Beispiel #1
 def getTipPhotoURL(self):
     """ URL of the tip photo of the room """
     from MaKaC.webinterface.urlHandlers import UHRoomPhoto
     photoId = self._doGetPhotoId()
     if not photoId:
         photoId = "NoPhoto"
     return str(UHRoomPhoto.getURL(photoId))
Beispiel #2
 def getTipPhotoURL(self):
     """ URL of the tip photo of the room """
     from MaKaC.webinterface.urlHandlers import UHRoomPhoto
     photoId = self._doGetPhotoId()
     if not photoId:
         photoId = "NoPhoto"
     return str(UHRoomPhoto.getURL(photoId))
Beispiel #3
 def getPhotoURL(self):
     # Used to send photos via Python script
     #from MaKaC.webinterface.urlHandlers import UHSendRoomPhoto
     #return UHSendRoomPhoto.getURL( self.photoId, small = False )
     from MaKaC.webinterface.urlHandlers import UHRoomPhoto
     return UHRoomPhoto.getURL(self.photoId)
Beispiel #4
 def getPhotoURL( self ):
     # Used to send photos via Python script
     #from MaKaC.webinterface.urlHandlers import UHSendRoomPhoto
     #return UHSendRoomPhoto.getURL( self.photoId, small = False )
     from MaKaC.webinterface.urlHandlers import UHRoomPhoto
     return UHRoomPhoto.getURL( self.photoId )