Beispiel #1
def Scan(log: Log, scanPackageList: List[Package],
         customPackageFileFilter: Optional[CustomPackageFileFilter],
         repairEnabled: bool, thirdpartyExceptionDir: Optional[str],
         checkType: CheckType, disableWrite: bool) -> None:
    Run through all source files that are part of the packages and check for common errors
    :param scanPackageList: the packages that will be scanned.

    log.LogPrint("Running source scan")

    extensionList = __g_includeExtensionList + __g_sourceExtensionList

    # Filter the package list so it only contains things we can process
    finalPackageList = [
        package for package in scanPackageList
        if PerformClangUtil.CanProcessPackage(package)

    totalErrorCount = 0
    for package in finalPackageList:
        filteredFiles = None if customPackageFileFilter is None else customPackageFileFilter.TryLocateFilePatternInPackage(
            log, package, extensionList)
        if customPackageFileFilter is None or filteredFiles is not None:
            totalErrorCount += __ScanFiles(log, package, filteredFiles,
                                           thirdpartyExceptionDir, checkType,

    if totalErrorCount > 0 and not repairEnabled:
            "BEWARE: If you have made a backup of your files you can try to auto correct the errors with '--Repair' but do so at your own peril"
Beispiel #2
    def Run(log: Log, toolConfig: ToolConfig, formatPackageList: List[Package],
            customPackageFileFilter: Optional[CustomPackageFileFilter],
            packageRecipeResultManager: PackageRecipeResultManager,
            clangFormatConfiguration: ClangFormatConfiguration,
            cmakeConfig: GeneratorCMakeConfig, repairEnabled: bool,
            buildThreads: int, useLegacyTidyMethod: bool) -> None:
        """ RunClangFormat on a package at a time """

        # Lookup the recommended build threads using the standard build algorithm
        numBuildThreads = PlatformBuildUtil.GetRecommendedBuildThreads(

        clangExeInfo = PerformClangUtil.LookupRecipeResults(
        ninjaExeInfo = PerformClangUtil.LookupRecipeResults(

        log.LogPrint("ClangFormat version: {0}".format(clangExeInfo.Version))
        log.LogPrint("Ninja version: {0}".format(ninjaExeInfo.Version))

        log.LogPrint("Running clang-format")

        # Filter the package list so it only contains things we can process
        finalPackageList = [
            package for package in formatPackageList
            if PerformClangUtil.CanProcessPackage(package)

        sortedPackages = list(finalPackageList)
        sortedPackages.sort(key=lambda s: s.Name.lower())

        #test = set()
        #for entry in sortedPackages:
        #    if entry.Name in test:
        #        raise Exception("duplicated package")
        #    else:
        #       test.add(entry.Name)

        if useLegacyTidyMethod:
            count = PerformClangFormatHelper.Process(
                log, toolConfig, customPackageFileFilter,
                clangFormatConfiguration, clangExeInfo, sortedPackages,
                repairEnabled, numBuildThreads)
            count = PerformClangFormatHelper2.Process(
                log, toolConfig, customPackageFileFilter,
                clangFormatConfiguration, cmakeConfig, clangExeInfo,
                ninjaExeInfo, sortedPackages, repairEnabled, numBuildThreads)

        if count == 0:
            if customPackageFileFilter is None:
                log.DoPrintWarning("No files processed")
                    "No files processed, could not find a package that matches {0}"
    def Run(log: Log, toolConfig: ToolConfig, formatPackageList: List[Package],
            customPackageFileFilter: Optional[CustomPackageFileFilter],
            packageRecipeResultManager: PackageRecipeResultManager,
            clangFormatConfiguration: ClangFormatConfiguration,
            repairEnabled: bool) -> None:
        """ RunClangFormat on a package at a time """

        clangExeInfo = PerformClangUtil.LookupRecipeResults(

        if log.Verbosity >= 1:
            PerformClangUtil.ShowVersion(log, clangExeInfo)

        log.LogPrint("Running clang-format")

        # Filter the package list so it only contains things we can process
        finalPackageList = [
            package for package in formatPackageList
            if PerformClangUtil.CanProcessPackage(package)

        sortedPackages = list(finalPackageList)
        sortedPackages.sort(key=lambda s: s.Name.lower())
        for package in sortedPackages:
            filteredFiles = None if customPackageFileFilter is None else customPackageFileFilter.TryLocateFilePatternInPackage(
                log, package, clangFormatConfiguration.FileExtensions)
            if customPackageFileFilter is None or filteredFiles is not None:
                _RunClangFormat(log, toolConfig, clangFormatConfiguration,
                                clangExeInfo, package, filteredFiles,
    def Run(log: Log, toolConfig: ToolConfig, formatPackageList: List[Package],
            customPackageFileFilter: Optional[CustomPackageFileFilter],
            packageRecipeResultManager: PackageRecipeResultManager,
            clangFormatConfiguration: ClangFormatConfiguration, repairEnabled: bool, buildThreads: int) -> None:
        """ RunClangFormat on a package at a time """

        # Lookup the recommended build threads using the standard build algorithm
        buildThreads = PlatformBuildUtil.GetRecommendedBuildThreads(buildThreads)

        clangExeInfo = PerformClangUtil.LookupRecipeResults(packageRecipeResultManager, clangFormatConfiguration.RecipePackageName,

        if log.Verbosity >= 1:
            PerformClangUtil.ShowVersion(log, clangExeInfo)

        log.LogPrint("Running clang-format")

        # Filter the package list so it only contains things we can process
        finalPackageList = [package for package in formatPackageList if PerformClangUtil.CanProcessPackage(package)]

        sortedPackages = list(finalPackageList)
        sortedPackages.sort(key=lambda s: s.Name.lower())

        count = PerformClangFormatHelper.Process(log, toolConfig, customPackageFileFilter, clangFormatConfiguration, clangExeInfo, sortedPackages,
                                                 repairEnabled, buildThreads)
        if count == 0:
            if customPackageFileFilter is None:
                log.DoPrintWarning("No files processed")
                log.DoPrintWarning("No files processed, could not find a package that matches {0}".format(customPackageFileFilter))
    def Run(log: Log, toolConfig: ToolConfig, platformId: str,
            topLevelPackage: Package, tidyPackageList: List[Package],
            userBuildVariantsDict: Dict[str, str], pythonScriptRoot: str,
            generatorContext: GeneratorContext, sdkConfigTemplatePath: str,
            packageRecipeResultManager: PackageRecipeResultManager,
            performClangTidyConfig: PerformClangTidyConfig,
            customPackageFileFilter: Optional[CustomPackageFileFilter],
            clangFormatFilename: Optional[str], buildThreads: int) -> None:
        RunClangTidy on a package at a time
        :param topLevelPackage: the top level system package
        :param tidyPackageList: the packages to 'tidy'
        :param userBuildVariantsDict: the variant configuration supplied by the user
        :param performClangTidyConfig:
        :param customPackageFileFilter:
        :param clangFormatFilename:
        :param repairEnabled:

        # Lookup the recommended build threads using the standard build algorithm
        buildThreads = PlatformBuildUtil.GetRecommendedBuildThreads(

        clangExeInfo = PerformClangUtil.LookupRecipeResults(

        BuildVariantUtil.ValidateUserVariantSettings(log, topLevelPackage,
        BuildVariantUtil.LogVariantSettings(log, userBuildVariantsDict)
        resolvedVariantSettingsDict = BuildVariantUtil.CreateCompleteStaticVariantSettings(
            topLevelPackage.ResolvedAllVariantDict, userBuildVariantsDict)

        if log.Verbosity >= 1:
            PerformClangUtil.ShowVersion(log, clangExeInfo)
        log.LogPrint("Running clang-tidy")

        # Filter the package list so it only contains things we can process
        finalPackageList = [
            package for package in tidyPackageList
            if PerformClangUtil.CanProcessPackage(package)

        generatorConfig = GeneratorConfig(sdkConfigTemplatePath, toolConfig)
        generatorReportDict = generatorContext.Generator.GenerateReport(
            log, generatorConfig, finalPackageList)

        # Validate report dict
        for package in finalPackageList:
            if package not in generatorReportDict:
                raise Exception(
                    "Generator report is missing information for package '{0}'"

        localVariantInfo = LocalVariantInfo(resolvedVariantSettingsDict,

        count = PerformClangTidyHelper.ProcessAllPackages(
            log, toolConfig, platformId, pythonScriptRoot,
            performClangTidyConfig, clangExeInfo, finalPackageList,
            customPackageFileFilter, localVariantInfo, buildThreads)
        if count == 0:
            if customPackageFileFilter is None:
                log.DoPrintWarning("No files processed")
                    "No files processed, could not find a package that matches {0}"