Beispiel #1
def equinox(jd, season, delta):
    """Return the precise moment of an equinox or solstice event on Earth.

      - `jd`     : Julian of an approximate time of the event in dynamical time
      - `season` : one of ("spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter")
      - `delta`  : the required precision in days. Times accurate to a second
        are reasonable when using the VSOP model.

      - Julian Day : (int) dynamical time

    # If we knew that the starting approximate time was close enough
    # to the actual time, we could pull nutation_in_longitude() and the
    # aberration out of the loop and save some calculating.
    circ = _circle[season]
    sun = Sun()
    for i in range(20):
        jd0 = jd
        L, B, R = sun.dimension3(jd)
        L += nutation_in_longitude(jd) + aberration_low(R)
        L, B = vsop_to_fk5(jd, L, B)
        # Meeus uses jd + 58 * sin(diff(...))
        jd += diff_angle(L, circ) * _k_sun_motion
        if abs(jd - jd0) < delta:
            return jd
    raise Error("bailout")
Beispiel #2
def equinox(jd, season, delta):
    """Return the precise moment of an equinox or solstice event on Earth.

      - `jd`     : Julian of an approximate time of the event in dynamical time
      - `season` : one of ("spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter")
      - `delta`  : the required precision in days. Times accurate to a second
        are reasonable when using the VSOP model.

      - Julian Day : (int) dynamical time

    # If we knew that the starting approximate time was close enough
    # to the actual time, we could pull nutation_in_longitude() and the
    # aberration out of the loop and save some calculating.
    circ = _circle[season]
    sun = Sun()
    for i in range(20):
        jd0 = jd
        L, B, R = sun.dimension3(jd)
        L += nutation_in_longitude(jd) + aberration_low(R)
        L, B = vsop_to_fk5(jd, L, B)
        # Meeus uses jd + 58 * sin(diff(...))
        jd += diff_angle(L, circ) * _k_sun_motion
        if abs(jd - jd0) < delta:
            return jd
    raise Error("bailout")
Beispiel #3
    def _longitude(self, jd):
        """Return the geocentric ecliptic longitude in radians.
        from astronomia.nutation import nutation_in_longitude

        T = jd_to_jcent(jd)
        L1, D, M, M1, F, A1, A2, A3, E, E2 = _constants(T)
        lsum = 0.0
        for tD, tM, tM1, tF, tl, tr in _tblLR:
            arg = tD * D + tM * M + tM1 * M1 + tF * F
            if abs(tM) == 1:
                tl *= E
            elif abs(tM) == 2:
                tl *= E2
            lsum += tl * np.sin(arg)

        lsum += 3958*np.sin(A1) + 1962*np.sin(L1 - F) + 318*np.sin(A2)

        nutinlong = nutation_in_longitude(jd)
        longitude = L1 + d_to_r(lsum / 1000000) + nutinlong
        return longitude
Beispiel #4
    def _longitude(self, jd):
        """Return the geocentric ecliptic longitude in radians.
        from astronomia.nutation import nutation_in_longitude

        T = jd_to_jcent(jd)
        L1, D, M, M1, F, A1, A2, A3, E, E2 = _constants(T)
        lsum = 0.0
        for tD, tM, tM1, tF, tl, tr in _tblLR:
            arg = tD * D + tM * M + tM1 * M1 + tF * F
            if abs(tM) == 1:
                tl *= E
            elif abs(tM) == 2:
                tl *= E2
            lsum += tl * np.sin(arg)

        lsum += 3958 * np.sin(A1) + 1962 * np.sin(L1 - F) + 318 * np.sin(A2)

        nutinlong = nutation_in_longitude(jd)
        longitude = L1 + d_to_r(lsum / 1000000) + nutinlong
        return longitude