def test_get_pdf_htmls_content_without_encrypted(tmp_path):
    from ReadPDFFileV2 import get_pdf_htmls_content
    from ReadPDFFileV2 import get_images_paths_in_path
        get_pdf_htmls_content(f'{CWD}/encrypted.pdf', tmp_path)
        raise Exception("Incorrect password exception should've been thrown")
    except ShellException as e:
        assert 'Command Line Error: Incorrect password\nShell error code: 1' == str(e)

    html_text = get_pdf_htmls_content(f'{CWD}/hyperlinks.pdf', tmp_path)
    assert '' in html_text
    assert len(get_images_paths_in_path(tmp_path)) != 0, 'Failed to get images from html'
def test_get_pdf_htmls_content_with_encrypted(mocker, tmp_path):
    mocker.patch.object(demisto, 'args', return_value={'userPassword': '******'})
    from ReadPDFFileV2 import get_pdf_htmls_content
    from ReadPDFFileV2 import get_images_paths_in_path
    html_text = get_pdf_htmls_content(f'{CWD}/encrypted.pdf', tmp_path)
    expected = 'If you are end user who wishes to use XSL Formatter yourself, you may purchase ' \
               'from our Reseller or direct from Antenna<br/>House.<br/>'
    assert len(get_images_paths_in_path(tmp_path)) != 0, 'Failed to get images from html'
    assert expected in html_text