def __init__(self, user):
        """ Argument user can be either a ID or screen-name of a user

        :param user: Either string or integer/long value \
        of twitter user to query time-line from
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        self.arguments.update({'count': '%s' % self._max_count})

        # see:

        self.url = ''

        if py3k:
            if isinstance(user, int):
                self.arguments.update({'user_id': '%i' % user})
            elif isinstance(user, str):
                self.arguments.update({'screen_name': user})
                raise TwitterSearchException(1017)
            if isinstance(user, (int, long)):
                self.arguments.update({'user_id': '%i' % user})
            elif isinstance(user, basestring):
                self.arguments.update({'screen_name': user})
                raise TwitterSearchException(1017)
Beispiel #2
    def set_geocode(self, latitude, longitude, radius, imperial_metric=True):
        """ Sets geolocation parameters to return only tweets by users \
        located within a given radius of the given latitude/longitude. \
        The location is preferentially taking from the Geotagging API, \
        but will fall back to their Twitter profile.

        :param latitude: A integer or long describing the latitude
        :param longitude: A integer or long describing the longitude
        :param radius: A integer or long describing the radius
        :param imperial_metric: Whether the radius is given in metric \
        (kilometers) or imperial (miles) system. \
        Default is ``True`` which relates to usage of the \
        imperial kilometer metric
        :raises: TwitterSearchException


        if not isinstance(radius, int if py3k else (int, long)) or radius <= 0:
            raise TwitterSearchException(1004)

        if isinstance(latitude, float) and isinstance(longitude, float):
            if isinstance(imperial_metric, bool):
                    '%s,%s,%s%s' % (latitude, longitude, radius,
                                    'km' if imperial_metric else 'mi')
                raise TwitterSearchException(1005)
            raise TwitterSearchException(1004)
 def setGeocode(self, latitude, longitude, radius, unit):
     if isinstance(latitude, float) and isinstance(
             longitude, float) and isinstance(radius, (long, int)):
         if unit == 'mi' or unit == 'km':
                 '%s,%s,%s%s' % (latitude, longitude, radius, unit)
             raise TwitterSearchException('Invalid unit')
         raise TwitterSearchException('Not a valid number')
    def searchTweets(self, order):
        if not isinstance(order, TwitterSearchOrder):
            raise TwitterSearchException(
                'Not a valid TwitterSearchOrder object')

        return self.response
Beispiel #5
    def __next__(self):
        if not self.__response:
            raise TwitterSearchException(1014)

        if self.__next_tweet < self.get_amount_of_tweets():
            self.__next_tweet += 1
            if self.__order_is_search:
                return (self.__response['content']
                return self.__response['content'][self.__next_tweet-1]

        except TwitterSearchException:
            raise StopIteration

        if self.get_amount_of_tweets() != 0:
            self.__next_tweet = 1
            if self.__order_is_search:
                return (self.__response['content']
                return self.__response['content'][self.__next_tweet-1]
        raise StopIteration
 def addKeyword(self, word):
     if isinstance(word, basestring) and word:
     elif isinstance(word, list):
         self.searchterms += word
         raise TwitterSearchException('Neither a list nor a string')
Beispiel #7
    def create_search_url(self):
        """ Generates (urlencoded) query string from stored key-values tuples

        :returns: A string containing all arguments in a url-encoded format

        if len(self.searchterms) == 0:
            raise TwitterSearchException(1015)

        url = '?q='
        url += '+'.join([quote_plus(i) for i in self.searchterms])

        if self.attitude_filter is not None:
            url += '+%s' % quote_plus(
                self._attitudes[0 if self.attitude_filter else 1])

        if self.source_filter:
            url += '+%s' % quote_plus(self._source + self.source_filter)

        if self.link_filter:
            url += '+%s' % quote_plus(self._link)

        if self.question_filter:
            url += '+%s' % quote_plus(self._question)

        for key, value in self.arguments.items():
            url += '&%s=%s' % (quote_plus(key), (quote_plus(value) if
                                                 key != 'geocode' else value))

        self.url = url
        return self.url
    def setIncludeEntities(self, include):
        if not isinstance(include,
                          (bool, int)) and (include == 1 or include == 0):
            raise TwitterSearchException('Not a valid boolean')

        if include:
            self.arguments.update({'include_entities': 'True'})
            self.arguments.update({'include_entities': 'False'})
    def set_include_rts(self, rts):
        """ Sets 'include_rts' parameter. When set to False, \
        the timeline will strip any native retweets from the returned timeline

        :param rts: Boolean triggering the usage of the parameter
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not isinstance(rts, bool):
            raise TwitterSearchException(1008)
        self.arguments.update({'include_rts': 'true' if rts else 'false'})
Beispiel #10
    def set_max_id(self, twid):
        """ Sets 'max_id' parameter used to return only results \
        with an ID less than (that is, older than) or equal to the specified ID

        :param twid: A valid tweet ID in either long (Py2k) \
        or integer (Py2k + Py3k) format
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if py3k:
            if not isinstance(twid, int):
                raise TwitterSearchException(1004)
            if not isinstance(twid, (int, long)):
                raise TwitterSearchException(1004)

        if twid > 0:
            self.arguments.update({'max_id': '%s' % twid})
            raise TwitterSearchException(1004)
    def sentSearch(self, url):
        if not isinstance(url, basestring):
            raise TwitterSearchException('No valid string')
        self.response['meta'], content = self.client.request(
            self.search_url + url, 'GET')

        # raise exceptions based on http status
        http_status = int(self.response['meta']['status'])
        if http_status in self.exceptions:
            raise TwitterSearchException(
                'HTTP status %i - %s' %
                (http_status, self.exceptions[http_status]))

        self.response['content'] = simplejson.loads(content)
        if self.response['content']['search_metadata'].get('next_results'):
            self.nextresults = self.response['content']['search_metadata'][
            self.nextresults = None
        return self.response['meta'], self.response['content']
Beispiel #12
    def get_tweets(self):
        """ Returns all available data from last query. \
        See `Advanced usage <advanced_usage.html>`_ for example

        :returns: All tweets found using the last query as a ``dict``
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not self.__response:
            raise TwitterSearchException(1013)
        return self.__response['content']
Beispiel #13
    def set_proxy(self, proxy):
        """ Sets a HTTPS proxy to query the Twitter API

        :param proxy: A string of containing a HTTPS proxy \
        e.g. ``set_proxy("")``.
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if isinstance(proxy, str if py3k else basestring):
            self.__proxy = proxy
            raise TwitterSearchException(1009)
Beispiel #14
    def set_callback(self, func):
        """ Sets 'callback' parameter. If supplied, the response \
        will use the JSONP format with a callback of the given name

        :param func: A string containing the name of the callback function
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if isinstance(func, str if py3k else basestring) and func:
            self.arguments.update({'callback': '%s' % func})
            raise TwitterSearchException(1006)
    def set_exclude_replies(self, exclude):
        """ Sets 'exclude_replies' parameter used to \
        prevent replies from appearing in the returned timeline

        :param exclude: Boolean triggering the usage of the parameter
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not isinstance(exclude, bool):
            raise TwitterSearchException(1008)
            {'exclude_replies': 'true' if exclude else 'false'})
Beispiel #16
    def set_include_entities(self, include):
        """ Sets 'include entities' parameter to either \
        include or exclude the entities node within the results

        :param include: Boolean to trigger the 'include entities' parameter
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not isinstance(include, bool):
            raise TwitterSearchException(1008)
            {'include_entities': 'true' if include else 'false'})
    def set_trim_user(self, trim):
        """ Sets 'trim_user' parameter. When set to True, \
        each tweet returned in a timeline will include a \
        user object including only the status authors numerical ID

        :param trim: Boolean triggering the usage of the parameter
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not isinstance(trim, bool):
            raise TwitterSearchException(1008)
        self.arguments.update({'trim_user': '******' if trim else 'false'})
Beispiel #18
    def set_locale(self, lang):
        """ Sets 'locale' parameter to specify the language \
        of the query you are sending (only ja is currently effective)

        :param lang: A 2-letter language code string (ISO 6391 compatible)
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if lang in self.iso_6391:
            self.arguments.update({'locale': '%s' % lang})
            raise TwitterSearchException(1002)
Beispiel #19
    def set_language(self, lang):
        """ Sets 'lang' parameter used to only fetch tweets within \
        a certain language

        :param lang: A 2-letter language code string (ISO 6391 compatible)
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if lang in self.iso_6391:
            self.arguments.update({'lang': '%s' % lang})
            raise TwitterSearchException(1002)
Beispiel #20
    def get_metadata(self):
        """ Returns all available meta data collected during last query. \
        See `Advanced usage <advanced_usage.html>`_ for example

        :returns: Available meta information about the \
        last query in form of a ``dict``
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not self.__response:
            raise TwitterSearchException(1012)
        return self.__response['meta']
Beispiel #21
    def set_until(self, date):
        """ Sets 'until' parameter used to return \
        only tweets generated before the given date

        :param date: A datetime instance
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if isinstance(date, and date <=
            self.arguments.update({'until': '%s' % date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')})
            raise TwitterSearchException(1007)
Beispiel #22
    def get_amount_of_tweets(self):
        """ Returns current amount of tweets available within this instance

        :returns: The amount of tweets currently available
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not self.__response:
            raise TwitterSearchException(1013)

        return (len(self.__response['content']['statuses'])
                if self.__order_is_search
                else len(self.__response['content']))
Beispiel #23
    def set_source_filter(self, source):
        """ Only search for tweets entered via given source

        :param source: String. Name of the source to search for. An example \
        would be ``source=twitterfeed`` for tweets submitted via TwitterFeed
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if isinstance(source,
                      str if py3k else basestring) and len(source) >= 2:
            self.source_filter = source
            raise TwitterSearchException(1009)
Beispiel #24
    def set_count(self, cnt):
        """ Sets 'count' parameter used to define the number of \
        tweets to return per page. Maximum and default value is 100

        :param cnt: Integer containing the number of tweets per \
        page within a range of 1 to 100
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if isinstance(cnt, int) and cnt > 0 and cnt <= 100:
            self.arguments.update({'count': '%s' % cnt})
            raise TwitterSearchException(1004)
Beispiel #25
    def check_http_status(self, http_status):
        """ Checks if given HTTP status code is within the list at \
         ``TwitterSearch.exceptions`` and raises a ``TwitterSearchException`` \
         if this is the case. Example usage: ``checkHTTPStatus(200)`` and \

        :param http_status: Integer value of the HTTP status of the \
        last query. Invalid statuses will raise an exception.
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if http_status in self.exceptions:
            raise TwitterSearchException(http_status,
    def set_contributor_details(self, contdetails):
        """ Sets 'contributor_details' parameter used to enhance the \
        contributors element of the status response to include \
        the screen_name of the contributor. By default only \
        the user_id of the contributor is included

        :param contdetails: Boolean triggering the usage of the parameter
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not isinstance(contdetails, bool):
            raise TwitterSearchException(1008)
            {'contributor_details': 'true' if contdetails else 'false'})
Beispiel #27
    def set_keywords(self, words, or_operator=False):
        """ Sets a given list as the new keyword list

        :param words: A list of at least 2 character long new keywords
        :param or_operator: Boolean. Concatenates all elements of parameter \
        word with ``OR``. Enables searches for ``foo OR bar``. Default value \
        is False which corresponds to a search of ``foo AND bar``.
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not isinstance(words, (tuple, list)):
            raise TwitterSearchException(1001)
        words = [(i if " " not in i else '"%s"' % i) for i in words]
        self.searchterms = [" OR ".join(words)] if or_operator else words
Beispiel #28
    def get_minimal_id(self):
        """ Returns the minimal tweet ID of the current response

        :returns: minimal tweet identification number
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not self.__response:
            raise TwitterSearchException(1013)

        return min(
            self.__response['content']['statuses'] if self.__order_is_search
            else self.__response['content'],
            key=lambda i: i['id']
            )['id'] - 1
Beispiel #29
    def search_next_results(self):
        """ Triggers the search for more results using the Twitter API. \
        Raises exception if no further results can be found. \
        See `Advanced usage <advanced_usage.html>`_ for example

        :returns: ``True`` if there are more results available \
        within the Twitter Search API
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if not self.__next_max_id:
            raise TwitterSearchException(1011)

            "%s&max_id=%i" % (self._start_url, self.__next_max_id)
        return True
Beispiel #30
    def add_keyword(self, word, or_operator=False):
        """ Adds a given string or list to the current keyword list

        :param word: String or list of at least 2 character long keyword(s)
        :param or_operator: Boolean. Concatenates all elements of parameter \
        word with ``OR``. Is ignored is word is not a list. Thus it is \
        possible to search for ``foo OR bar``. Default value is False \
        which corresponds to a search of ``foo AND bar``.
        :raises: TwitterSearchException

        if isinstance(word, str if py3k else basestring) and len(word) >= 2:
            self.searchterms.append(word if " " not in word else '"%s"' % word)
        elif isinstance(word, (tuple, list)):
            word = [(i if " " not in i else '"%s"' % i) for i in word]
            self.searchterms += [" OR ".join(word)] if or_operator else word
            raise TwitterSearchException(1000)