Beispiel #1
This is an example for the usage of the TuDoUtils package 
Author: Christian Jung <*****@*****.**>
import TuDoUtils
from TuDoUtils.ratioPlotHolder import ratioPlotHolder
from TuDoUtils.errorBars import *
from ROOT import TH1F

from math import floor

# first we need to generate the object we are going to use
myUtils = ratioPlotHolder()

#axis labels. I recommend setting them
myUtils.xTitle = "some title for the x-axis"
myUtils.yTitle = "something else for the y-axis"

#plot a ratio at the bottom
myUtils.doRatio = True
myUtils.ratioRange = 0.5 # +- 50%

# we will need a canvas i guess..

#adjust the xrange
myUtils.xRange = (-4,4) 

#now we need some stuff we actually want to draw
Beispiel #2
def example():

    ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".x ../2DAnalysis/Helper/styles.cxx")

    ROOT.gErrorIgnoreLevel = 1001

    # first we need to generate the object we are going to use
    myUtils = ratioPlotHolder()
    # myUtils = simplePlotHolder()

    # axis labels. I recommend setting them
    myUtils.xTitle = "some title for the x-axis"
    myUtils.yTitle = "something else for the y-axis"

    # if its the ratioPlotHolder specify the ratio range

    myUtils.ratioRange = 0.5  # +- 50%

    # we will need a canvas i guess..
    # if you want a ratio you need to do this *after* doRatio is set to True!!
    myUtils.bookCanvas(1600, 900)

    # adjust the xrange
    myUtils.xRange = (-4, 4)

    # now we need some stuff we actually want to draw
    # supported types so far are TH1D/TH1F, THStack and TF1.
    # There are additional classes for uncertaintybands,
    # called errorBarHist/errorBarStack
    # which can also be used

    myFirstPlot = TH1F("myFirstPlot", "this is a gaussian!", 100, -5, 5)
    myFirstPlot.FillRandom("gaus", 500)

    mySecondPlot = TH1F("mySecondPlot", "this is another one!!", 100, -5, 5)
    mySecondPlot.FillRandom("gaus", 500000)  # to have something to see in the ratio
    mySecondPlot.Scale(0.001)  # and get them to the same area

    # tell the utils about the plots
    myUtils.addPlot1D(myFirstPlot, "This will appear", "EY")
    myUtils.addPlot1D(mySecondPlot, "in the legend", "HIST")

    # and now lets draw that stuff
    # first and second argument are xpos and ypos of the legend
    # third argument specifies the plot which is the reference for the ratio
    myUtils.drawPlots(0.8, 0.7)

    # you can add text like this
    # it will only work properly after drawPlots ..
    myUtils.addText("You can write stuff", 0.2, 0.5, ROOT.kBlue)

    myUtils.addATLASLabel(0.2, 0.8, "Internal")
