Beispiel #1
 def getTitle(self, normalized=False):
     '''Returns a nice name for this user, based on available information:
        name/first name or title or login. If p_normalized is True, special
        chars (like accents) are converted to ascii chars.'''
     # Manage the special case of an anonymous user.
     login = self.login
     if login == 'anon':
         res = self.translate('anonymous')
         res = self.title or login
     if not normalized: return res
     return sutils.normalizeString(name)
Beispiel #2
 def getTitle(self, normalized=False):
     '''Returns a nice name for this user, based on available information:
        name/first name or title or login. If p_normalized is True, special
        chars (like accents) are converted to ascii chars.'''
     # Manage the special case of an anonymous user.
     login = self.login
     if login == 'anon':
         res = self.translate('anonymous')
         res = self.title or login
     if not normalized: return res
     return sutils.normalizeString(name)
Beispiel #3
 def applyTransform(self, value):
     '''Applies a transform as required by self.transform on single
        value p_value.'''
     if self.transform in ('uppercase', 'lowercase'):
         # For those transforms, I will remove any accent, because, most of
         # the time, if the user wants to apply such effect, it is for ease
         # of data manipulation, so I guess without accent.
         value = sutils.normalizeString(value, usage='noAccents')
     # Apply the transform
     if   self.transform == 'lowercase':  return value.lower()
     elif self.transform == 'uppercase':  return value.upper()
     elif self.transform == 'capitalize': return value.capitalize()
     return value
Beispiel #4
 def applyTransform(self, value):
     '''Applies a transform as required by self.transform on single
        value p_value.'''
     if self.transform in ('uppercase', 'lowercase'):
         # For those transforms, I will remove any accent, because, most of
         # the time, if the user wants to apply such effect, it is for ease
         # of data manipulation, so I guess without accent.
         value = sutils.normalizeString(value, usage='noAccents')
     # Apply the transform
     if self.transform == 'lowercase': return value.lower()
     elif self.transform == 'uppercase': return value.upper()
     elif self.transform == 'capitalize': return value.capitalize()
     return value
Beispiel #5
 def dump(self, filePath=None, format=None, tool=None):
     '''Writes the file on disk. If p_filePath is specified, it is the
        path name where the file will be dumped; folders mentioned in it
        must exist. If not, the file will be dumped in the OS temp folder.
        The absolute path name of the dumped file is returned.
        If an error occurs, the method returns None. If p_format is
        specified, OpenOffice will be called for converting the dumped file
        to the desired format. In this case, p_tool, a Appy tool, must be
        provided. Indeed, any Appy tool contains parameters for contacting
        OpenOffice in server mode.'''
     if not filePath:
         filePath = '%s/file%f.%s' % (getOsTempFolder(), time.time(),
     f = file(filePath, 'w')
     if self.content.__class__.__name__ == 'Pdata':
         # The file content is splitted in several chunks.
         nextPart =
         while nextPart:
             nextPart =
         # Only one chunk
     if format:
         if not tool: return
         # Convert the dumped file using OpenOffice
         errorMessage = tool.convert(filePath, format)
         # Even if we have an "error" message, it could be a simple warning.
         # So we will continue here and, as a subsequent check for knowing if
         # an error occurred or not, we will test the existence of the
         # converted file (see below).
         # Return the name of the converted file.
         baseName, ext = os.path.splitext(filePath)
         if (ext == '.%s' % format):
             filePath = '%s.res.%s' % (baseName, format)
             filePath = '%s.%s' % (baseName, format)
         if not os.path.exists(filePath):
             tool.log(CONVERSION_ERROR % (cmd, errorMessage), type='error')
     return filePath
Beispiel #6
 def getTitle(self, normalized=False, useName=True, nameFirst=False):
     '''Returns a nice name for this user, based on available information:
        "first name"/"name" (if p_useName is True) or title or login. If
        p_normalized is True, special chars (like accents) are converted to
        ascii chars. When p_useName is True, if p_nameFirst is True, the
        result will be "name" / "first name", else it will be
        "first name" / "name".'''
     # Manage the special case of an anonymous user
     login = self.login
     if login == 'anon':
         res = self.translate('anonymous')
         res = None
         if useName:
             firstName = self.firstName
             name =
             if firstName and name:
                 if nameFirst: res = '%s %s' % (name, firstName)
                 else: res = '%s %s' % (firstName, name)
         if not res: res = self.title or login
     if not normalized: return res
     return sutils.normalizeString(name)
Beispiel #7
 def getValue(self, obj):
     '''The "value" of the Ogone field is a dict that collects all the
        necessary info for making the payment.'''
     tool = obj.getTool()
     # Basic Ogone parameters were generated in the app config module.
     res = obj.getProductConfig().ogone.copy()
     shaKey = res['shaInKey']
     # Remove elements from the Ogone config that we must not send in the
     # payment request.
     del res['shaInKey']
     del res['shaOutKey']
     res.update(self.callMethod(obj, self.orderMethod))
     # Add user-related information
     res['CN'] = str(normalizeString(tool.getUserName()))
     user = obj.appy().appyUser
     res['EMAIL'] = or user.login
     # Add standard back URLs
     siteUrl = tool.getSiteUrl()
     res['catalogurl'] = siteUrl
     res['homeurl'] = siteUrl
     # Add redirect URLs
     for t in self.urlTypes:
         res['%surl' % t] = '%s/onProcess' % obj.absolute_url()
     # Add additional parameter that we want Ogone to give use back in all
     # of its responses: the name of this Appy Ogone field. This way, Appy
     # will be able to call method m_process below, that will process
     # Ogone's response.
     res['paramplus'] = 'name=%s' %
     # Ensure every value is a str
     for k in res.iterkeys():
         if not isinstance(res[k], str):
             res[k] = str(res[k])
     # Compute a SHA-1 key as required by Ogone and add it to the res
     res['SHASign'] = self.createShaDigest(res, shaKey,
     return res
Beispiel #8
 def getValue(self, obj):
     '''The "value" of the Ogone field is a dict that collects all the
        necessary info for making the payment.'''
     tool = obj.getTool()
     # Basic Ogone parameters were generated in the app config module.
     res = obj.getProductConfig().ogone.copy()
     shaKey = res['shaInKey']
     # Remove elements from the Ogone config that we must not send in the
     # payment request.
     del res['shaInKey']
     del res['shaOutKey']
     res.update(self.callMethod(obj, self.orderMethod))
     # Add user-related information
     res['CN'] = str(normalizeString(tool.getUserName()))
     user = obj.appy().appyUser
     res['EMAIL'] = or user.login
     # Add standard back URLs
     siteUrl = tool.getSiteUrl()
     res['catalogurl'] = siteUrl
     res['homeurl'] = siteUrl
     # Add redirect URLs
     for t in self.urlTypes:
         res['%surl' % t] = '%s/onProcess' % obj.absolute_url()
     # Add additional parameter that we want Ogone to give use back in all
     # of its responses: the name of this Appy Ogone field. This way, Appy
     # will be able to call method m_process below, that will process
     # Ogone's response.
     res['paramplus'] = 'name=%s' %
     # Ensure every value is a str
     for k in res.iterkeys():
         if not isinstance(res[k], str):
             res[k] = str(res[k])
     # Compute a SHA-1 key as required by Ogone and add it to the res
     res['SHASign'] = self.createShaDigest(res, shaKey,
     return res
Beispiel #9
 def normalize(self, s, usage="fileName"):
     """Returns a version of string p_s whose special chars have been
        replaced with normal chars."""
     return normalizeString(s, usage)
Beispiel #10
 def normalize(self, s, usage='fileName'):
     '''Returns a version of string p_s whose special chars have been
        replaced with normal chars.'''
     return normalizeString(s, usage)
Beispiel #11
 def normalize(self, s, usage='fileName'):
     '''Returns a version of string p_s whose special chars have been
        replaced with normal chars.'''
     return normalizeString(s, usage)