Beispiel #1
    def hasSLLConflictTerminatingPrediction(cls, mode, configs):
        # Configs in rule stop states indicate reaching the end of the decision
        # rule (local context) or end of start rule (full context). If all
        # configs meet this condition, then none of the configurations is able
        # to match additional input so we terminate prediction.
        if cls.allConfigsInRuleStopStates(configs):
            return True

        # pure SLL mode parsing
        if mode == PredictionMode.SLL:
            # Don't bother with combining configs from different semantic
            # contexts if we can fail over to full LL; costs more time
            # since we'll often fail over anyway.
            if configs.hasSemanticContext:
                # dup configs, tossing out semantic predicates
                dup = ATNConfigSet()
                for c in configs:
                    c = ATNConfig(config=c, semantic=SemanticContext.NONE)
                configs = dup
            # now we have combined contexts for configs with dissimilar preds

        # pure SLL or combined SLL+LL mode parsing
        altsets = cls.getConflictingAltSubsets(configs)
        return cls.hasConflictingAltSet(
            altsets) and not cls.hasStateAssociatedWithOneAlt(configs)
Beispiel #2
    def hasSLLConflictTerminatingPrediction(cls, mode, configs):
        # Configs in rule stop states indicate reaching the end of the decision
        # rule (local context) or end of start rule (full context). If all
        # configs meet this condition, then none of the configurations is able
        # to match additional input so we terminate prediction.
        if cls.allConfigsInRuleStopStates(configs):
            return True

        # pure SLL mode parsing
        if mode == PredictionMode.SLL:
            # Don't bother with combining configs from different semantic
            # contexts if we can fail over to full LL; costs more time
            # since we'll often fail over anyway.
            if configs.hasSemanticContext:
                # dup configs, tossing out semantic predicates
                dup = ATNConfigSet()
                for c in configs:
                    c = ATNConfig(c,SemanticContext.NONE)
                configs = dup
            # now we have combined contexts for configs with dissimilar preds

        # pure SLL or combined SLL+LL mode parsing
        altsets = cls.getConflictingAltSubsets(configs)
        return cls.hasConflictingAltSet(altsets) and not cls.hasStateAssociatedWithOneAlt(configs)
Beispiel #3
    def closure(self, input: InputStream, config: LexerATNConfig,
                configs: ATNConfigSet, currentAltReachedAcceptState: bool,
                speculative: bool, treatEofAsEpsilon: bool):
        if self.debug:
            print("closure(" + config.toString(self.recog, True) + ")")

        if isinstance(config.state, RuleStopState):
            if self.debug:
                if self.recog is not None:
                    print("closure at %s rule stop %s\n",
                    print("closure at rule stop %s\n", config)

            if config.context is None or config.context.hasEmptyPath():
                if config.context is None or config.context.isEmpty():
                    return True
                    currentAltReachedAcceptState = True

            if config.context is not None and not config.context.isEmpty():
                for i in range(0, len(config.context)):
                    if config.context.getReturnState(
                            i) != PredictionContext.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE:
                        newContext = config.context.getParent(
                            i)  # "pop" return state
                        returnState = self.atn.states[
                        c = LexerATNConfig(state=returnState,
                        currentAltReachedAcceptState = self.closure(
                            input, c, configs, currentAltReachedAcceptState,
                            speculative, treatEofAsEpsilon)

            return currentAltReachedAcceptState

        # optimization
        if not config.state.epsilonOnlyTransitions:
            if not currentAltReachedAcceptState or not config.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision:

        for t in config.state.transitions:
            c = self.getEpsilonTarget(input, config, t, configs, speculative,
            if c is not None:
                currentAltReachedAcceptState = self.closure(
                    input, c, configs, currentAltReachedAcceptState,
                    speculative, treatEofAsEpsilon)

        return currentAltReachedAcceptState
    def closure(
        input: InputStream,
        config: LexerATNConfig,
        configs: ATNConfigSet,
        currentAltReachedAcceptState: bool,
        speculative: bool,
        treatEofAsEpsilon: bool,
        if self.debug:
            print("closure(" + config.toString(self.recog, True) + ")")

        if isinstance(config.state, RuleStopState):
            if self.debug:
                if self.recog is not None:
                    print("closure at %s rule stop %s\n", self.recog.getRuleNames()[config.state.ruleIndex], config)
                    print("closure at rule stop %s\n", config)

            if config.context is None or config.context.hasEmptyPath():
                if config.context is None or config.context.isEmpty():
                    return True
                    configs.add(LexerATNConfig(state=config.state, config=config, context=PredictionContext.EMPTY))
                    currentAltReachedAcceptState = True

            if config.context is not None and not config.context.isEmpty():
                for i in range(0, len(config.context)):
                    if config.context.getReturnState(i) != PredictionContext.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE:
                        newContext = config.context.getParent(i)  # "pop" return state
                        returnState = self.atn.states[config.context.getReturnState(i)]
                        c = LexerATNConfig(state=returnState, config=config, context=newContext)
                        currentAltReachedAcceptState = self.closure(
                            input, c, configs, currentAltReachedAcceptState, speculative, treatEofAsEpsilon

            return currentAltReachedAcceptState

        # optimization
        if not config.state.epsilonOnlyTransitions:
            if not currentAltReachedAcceptState or not config.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision:

        for t in config.state.transitions:
            c = self.getEpsilonTarget(input, config, t, configs, speculative, treatEofAsEpsilon)
            if c is not None:
                currentAltReachedAcceptState = self.closure(
                    input, c, configs, currentAltReachedAcceptState, speculative, treatEofAsEpsilon

        return currentAltReachedAcceptState