Beispiel #1
#L0 = 51 # nm 'L104'
#L0 = 76 # nm 'C177'
#L0 = 79 # nm 'O184'
#L0 = 65 # nm 'L176'
#L0 = 128 # nm 'L570'
#L0 = 32 # nm 'SEO30'
#L0 = 30 # nm 'S2VP45'

# layering distance
L0 = 44  # nm 'C67'
q0 = 2 * np.pi / (L0)

# cyl-cyl distance
d_cc = L0 / (np.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0)

process = Protocols.ProcessorIm()

run_args = {
    'verbosity': 3,
    'local_partition_image_size': 30,  # pixels
    'local_partition_step': 5.0,  # relative to image_size
    #'blur' : 1.0, # pixels
    'q0': q0,  # nm^-1
    'dq': q0 * 0.6,  # nm^-1
    'symmetry': 2,
    #'rcParams': {'axes.labelsize': 45,},
    'NN_cutoff_distance_nm': L0 * 1.36,
    'area_min': L0 * 0.35,
    #'area_max' : L0*0.35*20, # Not yet implemented
Beispiel #2
infiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(source_dir, pattern + '.jpg'))

# Analysis to perform

load_args = {
    'format': 'custom',
    'scale': scale,  # nm/pixel
    'load_param_file': False,

run_args = {
    'verbosity': 4,
    'preprocess': 'custom',
    'radius_min': 10,  # nm
    'radius_max': 50.0,  # nm

process = Protocols.ProcessorIm(load_args=load_args, run_args=run_args)
#process = Protocols.ProcessorImRGB(load_args=load_args, run_args=run_args)

protocols = [
    particles(q0=0.02, threshold=40),

# Run
########################################, protocols, output_dir=output_dir, force=True)
Beispiel #3
    import glob
    #infiles = glob.glob(source_dir + '*.tif')
    infiles = glob.glob(source_dir + 'L-36-3cyc_L-74-3-cyc_O2-at-end_1_q01.tif')
    #infiles = glob.glob(source_dir + '6.tif')
    #infiles = glob.glob(source_dir + '2012-09-25 Lam Blend01-2p5KRPM_q02.tif')

if True:
    from SciAnalysis.ImAnalysis import Protocols
    process = Protocols.ProcessorIm()
    #protocols = [ Protocols.thumbnails(crop=1.3) ]
    #protocols = [ Protocols.circular_average(ylog=True) ]
    #protocols = [ Protocols.thumbnails() ]

    load_args = { 'crop_bottom' : 124, # pixels
                    'scale' : 500.0/353, # nm/pixel
    run_args = { 'verbosity' : 3,
                    'local_partition_image_size' : 30, # pixels
                    'local_partition_step' : 5.0, # relative to image_size
                    #'blur' : 1.0, # pixels
                    'q0' : 0.18, # nm^-1
                    'dq' : 0.18*0.6, # nm^-1
                    'symmetry' : 4,
Beispiel #4
L0 = 39.0  # nm 'C67'

q0 = 2 * np.pi / (L0)

# cyl-cyl distance
d_cc = L0 / (np.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0)

#load_args['scale'] = 3000.0/544 # nm/pixel (18k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 2000.0/454 # nm/pixel (25k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 1000.0/504 # nm/pixel (50k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 500.0/302 # nm/pixel (60k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 500.0/454 # nm/pixel (90k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 500.0/504 # nm/pixel (100k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 300.0/454 # nm/pixel (150k MAG)

process = Protocols.ProcessorIm()

run_args = {
    'verbosity': 3,
    'local_partition_image_size': 30,  # pixels
    'local_partition_step': 5.0,  # relative to image_size
    #'blur' : 1.0, # pixels
    'q0': q0,  # nm^-1
    'dq': q0 * 0.6,  # nm^-1
    'symmetry': 6,
    #'rcParams': {'axes.labelsize': 45,},
    'NN_cutoff_distance_nm': L0 * 1.36,
    'area_min': L0 * 0.35,
    'correlation_edge_exclusion': 20,
    'correlation_step_size_points': 30,
Beispiel #5
# layering distance
#L0 = 34 # nm 'C67'
L0 = 36  # nm slightly distorted...
#L0 = 40 # nm distorted

q0 = 2 * np.pi / (L0)

#load_args['scale'] = 3000.0/544 # nm/pixel (18k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 2000.0/454 # nm/pixel (25k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 1000.0/504 # nm/pixel (50k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 500.0/302 # nm/pixel (60k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 500.0/454 # nm/pixel (90k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 500.0/504 # nm/pixel (100k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 300.0/454 # nm/pixel (150k MAG)

process = Protocols.ProcessorIm()

run_args = {
    'verbosity': 3,
    'local_partition_image_size': 30,  # pixels
    'local_partition_step': 5.0,  # relative to image_size
    #'blur' : 1.0, # pixels
    'q0': q0,  # nm^-1
    'dq': q0 * 0.6,  # nm^-1
    'symmetry': 2,
    #'rcParams': {'axes.labelsize': 45,},
    'NN_cutoff_distance_nm': L0 * 1.36,
    'area_min': L0 * 0.35,
    'correlation_edge_exclusion': 20,
    'correlation_step_size_points': 30,
Beispiel #6
infiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(source_dir, pattern + '.jpg'))

# Analysis to perform

load_args = {
    'format': 'custom',
    'scale': scale,  # nm/pixel
    'load_param_file': False,

run_args = {
    'verbosity': 4,
    'preprocess': 'custom',
    'radius_min': 5,  # nm
    'radius_max': 100.0,  # nm

#process = Protocols.ProcessorIm(load_args=load_args, run_args=run_args)
process = Protocols.ProcessorImRGB(load_args=load_args, run_args=run_args)

protocols = [
    #particles(q0=0.02, threshold=40),

# Run
########################################, protocols, output_dir=output_dir, force=True)
#L0 = 40 # nm distorted

q0 = 2 * np.pi / (L0)

# cyl-cyl distance
d_cc = L0 / (np.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0)

#load_args['scale'] = 3000.0/544 # nm/pixel (18k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 2000.0/454 # nm/pixel (25k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 1000.0/504 # nm/pixel (50k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 500.0/302 # nm/pixel (60k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 500.0/454 # nm/pixel (90k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 500.0/504 # nm/pixel (100k MAG)
#load_args['scale'] = 300.0/454 # nm/pixel (150k MAG)

process = Protocols.ProcessorIm()

run_args = {
    'verbosity': 3,
    'local_partition_image_size': 30,  # pixels
    'local_partition_step': 5.0,  # relative to image_size
    #'blur' : 1.0, # pixels
    'q0': q0,  # nm^-1
    'dq': q0 * 0.6,  # nm^-1
    'symmetry': 2,
    #'rcParams': {'axes.labelsize': 45,},
    'NN_cutoff_distance_nm': L0 * 1.36,
    'area_min': L0 * 0.35,
    #'area_max' : L0*0.35*20, # Not yet implemented
Beispiel #8
#L0 = 38.5 # nm 'L75'
#L0 = 76 # nm 'C177'
#L0 = 79 # nm 'O184'
#L0 = 65 # nm 'L176'
#L0 = 128 # nm 'L570'
#L0 = 32 # nm 'SEO30'
#L0 = 30 # nm 'S2VP45'

# layering distance
L0 = 44  # nm 'C67'
q0 = 2 * np.pi / (L0)

# cyl-cyl distance
d_cc = L0 / (np.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0)

process = Protocols.ProcessorIm()

run_args = {
    'verbosity': 3,
    'q0': q0,  # nm^-1
    'dq': q0 * 0.6,  # nm^-1
    'NN_cutoff_distance_nm': L0 * 1.36,
    40,  # Ignore image edges for grain size analysis
    50,  # Step for grain size analysis (speeds up code)
    'radius_min': L0 * 0.08,  # nm
    L0 * 0.3,  # size cutoff for distinguishing a dot vs. line