Beispiel #1
def classifyForShot(block, context, classifiers, scaler):
    Constructs a feature-line from the block and the history in context. There needs to
    be a correctly constructed context for this function to work. The feature-line is
    scaled using the scaler. Then the distribution for all classifiers is compted and
    a single mixed distribution is returned.
    feature_line = getFeatureLine(context, block, True, -1)
    feature_line = scaler.transform(feature_line)
    return distributionOfClassification(feature_line, classifiers,
        dist=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
Beispiel #2
def classifyForCut(block, context, classifiers, scaler):
    Constructs a feature-line from the block and the history in context. There needs
    to be a correctly constructed context for this function to work. The feature-line
    is scaled using the scaler. Then the distribution for all classifiers is compted
    and a single mixed distribution is returned. This function is for computing the
    decision if there should be a cut or not.
    if len(context["BygoneBlocks"]) >= 1:
        last_shot_id = context["BygoneBlocks"][-1][-1].shotId
    else: last_shot_id = 0
    feature_line = getFeatureLine(context, block, True, last_shot_id)
    feature_line = scaler.transform(feature_line)
    return distributionOfClassification(feature_line, classifiers, dist=[0, 0])
Beispiel #3
def onlineFeatureLineCreator(filename, use_classified_shot = False, use_history = True):
    # load context and complete beatlist from file
    context, beatList = getContextAndBeatListFromFile(filename)
    blockList = coalesceBeats(beatList)
    context["BygoneBlocks"] = []
    for block in blockList:
        shot_true = block[-1].shot
        # get current feature line and true shot class
        featureLine = getFeatureLine(context, block, True, -1)
        features = np.array(featureLine[:-1], dtype=np.float64)
        shot_classified = yield features, shot_true
        # update block and lastShotId
        if use_classified_shot:
            for beat in block:
                beat.shot = shot_classified
        if use_history: