Beispiel #1
def main():
    activemq_client = StompClient([("", 61613)], 'autoreduce', 'xxxxxxxxx', 'RUN_BACKLOG')

    message_lock = threading.Lock()
    for inst in INSTRUMENTS:

        # Create an event_handler, this will decide what to do when files are changed.
        event_handler = InstrumentMonitor(inst['name'], inst['use_nexus'], activemq_client, message_lock)
        # This will watch the folder the program is in, it will pick up all changes made in the folder.
        path = event_handler.get_watched_folder()
        # Tell the observer what to watch and give it the class that will handle the events.
        observer.schedule(event_handler, path)
    # Start watching files.
Beispiel #2
def main():
    activemq_client = StompClient([("", 61613)], 'autoreduce', 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'RUN_BACKLOG')

    inp = {}

    if len(sys.argv) < 5:
        inp["inst_name"] = raw_input('Enter instrument name: ').upper()
        inp["min_run"] = int(raw_input('Start run number: '))
        inp["max_run"] = int(raw_input('End run number: '))
        inp["rename"] = raw_input('Use .nxs file? [Y/N]: ').lower()
        inp["rbnum"] = lookup_rb_number(inp["inst_name"], inp["min_run"])  # Assume all RBs are the same as the first
        if inp["rbnum"] == -1:
            print "Lookup failed"
            inp["rbnum"] = int(raw_input('RB Number: '))
            print "Found rb number: " + str(inp["rbnum"])
        inp["cycle"] = raw_input('Enter cycle number in format [14_3]: ')
        inp["inst_name"] = str(sys.argv[1]).upper()
        inp["min_run"] = int(sys.argv[2])
        inp["max_run"] = int(sys.argv[3])
        inp["rename"] = 'y'  # change to use nxs file
        inp["rbnum"] = int(sys.argv[4])  # cast to int to test RB
        inp["cycle"] = str(sys.argv[5])


    data_file_prefix, data_filename_length = get_file_name_data(inp["inst_name"])

    data_location = DATA_LOC % (inp["inst_name"], inp["cycle"])

    for run in range(inp["min_run"], inp["max_run"]+1):
        data_file = data_file_prefix + str(run).zfill(data_filename_length) + get_file_extension(inp["rename"])
        data_dict = {
            "rb_number": str(inp["rbnum"]),
            "instrument": inp["inst_name"],
            "data": data_location + data_file,
            "run_number": str(int(run)),
            "facility": "ISIS"
        activemq_client.send('/queue/DataReady', json.dumps(data_dict), priority=1)
        print data_dict