def Factory(settings, Model):
    if not isinstance(settings, KratosMultiphysics.Parameters):
        raise Exception(
            "expected input shall be a Parameters object, encapsulating a json string"

    params = settings["Parameters"]

    default_settings = KratosMultiphysics.Parameters('''{
        "help"                 : "This process writes output for several points given in a .csv-file ('csv_file_path') to a file. Internally it holds an object of type MultiplePointsOutputProcess. Usage: The first line of the .csv-file should state the column names: 'x,y,z'. The following rows should each be one point with its x,y and z value in the respective column of the .csv-file, separated by a comma.",
        "model_part_name"      : "",
        "entity_type"          : "element",
        "interval"             : [0.0, 1e30],
        "csv_file_path"        : "",
        "output_variables"     : [],
        "historical_value"     : true,
        "search_tolerance"     : 1e-6,
        "print_format"         : "",
        "output_file_settings" : {}


    # retrieving file path and name
    csv_file_path = params["csv_file_path"].GetString()
    if not csv_file_path:
        raise Exception('A file path has has to be provided!')

    # initialize array for sampling points
    points = []

    # open file and get points
    with open(csv_file_path, mode='r', newline=None) as csv_file:
        reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
        points = [(float(row['x']), float(row['y']), float(row['z']))
                  for row in reader]

    # initialize position matrix for sampling points
    positions = KratosMultiphysics.Matrix(len(points), 3)

    # add position of sampling point
    for i, coords in enumerate(points):
        positions[i, 0] = coords[0]
        positions[i, 1] = coords[1]
        positions[i, 2] = coords[2]

    # adapt process parameters to MultiplePointsOutputProcess

    # return and instance of MultiplePointsOutputProcess with all sampling positions from .csv-file
    return MultiplePointsOutputProcess(Model, params)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, model, params):

        default_settings = KratosMultiphysics.Parameters('''{
            "help"              : "This process writes output for several points along a line to a file. Internally it holds an object of type MultiplePointsOutputProcess",
            "model_part_name"   : "",
            "entity_type"       : "element",
            "start_point"       : [],
            "end_point"         : [],
            "sampling_points"   : 3,
            "output_variables"  : [],
            "historical_value"  : true,
            "search_tolerance"  : 1e-6,
            "print_format"      : "",
            "output_file_settings": {}


        # retrieving the positions defining the line entity as well as the number of sampling points
        start_point_position = params["start_point"].GetVector()
        if start_point_position.Size() != 3:
            raise Exception(
                'The start point position has to be provided with 3 coordinates!'
        end_point_position = params["end_point"].GetVector()
        if end_point_position.Size() != 3:
            raise Exception(
                'The end point position has to be provided with 3 coordinates!'
        number_of_sampling_points = params["sampling_points"].GetInt()

        # check the entity type
        entity_type = params["entity_type"].GetString()
        if not entity_type == "element" or entity_type == "condition":
            raise Exception(
                '"entity_type" can be either "element" or "condition"!')

        if number_of_sampling_points <= 0:
            raise Exception(
                'The number of sampling points has to be larger than 0!')

        elif number_of_sampling_points == 1:
            positions = KratosMultiphysics.Matrix(1, 3)
            positions[0, 0] = (start_point_position[0] +
                               end_point_position[0]) / 2.
            positions[0, 1] = (start_point_position[1] +
                               end_point_position[1]) / 2.
            positions[0, 2] = (start_point_position[2] +
                               end_point_position[2]) / 2.

            # setup the parametric space for the internal points on the line
            lower_bound = 0.0
            upper_bound = 1.0
            parametrized_internal_points = [
                lower_bound + x * (upper_bound - lower_bound) /
                (number_of_sampling_points - 1)
                for x in range(number_of_sampling_points)

            # determining the positions of the output points
            direction_vector = [
                x - y for x, y in zip(end_point_position, start_point_position)

            positions = KratosMultiphysics.Matrix(
                len(parametrized_internal_points), 3)
            for k in range(len(parametrized_internal_points)):
                current_position = [
                    x + parametrized_internal_points[k] * y
                    for x, y in zip(start_point_position, direction_vector)

                positions[k, 0] = current_position[0]
                positions[k, 1] = current_position[1]
                positions[k, 2] = current_position[2]



        self.multiple_points_output_process = MultiplePointsOutputProcess(
            model, params)