def main(client):
    # Initialize appropriate service.
    inventory_service = client.GetService('InventoryService',

    # Get ad units by statement.
    all_ad_units = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(

    # Find the root ad unit. root_ad_unit can also be set to child unit to only
    # build and display a portion of the tree.
    # i.e. root_ad_unit = inventory_service.GetAdUnit('INSERT_AD_UNIT_HERE')[0]
    response = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(
        inventory_service, query='WHERE parentId IS NULL')
    root_ad_unit = {}
    if response:
        root_ad_unit = response[0]

    if root_ad_unit:
        BuildAndDisplayAdUnitTree(response[0], all_ad_units)
        print 'Could not build tree. No root ad unit found.'
def main(client):
  # Initialize appropriate service.
  company_service = client.GetService('CompanyService', version='v201208')

  # Get companies by statement.
  companies = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(company_service)

  # Display results.
  for company in companies:
    print ('Company with ID \'%s\', name \'%s\', and type \'%s\' was found.'
           % (company['id'], company['name'], company['type']))

  print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(companies)
def main(client):
    # Initialize appropriate service.
    contact_service = client.GetService('ContactService', version='v201302')

    # Get contacts by statement.
    contacts = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(contact_service)

    # Display results.
    for contact in contacts:
        print('Contact with ID \'%s\' and name \'%s\' was found.' %
              (contact['id'], contact['name']))

    print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(contacts)
Beispiel #4
def main(client):
    # Initialize appropriate service.
    custom_field_service = client.GetService('CustomFieldService',

    # Create statement to select only active custom fields that apply to
    # line items.
    values = [{
        'key': 'entityType',
        'value': {
            'xsi_type': 'TextValue',
            'value': 'LINE_ITEM'
    }, {
        'key': 'isActive',
        'value': {
            'xsi_type': 'BooleanValue',
            'value': 'true'
    query = 'WHERE entityType = :entityType and isActive = :isActive'

    # Get custom fields by statement.
    custom_fields = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(
        custom_field_service, query=query, bind_vars=values)

    # Display results.
    for custom_field in custom_fields:
            'Custom field with ID \'%s\' and name \'%s\' will be deactivated.'
            % (custom_field['id'], custom_field['name']))

    print 'Number of custom fields to be deactivated: %s' % len(custom_fields)

    if custom_fields:
        # Perform action.
        result = custom_field_service.PerformCustomFieldAction(
            {'type': 'DeactivateCustomFields'}, {
                'query': query,
                'values': values

        # Display results.
        if result and int(result['numChanges']) > 0:
            print 'Number of custom fields deactivated: %s' % result[
            print 'No custom fields were deactivated.'
def main(client):
    # Initialize appropriate service.
    activity_group_service = client.GetService('ActivityGroupService',

    # Get activity groups by statement.
    activity_groups = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(

    # Display results.
    for activity_group in activity_groups:
        print('Activity group with ID \'%s\' and name \'%s\' was found.' %
              (activity_group['id'], activity_group['name']))

    print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(activity_groups)
def main(client, label_id):
    # Initialize appropriate service.
    creative_wrapper_service = client.GetService('CreativeWrapperService',

    # Create a query to select the active creative wrappers for the given label.
    values = [{
        'key': 'labelId',
        'value': {
            'xsi_type': 'NumberValue',
            'value': label_id
    }, {
        'key': 'status',
        'value': {
            'xsi_type': 'TextValue',
            'value': 'ACTIVE'

    query = 'WHERE status = :status AND labelId = :labelId'

    # Get creative wrapper by statement.
    creative_wrappers = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(
        creative_wrapper_service, query=query, bind_vars=values)
    for creative_wrapper in creative_wrappers:
            'Creative wrapper with ID \'%s\' applying to label \'%s\' with '
            'status \'%s\' will be deactivated.' %
            (creative_wrapper['id'], creative_wrapper['labelId'],
    print('Number of creative wrappers to be deactivated: %s' %

    # Perform action.
    result = creative_wrapper_service.PerformCreativeWrapperAction(
        {'type': 'DeactivateCreativeWrappers'}, {
            'query': query,
            'values': values

    # Display results.
    if result and int(result['numChanges']) > 0:
        print 'Number of creative wrappers deactivated: %s' % result[
        print 'No creative wrappers were deactivated.'
def main(client):
    # Initialize appropriate service.
    creative_wrapper_service = client.GetService('CreativeWrapperService',

    # Get creative wrappers by statement.
    creative_wrappers = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(

    # Display results.
    for creative_wrapper in creative_wrappers:
            'Creative wrapper with ID \'%s\' applying to label \'%s\' was found.'
            % (creative_wrapper['id'], creative_wrapper['labelId']))

    print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(creative_wrappers)
    def testGetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(self):
        line_item_service = mock.Mock()
        rval = 'Line items for everyone!'

        def VerifyExpectedCall(arg):
                    'values': None,
                    'query': 'ORDER BY name LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0'
                }, arg)
            return [{'results': [rval]}]

        line_item_service._service_name = 'LineItemService'
        line_item_service.GetLineItemsByStatement.side_effect = VerifyExpectedCall

        line_items = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(
            line_item_service, 'ORDER BY name')
        self.assertEqual([rval], line_items)
Beispiel #9
def GetAllActivityGroupIds(client):
    """Gets all activity group IDs."""

    activity_group_ids = []

    # Initialize appropriate service.
    activity_group_service = client.GetService('ActivityGroupService',

    # Get activity groups by statement.
    activity_groups = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(

    # Display results.
    for activity_group in activity_groups:

    return activity_group_ids
Beispiel #10
def main(client):
    # Initialize appropriate service.
    creative_set_service = client.GetService('CreativeSetService',

    # Get creative sets by statement.
    creative_sets = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(

    # Display results.
    for creative_set in creative_sets:
        print(('Creative set with ID \'%s\', master creative ID \'%s\', and '
               'companion creative IDs {%s} was found.') %
              (creative_set['id'], creative_set['masterCreativeId'], ','.join(

    print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(creative_sets)
Beispiel #11
def main(client, parent_id):
    # Initialize appropriate service.
    inventory_service = client.GetService('InventoryService',

    # Create a query to select ad units under the parent ad unit and the parent ad
    # unit.
    values = [{
        'key': 'parentId',
        'value': {
            'xsi_type': 'NumberValue',
            'value': parent_id
    query = 'WHERE parentId = :parentId or id = :parentId'

    # Get ad units by statement.
    ad_units = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(inventory_service,
    for ad_unit in ad_units:
        print('Ad unit with ID \'%s\' and name \'%s\' will be archived.' %
              (ad_unit['id'], ad_unit['name']))
    print 'Number of ad units to be archived: %s' % len(ad_units)

    # Perform action.
    result = inventory_service.PerformAdUnitAction({'type': 'ArchiveAdUnits'},
                                                       'query': query,
                                                       'values': values

    # Display results.
    if result and int(result['numChanges']) > 0:
        print 'Number of ad units archived: %s' % result['numChanges']
        print 'No ad units were archived.'

__author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Sham)'

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
label_service = client.GetService('LabelService', version='v201308')

# Get label by statement.
labels = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(label_service)

# Display results.
for label in labels:
    print('Label with id \'%s\', name \'%s\', and types {%s} was found.' %
          (label['id'], label['name'], ','.join(label['types'])))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(labels)
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
activity_service = client.GetService('ActivityService', version='v201311')

# Create a query to order activities by ascending IDs.
query = 'ORDER BY Id ASC'

# Get activities by statement.
activities = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(activity_service,

# Display results.
for activity in activities:
        'Activity with ID \'%s\', name \'%s\', and type \'%s\' was '
        'found.' % (activity['id'], activity['name'], activity['type']))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(activities)
Beispiel #14

__author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Sham)'

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
creative_service = client.GetService('CreativeService', version='v201204')

# Get creatives by statement.
creatives = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(creative_service)

# Display results.
for creative in creatives:
    print('Creative with id \'%s\', name \'%s\', and type \'%s\' was found.' %
          (creative['id'], creative['name'], creative['Creative_Type']))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(creatives)
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
lica_service = client.GetService(
    'LineItemCreativeAssociationService', version='v201302')

# Get LICAs by statement.
licas = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(lica_service)

# Display results.
for lica in licas:
  if 'creativeSetId' in lica:
    print ('LICA with line item ID \'%s\', creative set ID \'%s\', and status '
           '\'%s\' was found.' % (lica['lineItemId'], lica['creativeSetId'],
    print ('LICA with line item ID \'%s\', creative ID \'%s\', and status '
           '\'%s\' was found.' % (lica['lineItemId'], lica['creativeId'],

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(licas)
Beispiel #16
__author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Sham)'

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
placement_service = client.GetService('PlacementService', version='v201208')

# Get placements by statement.
placements = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(placement_service)

# Display results.
for placement in placements:
  print ('Placement with id \'%s\' and name \'%s\' was found.'
         % (placement['id'], placement['name']))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(placements)
__author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Sham)'

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
user_service = client.GetService('UserService', '',

# Get users by statement.
users = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(user_service)

# Display results.
for user in users:
    print('User with id \'%s\', email \'%s\', and role \'%s\' was found.' %
          (user['id'], user['email'], user['roleName']))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(users)
Beispiel #18
__author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Sham)'

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
inventory_service = client.GetService('InventoryService',
                                      '', 'v201203')

# Get ad units by statement.
ad_units = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(inventory_service)

# Display results.
for ad_unit in ad_units:
    print('Ad unit with id \'%s\', name \'%s\', and status \'%s\' was found.' %
          (ad_unit['id'], ad_unit['name'], ad_unit['status']))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(ad_units)
__author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Sham)'

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
third_part_slot_service = client.GetService('ThirdPartySlotService',

# Get third part slots by statement.
third_part_slots = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(

# Display results.
for third_part_slot in third_part_slots:
    print 'Third party slot with id \'%s\' was found.' % third_part_slot['id']

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(third_part_slots)
Beispiel #20
# Initialize appropriate service.
inventory_service = client.GetService(
    'InventoryService', '', 'v201203')

# Create query.
values = [{
    'key': 'status',
    'value': {
        'xsi_type': 'TextValue',
        'value': 'ACTIVE'
query = 'WHERE status = :status'

# Get ad units by statement.
ad_units = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(
    inventory_service, query=query, bind_vars=values)
for ad_unit in ad_units:
  print ('Ad unit with id \'%s\', name \'%s\', and status \'%s\' will be '
         'deactivated.' % (ad_unit['id'], ad_unit['name'], ad_unit['status']))
print 'Number of ad units to be deactivated: %s' % len(ad_units)

# Perform action.
result = inventory_service.PerformAdUnitAction(
    {'type': 'DeactivateAdUnits'}, {'query': query, 'values': values})[0]

# Display results.
if result and int(result['numChanges']) > 0:
  print 'Number of ad units deactivated: %s' % result['numChanges']
  print 'No ad units were deactivated.'
Beispiel #21

__author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Sham)'

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
team_service = client.GetService('TeamService', version='v201306')

# Get team by statement.
teams = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(team_service)

# Display results.
for team in teams:
    print('Team with ID \'%s\' and name \'%s\' was found.' %
          (team['id'], team['name']))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(teams)
Beispiel #22
    'key': 'status',
    'value': {
        'xsi_type': 'TextValue',
        'value': 'ACTIVE'
}, {
    'key': 'companyId',
    'value': {
        'xsi_type': 'NumberValue',
        'value': company_id
query = 'WHERE status = :status and companyId = :companyId'

# Get third party slots by statement.
third_party_slots = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(
    third_party_slot_service, query=query, bind_vars=values)

for third_party_slot in third_party_slots:
    print('Third party slot with id \'%s\' will be archived.' %

print('Number of third party slots to be archived: %s' %

# Perform action.
result = third_party_slot_service.PerformThirdPartySlotAction(
    {'type': 'ArchiveThirdPartySlots'}, {
        'query': query,
        'values': values
Beispiel #23
# Set the id of the user to deactivate.

# Create query.
values = [{
    'key': 'userId',
    'value': {
        'xsi_type': 'NumberValue',
        'value': user_id
query = 'WHERE id = :userId'

# Get users by statement.
users = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(user_service,

for user in users:
        'User with id \'%s\', email \'%s\', and status \'%s\' will be '
        'deactivated.' % (user['id'], user['email'], {
            'true': 'ACTIVE',
            'false': 'INACTIVE'
print 'Number of users to be deactivated: %s' % len(users)

# Perform action.
result = user_service.PerformUserAction({'type': 'DeactivateUsers'}, {
    'query': query,
    'values': values
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
suggested_ad_unit_service = client.GetService('SuggestedAdUnitService',

query = 'WHERE numRequests >= :numRequests'
values = [{
    'key': 'numRequests',
    'value': {
        'xsi_type': 'NumberValue',
        'value': '50'

suggested_ad_units = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(
    suggested_ad_unit_service, query=query, bind_vars=values)

# Print suggested ad units that will be approved.
for suggested_ad_unit in suggested_ad_units:
        'Suggested ad unit with id \'%s\', and number of requests \'%s\' will'
        ' be approved.' %
        (suggested_ad_unit['id'], suggested_ad_unit['numRequests']))
print 'Number of suggested ad units to approve: %s' % len(suggested_ad_units)

# Approve suggested ad units.
result = suggested_ad_unit_service.performSuggestedAdUnitAction(
    {'type': 'ApproveSuggestedAdUnit'}, {
        'query': query,
        'values': values
Beispiel #25
# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
audience_segment_service = client.GetService('AudienceSegmentService',

# Get all audience segments.
audience_segments = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(

# Display results.
for audience_segment in audience_segments:
    print('Audience segment with id \'%s\' and name \'%s\' was found.' %
          (audience_segment['id'], audience_segment['name']))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(audience_segments)
Beispiel #26
              'Vincent Tsao')

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
line_item_service = client.GetService('LineItemService', version='v201311')

# Get line items by statement.
line_items = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(line_item_service)

# Display results.
for line_item in line_items:
  print ('Line item with id \'%s\', belonging to order id \'%s\', and named '
         '\'%s\' was found.' % (line_item['id'], line_item['orderId'],

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(line_items)
Beispiel #27
video publishers."""

__author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Sham)'

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
content_service = client.GetService('ContentService', version='v201308')

# Get content by statement.
content = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(content_service)

# Display results.
for content_item in content:
    print('Content with id \'%s\', name \'%s\', and status \'%s\' was found.' %
          (content_item['id'], content_item['name'], content_item['status']))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(content)
Beispiel #28


# Create filter text to select user team associations by the user ID.
values = [{
    'key': 'userId',
    'value': {
        'xsi_type': 'NumberValue',
        'value': user_id
query = 'WHERE userId = :userId'

# Get user team associations by statement.
user_team_associations = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(
    user_team_association_service, query=query, bind_vars=values)
for user_team_association in user_team_associations:
        'User team association between user with ID \'%s\' and team with '
        'ID \'%s\' will be deleted.' %
        (user_team_association['userId'], user_team_association['teamId']))
print('Number of teams that the user will be removed from: %s' %

# Perform action.
result = user_team_association_service.PerformUserTeamAssociationAction(
    {'type': 'DeleteUserTeamAssociations'}, {
        'query': query,
        'values': values
Beispiel #29
# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
user_team_association_service = client.GetService('UserTeamAssociationService',

# Get the user team associations by statement.
user_team_associations = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(

# Display results.
for user_team_association in user_team_associations:
        'User team association between user with ID \'%s\' and team with ID '
        '\'%s\' was found.' %
        (user_team_association['userId'], user_team_association['teamId']))

print 'Number of results found: %s' % len(user_team_associations)
Beispiel #30
solution networks."""

__author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Sham)'

# Locate the client library. If module was installed via "" script, then
# the following two lines are not needed.
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Import appropriate classes from the client library.
from adspygoogle import DfpClient
from adspygoogle.dfp import DfpUtils

# Initialize client object.
client = DfpClient(path=os.path.join('..', '..', '..', '..'))

# Initialize appropriate service.
suggested_ad_unit_service = client.GetService('SuggestedAdUnitService',

# Get suggested ad units.
suggested_ad_units = DfpUtils.GetAllEntitiesByStatementWithService(

# Display results.
for suggested_ad_unit in suggested_ad_units:
    print('Suggested ad unit with id \'%s\' and number of requests \'%s\' was'
          ' found.' %
          (suggested_ad_unit['id'], suggested_ad_unit['numRequests']))