Beispiel #1
    def train_cross(self):
        ## not sure how importatn this crap is..
        ## SET (hyper)parameters
        n_iters = len(self.training_set) * 5
        hyp = hyperParameters()   
        sn = 0.001; hyp.lik = array([log(sn)])        
        conf = self.conf
        dimensions = len(self.training_set[0])
        hyp.mean = [0.5 for d in xrange(dimensions)]
        hyp.mean = array(hyp.mean)
        hyp.mean = array([])
         # Scale inputs and particles?
        self.input_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(self.training_set)
        self.scaled_training_set = self.input_scaler.transform(self.training_set)

        # Scale training data
        if self.transLog:
            self.output_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler(with_std=False).fit(log(self.training_fitness - self.shift_by()))
            self.adjusted_training_fitness = self.output_scaler.transform(log(self.training_fitness - self.shift_by()))
            self.output_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler(with_std=False).fit(self.training_fitness)
            self.adjusted_training_fitness = self.output_scaler.transform(self.training_fitness)
        ## retrain a number of times and pick best likelihood
        press_best = None
        best_hyp = None
        i = 0
        index_array = ShuffleSplit(len(self.scaled_training_set), n_iter=n_iters, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2) ##we use 10% of example to evaluate our 
        while i < conf.random_start:
            if conf.corr == "isotropic":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covSEiso'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
            elif conf.corr == "anisotropic":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covSEard'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(dimensions+1)]           
            elif conf.corr == "anirat": ## todo
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covRQard'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(dimensions)]
                hyp.cov.append(log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)))
                hyp.cov.append(log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)))
            elif conf.corr == "matern3":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covMatern'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
            elif conf.corr == "matern5":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covMatern'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
            elif conf.corr == "rqard":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covRQard'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(dimensions+2)]
            elif conf.corr == "special":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covSEiso'],['kernels.covMatern'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
                hyp.cov = hyp.cov + [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
                logging.error("The specified kernel function is not supported")
                return False
            hyp.cov.append(log(uniform(low=0.01, high=0.5)))
            ## 50% propability to usen the previous best hyper-parameters:
            if self.hyp:
                random_number = uniform(0.,1.)
                if random_number < 0.5:
                    hyp = self.hyp
                vargout = min_wrapper(hyp,gp,'BFGS',self.inffunc,self.meanfunc,self.covfunc,self.likfunc,self.scaled_training_set ,self.adjusted_training_fitness,None,None,True)
                hyp = vargout[0]
                ### we add some sensible checking..
                ## matern we dont want to overfit
                ## we know that the function is not just noise hence < -1
                ## we know for anisotorpic that at least one parameter has to have some meaning
                press = 0.0
                for train_indexes, test_indexes in index_array:
                    test_set = self.scaled_training_set[test_indexes]
                    training_set = self.scaled_training_set[train_indexes]
                    test_fitness = self.adjusted_training_fitness[test_indexes]
                    training_fitness = self.adjusted_training_fitness[train_indexes]
                    vargout = gp(hyp, self.inffunc,self.meanfunc,self.covfunc, self.likfunc, training_set, training_fitness, test_set)      
                    predicted_fitness = vargout[2]
                    press = press + self.calc_press(predicted_fitness, test_fitness)
                #if (hyp.cov[-1] < -1.) and not ((conf.corr == "matern3") and hyp.cov[0] < 0.0) and not ((conf.corr == "anisotropic") and all(hyp.cov[:-2] < 0.0)):
      "Press " + str(press) + " " + str(hyp.cov))
                if (((not press_best) or (press < press_best))):
                    best_hyp = hyp
                    press_best = press
            except Exception, e:
                logging.debug("Regressor training Failed: " + str(e))
            i = i + 1            
Beispiel #2
    xs = np.arange(2004+1./24.,2024-1./24.,1./12.)     # TEST POINTS
    xs = xs.reshape(len(xs),1)

    vargout = gp(hyp,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,xs)
    ym = vargout[0]; ys2 = vargout[1]
    m  = vargout[2]; s2  = vargout[3]
    ## STANDARD GP (training)                                   ##
    ## OPTIMIZE HYPERPARAMETERS                                 ##
    ## -> parameter training using (off the shelf) conjugent gradient (CG) optimization (NOTE: SCG is faster)
    from time import clock
    t0 = clock()
    vargout = min_wrapper(hyp,gp,'SCG',inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,True)
    t1 = clock()

    hyp = vargout[0]
    vargout = gp(hyp,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,xs)
    ym = vargout[0]; ys2 = vargout[1]
    m  = vargout[2]; s2  = vargout[3]

    print 'Time to optimize = ',t1-t0
    print 'Optimized mean = ',hyp.mean
    print 'Optimized covariance = ',hyp.cov
    print 'Optimized liklihood = ',hyp.lik
Beispiel #3
    def train_nlml(self):
        ## not sure how importatn this crap is..
        ## SET (hyper)parameters
        hyp = hyperParameters()   
        sn = 0.001; hyp.lik = array([log(sn)])        
        conf = self.conf
        dimensions = len(self.training_set[0])
        hyp.mean = [0.5 for d in xrange(dimensions)]
        hyp.mean = array(hyp.mean)
        hyp.mean = array([])
         # Scale inputs and particles?
        self.input_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(self.training_set)
        self.scaled_training_set = self.input_scaler.transform(self.training_set)

        # Scale training data
        self.output_scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler(with_std=False).fit(log(self.training_fitness - self.shift_by()))
        self.adjusted_training_fitness = self.output_scaler.transform(log(self.training_fitness - self.shift_by()))
        ## retrain a number of times and pick best likelihood
        nlml_best = None
        i = 0
        while i < conf.random_start:
            if conf.corr == "isotropic":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covSEiso'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
            elif conf.corr == "anisotropic":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covSEard'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(dimensions+1)]           
            elif conf.corr == "anirat": ## todo
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covRQard'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(dimensions)]
                hyp.cov.append(log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)))
                hyp.cov.append(log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)))
            elif conf.corr == "matern3":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covMatern'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
            elif conf.corr == "matern5":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covMatern'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
            elif conf.corr == "rqard":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covRQard'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(dimensions+2)]
            elif conf.corr == "special":
                self.covfunc = [['kernels.covSum'], [['kernels.covSEiso'],['kernels.covMatern'],['kernels.covNoise']]]
                hyp.cov = [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
                hyp.cov = hyp.cov + [log(uniform(low=conf.thetaL, high=conf.thetaU)) for d in xrange(2)]
                logging.error("The specified kernel function is not supported")
                return False
            hyp.cov.append(log(uniform(low=0.1, high=1.0)))
                vargout = min_wrapper(hyp,gp,'BFGS',self.inffunc,self.meanfunc,self.covfunc,self.likfunc,self.scaled_training_set ,self.adjusted_training_fitness,None,None,True)
                hyp = vargout[0]
                vargout = gp(hyp, self.inffunc,self.meanfunc,self.covfunc,self.likfunc,self.scaled_training_set ,self.adjusted_training_fitness, None,None,False)      
                nlml = vargout[0]
                ### we add some sensible checking..
                ## matern we dont want to overfit
                ## we know that the function is not just noise hence < -1
                ## we know for anisotorpic that at least one parameter has to have some meaning
                if (hyp.cov[-1] < -1.) and not ((conf.corr == "matern3") and hyp.cov[0] < 0.0) and not ((conf.corr == "anisotropic") and all(hyp.cov[:-2] < 0.0)):
           + " " + str(hyp.cov))
                    if (((not nlml_best) or (nlml < nlml_best))):
                        self.hyp = hyp
                        nlml_best = nlml
          "hyper parameter out of spec: " + str(nlml) + " " + str(hyp.cov) + " " + str(hyp.cov[-1]))
                    i = i - 1 
            except Exception, e:
                logging.debug("Regressor training Failed: " + str(e))
                i = i - 1 
            i = i + 1            
Beispiel #4
    print time.time() - t0
    ### PLOT results
    plotter(xstar,ym,ys2,x,y,[-2, 2, -0.9, 3.9])
    ### GET negative log marginal likelihood
    [nlml, post] = gp(hyp2,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,False)
    print "nlml2 = ", nlml

    ### STANDARD GP (example 3)                                  ###
    ### TRAINING: OPTIMIZE hyperparameters
    [hyp2_opt, fopt, gopt, funcCalls] = min_wrapper(hyp2,gp,'CG',inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,True)
    print "nlml_opt = ", fopt
    #[hyp2_opt, fopt, gopt, funcCalls] = min_wrapper(hyp2,gp,'BFGS',inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,True)
    #print fopt

    vargout = gp(hyp2_opt,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,xstar)
    ym = vargout[0]; ys2 = vargout[1]; m  = vargout[2]; s2  = vargout[3]
    ### Plot results
    plotter(xstar,ym,ys2,x,y,[-1.9, 1.9, -0.9, 3.9])

    ### SPARSE GP (example 4)                                    ###
Beispiel #5
                     np.reshape(p2 / (p1 + p2), (t1.shape[0], t1.shape[1])))
    plt.axis([-4, 4, -4, 4])

    meanfunc = [['means.meanConst']]
    covfunc = [['kernels.covSEard']]
    likfunc = [['lik.likErf']]
    inffunc = [['inf.infEP']]

    hyp = hyperParameters()

    hyp.mean = np.array([0.])
    hyp.cov = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    vargout = min_wrapper(hyp, gp, 'CG', inffunc, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc,
                          x, y, None, None, True)
    hyp = vargout[0]

    #hyp.mean = np.array([-2.842117459073954])
    #hyp.cov  = np.array([0.051885508906388,0.170633324977413,1.218386482861781])

    vargout = gp(hyp, inffunc, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x, y, t,
                 np.ones((n, 1)))
    a = vargout[0]
    b = vargout[1]
    c = vargout[2]
    d = vargout[3]
    lp = vargout[4]

    fig = plt.figure()
    plt.plot(x1[:, 0], x1[:, 1], 'b+', markersize=12)
Beispiel #6
    if PLOT:
        plotter(xstar,ym,ys2,x,y,[-2, 2, -0.9, 3.9])
    ## GET negative log marginal likelihood
    [nlml, post] = gp(hyp2,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,False)
    print "nlml =", nlml

    ## STANDARD GP (example 3)                                  ##
    print '...example 3: training and prediction...'
    ## -> parameter training via off-the-shelf optimization   
    t0 = clock()
    [hyp2_opt, fopt, gopt, funcCalls] = min_wrapper(hyp2,gp,'Minimize',inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,True) # minimize
    #[hyp2_opt, fopt, gopt, funcCalls] = min_wrapper(hyp2,gp,'CG',inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,True)	    # conjugent gradient
    #[hyp2_opt, fopt, gopt, funcCalls] = min_wrapper(hyp2,gp,'SCG',inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,True)	    # scaled conjugent gradient (faster than CG) 
    #[hyp2_opt, fopt, gopt, funcCalls] = min_wrapper(hyp2,gp,'BFGS',inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,True)    # quasi-Newton method of Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb, and Shanno (BFGS)
    t1 = clock()
    print 'Time for optimization =',t1-t0
    print "Optimal nlml =", fopt

    vargout = gp(hyp2_opt,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,xstar)
    ym = vargout[0]; ys2 = vargout[1]; m  = vargout[2]; s2  = vargout[3]
    ## Plot results
    if PLOT:
        plotter(xstar,ym,ys2,x,y,[-1.9, 1.9, -0.9, 3.9])
Beispiel #7
    vargout = gp(hyp,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,False)
    print "nlml = ",vargout[0]
    vargout = gp(hyp,inffunc,meanfunc,covfunc,likfunc,x,y,z)
    ym = vargout[0]; ys2 = vargout[1]
    m  = vargout[2]; s2 = vargout[3]
    ## Plot results
    plotter(z,ym,ys2,x,y,[-1.9, 1.9, -0.9, 3.9])
    covfunc = [ ['kernels.covSEiso'] ]
    ## SET (hyper)parameters
    hyp2 = hyperParameters()

    hyp2.cov = np.array([-1.0,0.0])
    hyp2.lik = np.array([np.log(0.1)])
    vargout = min_wrapper(hyp2,gp,'SCG',inffunc,[],covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,True)
    hyp2 = vargout[0]
    #hyp2.cov = np.array([-0.993396880620537,0.685943441677086])
    #hyp2.lik = np.array([-1.902546786026883])

    vargout = gp(hyp2,inffunc,[],covfunc,likfunc,x,y,None,None,False)
    print "nlml2 = ",vargout[0]

    vargout = gp(hyp2,inffunc,[],covfunc,likfunc,x,y,z)
    ym = vargout[0]; ys2 = vargout[1]
    m  = vargout[2]; s2  = vargout[3]
    ## Plot results
    plotter(z,ym,ys2,x,y,[-1.9, 1.9, -0.9, 3.9])
    covfunc = [ ['kernels.covSEiso'] ]
    hyp = hyperParameters()