async def mock_fetch_errors(*args, **kwargs):
    url = args[0]
    if 'timeout_error' in url:
        await timeout_mock()
    elif 'invalid_url' in url:
        raise InvalidURL(url)
    elif 'client_error' in url:
        raise ClientError
Beispiel #2
def get_redirect_url(resp) -> t.Optional[URL]:
    url = resp.url
    r_url = (resp.headers.get(hdrs.LOCATION) or resp.headers.get(hdrs.URI))
    if r_url is None:

        r_url = URL(r_url, encoded=False)

    except ValueError:
        raise InvalidURL(r_url)

    scheme = r_url.scheme
    if scheme not in ('http', 'https', ''):
        raise InvalidURL(r_url)
    elif not scheme:
        r_url = url.join(r_url)

    return r_url
Beispiel #3
    async def test_invalid_url(self, mock_aioresponse: aioresponses,
                               capsys: CaptureFixture) -> None:
        An exception can be raised a request is made to an invalid URL.

        url = "foocom"
        exception = InvalidURL(url=url)
        mock_aioresponse.get(url, exception=exception)
        await make_requests_and_print_results(url_list=[url], timeout=1)
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        expected_output = "foocom is an invalid URL\n"
        assert expected_output in captured.out
Beispiel #4
async def download_file_from_url(url: Text) -> Text:
    """Download a story file from a url and persists it into a temp file.

    Returns the file path of the temp file that contains the
    downloaded content."""
    from rasa.nlu import utils as nlu_utils

    if not nlu_utils.is_url(url):
        raise InvalidURL(url)

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        async with session.get(url, raise_for_status=True) as resp:
            filename = nlu_utils.create_temporary_file(await, mode="w+b")

    return filename
Beispiel #5
    async def test_invalid_url_then_valid_url(self,
                                              mock_aioresponse: aioresponses,
                                              capsys: CaptureFixture) -> None:
        The program can continue making requests in the event of an invalid
        URL exception.
        invalid_url = "barcom"
        valid_url = ""
        urls = [invalid_url, valid_url]
        status = 200
        exception = InvalidURL(url=invalid_url)

        mock_aioresponse.get(invalid_url, exception=exception)
        mock_aioresponse.get(valid_url, status=status)
        await make_requests_and_print_results(url_list=urls, timeout=1)
        expected_output_invalid = "barcom is an invalid URL\n"
        expected_output_valid = "Request to responded with 200"
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert expected_output_invalid in captured.out
        assert expected_output_valid in captured.out
    return_value=MockResponse(status=200, text="<div>"),
async def test_fetch_response__works(get):
    url = "Fake URL"
    response = await fetch_response(url)
    assert response == "<div>"

    side_effect=InvalidURL("Fake URL"),
async def test_fetch_response__bad_url(get):
    url = "Fake URL"
    with pytest.raises(InvalidURL, match="Fake"):
        await fetch_response(url)

    return_value='<Valute ID="R01235"><Value>74,1373</Value></Valute>',
async def test_get_current_course__parse_current_course(get):
    url = ""
    result = await get_current_course()