def acceptrequest(self): try: psinque = self._getPsinqueByKey() except AjaxError: self.displayMessage("templates/Message_PsinqueNotFound.html") return contactIn = self._getContactForIncoming(psinque) contactOut = self._getContactForOutgoing(psinque) if contactOut is None: contactOut = Contact( parent=self.userProfile, friend=contactIn.parent(), friendsContact=contactIn, group=self.userProfile.defaultGroup, persona=self.userProfile.defaultPersona, ) contactOut.put() contactIn.friendsContact = contactOut if not contactOut.outgoing is None: raise AjaxError("There already is a psinque from this user") existingPsinque = contactIn.incoming if not existingPsinque is None: if existingPsinque.private: psinque.delete() raise AjaxError("There already is a private psinque from this user") else: existingPsinque.delete() contactIn.incoming = psinque contactIn.status = "private" contactIn.persona = contactIn.parent().defaultPersona contactIn.put() contactOut.outgoing = psinque contactOut.status = "private" contactOut.persona = contactOut.parent().defaultPersona contactOut.put() psinque.status = "established" psinque.persona = psinque.fromUser.defaultPersona psinque.put() Notifications.notifyAcceptedRequest(psinque) if self.request.get("email") == "true": self.displayMessage( "templates/Message_Accepted.html", templateVariables={"friendsName": contactOut.displayName} ) else: self._sendNewContact(contactOut)
def removepersona(self): try: persona = Persona.get(self.getRequiredParameter('key')) except datastore_errors.BadKeyError: raise AjaxError("Persona not found") # Check for errors if == "Public": # cannot remove the public persona raise AjaxError("Cannot remove the public persona") if == "Default": # cannot remove the default persona raise AjaxError("Cannot remove the default private persona") # Get all contacts that use this persona and assign them the default persona contacts = Contact.all(). \ ancestor(self.userProfile). \ filter("persona =", persona) defaultPersona = self._getPersonaByName("Default") for contact in contacts: contact.persona = defaultPersona contact.put() # Remove all children individual permits individualPermits = IndividualPermit.all().ancestor(persona) for individualPermit in individualPermits: individualPermit.delete() persona.delete() # and the persona itself self.sendJsonOK()
def changegroup(self): try: contact = Contact.get(self.getRequiredParameter("contact")) except datastore_errors.BadKeyError: raise AjaxError("Contact does not exist") # oldGroup = try: persona = Group.get(self.getRequiredParameter("persona")) except datastore_errors.BadKeyError: raise AjaxError("Group does not exist") # First we check if this psinque is not already asigned to that group = group contact.put() # oldGroupSize = Contact.all(keys_only = True). \ # filter("group =", oldGroup). \ # count(1) # if oldGroupSize == 0: # olfGroup.delete() self.sendJsonOK()
def getVCard(contactID): # This is 3 Datastore fetches: Contact, Psinque, Persona"Getting vCard for Contact " + contactID) contact = Contact.get(contactID) persona = contact.incoming.persona if persona.vcardNeedsUpdating: reallyGenerateVCard(persona) return [persona.vcard, persona.vcardMTime, persona.vcardMD5]
def _getContact(self): # Find contact on this end contact = Contact.get(self.getRequiredParameter("key")) if contact is None: raise AjaxError("Contact not found") if contact.parent().key() != self.userProfile.key(): raise AjaxError("You cannot modify contacts that do not belong to you") return contact
def friendList(userProfile, groupName): friendList = [] group = Group.all(). \ ancestor(userProfile). \ filter("name =", groupName). \ get() contacts = Contact.all(). \ ancestor(userProfile). \ filter("group =", group) for contact in contacts: friendList.append(str(contact.key()) + ".vcf") return friendList
def view(self): if self.getUserProfile(): offset = self.request.get("offset") if not offset: offset = 0 else: offset = int(offset) currentCursor = self.request.get("cursor") # Pending decisions pendingPsinques = Psinque.all().filter("fromUser ="******"status =", "pending") pendingList = [{"name": x.parent().persona.displayName, "key": str(x.key())} for x in pendingPsinques] # List of contacts contactQuery = Contact.all().ancestor(self.userProfile).order("creationTime") count = contactQuery.count(1000) if currentCursor: contactQuery.with_cursor(currentCursor) # start from the previous position contacts = contactQuery.fetch(limit=10) if len(contacts) == 10: isThereMore = offset + 10 < count else: isThereMore = False personaList = {persona.key(): for persona in self.userProfile.personas.fetch(100)} groupList = {group.key(): for group in self.userProfile.groups.fetch(100)} self.sendContent( "templates/Psinques.html", activeEntry="Psinques", templateVariables={ "offset": offset, "isThereMore": (offset + len(contacts) < count), "count": count, "nextCursor": contactQuery.cursor(), "contacts": contacts, "pendings": pendingList, "groups": groupList, "personas": personaList, }, )
def _addPublicPsinque(self, friendsProfile): contact = contactExists(self.userProfile, friendsProfile) if contact is None: contactExisted = False contact = Contact( parent=self.userProfile, friend=friendsProfile, group=self.userProfile.defaultGroup, persona=self.userProfile.publicPersona, ) contact.put() friendsContact = Contact.all().ancestor(friendsProfile).filter("friend =", self.userProfile).get() if not friendsContact is None: persona = friendsContact.persona if not persona.public: contact.status = "private" else: persona = friendsProfile.publicPersona newPsinque = Psinque( parent=contact, fromUser=friendsProfile, private=False, persona=persona, status="established" ) newPsinque.put() if not friendsContact is None: if friendsContact.incoming: contact.outgoing = friendsContact.incoming friendsContact.outgoing = newPsinque friendsContact.put() contact.incoming = newPsinque contact.put() return [contactExisted, contact, newPsinque]
def deleteProfile(userProfileKey): userProfile = UserProfile.get(userProfileKey) for e in CardDAVLogin.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in IndividualPermit.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in Persona.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in Psinque.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in Contact.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in Group.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in UserAddress.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in UserEmail.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in UserIM.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in UserPhoneNumber.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in UserPhoto.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.image.delete() e.delete() for e in UserNickname.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in UserCompany.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() for e in UserWebpage.all().ancestor(userProfile): e.delete() if not userProfile.userSettings is None: userProfile.userSettings.delete() userProfile.delete()"User profile deleted")
def changepersona(self): try: contact = Contact.get(self.getRequiredParameter("contact")) except datastore_errors.BadKeyError: raise AjaxError("Contact does not exist") try: persona = Persona.get(self.getRequiredParameter("persona")) except datastore_errors.BadKeyError: raise AjaxError("Persona does not exist") if contact.persona == persona: self.sendJsonOK() return contact.persona = persona contact.put() if persona.public: if contact.outgoing: contact.outgoing.private = False contact.outgoing.put() Notifications.notifyDowngradedPsinque(contact.outgoing) if contact.friendsContact: contact.friendsContact.status = "public" contact.friendsContact.put() if contact.outgoing: contact.outgoing.persona = persona contact.outgoing.put() self.sendJsonOK()
def get(self, personaKey): self.user = users.get_current_user() if not self.getUserProfile(): self.sendJsonError("User profile not found") try: persona = Persona.get(personaKey) friendsProfile = persona.parent() if not contactExists(self.userProfile, friendsProfile) is None: self.sendJsonError("Person already in contacts.") return existingPsinque = Psinque.all(keys_only = True).ancestor(self.userProfile).filter("fromUser ="******"An incoming psinque from this person already exists") return newPsinque = Psinque(parent = self.userProfile, fromUser = friendsProfile, status = "established", private = not persona.public, persona = persona) newPsinque.put() # Contact on user's side if persona.public: status = "public" else: status = "private" contact = Contact(parent = self.userProfile, incoming = newPsinque, friend = friendsProfile, group = self.userProfile.defaultGroup, status = status, persona = self.userProfile.publicPersona) contact.put() # Contact on user's friend's side friendsContact = Contact(parent = friendsProfile, outgoing = newPsinque, friend = self.userProfile, friendsContact = contact, group = friendsProfile.defaultGroup, status = status, persona = persona) friendsContact.put() contact.friendsContact = friendsContact contact.put() self.displayMessage("templates/Message_Success.html", templateVariables = { 'message': 'You have successfully added a new contact to your contact list', }) except datastore_errors.BadKeyError: self.sendJsonError("Persona not found!")
def contactExists(userProfile, friendsProfile): return Contact.all(). \ ancestor(userProfile). \ filter("friend =", friendsProfile). \ get()