Beispiel #1
def centerOfMass(img, yx, window=5):
    find peak by center of mass in a 2D image

    img:    a 2D image array
    yx:     (y,x) in the image
    window: a window where CM calculation is performed on

    return yx
    # prepare small image
    s = N.array([window, window])
    c = s / 2.
    yx = N.round_(yx)
    yx -= c
    yi, xi = N.indices(s)
    yi += yx[0]
    xi += yx[1]
    cc = img[yi, xi]

    # calculate center of mass
    yxi = N.indices(s)
    yxi *= cc
    yxi = yxi.T
    vv = N.sum(yxi, axis=0)
    vv = N.sum(vv, axis=0)
    yxs = vv / float(N.sum(cc))
    yxs += yx
    return yxs
Beispiel #2
def centerOfMass(img, yx, window=5):
    find peak by center of mass in a 2D image

    img:    a 2D image array
    yx:     (y,x) in the image
    window: a window where CM calculation is performed on

    return yx
    # prepare small image
    s = N.array([window,window])
    c = s/2.
    yx = N.round_(yx)
    yx -= c
    yi, xi = N.indices(s)
    yi += yx[0]
    xi += yx[1]
    cc = img[yi,xi]

    # calculate center of mass
    yxi = N.indices(s)
    yxi *= cc
    yxi = yxi.T
    vv = N.sum(yxi, axis=0)
    vv = N.sum(vv, axis=0)
    yxs = vv / float(N.sum(cc))
    yxs += yx
    return yxs
Beispiel #3
def rotateIndices2DNew(shape, rot, orig=None, dtype=N.float64):
    shape: 2D
    rot:   anti-clockwise
    orig:  (y, x)

    return: yi, xi
    # FIX ME Rot is something wrong!! 081027

    shape = N.asarray(shape,

    if orig is None:
        y, x = shape / 2.
        y, x = orig

    print(y, x)
    if not rot:
        yi, xi = N.indices(shape, dtype=N.float64)
        yi -= y - 0.5  # remove pix center
        xi -= x - 0.5
        return yi, xi

    # twice as large window

# mo = N.abs(N.mod(shape, 2) + [-1,-1])
    s2 = shape * 2  #+ mo  # always odd for even shape, even for odd shape

    yi, xi = N.indices(s2, dtype=N.float32)

    mm = N.ceil(shape / 2.)  #(s2 -1 - shape)//2 # offset always int
    yi -= mm[0]
    xi -= mm[1]

    pxc = imgGeo.RotateXY((0.5, 0.5), rot)  # remove pix center
    yi += pxc[0]
    xi += pxc[1]

    y0, x0 = shape / 2.  #N.ceil(shape / 2) # img center
    yc = y0 - y  # delta rotation center
    xc = x0 - x

    yi = U.trans2d(yi, None, (xc, yc, rot, 1, 0, 1))
    xi = U.trans2d(xi, None, (xc, yc, rot, 1, 0, 1))
    yi = U.trans2d(yi, None, (-xc, -yc, 0, 1, 0, 1))
    xi = U.trans2d(xi, None, (-xc, -yc, 0, 1, 0, 1))

    yi = yi.astype(dtype)
    xi = xi.astype(dtype)

    yi -= y
    xi -= x

    yi = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(yi, shape)
    xi = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(xi, shape)
    return yi, xi
Beispiel #4
def rotateIndices2DNew(shape, rot, orig=None, dtype=N.float64):
    shape: 2D
    rot:   anti-clockwise
    orig:  (y, x)

    return: yi, xi
    # FIX ME Rot is something wrong!! 081027

    shape = N.asarray(shape,
    if orig is None:
        y, x = shape / 2.
        y, x = orig

    if not rot:
        yi,xi = N.indices(shape, dtype=N.float64)
        yi -= y - 0.5 # remove pix center
        xi -= x - 0.5
        return yi,xi

    # twice as large window
   # mo = N.abs(N.mod(shape, 2) + [-1,-1])
    s2 = shape * 2 #+ mo  # always odd for even shape, even for odd shape

    yi, xi = N.indices(s2, dtype=N.float32)

    mm = N.ceil(shape / 2.)#(s2 -1 - shape)//2 # offset always int
    yi -= mm[0]
    xi -= mm[1]

    pxc = imgGeo.RotateXY((0.5,0.5), rot) # remove pix center
    yi += pxc[0]
    xi += pxc[1]

    y0, x0 = shape / 2. #N.ceil(shape / 2) # img center
    yc = y0 - y # delta rotation center
    xc = x0 - x

    yi = U.trans2d(yi, None, (xc,yc,rot,1,0,1))
    xi = U.trans2d(xi, None, (xc,yc,rot,1,0,1))
    yi = U.trans2d(yi, None, (-xc,-yc,0,1,0,1))
    xi = U.trans2d(xi, None, (-xc,-yc,0,1,0,1))

    yi = yi.astype(dtype)
    xi = xi.astype(dtype)

    yi -= y
    xi -= x

    yi = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(yi, shape)
    xi = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(xi, shape)
    return yi, xi
Beispiel #5
def _indLD(win, y, x):
    return yi, xi, LD
        yi, xi = N.indices(int(win))
    except TypeError:
        yi, xi = N.indices((int(win), int(win)))
    yx = N.asarray((y, x))
    LD = yx - win / 2. + 0.5  # use pixel center
    yi += LD[0]
    xi += LD[1]
    return yi, xi, LD
Beispiel #6
def _indLD(win, y, x):
    return yi, xi, LD
        yi, xi = N.indices(int(win))
    except TypeError:
        yi, xi = N.indices((int(win), int(win)))
    yx = N.asarray((y, x))
    LD = yx - win/2. + 0.5 # use pixel center
    yi += LD[0]
    xi += LD[1]
    return yi, xi, LD
Beispiel #7
def indicesFromSlice(slicelist, dtype=N.float64):
    return inds, LD
    shape = []
    LD = []
    for sl in slicelist:
        if isinstance(sl, slice):
            shape.append(sl.stop - sl.start)
    inds = N.indices(shape, dtype)
    for i, ld in enumerate(LD):
        inds[i] += ld
    return inds, LD
Beispiel #8
def indicesFromSlice(slicelist, dtype=N.float64):
    return inds, LD
    shape = []
    LD = []
    for sl in slicelist:
        if isinstance(sl, slice):
            shape.append(sl.stop - sl.start)
    inds = N.indices(shape, dtype)
    for i, ld in enumerate(LD):
        inds[i] += ld
    return inds, LD
Beispiel #9
def gaussianArr2D(shape=(256,256), sigma=[2.,2.], peakVal=None, orig=None, rot=0):
    >1.5x faster implemetation than gaussianArrND
    shape: (y,x)
    sigma: scaler or [sigmay, sigmax]
    orig: (y,x)
    rot:   scaler anti-clockwise

    return N.float32
    shape = N.asarray(shape, N.uint)
        if len(sigma) == len(shape):
            sy = 2*(sigma[0]*sigma[0])
            sx = 2*(sigma[1]*sigma[1])
        elif len(sigma) == 1:
            sx = sy = 2*(sigma[0]*sigma[0])
            raise ValueError('sigma must be scaler or [sigmay, sigmax]')
    except TypeError: # sigma scaler
        sx = sy = 2*(sigma*sigma)

   # print y, x
    if rot:
        yyi, xxi = imgFit.rotateIndices2D(shape, rot, orig, N.float32)
        if orig is None:
            y, x = shape / 2. - 0.5 # pixel center remove
            y, x = N.subtract(orig, 0.5) # pixel center remove

        yi, xi = N.indices(shape, dtype=N.float32)
        yyi = y-yi
        xxi = x-xi
    k1 = -(yyi)*(yyi)/(sy) - (xxi)*(xxi)/(sx)

    if peakVal:
        k0 = peakVal
        k0 = 1. / ((sx+sy)/2. * ((2*N.pi)**0.5))
    return k0 * N.exp(k1)
Beispiel #10
def gaussianArr2D(
        shape=(256, 256), sigma=[2., 2.], peakVal=None, orig=None, rot=0):
    >1.5x faster implemetation than gaussianArrND
    shape: (y,x)
    sigma: scaler or [sigmay, sigmax]
    orig: (y,x)
    rot:   scaler anti-clockwise

    return N.float32
    shape = N.asarray(shape, N.uint)
        if len(sigma) == len(shape):
            sy = 2 * (sigma[0] * sigma[0])
            sx = 2 * (sigma[1] * sigma[1])
        elif len(sigma) == 1:
            sx = sy = 2 * (sigma[0] * sigma[0])
            raise ValueError('sigma must be scaler or [sigmay, sigmax]')
    except TypeError:  # sigma scaler
        sx = sy = 2 * (sigma * sigma)

# print y, x
    if rot:
        yyi, xxi = imgFit.rotateIndices2D(shape, rot, orig, N.float32)
        if orig is None:
            y, x = shape / 2. - 0.5  # pixel center remove
            y, x = N.subtract(orig, 0.5)  # pixel center remove

        yi, xi = N.indices(shape, dtype=N.float32)
        yyi = y - yi
        xxi = x - xi
    k1 = -(yyi) * (yyi) / (sy) - (xxi) * (xxi) / (sx)

    if peakVal:
        k0 = peakVal
        k0 = 1. / ((sx + sy) / 2. * ((2 * N.pi)**0.5))
    return k0 * N.exp(k1)
Beispiel #11
def radialaverage(data, center=None, useMaxShape=False):
    data: ND array
    center: coordinate of center of radii
    useMinShape: the output uses the maximum shape available

    return 1D array
    if center is None:
        center = N.array(data.shape) // 2
    if len(center) != data.ndim:
        raise ValueError(
            'dimension of center (%i) does not match the dimension of data (%i)'
            % (len(center), data.ndim))

    zyx = N.indices((data.shape))
    r = N.zeros(data.shape, N.float32)
    for i, t in enumerate(zyx):
        r += (t - center[i])**2
    r = N.sqrt(r)
    #y, x = N.indices((data.shape))
    #r = N.sqrt((x - center[0])**2 + (y - center[1])**2) # distance from the center
    r = r.astype(

    if data.dtype.type in (N.complex64, N.complex128):
        rbin = N.bincount(r.ravel(), data.real.ravel())
        ibin = N.bincount(r.ravel(), data.imag.ravel())
        tbin = N.empty(rbin.shape, data.dtype.type)
        tbin.real = rbin
        tbin.imag = ibin

        tbin = N.bincount(r.ravel(), data.ravel())
    nr = N.bincount(r.ravel())
    radialprofile = tbin / nr.astype(N.float32)

    if not useMaxShape:
        minShape = min(list(N.array(data.shape) - center) + list(center))
        radialprofile = radialprofile[:minShape]
    return radialprofile
Beispiel #12
def radialaverage(data, center=None, useMaxShape=False):
    data: ND array
    center: coordinate of center of radii
    useMinShape: the output uses the maximum shape available

    return 1D array
    if center is None:
        center = N.array(data.shape) // 2
    if len(center) != data.ndim:
        raise ValueError('dimension of center (%i) does not match the dimension of data (%i)' % (len(center), data.ndim))

    zyx = N.indices((data.shape))
    r = N.zeros(data.shape, N.float32)
    for i, t in enumerate(zyx):
        r += (t - center[i])**2
    r = N.sqrt(r)
    #y, x = N.indices((data.shape))
    #r = N.sqrt((x - center[0])**2 + (y - center[1])**2) # distance from the center
    r = r.astype(

    if data.dtype.type in (N.complex64, N.complex128):
        rbin = N.bincount(r.ravel(), data.real.ravel())
        ibin = N.bincount(r.ravel(), data.imag.ravel())
        tbin = N.empty(rbin.shape, data.dtype.type)
        tbin.real = rbin
        tbin.imag = ibin
        tbin = N.bincount(r.ravel(), data.ravel())
    nr = N.bincount(r.ravel())
    radialprofile = tbin / nr.astype(N.float32)

    if not useMaxShape:
        minShape = min(list(N.array(data.shape) - center) + list(center))
        radialprofile = radialprofile[:minShape]
    return radialprofile 
Beispiel #13
def rotateIndicesND(slicelist, dtype=N.float64, rot=0, mode=2):
    slicelist: even shape works much better than odd shape
    rot:       counter-clockwise, xy-plane
    mode:      testing different ways of doing, (1 or 2 and the same result)

    return inds, LD
    global INDS_DIC
    shape = []
    LD = []

    for sl in slicelist:
        if isinstance(sl, slice):
            shape.append(sl.stop - sl.start)

    shapeTuple = tuple(shape + [rot])
    if shapeTuple in INDS_DIC:
        inds = INDS_DIC[shapeTuple]
        shape = N.array(shape)
        ndim = len(shape)
        odd_even = shape % 2

        s2 = N.ceil(shape * (2**0.5))

        if mode == 1:  # everything is even
            s2 = N.where(s2 % 2, s2 + 1, s2)
        elif mode == 2:  # even & even or odd & odd
            for d, s in enumerate(shape):
                if (s % 2 and not s2[d] % 2) or (not s % 2 and s2[d] % 2):
                    s2[d] += 1
        cent = s2 / 2.
        dif = (s2 - shape) / 2.
        dm = dif % 1
        # print s2, cent, dif, dm
        slc = [Ellipsis] + [
                  int(d) + shape[i]) for i, d in enumerate(dif)
        # This slice is float which shift array when cutting out!!

        s2 = tuple([int(ss)
                    for ss in s2])  # numpy array cannot use used for slice
        inds = N.indices(s2, N.float32)
        ind_shape = inds.shape
        nz = N.product(ind_shape[:-2])
        nsec = nz / float(ndim)
        if ndim > 2:
            inds = N.reshape(inds, (nz, ) + ind_shape[-2:])
        irs = N.empty_like(inds)
        for d, ind in enumerate(inds):
            idx = int(d // nsec)
            c = cent[idx]
            if rot and inds.ndim > 2:
                U.trans2d(ind - c, irs[d], (0, 0, rot, 1, 0, 1))
                irs[d] += c - dif[idx]
                irs[d] = ind - dif[idx]

        if len(ind_shape) > 2:
            irs = N.reshape(irs, ind_shape)

        irs = irs[slc]
        if mode == 1 and N.sometrue(dm):
            inds = N.empty_like(irs)
            # print 'translate', dm
            for d, ind in enumerate(irs):
                U.trans2d(ind, inds[d], (-dm[1], -dm[0], 0, 1, 0, 1))
            inds = irs
        INDS_DIC[shapeTuple] = inds

    r_inds = N.empty_like(inds)
    for d, ld in enumerate(LD):
        r_inds[d] = inds[d] + ld

    return r_inds, LD
Beispiel #14
def Xcorr(a, b, highpassSigma=2.5, wiener=0.2, cutoffFreq=3,
forceSecondPeak=None, acceptOrigin=True, maskSigmaFact=1., removeY=None, removeX=None, ret=None, normalize=True, gFit=True, lap=None, win=11):
    returns (y,x), image
    if ret is True, returns [v, yx, image]

    to get yx cordinate of the image,
    yx += N.divide(picture.shape, 2)

    a, b:            2D array
    highpassSigma:   sigma value used for highpass pre-filter
    wiener:          wiener value used for highpass pre-filter
    cutoffFreq:      kill lowest frequency component from 0 to this level
    forceSecondPeak: If input is n>0 (True is 1), pick up n-th peak
    acceptOrigin:    If None, result at origin is rejected, look for the next peak
    maskSigmaFact:   Modifier to remove previous peak to look for another peak
    removeYX:        Rremove given number of pixel high intensity lines of the Xcorr
                     Y: Vertical, X: Horizontal
    normalize:       intensity normalized
    gFit:            peak is fitted to 2D gaussian array, if None use center of mass
    win:             window for gFit

    if b is a + (y,x) then, answer is (-y,-x)
    shapeA = N.asarray(a.shape)
    shapeB = N.asarray(b.shape)
    shapeM = N.max([shapeA, shapeB], axis=0)
    shapeM = N.where(shapeM % 2, shapeM+1, shapeM)
    center = shapeM / 2.

    arrs = [a,b]
    arrsS = ['a','b']
    arrsF = []
    for i, arr in enumerate(arrs):
        if arr.dtype not in [N.float32, N.float64]:
            arr = N.asarray(arr, N.float32)
        # this convolution has to be done beforehand to remove 2 pixels at the edge
        if lap == 'nothing':
        elif lap:
            arr = arr_Laplace(arr, mask=2)
            arr = arr_sorbel(arr, mask=1)
        if N.sometrue(shapeA < shapeM):
            arr = paddingMed(arr, shapeM)

        if normalize:
            mi, ma, me, sd = U.mmms(arr)
            arr = (arr - me) / sd
        if i ==1:
            arr = F.shift(arr)
        af = F.rfft(arr)

        af = highPassF(af, highpassSigma, wiener, cutoffFreq)

    # start cross correlation
    af, bf = arrsF
    bf = bf.conjugate()
    cf = af * bf

    # go back to space domain
    c = F.irfft(cf)
  #  c = _changeOrigin(cr)

    # removing lines
    if removeX:
        yi, xi = N.indices((removeX, shapeM[-1]))#sx))
        yi += center[-2] - removeX/2.#sy/2 - removeX/2
        c[yi, xi] = 0
    if removeY:
        yi, xi = N.indices((shapeM[-2], removeY))#sy, removeY))
        xi += center[-1] - removeY/2.#sx/2 - removeY/2
        c[yi, xi] = 0

    # find the first peak
    if gFit:
        v, yx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win)#, window=win, gFit=gFit)
        if v == 0:
            v, yx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win+2)#, window=win+2, gFit=gFit)
            if v == 0:
                v = U.findMax(c)[0]
        yx = N.add(yx, 0.5)
        #yx += 0.5
        vzyx = U.findMax(c)
        v = vzyx[0]
        yx = vzyx[-2:]
        s = 2.5

    yx -= center

    if N.alltrue(N.abs(yx) < 1.0) and not acceptOrigin:
        forceSecondPeak = True

    # forceSecondPeak:
    if not forceSecondPeak:
        forceSecondPeak = 0
    for i in range(int(forceSecondPeak)):
        print('%i peak was removed' % (i+1)) #, sigma: %.2f' % (i+1, s)
        yx += center
        g = gaussianArr2D(c.shape, sigma=s/maskSigmaFact, peakVal=v, orig=yx)
        c = c - g
        #c = mask_gaussian(c, yx[0], yx[1], v, s)
        if gFit:
            v, yx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win)#, window=win, gFit=gFit)
            if v == 0:
                v, yx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win+2)#, window=win+2, gFit=gFit)
                if v == 0:
                    v = U.findMax(c)[0]
            yx -= (center - 0.5)
            vzyx = U.findMax(c)
            v = vzyx[0]

    if not gFit:
        yx = centerOfMass(c, vzyx[-2:]) - center
    if lap is not 'nothing':
        c = paddingValue(c, shapeM+2)

    if ret == 2:
        return yx, af, bf.conjugate()
    elif ret:
        return v, yx, c
        return yx, c
Beispiel #15
def Xcorr(a,
    returns (y,x), image
    if ret is True, returns [v, yx, image]

    to get yx cordinate of the image,
    yx += N.divide(picture.shape, 2)

    a, b:            2D array
    highpassSigma:   sigma value used for highpass pre-filter
    wiener:          wiener value used for highpass pre-filter
    cutoffFreq:      kill lowest frequency component from 0 to this level
    forceSecondPeak: If input is n>0 (True is 1), pick up n-th peak
    acceptOrigin:    If None, result at origin is rejected, look for the next peak
    maskSigmaFact:   Modifier to remove previous peak to look for another peak
    removeYX:        Rremove given number of pixel high intensity lines of the Xcorr
                     Y: Vertical, X: Horizontal
    normalize:       intensity normalized
    gFit:            peak is fitted to 2D gaussian array, if None use center of mass
    win:             window for gFit

    if b is a + (y,x) then, answer is (-y,-x)
    shapeA = N.asarray(a.shape)
    shapeB = N.asarray(b.shape)
    shapeM = N.max([shapeA, shapeB], axis=0)
    shapeM = N.where(shapeM % 2, shapeM + 1, shapeM)
    center = shapeM / 2.

    arrs = [a, b]
    arrsS = ['a', 'b']
    arrsF = []
    for i, arr in enumerate(arrs):
        if arr.dtype not in [N.float32, N.float64]:
            arr = N.asarray(arr, N.float32)
        # this convolution has to be done beforehand to remove 2 pixels at the edge
        if lap == 'nothing':
        elif lap:
            arr = arr_Laplace(arr, mask=2)
            arr = arr_sorbel(arr, mask=1)

        if N.sometrue(shapeA < shapeM):
            arr = paddingMed(arr, shapeM)

        if normalize:
            mi, ma, me, sd = U.mmms(arr)
            arr = (arr - me) / sd

        if i == 1:
            arr = F.shift(arr)
        af = F.rfft(arr)

        af = highPassF(af, highpassSigma, wiener, cutoffFreq)

    # start cross correlation
    af, bf = arrsF
    bf = bf.conjugate()
    cf = af * bf

    # go back to space domain
    c = F.irfft(cf)
    #  c = _changeOrigin(cr)

    # removing lines
    if removeX:
        yi, xi = N.indices((removeX, shapeM[-1]))  #sx))
        yi += center[-2] - removeX / 2.  #sy/2 - removeX/2
        c[yi, xi] = 0
    if removeY:
        yi, xi = N.indices((shapeM[-2], removeY))  #sy, removeY))
        xi += center[-1] - removeY / 2.  #sx/2 - removeY/2
        c[yi, xi] = 0

    # find the first peak
    if gFit:
        v, yx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win)  #, window=win, gFit=gFit)
        if v == 0:
            v, yx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win +
                                       2)  #, window=win+2, gFit=gFit)
            if v == 0:
                v = U.findMax(c)[0]
        yx = N.add(yx, 0.5)
        #yx += 0.5
        vzyx = U.findMax(c)
        v = vzyx[0]
        yx = vzyx[-2:]
        s = 2.5

    yx -= center

    if N.alltrue(N.abs(yx) < 1.0) and not acceptOrigin:
        forceSecondPeak = True

    # forceSecondPeak:
    if not forceSecondPeak:
        forceSecondPeak = 0
    for i in range(int(forceSecondPeak)):
        print('%i peak was removed' % (i + 1))  #, sigma: %.2f' % (i+1, s)
        yx += center
        g = gaussianArr2D(c.shape, sigma=s / maskSigmaFact, peakVal=v, orig=yx)
        c = c - g
        #c = mask_gaussian(c, yx[0], yx[1], v, s)
        if gFit:
            v, yx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win)  #, window=win, gFit=gFit)
            if v == 0:
                v, yx, s = findMaxWithGFit(c, win=win +
                                           2)  #, window=win+2, gFit=gFit)
                if v == 0:
                    v = U.findMax(c)[0]
            yx -= (center - 0.5)
            vzyx = U.findMax(c)
            v = vzyx[0]

    if not gFit:
        yx = centerOfMass(c, vzyx[-2:]) - center
    if lap is not 'nothing':
        c = paddingValue(c, shapeM + 2)

    if ret == 2:
        return yx, af, bf.conjugate()
    elif ret:
        return v, yx, c
        return yx, c
Beispiel #16
def rotateIndicesND(slicelist, dtype=N.float64, rot=0, mode=2):
    slicelist: even shape works much better than odd shape
    rot:       counter-clockwise, xy-plane
    mode:      testing different ways of doing, (1 or 2 and the same result)

    return inds, LD
    global INDS_DIC
    shape = []
    LD = []
    for sl in slicelist:
        if isinstance(sl, slice):
            shape.append(sl.stop - sl.start)

    shapeTuple = tuple(shape+[rot])
    if shapeTuple in INDS_DIC:
        inds = INDS_DIC[shapeTuple]
        shape = N.array(shape)
        ndim = len(shape)
        odd_even = shape % 2

        s2 = N.ceil(shape * (2**0.5))

        if mode == 1: # everything is even
            s2 = N.where(s2 % 2, s2 + 1, s2)
        elif mode == 2: # even & even or odd & odd
            for d, s in enumerate(shape):
                if (s % 2 and not s2[d] % 2) or (not s % 2 and s2[d] % 2):
                    s2[d] += 1
        cent = s2 / 2.
        dif = (s2 - shape) / 2.
        dm = dif % 1
       # print s2, cent, dif, dm
        slc = [Ellipsis] + [slice(int(d), int(d)+shape[i]) for i, d in enumerate(dif)]
        # This slice is float which shift array when cutting out!!

        s2 = tuple([int(ss) for ss in s2]) # numpy array cannot use used for slice
        inds = N.indices(s2, N.float32)
        ind_shape = inds.shape
        nz = N.product(ind_shape[:-2])
        nsec = nz / float(ndim)
        if ndim > 2:
            inds = N.reshape(inds, (nz,)+ind_shape[-2:])
        irs = N.empty_like(inds)
        for d, ind in enumerate(inds):
            idx = int(d//nsec)
            c = cent[idx]
            if rot and inds.ndim > 2:
                U.trans2d(ind - c, irs[d], (0,0,rot,1,0,1))
                irs[d] += c - dif[idx]
                irs[d] = ind - dif[idx]

        if len(ind_shape) > 2:
            irs = N.reshape(irs, ind_shape)

        irs = irs[slc]
        if mode == 1 and N.sometrue(dm):
            inds = N.empty_like(irs)
           # print 'translate', dm
            for d, ind in enumerate(irs):
                U.trans2d(ind, inds[d], (-dm[1], -dm[0], 0, 1, 0, 1))
            inds = irs
        INDS_DIC[shapeTuple] = inds

    r_inds = N.empty_like(inds)
    for d, ld in enumerate(LD):
        r_inds[d] = inds[d] + ld

    return r_inds, LD