Beispiel #1
 def writeHTML(self, theFilePath, theDesc):
     """Write the index.html table."""
     lenCmnPref = os.path.commonprefix([t[0] for t in self._plotS]).rfind(
         os.sep) + 1
     # Put the plot summary data into a DictTree
     myTree = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable()
     for aPlt in self._plotS:
         key = (aPlt[0][lenCmnPref:], ) + aPlt[1:3]
         myTree.add([str(s) for s in key], aPlt[3])
     # Write CSS
     with open(
             os.path.join(os.path.dirname(theFilePath), self.CSS_FILE_PATH),
             'w') as f:
     # Write the index
     with XmlWrite.XhtmlStream(open(theFilePath, 'w')) as myS:
         with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'head'):
             with XmlWrite.Element(
                     myS, 'link', {
                         'href': self.CSS_FILE_PATH,
                         'type': "text/css",
                         'rel': "stylesheet",
             with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'title'):
                 myS.characters('LIS plots in SVG')
         with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h1'):
             myS.characters('PlotLogPasses: {:s}'.format(theDesc))
         with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'table', {'border': '1'}):
             self._writeIndexTableRows(myS, myTree, theFilePath)
Beispiel #2
 def setUp(self):
     self._dt = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable('list')
     self.assertEqual([], self._dt.keys())
     self.assertEqual([], self._dt.values())
     self.assertEqual(0, len(self._dt))
     self.assertTrue('spam' not in self._dt)
     self.assertFalse('spam' in self._dt)
Beispiel #3
def writeFileListTrippleAsTable(theS, theFileLinkS, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail):
    """Writes a list of file names as an HTML table looking like a directory
    structure. theFileLinkS is a list of triples (file_name, href, nav_text)."""
    #print 'TRACE: theFileLinkS', theFileLinkS
    myDict = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable('list')
    for f, h, n in theFileLinkS:
        keyList = pathSplit(f)
        myDict.add(keyList, (h, n))
    #print 'TRACE:   myDict.keys():', myDict.keys()
    #print 'TRACE: myDict.values():', myDict.values()
    writeDictTreeAsTable(theS, myDict, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail)
Beispiel #4
def writeFileListAsTable(theS, theFileLinkS, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail):
    """Writes a list of file names as an HTML table looking like a directory
    structure. theFileLinkS is a list of pairs (file_path, href).
    The navigation text in the cell will be the basename of the file_path."""
    #myList = [(f, h, os.path.basename(f)) for f, h in theFileLinkS]
    #writeFileListTrippleAsTable(theS, myList, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail)
    #print 'TRACE: theFileLinkS', theFileLinkS
    myDict = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable(None)
    for f, h in theFileLinkS:
        keyList = pathSplit(f)
        myDict.add(keyList, (h, os.path.basename(f)))
    writeDictTreeAsTable(theS, myDict, tableAttrs, includeKeyTail)
Beispiel #5
def writeFilePathsAsTable(valueType, theS, theKvS, tableStyle, fnTd):
    """Writes file paths as a table, for example as a directory structure.
    valueType - The type of the value: None | 'list' | 'set'
    theKvS - A list of pairs (file_path, value).
    tableStyle - The style used for the table.
    fnTd - A callback function that is executed for a <td> element when
    there is a non-None value. This is called with the following arguments:
    * theS - The HTML stream.
    * attrs - A map of attrs that include the rowspan/colspan for the <td>
    * k - The key as a list of path components.
    * v - The value given by the caller.
    myDict = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable(valueType)
    for k, v in theKvS:
        myDict.add(pathSplit(k), v)
    # Propagate table class attribute
    with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'table', {'class': tableStyle}):
        for anEvent in myDict.genColRowEvents():
            if anEvent == myDict.ROW_OPEN:
                # Write out the '<tr>' element
                theS.startElement('tr', {})
            elif anEvent == myDict.ROW_CLOSE:
                # Write out the '</tr>' element
                #print 'TRACE: anEvent', anEvent
                k, v, r, c = anEvent
                # Write '<td rowspan="%d" colspan="%d">%s</td>' % (r, c, txt[-1])
                myTdAttrs = {'class': tableStyle}
                if r > 1:
                    myTdAttrs['rowspan'] = "%d" % r
                if c > 1:
                    myTdAttrs['colspan'] = "%d" % c
                if v is not None:
                    fnTd(theS, myTdAttrs, k, v)
                    with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'td', myTdAttrs):
                        # Write out part of the file name
Beispiel #6
def _write_top_level_index(path_out: str,
                           index_map: typing.Dict[str, HTMLResult]) -> None:
    # Create a DictTree from the paths.
    dict_tree = DictTree.DictTreeHtmlTable(None)
    for k in index_map:
        branch = k.split(os.sep)
        dict_tree.add(branch, index_map[k])
    index_file_path = os.path.join(path_out, INDEX_FILE)'_write_top_level_index(): to "{index_file_path}"')
    with open(index_file_path, 'w') as fout:
        with XmlWrite.XhtmlStream(fout) as xhtml_stream:
            with XmlWrite.Element(xhtml_stream, 'head'):
                with XmlWrite.Element(
                        xhtml_stream, 'meta', {
                            'charset': "UTF-8",
                            'name': "viewport",
                            'content': "width=device-width, initial-scale=1",
                with XmlWrite.Element(xhtml_stream, 'title'):
                    xhtml_stream.charactersWithBr(f'RP66V1 Scan of {path_out}')
                with XmlWrite.Element(xhtml_stream, 'style'):
            with XmlWrite.Element(xhtml_stream, 'body'):
                with XmlWrite.Element(xhtml_stream, 'h1'):
                        f'Index of RP66V1 Scan: {path_out}')
                with XmlWrite.Element(xhtml_stream, 'p'):
                with XmlWrite.Element(xhtml_stream, 'p'):
                    with XmlWrite.Element(xhtml_stream, 'pre'):
                        xhtml_stream.characters(' '.join(sys.argv))
                with XmlWrite.Element(xhtml_stream, 'table',
                                      {'class': 'filetable'}):
                                                      dict_tree, xhtml_stream)