Beispiel #1
def bands_to_bandsdata(bands_info, kpoints, bands):
    Convert the result of parser_dot_bands into a BandsData object

    :param bands_info: A dictionary of the informations of the bands file.
      contains field such as eferemi, units, cell
    :param kpoints: An array of the kpoints of the bands, rows are
      (kindex, kx, ky, kz, weight)
    :param bands: The actual bands array
    :return: A BandsData object
    :rtype: ````

    bands_node = BandsData()

    # Extract the index of the kpoints
    kpn_array = np.asarray(kpoints)
    k_index = kpn_array[:, 0]

    # We need to restore the order of the kpoints
    k_sort = np.argsort(k_index)
    # Sort the kpn_array
    kpn_array = kpn_array[k_sort]

    _weights = kpn_array[:, -1]
    kpts = kpn_array[:, 1:-1]
    bands_node.set_kpoints(kpts, weights=_weights)

    # Sort the bands to match the order of the kpoints
    bands_array = np.asarray(bands)[k_sort]
    # We need to swap the axes from kpt,spin,engs to spin,kpt,engs
    bands_array = bands_array.swapaxes(0, 1)

    # Squeeze the first dimension e.g when there is a single spin
    if bands_array.shape[0] == 1:
        bands_array = bands_array[0]
    bands_array = bands_array * units['Eh']
    bands_info = dict(bands_info)  # Create a copy
    # Convert the units for the fermi energies
    if isinstance(bands_info['efermi'], list):
        bands_info['efermi'] = [x * units['Eh'] for x in bands_info['efermi']]
        bands_info['efermi'] = bands_info['efermi'] * units['Eh']

    bands_node.set_bands(bands_array, units="eV")
    # PBC is always true as this is PW DFT....
    bands_node.set_cell(bands_info['cell'], pbc=(True, True, True))

    # Store information from *.bands in the attributes
    # This is needs as we need to know the number of electrons
    # and the fermi energy
    for key, value in bands_info.items():
        bands_node.set_attribute(key, value)
    return bands_node
Beispiel #2
def bands_from_castepbin(seedname, fmanager):
    Acquire and prepare bands data from the castep_bin file instead

    with + '.castep_bin', 'rb') as handle:
        binfile = CastepbinFile(fileobj=handle)

    bands_node = BandsData()
    kidx = binfile.kpoints_indices
    sort_idx = np.argsort(kidx)
    # Generated sorted arrays
    kpoints = binfile.kpoints[sort_idx, :]
    weights = binfile.kpoint_weights[sort_idx].astype(float)
    eigenvalues = binfile.eigenvalues[:, sort_idx, :]
    occupancies = binfile.occupancies[:, sort_idx, :]
    efermi = binfile.fermi_energy

    bands_node.set_kpoints(kpoints, weights=weights)
    bands_node.set_bands(eigenvalues, occupations=occupancies, units="eV")
    bands_node.set_cell(binfile.cell, pbc=(True, True, True))
    bands_node.set_attribute('efermi', efermi)

    return bands_node
Beispiel #3
 def _aiida_bands_data(self, data, cell, kpoints_dict):
     if not data:
         return False
     kpt_idx = sorted(data.keys())  #  list of kpoint indices
         k_list = [kpoints_dict[i]
                   for i in kpt_idx]  # list of k-point triplet
     except KeyError:
         # kpoint triplets are not present (true  for .qp and so on, can not use BandsData)
         # We use the internal Yambo Format  [ [Eo_1, Eo_2,... ], ...[So_1,So_2,] ]
         #                                  QP_TABLE  [[ib_1,ik_1,isp_1]      ,[ib_n,ik_n,isp_n]]
         # Each entry in DATA has corresponding legend in QP_TABLE that defines its details
         # like   ib= Band index,  ik= kpoint index,  isp= spin polarization index.
         #  Eo_1 =>  at ib_1, ik_1 isp_1.
         pdata = ArrayData()
         QP_TABLE = []
         ORD = []
         Eo = []
         E_minus_Eo = []
         So = []
         Z = []
         for ky in data.keys():  # kp == kpoint index as a string  1,2,..
             for ind in range(len(data[ky]['Band'])):
                 except KeyError:
                 except KeyError:
                 except KeyError:
                 except KeyError:
                 ik = int(ky)
                 ib = data[ky]['Band'][ind]
                 isp = 0
                 if 'Spin_Pol' in list(data[ky].keys()):
                     isp = data[ky]['Spin_Pol'][ind]
                 QP_TABLE.append([ik, ib, isp])
         pdata.set_array('Eo', numpy.array(Eo))
         pdata.set_array('E_minus_Eo', numpy.array(E_minus_Eo))
         pdata.set_array('So', numpy.array(So))
         pdata.set_array('Z', numpy.array(Z))
         pdata.set_array('qp_table', numpy.array(QP_TABLE))
         return pdata
     quasiparticle_bands = BandsData()
     quasiparticle_bands.set_kpoints(k_list, cartesian=True)
     # labels will come from any of the keys in the nested  kp_point data,
     # there is a uniform set of observables for each k-point, ie Band, Eo, ...
     # ***FIXME BUG does not seem to handle spin polarizes at all when constructing bandsdata***
     bands_labels = [
         legend for legend in sorted(data[list(data.keys())[0]].keys())
     append_list = [[] for i in bands_labels]
     for kp in kpt_idx:
         for i in range(len(bands_labels)):
     generalised_bands = [numpy.array(it) for it in append_list]
     return quasiparticle_bands