Beispiel #1
def getParentAndRootControl( theJoint ):
	returns a 2 tuple containing the nearest control up the hierarchy, and the
	most likely control to use as the "root" control for the rig.  either of these
	may be the world control, but both values are guaranteed to be an existing
	control object
	parentControl, rootControl = None, None
	for p in apiExtensions.iterParents( theJoint ):
		theControl = getItemRigControl( p )
		if theControl is None:

		if parentControl is None:
			parentControl = theControl

		skelPart = SkeletonPart.InitFromItem( p )
		if isinstance( skelPart, skeletonBuilder.Root ):
			rootControl = theControl

	if parentControl is None or rootControl is None:
		world = WorldPart.Create()
		if parentControl is None:
			parentControl = world.getControl( 'control' )

		if rootControl is None:
			rootControl = world.getControl( 'control' )

	return parentControl, rootControl
Beispiel #2
def getSpaceSwitchControls( theJoint ):
	walks up the joint chain and returns a list of controls that drive parent joints
	parentControls = []

	for p in apiExtensions.iterParents( theJoint ):
		theControl = getItemRigControl( p )
		if theControl is not None:
			parentControls.append( theControl )

	return parentControls
Beispiel #3
def getChain( startNode, endNode ):
	returns a list of all the joints from the given start to the end inclusive
	chainNodes = [ endNode ]
	for p in apiExtensions.iterParents( endNode ):
		if not p:
			raise ValueError( "Chain terminated before reaching the end node!" )

		chainNodes.append( p )
		if apiExtensions.cmpNodes( p, startNode ):  #cmpNodes is more reliable than just string comparing - cmpNodes casts to MObjects and compares object handles


	return chainNodes
Beispiel #4
def getChain( startNode, endNode ):
	returns a list of all the joints from the given start to the end inclusive
	chainNodes = [ endNode ]
	for p in apiExtensions.iterParents( endNode ):
		if not p:
			raise ValueError( "Chain terminated before reaching the end node!" )

		chainNodes.append( p )
		if apiExtensions.cmpNodes( p, startNode ):  #cmpNodes is more reliable than just string comparing - cmpNodes casts to MObjects and compares object handles


	return chainNodes
Beispiel #5
def chainLength( startNode, endNode ):
	measures the length of the chain were it to be straightened out
	length = 0
	curNode = endNode
	for p in apiExtensions.iterParents( endNode ):
		curPos = Vector( xform( curNode, q=True, ws=True, rp=True ) )
		parPos = Vector( xform( p, q=True, ws=True, rp=True ) )
		dif = curPos - parPos
		length += dif.get_magnitude()

		if apiExtensions.cmpNodes( p, startNode ):  #cmpNodes is more reliable than just string comparing - cmpNodes casts to MObjects and compares object handles

		curNode = p

	return length
Beispiel #6
def chainLength( startNode, endNode ):
	measures the length of the chain were it to be straightened out
	length = 0
	curNode = endNode
	for p in apiExtensions.iterParents( endNode ):
		curPos = Vector( xform( curNode, q=True, ws=True, rp=True ) )
		parPos = Vector( xform( p, q=True, ws=True, rp=True ) )
		dif = curPos - parPos
		length += dif.get_magnitude()

		if apiExtensions.cmpNodes( p, startNode ):  #cmpNodes is more reliable than just string comparing - cmpNodes casts to MObjects and compares object handles

		curNode = p

	return length
Beispiel #7
	def on_xfer( self, *a ):
		mapping = mappingUtils.resolveMappingToScene( self.UI_mapping.getMapping() )
		theSrcs = []
		theTgts = []

		#perform the hierarchy sort
		idx = 0 if self.sortBySrcs else 1
		toSort = [ (len(list(iterParents( srcAndTgt[ idx ] ))), srcAndTgt) for srcAndTgt in mapping.iteritems() if cmd.objExists( srcAndTgt[ idx ] ) ]
		for idx, (src, tgt) in toSort:
			theSrcs.append( src )
			theTgts.append( tgt )

		offset = ''
		isDupe = self.isTraceMode( self.RAD_dupe )
		isCopy = self.isTraceMode( self.RAD_copy )
		isTraced = self.isTraceMode( self.RAD_trace )

		instance = cmd.checkBox( self.UI_check1, q=True, v=True )
		traceKeys = cmd.checkBox( self.UI_keysOnly, q=True, v=True )
		matchRo = cmd.checkBox( self.UI_check2, q=True, v=True )
		startTime = cmd.textField( self.UI_start, q=True, tx=True )
		endTime = cmd.textField( self.UI_end, q=True, tx=True )
		world = processPostCmds = cmd.checkBox( self.UI_check3, q=True, v=True )  #this is also "process trace cmds"
		nocreate = cmd.checkBox( self.UI_check4, q=True, v=True )

		if startTime.isdigit():
			startTime = int( startTime )
			if startTime == '!': startTime = cmd.playbackOptions( q=True, min=True )
			elif startTime == '.': startTime = cmd.currentTime( q=True )
			elif startTime == '$': startTime = cmd.playbackOptions( q=True, animationStartTime=True )

		if endTime.isdigit():
			endTime = int( endTime )
			if endTime == '!': endTime = cmd.playbackOptions( q=True, max=True )
			elif endTime == '.': endTime = cmd.currentTime( q=True )
			elif endTime == '$': endTime = cmd.playbackOptions( q=True, animationEndTime=True )

		withinRange = cmd.checkBox( self.UI_withinRange, q=True, v=True )

		if withinRange:
			traceKeys = 2

		if isCopy:
			offset = "*"

		if self._clipPreset is not None:
			#convert to mapping as expected by animLib...  this is messy!
			animLibMapping = {}
			for src, tgts in mapping.iteritems():
				animLibMapping[ src ] = tgts[ 0 ]

			self._clipPreset.asClip().apply( animLibMapping )
		elif isDupe:
			melecho.zooXferBatch( "-mode 0 -instance %d -matchRo %d" % (instance, matchRo), theSrcs, theTgts )
		elif isCopy:
			melecho.zooXferBatch( "-mode 1 -range %s %s -matchRo %d" % (startTime, endTime, matchRo), theSrcs, theTgts )
		elif isTraced:
			xferAnim.trace( theSrcs, theTgts, traceKeys, matchRo, processPostCmds, True, startTime, endTime )