Beispiel #1
def _diff_f5():
    Copy f5 configuration file to local sever, parse txt and create or update
    site items.

    f5_config_dir = "{0}/atlas/fabfile".format(path)
    f5_config_file = "{0}/{1}".format(f5_config_dir, f5_config_files[environment])
    # If an older config file exists, copy it to a backup folder.
    if os.path.isfile(f5_config_file):
            "mv {0} /data/code/inventory/fabfile/backup/{1}.{2}".format(
                f5_config_file, f5_config_files[environment], str(time()).split(".")[0]
    # Copy config file from the f5 server to the Atlas server.
        "scp {0}:/config/{1} {2}/".format(
            serverdefs[environment]["f5_servers"][0], f5_config_files[environment], f5_config_dir

    # Open file from f5
    with open(f5_config_file, "r") as ifile:
        data =
    # Use regex to parse out path values
    p = re.compile('"(.+/?)" := "(\w+(-\w+)?)",')
    sites = p.findall(data)
    # Iterate through sites found in f5 data
    for site in sites:
        f5only = False
        if site[0] in f5exceptions:
            f5only = True
        # Get path without leading slash
        path = site[0][1:]
        pool = site[1]
        # Set a type value based on pool
        if pool == "WWWLegacy":
            type = "legacy"
        elif pool == "poola-homepage" or pool == "poolb-homepage":
            type = "homepage"
        elif pool == "poolb-express":
            type = "express"
            type = "custom"

        site_query = 'where={{"path":"{0}"}}'.format(path)
        sites = utilities.get_eve("sites", site_query)

        if not sites or len(sites["_items"]) == 0:
            payload = {"name": path, "path": path, "pool": pool, "status": "launched", "type": type, "f5only": f5only}
            utilities.post_eve("sites", payload)
            print ("Created site record based on f5.\n{0}".format(payload))
        elif pool != data["_items"][0]["pool"]:
            site = data["_items"][0]
            payload = {"pool": pool, "status": "launched", "type": type}
            utilities.patch_eve("sites", site["_id"], payload)
            print "Updated site based on f5.\n{0}".format(payload)
Beispiel #2
def available_sites_check():
    site_query = 'where={"status":{"$in":["pending","available"]}}'
    sites = utilities.get_eve("sites", site_query)
    actual_site_count = sites["_meta"]["total"]
    if environment == "local":
        desired_site_count = 2
        desired_site_count = 5
    if actual_site_count < desired_site_count:
        needed_sites_count = desired_site_count - actual_site_count
        while needed_sites_count > 0:
            payload = {"status": "pending"}
            utilities.post_eve("sites", payload)
            needed_sites_count -= 1
Beispiel #3
def on_inserted_sites(items):
    Provision Express instances.

    :param items: List of dicts for instances to be provisioned.
    log.debug('site | Site objects created | sites - %s', items)
    for item in items:
        log.debug('site | Site object created | site - %s', item)
        # Create statistics item
        statistics_payload = {}
        # Need to get the string out of the ObjectID.
        statistics_payload['site'] = str(item['_id'])
        log.debug('site | Create Statistics item - %s', statistics_payload)
        statistics = utilities.post_eve(resource='statistics', payload=statistics_payload)
        item['statistics'] = str(statistics['_id'])

Beispiel #4
def import_backup():
    Import a backup to a new instance on the current version of core, profile, and any packages
    that are present. If a current version of a package is not available, the import will abort.
    backup_request = request.get_json()
    app.logger.debug('Backup | Import | %s', backup_request)
    # Get the backup and then the site records.
    # TODO Get the list of env from the config files.
    # TODO Verify import is from different env, recommend restore if it is the same env.
    if not (backup_request.get('env') and backup_request.get('id')):
        abort(409, 'Error: Missing env (local, dev, test, prod) and id.')
    elif not backup_request.get('env'):
        abort(409, 'Error: Missing env (local, dev, test, prod).')
    elif not backup_request.get('id'):
        abort(409, 'Error: Missing id.')
    elif backup_request['env'] not in ['local', 'dev', 'test', 'prod']:
        abort(409, 'Error: Invalid env choose from [local, dev, test, prod]')

    backup_record = utilities.get_single_eve('backup',
    app.logger.debug('Backup | Import | Backup record - %s', backup_record)
    remote_site_record = utilities.get_single_eve(
    app.logger.debug('Backup | Import | Site record - %s', remote_site_record)

    # Get a list of packages to include
        package_list = utilities.package_import_cross_env(
            remote_site_record, env=backup_request['env'])
    except Exception as error:
        abort(500, error)'Backup | Import | Package list - %s', package_list)

    # Try to get the p1 record.
    local_p1_instance_record = utilities.get_single_eve(
        'sites', remote_site_record['sid'])
    app.logger.debug('Backup | Import | Local instance record - %s',
    # Try to get the path record if the site is launched.
    local_path_instance_record = False
    if remote_site_record['path'] != remote_site_record['sid']:
        query_string = 'where={{"path":"{0}"}}'.format(
        local_path_instance_records = utilities.get_eve('sites', query_string)'Backup | Import | Local path instance record - %s',
        if local_path_instance_records['_meta']['total'] == 1:
            local_path_instance_record = True
    if local_p1_instance_record['_error'] and local_p1_instance_record[
            '_error']['code'] == 404 and not local_path_instance_record:
        # Create an instance with the same sid
        payload = {
            "status": remote_site_record['status'],
            "sid": remote_site_record['sid'],
            "path": remote_site_record['path']
        response_string = 'the same'
    else:'Backup | Import | Instance sid or path exists')
        payload = {"status": "installed"}
        response_string = 'a new'

    # Add package list to payload if it exists
    if package_list:
        payload['code'] = {"package": package_list}
    # Set install
    payload['install'] = False

    new_instance = utilities.post_eve('sites', payload)
    app.logger.debug('Backup | Import | New instance record - %s',

    env = backup_request['env']
    backup_id = backup_request['id']
    target_instance = new_instance['_id']

    tasks.import_backup.apply_async([env, backup_id, target_instance],

    return make_response(
        'Attempting to import backup to {0} sid'.format(response_string))