmortho", "--basemap_orthographic", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true the basemap creates an orthographic map, that is a globe.")   
    parser.add_argument("-bmwidth", "--basemap_width_inches", type=float, default=4, help="Basemap width in inches (since matplotlib is written by yanks).")
    parser.add_argument("-bmar", "--basemap_aspect_ratio", type=float, default=1, help="Basemap aspect ratio.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if not args.fname_prefix:
        if not args.parallel:
            print("WARNING! You haven't supplied your DEM name. Please specify this with the flag '-fname'")

    if not args.drape_fname_prefix:
        print("WARNING! You haven't supplied a drape DEM name. I will assume it is the same as the fname")
        args.drape_fname_prefix = args.fname_prefix          
    if not args.out_fname_prefix:
        print("You did not give me an out name prefix. I am using the raster prefix.")
        out_fname_prefix = args.fname_prefix
        print("I am going to use an fname prefix for the outfiles")
        out_fname_prefix = args.out_fname_prefix

    # get the base directory
    if args.base_directory:
        this_dir = args.base_directory
        # check if you remembered a / at the end of your path_name
        if not this_dir.endswith(os.sep):
            print("You forgot the separator at the end of the directory, appending...")
            this_dir = this_dir+os.sep
        this_dir = os.getcwd()

    # some formatting for the figures
    if args.FigFormat == "manuscipt_svg":
        print("You chose the manuscript svg option. This only works with the -ALL flag. For other flags it will default to simple svg")
        simple_format = "svg"
    elif args.FigFormat == "manuscript_png":
        print("You chose the manuscript png option. This only works with the -ALL flag. For other flags it will default to simple png")
        simple_format = "png"
        simple_format = args.FigFormat
    # This is for swath plotting
    if args.plot_swath:
        print("Let me print a swath profile.")
        swath_csv = this_dir+args.swath_prefix+".csv"
        fig_fname = this_dir+"test_swath.png"
        print("The swath file is: "+swath_csv)
        LSDP.PlotSwath(swath_csv, FigFileName = fig_fname,size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format)
    # See if you should create a shapefile of the raster footprint             
    if args.create_raster_footprint_shapefile:
        print("Let me create a shapefile of the raster footprint")
        driver_name = "ESRI shapefile"
        driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(driver_name)
        #print("Driver is: ")
        #print("Now I'll try it from LSDPlottingTools")     
        RasterFile = args.fname_prefix+".bil"
        LSDP.CreateShapefileOfRasterFootprint(this_dir, RasterFile)
    # See if you should create a basemap
    if args.create_basemap_figure:
        import LSDBasemapTools as LSDBM
        RasterFile = args.fname_prefix+".bil"
        basemap_out_prefix = "/basemap_plots/"+out_fname_prefix
        # This gets the positioning
        centre_lat, centre_long, extent_lat, extent_long, xproj_extent, yproj_extent = LSDP.GetCentreAndExtentOfRaster(this_dir, RasterFile)
        FWI = args.basemap_width_inches
        FHI = FWI/(args.basemap_aspect_ratio)
        print("The basemap centrepoint is: "+str(centre_lat)+"," +str(centre_long))
        LSDBM.GenerateBasemapImageAutomated(this_dir, RasterFile, FigWidthInches = FWI, FigHeightInches = FHI, regional_extent_multiplier = args.basemap_regional_extent_multiplier, label_spacing_multiplier = args.basemap_parallel_spacing_multiplier, out_fname_prefix = basemap_out_prefix, fig_dpi = args.dpi, is_orthographic = args.basemap_orthographic)
    # Parse any lists, dicts, or list of lists from the arguments   
    these_basin_keys = parse_list_from_string(args.basin_keys)
    this_rename_dict = parse_dict_from_string(args.rename_dict)
    basin_stack_list = parse_list_of_list_from_string(args.basin_lists)
    chi_offset_list = parse_list_from_string(args.chi_offsets)
    fd_offset_list = parse_list_from_string(args.flow_distance_offsets)
    this_drape_colour_min_max = parse_list_from_string(args.drape_colour_min_max)
    profile_stack_files = parse_string_list_from_string(args.profile_stack_fnames)
    # Get the colour min and max
    #if (args.drape_colour_min_max[0] == -99.99 & args.drape_colour_min_max[1] == -99.99):
    #    this_drape_colour_min_max = []
    #    this_drape_colour_min_max = args.drape_colour_min_max

    # Find the basin keys, if they exist
    BasinInfoDF,existing_basin_keys = DoesBasinInfoExist(this_dir, args.fname_prefix)
    if len(existing_basin_keys) > 0:
        print("I've got some basin keys, they are: ")
    # If the basin keys are not supplited then assume all basins are used. 
    if these_basin_keys == []:
        these_basin_keys = existing_basin_keys
    # Python is so amazing. Look at the line below.
    Mask_basin_keys = [i for i in existing_basin_keys if i not in these_basin_keys]
    print("All basins are: ")
    print("The basins to keep are:")
    print("The basins to mask are:")
    # Look to see if there is a basin stack list. If there is, organise it so that we have different values in the
    # value dict
    if len(basin_stack_list) == 0:
        temp_stack = []
        this_value_dict = convert_basin_stack_to_value_dict(temp_stack)
        this_value_dict = convert_basin_stack_to_value_dict(basin_stack_list)
    # Now make sure all basins have a value dict value
    value_dict_single_basin = {}
    for basin in these_basin_keys:
        value_dict_single_basin[basin] = 1
        if basin not in this_value_dict:
            this_value_dict[basin] = 1
    #print("The value dict is:")
    # Now if there is a rename dict, replace the value dict values with the rename keys
    if len(this_rename_dict) != 0:
        #print("There is a rename dict. Let me adjust some values.")
        rename_value_dict = {}
        for key in this_value_dict:
            #print("Key is: "+str(key))
            if key in this_rename_dict:
                #print("I found a rename key in the value dict, changing to :"+ str(this_rename_dict[key]))
                rename_value_dict[this_rename_dict[key]] = this_value_dict[key]
                rename_value_dict[key] = this_value_dict[key]
        this_value_dict = rename_value_dict
    #print("The new value dict is: ")

    # Set default offsets
    if len(chi_offset_list) == 0:
    if len(fd_offset_list) == 0:
    #print("I am matching the offest list lengths to the number of basin stacks")    
    final_chi_offsets = pad_offset_lists(basin_stack_list,chi_offset_list)
    final_fd_offsets = pad_offset_lists(basin_stack_list,fd_offset_list)

    # This is the most basic draped plot. 
    if args.plot_drape:
        print("Let me print a drape plot for you.")
        print("The colour min and max are (if empty lis, just used min and max of data):")

        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+out_fname_prefix
        LSDMW.SimpleDrape(this_dir,args.fname_prefix, args.drape_fname_prefix, cmap = args.drape_cmap, size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix, cbar_loc = args.drape_cbar_loc, cbar_label = args.drape_cbar_label, coord_type = args.coord_type, use_scalebar = args.use_scalebar, drape_cnorm = args.drape_colour_norm, colour_min_max = this_drape_colour_min_max)

    # This just plots the basins. Useful for checking on basin selection
    if args.plot_basins:
        print("I am only going to print basins.")
        # check if a raster directory exists. If not then make it.
        raster_directory = this_dir+'raster_plots/'
        print("I am printing to a raster directory:")
        if not os.path.isdir(raster_directory):
        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+out_fname_prefix      
        # Now for raster plots
        # First the basins, labeled:
        LSDMW.PrintBasins_Complex(this_dir,args.fname_prefix,use_keys_not_junctions = True, show_colourbar = False,Remove_Basins = Mask_basin_keys, Rename_Basins = this_rename_dict,cmap = "jet", size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_basins")
    # This just plots the basins with the channels. Useful for checking on basin selection.
    if args.plot_basins_channels:
        print("I am going to print basins and channels.")
        # check if a raster directory exists. If not then make it.
        raster_directory = this_dir+'raster_plots/'
        print("I am printing to a raster directory:")
        if not os.path.isdir(raster_directory):
        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+out_fname_prefix 
        # Get the names of the relevant files
        ChannelFname = args.fname_prefix+"_chi_data_map.csv"
        # First the basins, with blue channels scaled by drainage area
        #LSDMW.PrintBasins_Complex(this_dir,args.fname_prefix,use_keys_not_junctions = True, show_colourbar = False,Remove_Basins = Mask_basin_keys, Rename_Basins = this_rename_dict,cmap = "jet", size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_basinschannels",include_channels = True, label_basins = False)  
        if args.simple_channel_format == "elevation":
            # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "Blues_r", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="elevation", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_BChElevation", discrete_colours = False, colour_log = False, show_basins = True)  
        elif args.simple_channel_format == "source_key":
            # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "tab20b", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="source_key", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"BSourceKey", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, colour_log = False, show_basins = True)
        elif args.simple_channel_format == "basin_key":
            # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "jet", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="source_key", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"BBasinKey", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, colour_log = False, show_basins = True)
        elif args.simple_channel_format == "drainage_area":
            # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "Reds_r", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="elevation", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_BDrainArea", discrete_colours = False, colour_log = True, show_basins = True) 
            print("You didn't select a valid channel colouring scheme.\n Choices are elevation, source_key, basin_key, and drainage_area")

    # This just plots the basins with the channels. Useful for checking on basin selection.
    if args.plot_channels:
        print("I am going to print channels.")
        # check if a raster directory exists. If not then make it.
        raster_directory = this_dir+'raster_plots/'
        print("I am printing to a raster directory:")
        if not os.path.isdir(raster_directory):
        # Get the names of the relevant files
        ChannelFname = args.fname_prefix+"_chi_data_map.csv"
        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+out_fname_prefix   
        # First the basins, with blue channels scaled by drainage area
        # Now plot the channels coloured by the elevation
        if args.simple_channel_format == "elevation":
            # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "Blues_r", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="elevation", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_ChElevation", discrete_colours = False, colour_log = False, show_basins = False)  
        elif args.simple_channel_format == "source_key":
            # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "tab20b", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="source_key", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"SourceKey", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, colour_log = False, show_basins = False)
        elif args.simple_channel_format == "basin_key":
            # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "jet", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="source_key", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"BasinKey", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, colour_log = False, show_basins = False)
        elif args.simple_channel_format == "drainage_area":
            # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "Reds_r", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="elevation", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_DrainArea", discrete_colours = False, colour_log = True, show_basins = False) 
            print("You didn't select a valid channel colouring scheme.\n Choices are elevation, source_key, basin_key, and drainage_area")
    # This plots the chi coordinate. It plots three different versions. 
    # extension _CC_basins are the absins used in the chi plot
    # extension _CC_raster plots the chi raster
    # extension _CC_channels plots the channels
    if args.plot_chi_coord:
        print("I am only going to print basins.")

        # check if a raster directory exists. If not then make it.
        raster_directory = this_dir+'raster_plots/'
        if not os.path.isdir(raster_directory):

        # Get the names of the relevant files
        ChannelFname = args.fname_prefix+"_chi_data_map.csv"

        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+args.fname_prefix
        # Now for raster plots
        # First the basins, labeled:
        LSDMW.PrintBasins_Complex(this_dir,args.fname_prefix,use_keys_not_junctions = True, show_colourbar = False,Remove_Basins = Mask_basin_keys, Rename_Basins = this_rename_dict,cmap = "jet", size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_CC_basins")

        # Then the chi plot for the rasters. Only call this if the masked raster exists
        masked_fname = this_dir+args.fname_prefix+"_MaskedChi.bil"
        print("\n\n\nThe filename of the chi raster is: "+masked_fname+ " I am checking if it exists.")
        import os.path as osp
        if osp.isfile(masked_fname):
            print("The chi raster exists. I'll drape the channels over the chi raster")
            LSDMW.PrintChiCoordChannelsAndBasins(this_dir,args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "cubehelix", cbar_loc = "top", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column = "chi", colour_log = False, colorbarlabel = "$\chi$", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict , value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_CC_raster", plot_chi_raster = True)
            print("The chi raster doesn't exist, I am skpping to the channel chi plots.")

        LSDMW.PrintChiCoordChannelsAndBasins(this_dir,args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "cubehelix", cbar_loc = "top", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column = "chi", colour_log = False, colorbarlabel = "$\chi$", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict , value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_CC_channels", plot_chi_raster = False)
    # This bundles a number of different analyses    
    if args.all_chi_plots:
        print("You have chosen to plot all raster and stacked plots.")
        args.all_raster_plots = True
        args.all_stacked_plots = True

    # make the plots depending on your choices
    if args.all_raster_plots:
        print("I am goint to print some raster plots for you.")
        # check if a raster directory exists. If not then make it.
        raster_directory = this_dir+'raster_plots/'
        if not os.path.isdir(raster_directory):
        # Get the names of the relevant files
        ChannelFname = args.fname_prefix+"_MChiSegmented.csv"
        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+out_fname_prefix
        # Now for raster plots
        # First the basins, labeled:
        LSDMW.PrintBasins_Complex(this_dir,args.fname_prefix,use_keys_not_junctions = True, show_colourbar = False,Remove_Basins = Mask_basin_keys, Rename_Basins = this_rename_dict,cmap = "jet", size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_basins")
        # Basins colour coded
        print("The value dict is: ")
        LSDMW.PrintBasins_Complex(this_dir,args.fname_prefix,use_keys_not_junctions = True, show_colourbar = False,Remove_Basins = Mask_basin_keys, Rename_Basins = this_rename_dict, Value_dict = this_value_dict, cmap = "gray", size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_stack_basins")
        # Now the chi steepness
        LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "viridis", cbar_loc = "right", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="m_chi",colorbarlabel = "$\mathrm{log}_{10} \; \mathrm{of} \; k_{sn}$", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = value_dict_single_basin, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_ksn")
        # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
        LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "tab20b", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="source_key", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"sources", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, colour_log = False)
    if args.simple_stacked_plots:
        # check if a chi profile directory exists. If not then make it.
        chi_profile_directory = this_dir+'chi_profile_plots/'
        if not os.path.isdir(chi_profile_directory):

        # Get the names of the relevant files
        ChannelFname = args.fname_prefix+"_chi_data_map.csv"
        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+args.fname_prefix       
        print("I am going to plot simple chi and channel profile plots for you.")
        cbl = "$\mathrm{log}_{10} \; \mathrm{of} \; k_{sn}$"  
        print("The basins to print are")
        i = 0
        for little_list in basin_stack_list:
            i = i+1
            this_prefix = "chi_profile_plots/SimpleStacked_"+str(i) 
            print("The offset is: ")
            print("chi: "+str(final_chi_offsets[i-1]) )
            print("flow distance: "+ str(final_fd_offsets[i-1]) )
            # This prints the chi profiles coloured by k_sn
            LSDMW.PrintChiStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFname, cmap = "viridis", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="chi",plot_data_name = "elevation",colorbarlabel = cbl, cbar_loc = "bottom", Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_chi",X_offset = final_chi_offsets[i-1], figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio)
            # This prints channel profiles coloured by k_sn
            LSDMW.PrintChiStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFname, cmap = "viridis", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="flow_distance",plot_data_name = "elevation", plotting_data_format = 'log', colorbarlabel = cbl, Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_FD", X_offset = final_fd_offsets[i-1], figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio)    

            # This prints the channel profiles coloured by source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFname, cmap = "tab20b", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="flow_distance",plot_data_name = "source_key", plotting_data_format = 'normal', colorbarlabel = cbl, cbar_loc = "None", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_Sources", X_offset = final_fd_offsets[i-1], figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio)    

    if args.multiple_stacked_plots:
        print("I am going to stack some profile plots for you.")
        print("The list of profile files is: ")
       # check if a chi profile directory exists. If not then make it.
        chi_profile_directory = this_dir+'chi_profile_plots/'
        if not os.path.isdir(chi_profile_directory):
        ChannelFnameList = []
        for file in profile_stack_files:
            ChannelFname = args.base_directory+"/"+file+"_chi_data_map.csv"
        print("Filenames are:")

        # Get the names of the relevant files
        little_list = [0]
        this_prefix = "chi_profile_plots/MultiStacked_"
        # This prints the channel profiles coloured by source number
        LSDMW.PrintMultipleStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFnameList, cmap = "tab20b", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="flow_distance",plotting_data_format = 'normal', colorbarlabel = cbl, cbar_loc = "None", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_Sources", X_offset = 0, figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio)  
    if args.all_stacked_plots:
        # check if a chi profile directory exists. If not then make it.
        chi_profile_directory = this_dir+'chi_profile_plots/'
        if not os.path.isdir(chi_profile_directory):

        # Get the names of the relevant files
        ChannelFname = args.fname_prefix+"_MChiSegmented.csv"
        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+args.fname_prefix       
        print("I am going to plot some chi stacks for you.")
        cbl = "$\mathrm{log}_{10} \; \mathrm{of} \; k_{sn}$"  
        i = 0
        for little_list in basin_stack_list:
            i = i+1
            this_prefix = "chi_profile_plots/Stacked_"+str(i) 
            print("The offset is: ")
            print("chi: "+str(final_chi_offsets[i-1]) )
            print("flow distance: "+ str(final_fd_offsets[i-1]) )
            # This prints the chi profiles coloured by k_sn
            LSDMW.PrintChiStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFname, cmap = "viridis", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="chi",plot_data_name = "m_chi",colorbarlabel = cbl, cbar_loc = "bottom", Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_chi",X_offset = final_chi_offsets[i-1], figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio)
            # This prints channel profiles coloured by k_sn
            LSDMW.PrintChiStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFname, cmap = "viridis", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="flow_distance",plot_data_name = "m_chi", plotting_data_format = 'log', colorbarlabel = cbl, Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_FD", X_offset = final_fd_offsets[i-1], figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio)    

            # This prints the channel profiles coloured by source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFname, cmap = "tab20b", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="flow_distance",plot_data_name = "source_key", plotting_data_format = 'normal', colorbarlabel = cbl, cbar_loc = "None", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_Sources", X_offset = final_fd_offsets[i-1], figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio)    
Beispiel #2
def main(argv):

    # If there are no arguments, send to the welcome screen
    if not len(sys.argv) > 1:
        full_paramfile = print_welcome()

    # Get the arguments
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # The location of the data files
    parser.add_argument("-dir", "--base_directory", type=str, help="The base directory that contains your data files. If this isn't defined I'll assume it's the same as the current directory.")
    parser.add_argument("-fname", "--fname_prefix", type=str, help="The prefix of your DEM WITHOUT EXTENSION!!! This must be supplied or you will get an error (unless you're running the parallel plotting).")
    parser.add_argument("-out_fname", "--out_fname_prefix", type=str, help="The prefix of the figures WITHOUT EXTENSION!!! If not supplied the fname prefix will be used.")

    # Selecting and renaming basins
    parser.add_argument("-basin_keys", "--basin_keys",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a comma delimited string that gets the list of basins you want for the plotting. Default = no basins")
    parser.add_argument("-rename_dict", "--rename_dict",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a string that initiates a dictionary for renaming basins. The different dict entries should be comma separated, and key and value should be separated by a colon. Default = no dict")
    parser.add_argument("-basin_lists", "--basin_lists",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a string that initiates a list of a list for grouping basins. The object becomes a list of a list but the syntax is comma seperated lists, and each one is separated by a colon. Default = no dict")
    parser.add_argument("-chi_offsets", "--chi_offsets",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a string that initiates a list of chi offsets for each of the basin lists. Default = no list")
    parser.add_argument("-fd_offsets", "--flow_distance_offsets",type=str,default = "", help = "This is a string that initiates a list of flow distance offsets for each of the basin lists. Default = no list")

    # What sort of analyses you want
    parser.add_argument("-PB", "--plot_basins", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make a simple basin plot.")
    parser.add_argument("-PC", "--plot_chi_coord", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make a chi coordinate plot.")
    parser.add_argument("-all", "--all_chi_plots", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make all the plots including raster and chi profile plots.")
    parser.add_argument("-all_rasters", "--all_raster_plots", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make all the raster plots.")
    parser.add_argument("-all_stacks", "--all_stacked_plots", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true, I'll make all the stacked plots.")

    # Some simple geographic functions that can aid in plotting regional maps. They do things like create shapefile that
    # can then be used with basemap. We don't include the basemap functions since that is not in the LSDTT toolchain (but
    # might get included later)
    parser.add_argument("-RF", "--create_raster_footprint_shapefile",type=bool, default=False, help="If true, create a shapefile from the raster. Can be used with basemap to make regional maps")
    parser.add_argument("-BM", "--create_basemap_figure",type=bool, default=False, help="If true, create a basemap file")

    # These control the format of your figures
    parser.add_argument("-fmt", "--FigFormat", type=str, default='png', help="Set the figure format for the plots. Default is png")
    parser.add_argument("-size", "--size_format", type=str, default='ESURF', help="Set the size format for the figure. Can be 'big' (16 inches wide), 'geomorphology' (6.25 inches wide), or 'ESURF' (4.92 inches wide) (defualt esurf).")
    parser.add_argument("-ar", "--figure_aspect_ratio", type=float, default=2, help="The aspect ratio of profile plots. Doesn't affect maps, whose aspect ratio is set by the size of the DEM.")
    parser.add_argument("-parallel", "--parallel", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true I'll assume you ran the code in parallel and append all your CSVs together before plotting.")
    parser.add_argument("-dpi", "--dpi", type=int, default=250, help="The dots per inch of your figure.")
    parser.add_argument("-rotate_labels", "--rotate_labels", type=bool, default=False, help='If true I will rotate the labels of the basins on the stacked chi plots')
    parser.add_argument("-cmap", "--cmap", type=str, default="viridis", help = "The colourmap for the chi plots. Default = viridis")
    parser.add_argument("-data_fmt", "--plotting_data_format", type=str, default="log", help = "Plotting data format for chi plots. Default is log.")

    # These control the appearance of the basemap
    parser.add_argument("-bmpsm", "--basemap_parallel_spacing_multiplier", type=float, default=0.5, help="Basemap parallel spacing multiplier. Increase if parallels are too close on your basemap.")
    parser.add_argument("-bmrem", "--basemap_regional_extent_multiplier", type=float, default=4, help="Basemap regional extent multiplier. The multiple of the size of the raster to make the basemap extent")
    parser.add_argument("-bmortho", "--basemap_orthographic", type=bool, default=False, help="If this is true the basemap creates an orthographic map, that is a globe.")   
    parser.add_argument("-bmwidth", "--basemap_width_inches", type=float, default=4, help="Basemap width in inches (since matplotlib is written by yanks).")
    parser.add_argument("-bmar", "--basemap_aspect_ratio", type=float, default=1, help="Basemap aspect ratio.")    
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if not args.fname_prefix:
        if not args.parallel:
            print("WARNING! You haven't supplied your DEM name. Please specify this with the flag '-fname'")

    # get the base directory
    if args.base_directory:
        this_dir = args.base_directory
        # check if you remembered a / at the end of your path_name
        if not this_dir.endswith(os.sep):
            print("You forgot the separator at the end of the directory, appending...")
            this_dir = this_dir+os.sep
        this_dir = os.getcwd()

    # See if you should create a shapefile of the raster footprint
    if args.create_raster_footprint_shapefile:
        print("Let me create a shapefile of the raster footprint")

        driver_name = "ESRI shapefile"
        driver = ogr.GetDriverByName(driver_name)

        print("Driver is: ")

        print("Now I'll try it from LSDPlottingTools")

        RasterFile = args.fname_prefix+".bil"
        LSDP.CreateShapefileOfRasterFootprint(this_dir, RasterFile)

    # See if you should create a basemap
    if args.create_basemap_figure:
        import LSDBasemapTools as LSDBM
        RasterFile = args.fname_prefix+".bil"
        basemap_out_prefix = "/basemap_plots/"+out_fname_prefix
        # This gets the positioning
        centre_lat, centre_long, extent_lat, extent_long, xproj_extent, yproj_extent = LSDP.GetCentreAndExtentOfRaster(this_dir, RasterFile)
        FWI = args.basemap_width_inches
        FHI = FWI/(args.basemap_aspect_ratio)
        print("The basemap centrepoint is: "+str(centre_lat)+"," +str(centre_long))
        LSDBM.GenerateBasemapImageAutomated(this_dir, RasterFile, FigWidthInches = FWI, FigHeightInches = FHI, regional_extent_multiplier = args.basemap_regional_extent_multiplier, label_spacing_multiplier = args.basemap_parallel_spacing_multiplier, out_fname_prefix = basemap_out_prefix, fig_dpi = args.dpi, is_orthographic = args.basemap_orthographic)

    # See if a basin info file exists and if so get the basin list
    print("Let me check if there is a basins info csv file.")
    BasinInfoPrefix = args.fname_prefix+"_AllBasinsInfo.csv"
    BasinInfoFileName = this_dir+BasinInfoPrefix
    existing_basin_keys = []
    if os.path.isfile(BasinInfoFileName):
        print("There is a basins info csv file")
        BasinInfoDF = phelp.ReadBasinInfoCSV(this_dir, args.fname_prefix)
        existing_basin_keys = list(BasinInfoDF['basin_key'])
        existing_basin_keys = [int(x) for x in existing_basin_keys]
        print("I didn't find a basins info csv file. Check directory or filename.")

    # Parse any lists, dicts, or list of lists from the arguments
    these_basin_keys = parse_list_from_string(args.basin_keys)
    this_rename_dict = parse_dict_from_string(args.rename_dict)
    basin_stack_list = parse_list_of_list_from_string(args.basin_lists)
    chi_offset_list = parse_list_from_string(args.chi_offsets)
    fd_offset_list = parse_list_from_string(args.flow_distance_offsets)

    # If the basin keys are not supplited then assume all basins are used.
    if these_basin_keys == []:
        these_basin_keys = existing_basin_keys

    # Python is so amazing. Look at the line below.
    Mask_basin_keys = [i for i in existing_basin_keys if i not in these_basin_keys]
    print("All basins are: ")
    print("The basins to keep are:")
    print("The basins to mask are:")

    # Look to see if there is a basin stack list. If there is, organise it so that we have different values in the
    # value dict
    if len(basin_stack_list) == 0:
        temp_stack = []
        this_value_dict = convert_basin_stack_to_value_dict(temp_stack)
        this_value_dict = convert_basin_stack_to_value_dict(basin_stack_list)

    # Now make sure all basins have a value dict value
    value_dict_single_basin = {}
    for basin in these_basin_keys:
        value_dict_single_basin[basin] = 1
        if basin not in this_value_dict:
            this_value_dict[basin] = 1

    #print("The value dict is:")

    # Now if there is a rename dict, replace the value dict values with the rename keys
    if len(this_rename_dict) != 0:
        #print("There is a rename dict. Let me adjust some values.")
        rename_value_dict = {}
        for key in this_value_dict:
            #print("Key is: "+str(key))
            if key in this_rename_dict:
                #print("I found a rename key in the value dict, changing to :"+ str(this_rename_dict[key]))
                rename_value_dict[this_rename_dict[key]] = this_value_dict[key]
                rename_value_dict[key] = this_value_dict[key]
        this_value_dict = rename_value_dict
    #print("The new value dict is: ")

    # Set default offsets
    if len(chi_offset_list) == 0:
    if len(fd_offset_list) == 0:

    #print("I am matching the offest list lengths to the number of basin stacks")
    final_chi_offsets = pad_offset_lists(basin_stack_list,chi_offset_list)
    final_fd_offsets = pad_offset_lists(basin_stack_list,fd_offset_list)

    # some formatting for the figures
    if args.FigFormat == "manuscipt_svg":
        print("You chose the manuscript svg option. This only works with the -ALL flag. For other flags it will default to simple svg")
        simple_format = "svg"
    elif args.FigFormat == "manuscript_png":
        print("You chose the manuscript png option. This only works with the -ALL flag. For other flags it will default to simple png")
        simple_format = "png"
        simple_format = args.FigFormat

    # This just plots the basins. Useful for checking on basin selection
    if args.plot_basins:
        print("I am only going to print basins.")

        # check if a raster directory exists. If not then make it.
        raster_directory = this_dir+'raster_plots/'
        if not os.path.isdir(raster_directory):

        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+args.fname_prefix
        # Now for raster plots
        # First the basins, labeled:
        LSDMW.PrintBasins_Complex(this_dir,args.fname_prefix,use_keys_not_junctions = True, show_colourbar = False,Remove_Basins = Mask_basin_keys, Rename_Basins = this_rename_dict,cmap = "jet", size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_basins")

    # This plots the chi coordinate. It plots three different versions.
    # extension _CC_basins are the absins used in the chi plot
    # extension _CC_raster plots the chi raster
    # extension _CC_channels plots the channels
    if args.plot_chi_coord:
        print("I am only going to print basins.")

        # check if a raster directory exists. If not then make it.
        raster_directory = this_dir+'raster_plots/'
        if not os.path.isdir(raster_directory):

        # Get the names of the relevant files
        ChannelFname = args.fname_prefix+"_chi_data_map.csv"

        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+args.fname_prefix
        # Now for raster plots
        # First the basins, labeled:
        LSDMW.PrintBasins_Complex(this_dir,args.fname_prefix,use_keys_not_junctions = True, show_colourbar = False,Remove_Basins = Mask_basin_keys, Rename_Basins = this_rename_dict,cmap = "jet", size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_CC_basins")

        # Then the chi plot for the rasters. Only call this if the masked raster exists
        masked_fname = this_dir+args.fname_prefix+"_MaskedChi.bil"
        print("\n\n\nThe filename of the chi raster is: "+masked_fname+ " I am checking if it exists.")
        import os.path as osp
        if osp.isfile(masked_fname):
            print("The chi raster exists. I'll drape the channels over the chi raster")
            LSDMW.PrintChiCoordChannelsAndBasins(this_dir,args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "cubehelix", cbar_loc = "top", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column = "chi", colour_log = False, colorbarlabel = "$\chi$", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict , value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_CC_raster", plot_chi_raster = True)
            print("The chi raster doesn't exist, I am skpping to the channel chi plots.")

        LSDMW.PrintChiCoordChannelsAndBasins(this_dir,args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "cubehelix", cbar_loc = "top", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column = "chi", colour_log = False, colorbarlabel = "$\chi$", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict , value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_CC_channels", plot_chi_raster = False)

    # This bundles a number of different analyses
    if args.all_chi_plots:
        print("You have chosen to plot all raster and stacked plots.")
        args.all_raster_plots = True
        args.all_stacked_plots = True

    # make the plots depending on your choices
    if args.all_raster_plots:
        print("I am goint to print some raster plots for you.")

        # check if a raster directory exists. If not then make it.
        raster_directory = this_dir+'raster_plots/'
        if not os.path.isdir(raster_directory):

        # Get the names of the relevant files
        ChannelFname = args.fname_prefix+"_MChiSegmented.csv"

        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+args.fname_prefix

        # Now for raster plots
        # First the basins, labeled:
        LSDMW.PrintBasins_Complex(this_dir,args.fname_prefix,use_keys_not_junctions = True, show_colourbar = False,Remove_Basins = Mask_basin_keys, Rename_Basins = this_rename_dict,cmap = "jet", size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_basins")

        # Basins colour coded
        print("The value dict is: ")
        LSDMW.PrintBasins_Complex(this_dir,args.fname_prefix,use_keys_not_junctions = True, show_colourbar = False,Remove_Basins = Mask_basin_keys, Rename_Basins = this_rename_dict, Value_dict = this_value_dict, cmap = "gray", size_format = args.size_format,fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_stack_basins")

        # Now the chi steepness
        LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "viridis", cbar_loc = "right", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="m_chi",colorbarlabel = "$\mathrm{log}_{10} \; \mathrm{of} \; k_{sn}$", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = value_dict_single_basin, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"_ksn")

        # Now plot the channels coloured by the source number
        LSDMW.PrintChiChannelsAndBasins(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFileName = ChannelFname, add_basin_labels = False, cmap = "tab20b", cbar_loc = "None", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,plotting_column="source_key", Basin_remove_list = Mask_basin_keys, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, value_dict = this_value_dict, out_fname_prefix = raster_out_prefix+"sources", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, colour_log = False)

    if args.all_stacked_plots:

        # check if a chi profile directory exists. If not then make it.
        chi_profile_directory = this_dir+'chi_profile_plots/'
        if not os.path.isdir(chi_profile_directory):

         # Get the names of the relevant files
        ChannelFname = args.fname_prefix+"_MChiSegmented.csv"

        raster_out_prefix = "/raster_plots/"+args.fname_prefix

        print("I am going to plot some chi stacks for you.")
        cbl = "$\mathrm{log}_{10} \; \mathrm{of} \; k_{sn}$"
        i = 0
        for little_list in basin_stack_list:
            i = i+1
            this_prefix = "chi_profile_plots/Stacked_"+str(i)

            # This prints the chi profiles coloured by k_sn
            LSDMW.PrintChiStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFname, cmap = args.cmap, size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="chi",plot_data_name = "m_chi",colorbarlabel = cbl, plotting_data_format=args.plotting_data_format, cbar_loc = "bottom", Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_chi",X_offset = final_chi_offsets[i-1], figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio, rotate_labels = args.rotate_labels)

            # This prints channel profiles coloured by k_sn
            LSDMW.PrintChiStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFname, cmap = args.cmap, size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="flow_distance",plot_data_name = "m_chi", plotting_data_format =args.plotting_data_format, colorbarlabel = cbl, Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_FD", X_offset = final_fd_offsets[i-1], figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio)

            # This prints the channel profiles coloured by source number
            LSDMW.PrintChiStacked(this_dir, args.fname_prefix, ChannelFname, cmap = "tab20b", size_format = args.size_format, fig_format = simple_format, dpi = args.dpi,axis_data_name="flow_distance",plot_data_name = "source_key", plotting_data_format = 'normal', colorbarlabel = cbl, cbar_loc = "None", discrete_colours = True, NColours = 20, Basin_select_list = little_list, Basin_rename_dict = this_rename_dict, out_fname_prefix = this_prefix+"_Sources", X_offset = final_fd_offsets[i-1], figure_aspect_ratio = args.figure_aspect_ratio)