Beispiel #1
def _rename_water_molecule(molecule):
    """Internal function to rename residues/atoms in a water molecule to match
       the naming conventions used by GROMACS.


       molecule : Sire.Mol.Molecule
           A Sire Molecule object.


       molecule : Sire.Mol.Molecule
           The updated Sire Molecule object.

    # Make the molecule editable.
    molecule = molecule.edit()

    # In GROMACS, all water molecules must be given the residue label "SOL".
    # We extract all of the waters from the system and relabel the
    # residues as appropriate.
    # We need to work out what to do if existing water molecules don't contain
    # all of the required atoms, e.g. if we have crystal water oxygen sites
    # from a PDB file, or if the system is to be solvated with a 4- or 5-point
    # water model (where we need to add virtual sites).

    # Update the molecule with the new residue name.
    molecule = molecule.residue(_SireMol.ResIdx(0))     \
                       .rename(_SireMol.ResName("SOL")) \

    # Index for the hydrogen atoms.
    hydrogen_idx = 1

    # Gromacs water models use HW1/HW2 for hydrogen atoms at OW for water.
    for atom in molecule.atoms():
            # Hydrogen.
            if"element") == _SireMol.Element("H"):
                molecule = molecule.atom(atom.number())                              \
                                   .rename(_SireMol.AtomName("HW%d" % hydrogen_idx)) \
                hydrogen_idx += 1
            # Oxygen.
            elif"element") == _SireMol.Element("O"):
                molecule = molecule.atom(atom.number())             \
                                   .rename(_SireMol.AtomName("OW")) \

        # Otherwise, try to infer the element from the atom name.
            # Strip all digits from the name.
            name = "".join([x for x in if not x.isdigit()])

            # Remove any whitespace.
            name = name.replace(" ", "")

            # Try to infer the element.
            element = _SireMol.Element.biologicalElement(name)

            # Hydrogen.
            if element == _SireMol.Element("H"):
                molecule = molecule.atom(atom.number())                              \
                                   .rename(_SireMol.AtomName("HW%d" % hydrogen_idx)) \
                hydrogen_idx += 1
            # Oxygen.
            elif element == _SireMol.Element("O"):
                molecule = molecule.atom(atom.number())             \
                                   .rename(_SireMol.AtomName("OW")) \

    # Commit and return the updated molecule.
    return molecule.commit()
Beispiel #2
def _restrain_backbone(system):
    """Restrain protein backbone atoms.


        system : Sire.System.System
            A Sire molecular system.

    # Copy the original system.
    s = system

    # A list of amino acid name abbreviations.
    # Since we only want to restrain atoms in protein backbones, we compare
    # molecule residue names against this list in order to determine whether
    # the molecule is a protein.
    amino_acids = ["ALA", "CYS", "ASP", "GLU", "PHE", "GLY", "HIS", "ILE",
        "LYS", "LEU", "MET", "ASN", "PRO", "GLN", "ARG", "SER", "THR", "SEC",
        "VAL", "TRP", "TYR"]

    # Loop over all molecules by number.
    for n in s.molNums():

        # Extract the molecule and make it editable.
        m = s.molecule(n).edit()

        # Initialise a list of protein residues.
        protein_residues = []

        # Compare each residue name against the amino acid list.
        for res in m.residues():

            # This residue is an amino acid.
            if in amino_acids:

        # Loop over all of the protein residues.
        for residx in protein_residues:

            # Loop over all of the atoms in the residue.
            for atom in m.residue(residx).atoms():

                # Try to compare the atom element property against the list of
                # backbone atoms and set the "restrained" property if a match
                # is found.
                    element ="element")
                    if element == _SireMol.Element("CA") or \
                       element == _SireMol.Element("N")  or \
                       element == _SireMol.Element("C")  or \
                       element == _SireMol.Element("O"):
                           m = m.atom(atom.index()).setProperty("restrained", 1.0).molecule()


        # Update the system.

    # Return the new system.
    return s