from amv import proc,viz
import slutil
import yo_box as ybx
import tbx
import itertools
import matplotlib as mpl


# Set Paths
datpath    = "/Users/gliu/Downloads/02_Research/01_Projects/03_SeaLevel/01_Data/01_Proc/"
outfigpath = "/Users/gliu/Downloads/02_Research/01_Projects/03_SeaLevel/02_Figures/20210610/"

# Experiment Names
#start       = '1993-01'
#end         = '2013-01'
#start      = '1850-01'
#end        = '2100-12'
nclusters   = 6
rem_gmsl    = False
maxiter     = 5  # Number of iterations for elimiting points
minpts      = 30 # Minimum points per cluster

# Other Toggles
debug       = True
savesteps   = True  # Save Intermediate Variables
filteragain = False # Smooth variable again after coarsening 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
import calendar as cal

import scm
import time
import cmocean
import copy

#%% Data Paths

datpath = "/Users/gliu/Downloads/02_Research/01_Projects/01_AMV/01_hfdamping/01_Data/"
lipath = "/Users/gliu/Downloads/02_Research/01_Projects/01_AMV/02_stochmod/01_Data/model_input/"
llpath = "/Users/gliu/Downloads/02_Research/01_Projects/01_AMV/02_stochmod/01_Data/model_input/"
figpath = '/Users/gliu/Downloads/02_Research/01_Projects/01_AMV/02_stochmod/02_Figures/20220415/'

mconfigs = ["PIC-SLAB", "PIC-FULL"]
dofs = [898 - 1 - 2 - 2, 1898 - 1 - 2 - 2]

lags = [1, 2, 3]
bboxplot = [-80, 0, 5, 60]
mons3 = [viz.return_mon_label(m, nletters=3) for m in np.arange(1, 13)]

#%% Functions

def load_dampraw(mconfig, datpath):
    inpaths = datpath + "CESM-" + mconfig + "-Damping/"
    damping = np.load(
        inpaths +
Beispiel #3
import sys
projpath = "/Users/gliu/Downloads/02_Research/01_Projects/01_AMV/02_stochmod/"
datpath = projpath + '01_Data/model_output/'
rawpath = projpath + '01_Data/model_input/'
outpathdat = datpath + '/proc/'


outpath = projpath + '02_Figures/20210527/'

#%% Experiment parameters

# Options to determine the experiment ID
fscale = 1  # Number to scale NAO and other forcings by
nyrs = 1000  # Number of years to integrate over
applyfac = 2
mconfig = "SLAB_PIC"

# Do a stormtrackloop
runid = "303"
funiform = 1.5

# Experiment ID
expid = "%s_%iyr_funiform%i_run%s_fscale%03d_applyfac%i" % (