def calculate_match_score(target_productID, product_2, feature_matchList, feature_scoreList): final_score = 0 brand_score = 0 price_score = 0 feature_match_score = 0 product_info_1 = find_product_info_by_productID(target_productID) product_info_2 = find_product_info_by_productID(product_2) if product_info_1[0] == product_info_2[0]: brand_score = 1 if float(product_info_1[1]) != 0 and float(product_info_2[1]) != 0: if abs(float(product_info_1[1]) - float(product_info_2[1])) / float( product_info_1[1]) < 0.2: price_score = 1 product_2_featureList = product_info_2[2].split(';') if len(MF.list_intersection(feature_matchList, product_2_featureList)) > 0: for iNumber in range(len(feature_matchList)): if feature_matchList[iNumber] in product_2_featureList: feature_match_score = feature_match_score + feature_scoreList[ iNumber] feature_match_score = feature_match_score / len( MF.list_intersection(feature_matchList, product_2_featureList)) final_score = (brand_score + price_score) / 2 + feature_match_score * 2 return final_score
def codeToRun(): myPrint("Hello world!") MyFunctions.add(4, 5) i = 2 myPrint(i) MyFunctions.subtract(4, 5) myPrint("On the Internet nobody knows you're a dog.")
def run(folderpath, read_filepath, write_filepath): '''Aggregate all functions and run this module folderpath: VisitAllFile(folderpath) ''' all_poi_normal_num = {} all_poi_normal = getStations_Inorder() for i in service: all_poi_normal_num[i] = len(all_poi_normal[i]) # print('all_poi_normal_num: ', all_poi_normal_num) df_row = pd.DataFrame() all_record = {} for filePath in VisitAllFile(folderpath)[0]: dir_filePath = '/'.join([folderpath, filePath]) tmp_df = match_Service(dir_filePath, all_poi_normal, all_poi_normal_num)[0] df_row = pd.concat([df_row, tmp_df], axis = 1) date = '-'.join(filePath.split('-')[1:]) result_path = ''.join(['Final_Result/', 'test-dfrow-', date]) MyFunctions.checkPath(result_path) df_row.to_csv(result_path) service_time_pair = match_Service(dir_filePath, all_poi_normal, all_poi_normal_num)[1] all_record[filePath.split('-')[0]] = service_time_pair # pprint.pprint(all_record) #{2023:[BTC1, start_row, stop_row, BTC2, start_row, stop_row, ....], 2024:...} #Last step to write final result on new_raw data tagService_RawData(read_filepath, write_filepath, all_record)
def run_RTT(folderpath): '''Run Arguments: filepath {[String]} -- [eg: '../output/2017-09-04/final_2017-09-04.csv'] ''' fileName = MyFunctions.visitAllFile(folderpath) if '.DS_Store' in fileName[0]: fileName[0].pop(fileName[0].index('.DS_Store')) print('Modified file list is: ', fileName[0]) print('------ There are %d files ------' % len(fileName[0])) count = 1 for item in fileName[0]: filepath = folderpath + '/' + item print('This is %d file out of %d' % (count, len(fileName[0]))) nodeid_duration = calculateDuration(filepath) count += 1 # filepath_nor = 'Mobility/mobility_2017-09-05.csv' # normalizeDuration(filepath_nor) filename = 'mobility_' + filepath.split('/')[-1].split('_')[1] newpath = '../mobility/' + filename print(newpath) MyFunctions.checkPath(newpath) writeMobility(filepath, newpath, nodeid_duration)
def seperate_vehicle(filepath, nodeid_list): ''' filepath: path of the table with marked POI after Geo Fence and calculation ''' headers = [ 'node_id', 'vehicle_serial', 'gps_time', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'altitude', 'speed', 'heading', 'POI' ] for vehicleid in nodeid_list: with open(filepath, 'r') as f_vehicle: #with打开不用在意close r_vehicle = csv.reader(f_vehicle) headings_v = next(r_vehicle) # print(headings_v) Vehicle = namedtuple('Vehicle', headings_v) #用namedtuple 方便后面用headings来读取数据 newfilename = '-'.join([vehicleid, filepath[14:]]) #根据不同的车辆号码输入创建不同的文件名 newpath = '/'.join( ['fenced_vehicle', filepath[14:24], newfilename]) print(newpath) MyFunctions.checkPath(newpath) #checkPath 检查文件路径是否正确,不正确的话就进行创建 with open( newpath, 'w', newline='' ) as fnew: #use 'w' for writing str and newline='' for deleting extra idle row w_vehicle = csv.writer(fnew) w_vehicle.writerow(headers) for row_v in r_vehicle: # vehicle = Vehicle._make(row_v) if row_v[0] == vehicleid: w_vehicle.writerow([ row_v[0], row_v[1], row_v[2], row_v[3], row_v[4], row_v[5], row_v[6], row_v[7], row_v[8] ])
def handleOneFile(read_filepath, service): all_poi_normal = getAllPOI(service)[0] all_POI = getAllPOI(service)[1] POI_services = getAllPOI(service)[2] # pprint.pprint(POI_services) # Get all info about POI_services_interval = {} # {YIH: [{A1:[T1, T2, T3]}, {A2:[T4, T5, T6]}, {B1:[T7, T8, T9]}]} # POI_services_start = {} # {YIH: [{A1:[S1, S2, S3]}, {A2:[S4, S5, S6]}, {B1:[S7, S8, S9]}]} for poi in all_POI: print('POI------: ', poi) POI_services_interval[poi] = [] # Initialize for different poi POI_services_start[poi] = [] start_row_num[poi] = [ ] # {YIH: [{A1:[row1, row2, row3]}, {A2:[row1, row2, row3]}, {B1:[row1, row2, row3]}]} for service in POI_services[poi]: # use 'start_list'(dict) to record the start of every service for a particular poi start_list = {} start_list[service] = [] service_ss = recordStartStop(read_filepath, poi, service)[0] start_row_num[poi].append( recordStartStop(read_filepath, poi, service)[1]) final_POI_services_interval = calculateDuration( poi, service, service_ss, POI_services_interval) # write the interval information into a file newname = 'interval_' + read_filepath.split('/')[-1].split('_')[ 1] # interval_2017-09-04.csv' write_filepath = '../interval' + '/' + newname # '../interval/interval_2017-09-04.csv' print(write_filepath) MyFunctions.checkPath(write_filepath) print('Writing. Please wait...') writeIntervalInfo(read_filepath, write_filepath, final_POI_services_interval, start_row_num)
def find_info_by_ID(productID): outputlist = [] sql_string = 'select product_title, product_brand, product_gender, product_price, product_desc, product_details from testdb.product where idproduct = %s' cursor.execute(sql_string, productID) fetch_result = cursor.fetchone() if fetch_result is not None: title = fetch_result[0].strip().lower() outputlist.append(title)#title brand = fetch_result[1].strip().lower() outputlist.append(brand)#brand outputlist.append(fetch_result[2])#gender price = re.findall(r'[\d,.]+', fetch_result[3])[0] outputlist.append(price.strip())#price descriptionList = MF.extract_nouns_from_string(fetch_result[4])#description description = MF.list_to_string(descriptionList).lower() outputlist.append(description)#description colour = '' if len(re.findall(r'Colour%[\w]+', fetch_result[5]))>0: colour = re.findall(r'Colour%[\w ]+', fetch_result[5])[0].replace('Colour%','') outputlist.append(colour.lower()) # description return outputlist
def clean_data(): ''' Cleans the data frame to prepare it for analysis. ''' #Trim data table useful_columns = ['BusinessUnit','eventOccurredDate','companyInvolved','operationOrDevelopment' ,'jobTypeObserved','event','eventClassification','eventType','stopJob' ,'immediateActionsTaken','actionCompletedOnsiteDetail','furtherActionNecessaryComments','rigInvolved'] df_trimmed = df.copy() df_trimmed = df_trimmed[useful_columns] #Clean data table df_trimmed[['rigInvolved']] = df_trimmed[['rigInvolved']].fillna(value='No') df_trimmed[['stopJob']] = df_trimmed[['stopJob']].fillna(value='No') df_trimmed.loc[(df_trimmed['immediateActionsTaken'] == 'Action Completed Onsite'),'furtherActionNecessaryComments'] = np.nan df_trimmed.loc[(df_trimmed['immediateActionsTaken'] == 'Further Action Necessary'),'actionCompletedOnsiteDetail'] = np.nan df_trimmed['comments'] = df_trimmed.actionCompletedOnsiteDetail.combine_first(df_trimmed.furtherActionNecessaryComments) df_trimmed[['comments']] = df_trimmed[['comments']].fillna(value='None') df_trimmed = df_trimmed.drop(['actionCompletedOnsiteDetail', 'furtherActionNecessaryComments'], axis=1) df_trimmed = df_trimmed[df_trimmed.companyInvolved.isnull() == False] df_trimmed = df_trimmed[df_trimmed.jobTypeObserved.isnull() == False] df_trimmed = df_trimmed[df_trimmed.immediateActionsTaken.isnull() == False] df_trimmed = df_trimmed[df_trimmed.BusinessUnit.isnull() == False] df_trimmed.loc[(df_trimmed['companyInvolved'] != 'BP'),'companyInvolved'] = 'Other' df_trimmed.event.unique() ##categories can be considered counts over time. Which could then become ratios. categories = ['event','eventClassification']#,'companyInvolved','operationOrDevelopment','jobTypeObserved','stopJob','immediateActionsTaken','rigInvolved'] dfBUMatrix = pd.get_dummies(df_trimmed,columns = categories) useful_columns = ['BusinessUnit','eventOccurredDate','event_Observation','event_Incident'] dfBUMatrix = dfBUMatrix[useful_columns] dfBUMatrix = dfBUMatrix[dfBUMatrix['BusinessUnit'] != 'Central Support'] dfBUMatrix['eventOccurredDate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['eventOccurredDate']) dfBUMatrix['eventOccurredDate'] = pd.to_datetime(dfBUMatrix['eventOccurredDate']) dfBUMatrix = dfBUMatrix.groupby([dfBUMatrix.eventOccurredDate,dfBUMatrix.BusinessUnit]).sum() dfBUMatrix = dfBUMatrix.reset_index() dfBUMatrix.sort_values(by = ['eventOccurredDate']) BUList = dfBUMatrix.BusinessUnit.unique() #Remove Central Support due to only having a few entries. BUList = BUList[BUList != 'Central Support'] #Create dfDates dataframe based on max and min values in main dataframe. end_date = dfBUMatrix['eventOccurredDate'].max() start_date = dfBUMatrix['eventOccurredDate'].min() dfDates = MyFunctions.create_dates_dataframe(start_date,end_date) #Grab the distinct list of BU's. dfBUList = pd.DataFrame(BUList,columns = ['BusinessUnit']) #Spread the dates across all BU's. dfCounts = MyFunctions.dataframe_crossjoin(dfDates, dfBUList) #Spread the counts across all dates even when you have zero for the count. dfFinal = pd.merge(dfCounts, dfBUMatrix, left_on=['DateKey','BusinessUnit'],right_on=['eventOccurredDate','BusinessUnit'], how='left') dfFinal = dfFinal.fillna(value = 0) dfFinal.drop('eventOccurredDate',axis = 1,inplace = True) return dfFinal
def doProcessing(self): MyFunctions.processing_rule = ModelConfig.buy_or_sell # Yes - this is very messy... for i in range(0, len(infile_array)): infile_array[i] = fileprefix + infile_array[i] print(infile_array[i]) while True: # modelDict = MyFunctions.read_row(ModelConfig.datafile) modelDict = MyFunctions.read_from_from_db(ModelConfig.db_read_sort) if modelDict == None: break try: model = MyLSTMModelV2b(modelDict) model.myf.model_description = 'LSTMMModelV2b_ATR3_Beta98 ' + ModelConfig.buy_or_sell + model.myf.dict_to_description( modelDict) + ModelConfig.opt model.myf.default_optimizer = ModelConfig.opt model.model.summary() if ModelConfig.buy_or_sell[:3] == 'Buy': rule_column = 'Buy' else: rule_column = 'Sell' model.myf.parse_process_plot_multi_source( infile_array, rule_column + "WeightingRule", model.model, model.myf.model_description, version=2) # model.myf.finish_update_row(ModelConfig.datafile, modelDict) model.myf.db_update_row( modelDict ) # Use the myf from the model to make sure we get the relevant global values. This may explain some strange behaviour with updates not working... if model.myf.model_best_loss < 1.5: model.myf.save_model( model.model, str(modelDict['unique_id']) + '_' + str(modelDict['Layers']) + '_Layers_' + ModelConfig.buy_or_sell + '.h5') except: print("Oops!", sys.exc_info()[0], "occurred.") print('Occurred with configDict:') print(modelDict) modelDict['ErrorDetails'] = sys.exc_info()[0] # MyFunctions.finish_update_row(ModelConfig.datafile, modelDict, False) MyFunctions.db_update_row(modelDict, False)
def plot_occ_all(self, dfs, n=5, scale=1.2, height=4): for x, df in enumerate(dfs[0:n]): L = np.floor(len(df)/24)*scale ax = df.plot(y=name, title =, figsize = (L,height), legend=False) ax = self.highlight_weekend(self.days, df, ax) save_dir = my.make_storage_directory(os.path.join(self.write_dir, 'Occ_Figs')) plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_dir, f'{}_{x}.png'))
def test_something(self): # Let's load a known file, parse it, and then validate it is as expected trainX, testX, trainY, testY, trainYRnd, testYRnd = MyFunctions.parse_data_to_trainXY_plusRandY ("DAX_Prices_WithMLPercentages.csv", "BuyWeightingRule") print("TrainX:") print(trainX) print("TestX") print(testX) print("TrainY:") print(trainY) print("TestY:") print(testY) print("trainXRnd") print(trainYRnd) print("testYRnd") print(testYRnd) print("Shapes") print(trainX.shape) print(testX.shape) print(trainY.shape) print(testY.shape) print(trainYRnd.shape) print(testYRnd.shape) self.assertEqual(len(trainY), len(trainYRnd), "TestX Length") self.assertEqual(len(testY), len(testYRnd), "TestX Length")
def Prob_23(n): abundant = [] allnum = [] total = 395465626 for i in range(12,n): divisor = [] isPrime = MyFunctions.Prime(i) if isPrime == False: for j in range (1,i): z = i % j if z == 0: divisor.append(j) if sum(divisor) > i: abundant.append(i) #if i == 945: #print divisor, ' ',sum(divisor) #if sum(divisor)<i: #print i, ' is deficient, its sum is ',sum(divisor),' ',divisor #elif sum(divisor) == i: #print i, ' is perfect, its sum is ',sum(divisor),' ',divisor #else: #print i, ' is abundant, its sum is ',sum(divisor),' ',divisor #abundant.append(i) #print abundant #print len(abundant) for x in range(1,28124): allnum.append(x) #print allnum print sum(allnum) return total
def Prob_27(): for a in range(-3,4): for b in range(-3,4): sw = 1 n = 0 while (sw==1): #print(n,"^2 + ",a,n," + ",b) x = n*n + a*n + b if (x>0): isPrime = print(a,b,n,x,isPrime) n+=1 if(isPrime == 0): sw = 0 else: break #print (a,b,n,x) #if (x<0): #number = #print(a,b,n,-x,number) #else: #number = #print(a,b,n,x,number) #if number == True: #n+=1 #else: #break return ""
def Prob_10(): ans = 17 for x in range(8, 2000000): isPrime = MyFunctions.Prime(x) if isPrime == 1: ans = ans + x return ans
def calculateDuration(poi, service, service_ss, POI_services_interval): '''calculate the duration according to start_time and stop_time Arguments: start_time {[str]} -- [description] stop_time {[str]} -- [description] POI_services_interval = {} # {YIH: [{A1:[T1, T2, T3]}, {A2:[T4, T5, T6]}, {B1:[T7, T8, T9]}]} service_interval = {} # {service: [interval1, interval2, ...]} ''' service_interval = {} service_interval[service] = [] index = 0 # index in the service_ss value list while (index < len(service_ss[service]) - 1): last_leave_time = service_ss[service][index][1] # print(last_leave_time) next_arrive_time = service_ss[service][index + 1][0] # print(next_arrive_time) interval = MyFunctions.calculateDuration(last_leave_time, next_arrive_time) service_interval[service].append(interval) index += 1 POI_services_interval[poi].append(service_interval) # print(POI_services_interval) # print('Successfully generate POI_services_interval') return (POI_services_interval)
def write_occ(self, occ_probs, fname, cols): store_dir = my.make_storage_directory(os.path.join(self.write_dir, 'TransitionProbabilties')) csv_file = os.path.join(store_dir, fname) with open(csv_file, 'w') as f: f.write(f'{cols[0]}, {cols[1]}, {cols[2]}'+'\n') for hour in occ_probs: f.write(f'{hour}:00, {occ_probs[hour][0]:.4f}, {occ_probs[hour][1]:.4f}\n') print(csv_file + ': Write Successful!')
def calculate_match_score_for_each_product(target_productInfoList, productID, feature_matchList, feature_scoreList): final_score = 0 brand_score = 0 price_score = 0 color_score = 0 feature_match_score = 0 match_product_info = find_product_info(productID) # sequence is idproduct, breadcrumbs, title, brand, gender, price, description, colour, category, feature if target_productInfoList[3] == match_product_info[3]: brand_score = 1 if colour_similarity(target_productInfoList[7], match_product_info[7]) == 1: color_score = 1 if float( match_product_info[5] ) > float(target_productInfoList[5]) * 0.8 and float( match_product_info[5]) < float(target_productInfoList[5]) * 1.2: price_score = 1 - abs( float(match_product_info[5]) - float(target_productInfoList[5]) ) / float(target_productInfoList[5]) if len(feature_matchList) > 0: match_product_featureList = match_product_info[9].split(';') if len( MF.list_intersection(feature_matchList, match_product_featureList)) > 0: scorelist = [] for iNumber in range(len(feature_matchList)): if feature_matchList[iNumber] in match_product_featureList: scorelist.append(feature_scoreList[iNumber]) feature_match_score = sum(scorelist) / len( MF.list_intersection(feature_matchList, match_product_featureList)) final_score = (brand_score * 0.5 + price_score * 0.3 + color_score * 0.2) * feature_match_score else: final_score = brand_score * 0.5 + price_score * 0.3 + color_score * 0.2 return final_score
def Prob_35(n): count = 4 for i in range (10,n): isPrime = MyFunctions.Prime(i) sw = 1 if isPrime == True: number = map(str,str(i)) perm = permutations(number) for j in list(perm): magic = lambda number: int(''.join(str(j) for j in number)) # Generator exp. newnum = magic(j) isPrime2 = MyFunctions.Prime(newnum) if isPrime2 == True: continue else: sw = 0 if sw == 1: count += 1 return count
def updateProductInfo(productID, infoList1, infoList2): print(productID) infoList = infoList1.replace(',', '') deslist = re.findall(r'[a-z]{3,}\b|[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+', infoList2) descritpion = MF.list_to_string(deslist) sql_string = 'UPDATE clean_data_zalora.product SET price = %s, description = %s WHERE idproduct = %s' data = (infoList, descritpion, productID) cursor.execute(sql_string, data) db.commit()#需要这一句才能保存到数据库中
def main(self): results_files = my.mylistdir(self.results_file_path, bit='.csv') df1 = self.read_in_results(results_files[0]) if len(results_files) > 1: for f in results_files[1:]: dfx = self.read_in_results(f) df1 = pd.concat([df1, dfx], axis=0) self.df = df1 self.TransitionMatrix = self.get_dist(self.df) self.len_df = len(self.TransitionMatrix)
def calculate_match_score_for_each_product(target_productInfoList, productID, feature_matchList, feature_scoreList): final_score = 0 brand_score = 0 price_score = 0 color_score = 0 feature_match_score = 0 match_product_info = find_product_info(productID) # sequence is idproduct, breadcrumbs, title, brand, gender, price, description, colour, category, feature if target_productInfoList[3] == match_product_info[3]: brand_score = 1 if colour_similarity(target_productInfoList[7], match_product_info[7]) == 1: color_score = 1 if brand_score == 0 and color_score == 0: final_score mapping_price_target_product, price_level_target = find_mapping_product_price(target_productInfoList) mapping_price_match_product, price_level_match = find_mapping_product_price(match_product_info) if price_level_target == 0 or price_level_match == 0: price_score = 1 - abs(float(match_product_info[5]) - float(target_productInfoList[5]))/float(target_productInfoList[5]) if price_level_target == price_level_match: if mapping_price_target_product == mapping_price_match_product: price_score = 1 elif abs(mapping_price_target_product-mapping_price_match_product) == 20 or \ abs(mapping_price_target_product-mapping_price_match_product) == 33: price_score = 0.5 else: if abs(mapping_price_target_product-mapping_price_match_product) == 12 or \ abs(mapping_price_target_product-mapping_price_match_product) == 6 or \ abs(mapping_price_target_product-mapping_price_match_product) == 1: price_score = 1 if abs(mapping_price_target_product-mapping_price_match_product) == 7 or \ abs(mapping_price_target_product-mapping_price_match_product) == 26 or \ abs(mapping_price_target_product-mapping_price_match_product) == 14: price_score = 0.5 match_product_featureList = match_product_info[9].split(';') if len(list(set(match_product_featureList)&set(feature_matchList))) > 0: if len(MF.list_intersection(feature_matchList, match_product_featureList)) > 0: scorelist = [] for iNumber in range(len(feature_matchList)): if feature_matchList[iNumber] in match_product_featureList: scorelist.append(feature_scoreList[iNumber]) feature_match_score = sum(scorelist)/len(match_product_featureList) final_score = (brand_score*0.5 + price_score*0.3 + color_score*0.2)*feature_match_score else: final_score = brand_score*0.5 + price_score*0.3 + color_score*0.2 return final_score
def main(UD: UploadDetails) -> str: (startUTCstr, endUTCstr, videoID, videoName, event, outputContainer, outputBlobStorageAccount, imagesCreatedCount) = UD startUTC = datetime.strptime(startUTCstr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") # endUTC = datetime.strptime(endUTCstr, # "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") endUTC ="WriteToSQL started") ## Get information used to create connection string username = '******' password = os.getenv("sqlPassword") driver = '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}' server = os.getenv("sqlServer") database = 'AzureCognitive' table = 'AzureBlobVideoCompletes' ## Create connection string connectionString = f'DRIVER={driver};SERVER={server};PORT=1433;DATABASE={database};UID={username};PWD={password}''Connection string created: {connectionString}') ## Create SQL query to use cols0 = [ "StartUTC", "EndUTC", "VideoID", "VideoName", "Event", "OutputContainer", "OutputBlobStorageAccount", "ImagesCreated" ] cols = [MyFunctions.sqlColumn_ise(x) for x in cols0] vals0 = [ MyFunctions.sqlDateTimeFormat(startUTC), MyFunctions.sqlDateTimeFormat(endUTC), videoID, videoName, event, outputContainer, outputBlobStorageAccount, imagesCreatedCount ] vals = [MyFunctions.sqlValue_ise(x) for x in vals0] sqlQuery = f"INSERT INTO {table} ({','.join(cols)}) VALUES ({','.join(vals)});" with pyodbc.connect(connectionString) as conn: with conn.cursor() as cursor:"About to execute 'INSERT' query") cursor.execute(sqlQuery)"'INSERT' query executed") return f"Row added to {table}"
def Ch5_Exa3(): N = 50 a = 0.0 b = 1.0 # Calculate the sample points and weights, then map them # to the required integration domain x,w = MyFunctions.gaussxwab(N,a,b) # Perform the integration s = 0.0 for k in range(N): s = s + w[k]*fun_to_int(x[k]) return (s)
def aggregate(folderpath): '''Aggregate scripts here Arguments: folderpath {[String]} -- [the folder containing all raw files] ''' fileNameList = MyFunctions.visitAllFile(folderpath) # fileNameList = [[]] numOfFiles = len(fileNameList[0]) print('There are %d files in this folder' % numOfFiles) count = 1 for filepath in fileNameList[0]: print('This is %d file out of %d files' % (count, len(fileNameList[0]))) print('Please wait for file %d\'s process...' % count) filepath_new = folderpath + '/' + filepath # ‘../Download/BusLocation_09_05_2017/2017-09-04.csv’ handleEachFile(filepath_new) count += 1 # Delete the folder generated in this process # 'Fenced' & 'fenced_vehicle' MyFunctions.deleteFolder('fenced') MyFunctions.deleteFolder('fenced_vehicle') print('Complete successfully')
def main(deck): #Create the player while True: try: #Ask for the Players name pname = str(input("Please provide your name: ")) pname = pname.strip() if len(pname) == 0: continue except TypeError: print("A TypeError was found") continue except: print("Generic Error") continue else: # No error so do the else player = Player.Player(name=pname, coins=50) break while True: result = MyFunctions.newDeal(player) if result == 2: return False else: if len(deck) < 20: #if the deck is running low on cards, lets reshuffle the deck deck = MyFunctions.Deck() MyFunctions.NewGame(dealer, player) if player.coins <= 0: #player is out of money :( print(f"{} has no more coins. GAME OVER") return False else: Main_Game(dealer, player, deck)
def Prob_7(): sw = 1 x = 2 y = 3 while sw == 1: isPrime = MyFunctions.Prime(y) if isPrime == 1: if x == 10001: sw = 0 else: y = y + 2 x = x + 1 else: y = y + 2 return y
def Ch10_Exa2(): Z = 79 e = 1.602e-19 E = 7.7e6*e epsilon0 = 8.854e-12 a0 = 5.292e-11 sigma = a0/100 N = 1000000 count = 0 for i in range(N): x,y = MyFunctions.gaussian(sigma) b = sqrt(x*x+y*y) if b<Z*e*e/(2*pi*epsilon0*E): count += 1 print (count,"particles were reflected out of",N) return 'done'
def calculateDuration(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as f: r_f = csv.reader(f) headline = next(r_f) for row in r_f: # start if len(row) == 11: if row[10] == 'service_start': date = row[2].split('T')[0] time = row[2].split('T')[1].split('.')[0] if row[0] not in nodeid_times.keys(): nodeid_times[row[0]] = 0 nodeid_times[row[0]] += 1 nodeid_period[row[0]] = ['', ''] nodeid_period[row[0]][0] = time nodeid_duration[row[0]] = [] else: nodeid_times[row[0]] += 1 nodeid_period[row[0]][0] = time # stop if row[10] == 'service_stop': date = row[2].split('T')[0] time = row[2].split('T')[1].split('.')[0] nodeid_period[row[0]][1] = time if len(nodeid_period[row[0]]) == 2: duration = MyFunctions.calculateDuration( nodeid_period[row[0]][0], nodeid_period[row[0]][1]) # pprint.pprint(nodeid_period) # if int(nodeid_period[row[0]][1].split(':')[2]) < int(nodeid_period[row[0]][0].split(':')[2]): # period_sec = 60 - (int(nodeid_period[row[0]][0].split(':')[2]) - int(nodeid_period[row[0]][1].split(':')[2])) # period_min = int(nodeid_period[row[0]][1].split(':')[1]) - int(nodeid_period[row[0]][0].split(':')[1]) - 1 # if period_min < 0: # period_min = 60 + period_min # else: # period_sec = int(nodeid_period[row[0]][1].split(':')[2]) - int(nodeid_period[row[0]][0].split(':')[2]) # period_min = int(nodeid_period[row[0]][1].split(':')[1]) - int(nodeid_period[row[0]][0].split(':')[1]) # if period_min < 0: # period_min = 60 + period_min # # duration = ':'.join([str(period_min), str(period_sec)]) # duration = str(round(period_min + (period_sec / 60), 2)) nodeid_duration[row[0]].append(duration) nodeid_period[row[0]] = ['', ''] else: continue print(nodeid_duration) print('SUCCESS 1') return (nodeid_duration)
def Ch5_Exa2(): N = 100 a = 0.0 b = 1.0 # Calculate the sample points and weights, then map them # to the required integration domain x,w = MyFunctions.gaussxw(N) xp = 0.5*(b-a)*x + 0.5*(b+a) wp = 0.5*(b-a)*w # Perform the integration s = 0.0 for k in range(N): s = s + wp[k]*fun_to_int(xp[k]) return (s)
def run(folderpath): '''Run for Interval Arguments: folderpath {[String]} -- [The fianl_file's path] ''' service = getService() fileName = MyFunctions.visitAllFile(folderpath) fileName[0].pop(fileName[0].index('.DS_Store')) print('Modified file list is: ', fileName[0]) print('There are %d files' % len(fileName[0])) count = 1 for item in fileName[0]: read_filepath = folderpath + '/' + item # [eg: '../output/final_2017-09-04.csv'] print('This is %d file out of %d' % (count, len(fileName[0]))) handleOneFile(read_filepath, service) count += 1
def codeToRun(): try: MyFunctions.func1() MyFunctions.func2() except Exception, e: print str(e)
# print " -- ", nameMatch['id'], nameMatch['last'], nameMatch['first'], nameMatch['lat'], nameMatch['long'] if row['lat'] == nameMatch['lat'] and row['long'] == nameMatch['long']: matches += 1 print "MATCH FOUND! -- ", matches, nameMatch['first'], nameMatch['last'] insertmatchsql = "insert into libertarians_national (national_id, libertarian_id) values ('" + nameMatch['id'] + "', '" + row['SOS_VOTERID'] + "')" # print insertmatchsql cur.execute(insertmatchsql) db.commit() print "Number Processed: ", numberProcessed print "Matches: ", matches db.close() if MyFunctions.query_yes_no("Copy libertarians_national table into default database for later use?"): src_conn = MyFunctions.open_db(dbfile) dest_conn = MyFunctions.open_db(defaultDBfile) MyFunctions.copy_table('libertarians_national',src_conn,dest_conn) end_time = time.time() print("\n<--- Execution time: %s seconds --->" % (end_time - start_time))
print rowsProcessed, ": ", r.status_code, ": ", insertSQL if rowsProcessed % 100 == 0: db.commit() # Commit every 100 requests except: print "Uh oh! Something went wrong!" print r.url print r.json() db.commit() db.close() raise db.commit() # Do final commit db.close() if MyFunctions.query_yes_no("Copy geolocations into default database for later use?"): src_conn = MyFunctions.open_db(dbfile) dest_conn = MyFunctions.open_db(defaultDBfile) MyFunctions.copy_table('locations',src_conn,dest_conn) end_time = time.time() print("\n<--- Execution time: %s seconds --->" % (end_time - start_time))
conn = sqlite3.connect(prelimDB) cur = conn.cursor() else: print "Preliminary Database File " + prelimDB + " Does Not Exist" sys.exit() # get the list of fields from the database cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('libertarians')") pragma = cur.fetchall() # extract db field names from dbfields = [str(x[1]) for x in pragma] # Find some variables we'll need later PARTY_AFFILIATION = MyFunctions.first_startswith('PARTY_AFFILIATION', dbfields) FIRST_PRIMARY_FIELD = MyFunctions.first_startswith('PRIMARY', dbfields) LAST_PRIMARY_FIELD = MyFunctions.last_startswith('PRIMARY', dbfields) LAST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('LAST_NAME', dbfields) FIRST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('FIRST_NAME', dbfields) ZIP = MyFunctions.first_startswith('RESIDENTIAL_ZIP', dbfields) fieldsInLine = len(dbfields) # find the county data files, put them in an array & sort them. csvfiles = glob.glob('../ZIP/*.zip') csvfiles.sort() # parse the datafiles for onefile in csvfiles: countyAffiliations = {}
databaseDirectory = "../Database/" numCountiesExpected = 88 myZipFiles = glob.glob(zipDirectory + '*.zip') myZipFiles.sort() if len(myZipFiles) == numCountiesExpected: print numCountiesExpected, "counties found - OK!" else: print numCountiesExpected, "counties expected" print len(myZipFiles), "counties found" numErrors = len(glob.glob(zipDirectory + '*.ERROR')) if numErrors > 0: print str(numErrors) + " error file(s) found" if not MyFunctions.query_yes_no("Proceed?"): print "Exiting due to user request: incorrect # of counties found!" sys.exit(0) fields = [] # Scan and see if files are consistent errors = [] for onefile in myZipFiles: # separate the filename filenameparts = onefile.split('/') # grab the actual filename filename = filenameparts[-1]
def codeToRun(): MyFunctions.outerFunction()
cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('national')") pragma = cur.fetchall() # extract db field names from national dbfields = [str(x[1]) for x in pragma] if dbfields == fields: print "DB matches file format" else: print "DB does not match file format" print len(dbfields), "fields in database" print len(fields), "fields in files" if MyFunctions.query_yes_no("Replace db schema with file schema?", "no"): print "\nOk...." print "Dropping table: national" db.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS national''') db.commit() print "Recreating table: national with new file format" sql = "CREATE TABLE national (" fields_added = 0 for afield in fields: if fields_added == 0: fieldname = "" else: fieldname = ", " print fieldname if afield == "id": optionText = " PRIMARY KEY"
prelimDB = filePath+filePrefix+fileSuffix # Connect to the database conn = sqlite3.connect(prelimDB) cur = conn.cursor() # get the list of fields from the database cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('libertarians')") pragma = cur.fetchall() # extract db field names from dbfields = [str(x[1]) for x in pragma] # Find some variables we'll need later PARTY_AFFILIATION = MyFunctions.first_startswith('PARTY_AFFILIATION',dbfields) LAST_PRIMARY_FIELD = MyFunctions.last_startswith('PRIMARY',dbfields) CONGRESSIONAL_DISTRICT = MyFunctions.last_startswith('CONGRESSIONAL_DISTRICT',dbfields) LAST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('LAST_NAME',dbfields) FIRST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('FIRST_NAME',dbfields) fieldsInLine = len(dbfields) # find the county data files, put them in an array & sort them. csvfiles = glob.glob('../ZIP/*.zip') csvfiles.sort() # parse the datafiles for onefile in csvfiles: countyCount = 1 # Set up variables needed later
def codeToRun(): MyFunctions.noParamsFunction()
def codeToRun(): MyFunctions.add(4, 5) MyFunctions.subtract(4, 5)
def codeToRun(): MyFunctions.noParamsFunction() z = MyFunctions.add(1, 2)
def codeToRun(): MyFunctions.add(4, 5)
sys.exit() # Connect to the database conn = sqlite3.connect(newDB) cur = conn.cursor() # get the list of fields from the database cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('libertarians')") pragma = cur.fetchall() # extract db field names from dbfields = [str(x[1]) for x in pragma] # Find some variables we'll need later PARTY_AFFILIATION = MyFunctions.first_startswith('PARTY_AFFILIATION',dbfields) LAST_PRIMARY_FIELD = MyFunctions.last_startswith('PRIMARY',dbfields) LAST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('LAST_NAME',dbfields) FIRST_NAME = MyFunctions.first_startswith('FIRST_NAME',dbfields) fieldsInLine = len(dbfields) # find the county data files, put them in an array & sort them. csvfiles = glob.glob('../ZIP/*.zip') csvfiles.sort() # parse the datafiles for onefile in csvfiles: countyCount = 1 try: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(onefile, 'r')
import shutil import time import subprocess import zipfile import MyFunctions start_time = time.time() ZIPFILEDIRECTORY = "../ZIP/" errors = [] # list of lists, each sublist defined as [filename, error message to display] countiesfile = 'counties.txt' # text file containing list of counties to download (one per line) if os.listdir(ZIPFILEDIRECTORY): if not MyFunctions.query_yes_no("Directory " + ZIPFILEDIRECTORY + "is not empty. Proceed? \n(Will fill missing files, will not overwrite) -->", "no"): print "\nOk - exiting at user request" sys.exit(0) # open counties file f = open(countiesfile, 'r') # get the whole shebang counties = f.readlines() # standardize each line (remove trailing spaces, make all uppercase) counties = [x.strip() for x in counties] counties = [x.upper() for x in counties] # cycle through counties in the list