Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
     if not callable(handler):
         raise AttributeError, "Handler not callable."
     self.handler = handler()
     if not authentication:
         self.authentication = NoAuthentication()
         self.authentication = authentication
     # Erroring
     self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
     self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True) = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
     if not callable(handler):
         raise AttributeError, "Handler not callable."
     self.handler = handler()
     if not authentication:
         self.authentication = NoAuthentication()
         self.authentication = authentication
     # Erroring
     self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
     self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True) = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, authentication=None, permitted_methods=None):
            the authentication instance that checks whether a
            request is authenticated
            the HTTP request methods that are allowed for this 
            resource e.g. ('GET', 'PUT')
        # Access restrictions
        if not authentication:
            authentication = NoAuthentication()
        self.authentication = authentication

        if not permitted_methods:
            permitted_methods = ["GET"]
        self.permitted_methods = [m.upper() for m in permitted_methods]
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise AttributeError("Handler not callable.")

        self.handler = handler()
        self.csrf_exempt = getattr(self.handler, 'csrf_exempt', True)

        if not authentication:
            self.authentication = (NoAuthentication(), )
        elif isinstance(authentication, (list, tuple)):
            self.authentication = authentication
            self.authentication = (authentication, )

        # Erroring
        self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True) = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None, response_class=None):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise AttributeError, "Handler not callable."

        self.response_class = response_class is not None and response_class or Response
        self.handler = handler()
        # self.csrf_exempt = getattr(self.handler, 'csrf_exempt', True)

        if not authentication:
            self.authentication = (NoAuthentication(), )
        elif isinstance(authentication, (list, tuple)):
            self.authentication = authentication
            self.authentication = (authentication, )

        # Erroring
        self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_traceback = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_TRACEBACK',
                                         False) = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise AttributeError, "Handler not callable."

        self.handler = handler()
        self.csrf_exempt = getattr(self.handler, 'csrf_exempt', True)

        if not authentication:
            self.authentication = (NoAuthentication(), )
        elif isinstance(authentication, (list, tuple)):
            self.authentication = authentication
            self.authentication = (authentication, )

        # Erroring
        self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True) = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)
        # Emitter selection
        self.strict_accept = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STRICT_ACCEPT_HANDLING',
        self.default_emitter = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DEFAULT_EMITTER',
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise AttributeError, "Handler not callable."

        self.handler = handler()
        self.csrf_exempt = getattr(self.handler, 'csrf_exempt', True)

        if not authentication:
            self.authentication = (NoAuthentication(),)
        elif isinstance(authentication, (list, tuple)):
            self.authentication = authentication
            self.authentication = (authentication,)

        # Erroring
        self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True) = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)
        # Paging
        paging_params = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_PAGINATION_PARAMS', ('offset', 'limit'))
        self.paging_offset = paging_params[0]
        self.paging_limit = paging_params[1]
Beispiel #8
class Resource(object):
    Resource. Create one for your URL mappings, just
    like you would with Django. Takes one argument,
    the handler. The second argument is optional, and
    is an authentication handler. If not specified,
    `NoAuthentication` will be used by default.
    callmap = { 'GET': 'read', 'POST': 'create', 
                'PUT': 'update', 'DELETE': 'delete' }
    def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise AttributeError, "Handler not callable."
        self.handler = handler()
        if not authentication:
            self.authentication = NoAuthentication()
            self.authentication = authentication
        # Erroring
        self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True) = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)

    def determine_emitter(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Function for determening which emitter to use
        for output. It lives here so you can easily subclass
        `Resource` in order to change how emission is detected.

        You could also check for the `Accept` HTTP header here,
        since that pretty much makes sense. Refer to `Mimer` for
        that as well.
        em = kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)
        if not em:
            em = request.GET.get('format', 'json')

        return em
    def anonymous(self):
        Gets the anonymous handler. Also tries to grab a class
        if the `anonymous` value is a string, so that we can define
        anonymous handlers that aren't defined yet (like, when
        you're subclassing your basehandler into an anonymous one.)
        if hasattr(self.handler, 'anonymous'):
            anon = self.handler.anonymous
            if callable(anon):
                return anon

            for klass in typemapper.keys():
                if anon == klass.__name__:
                    return klass
        return None
    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        NB: Sends a `Vary` header so we don't cache requests
        that are different (OAuth stuff in `Authorization` header.)
        rm = request.method.upper()

        # Django's internal mechanism doesn't pick up
        # PUT request, so we trick it a little here.
        if rm == "PUT":

        if not self.authentication.is_authenticated(request):
            if self.anonymous and \
                rm in self.anonymous.allowed_methods:

                handler = self.anonymous()
                anonymous = True
                return self.authentication.challenge()
            handler = self.handler
            anonymous = handler.is_anonymous
        # Translate nested datastructs into `` here.
        if rm in ('POST', 'PUT'):
            except MimerDataException:
                return rc.BAD_REQUEST
        if not rm in handler.allowed_methods:
            return HttpResponseNotAllowed(handler.allowed_methods)
        meth = getattr(handler, self.callmap.get(rm), None)
        if not meth:
            raise Http404

        # Support emitter both through (?P<emitter_format>) and ?format=emitter.
        em_format = self.determine_emitter(request, *args, **kwargs)

        kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)
        # Clean up the request object a bit, since we might
        # very well have `oauth_`-headers in there, and we
        # don't want to pass these along to the handler.
        request = self.cleanup_request(request)

        def call_piston_precondition(meth, *args, **kwargs):
            if hasattr(meth, 'piston_precondition_decorator'):
                def fake_controller(request, *args, **kwargs):
                    return rc.ALL_OK
                return fake_controller(request, *args, **kwargs)
            return rc.ALL_OK

        response = call_piston_precondition(meth, *args, **kwargs)
        if response.status_code != 200:
            return response
            result = meth(request, *args, **kwargs)

            # get new etag - it might have been changed
            tmp_r = call_piston_precondition(meth, *args, **kwargs)
            if tmp_r.has_header('ETag'):
                etag = tmp_r['ETag']
        except FormValidationError, e:
            resp = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            resp.write(' '+str(e.form.errors))
            return resp
        except TypeError, e:
            result = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            hm = HandlerMethod(meth)
            sig = hm.signature

            msg = 'Method signature does not match.\n\n'
            if sig:
                msg += 'Signature should be: %s' % sig
                msg += 'Resource does not expect any parameters.'

            if self.display_errors:                
                msg += '\n\nException was: %s' % str(e)
            result.content = format_error(msg)
Beispiel #9
class Resource(object):
    Resource. Create one for your URL mappings, just
    like you would with Django. Takes one argument,
    the handler. The second argument is optional, and
    is an authentication handler. If not specified,
    `NoAuthentication` will be used by default.
    callmap = { 'GET': 'read', 'POST': 'create', 
                'PUT': 'update', 'DELETE': 'delete' }
    def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise AttributeError, "Handler not callable."
        self.handler = handler()
        if not authentication:
            self.authentication = NoAuthentication()
            self.authentication = authentication
        # Erroring
        self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True) = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)

    def determine_emitter(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Function for determening which emitter to use
        for output. It lives here so you can easily subclass
        `Resource` in order to change how emission is detected.

        You could also check for the `Accept` HTTP header here,
        since that pretty much makes sense. Refer to `Mimer` for
        that as well.
        em = kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)
        if not em:
            em = request.GET.get('format', 'json')

        return em
    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        NB: Sends a `Vary` header so we don't cache requests
        that are different (OAuth stuff in `Authorization` header.)
        rm = request.method.upper()

        # Django's internal mechanism doesn't pick up
        # PUT request, so we trick it a little here.
        if rm == "PUT":

        if not self.authentication.is_authenticated(request):
            if hasattr(self.handler, 'anonymous') and \
                callable(self.handler.anonymous) and \
                rm in self.handler.anonymous.allowed_methods:

                handler = self.handler.anonymous()
                anonymous = True
                return self.authentication.challenge()
            handler = self.handler
            anonymous = handler.is_anonymous
        # Translate nested datastructs into `` here.
        if rm in ('POST', 'PUT'):
            except MimerDataException:
                return rc.BAD_REQUEST
        if not rm in handler.allowed_methods:
            return HttpResponseNotAllowed(handler.allowed_methods)
        meth = getattr(handler, self.callmap.get(rm), None)
        if not meth:
            raise Http404

        # Support emitter both through (?P<emitter_format>) and ?format=emitter.
        em_format = self.determine_emitter(request, *args, **kwargs)

        kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)
        # Clean up the request object a bit, since we might
        # very well have `oauth_`-headers in there, and we
        # don't want to pass these along to the handler.
        request = self.cleanup_request(request)
            result = meth(request, *args, **kwargs)
        except FormValidationError, e:
            # TODO: Use rc.BAD_REQUEST here
            return HttpResponse("Bad Request: %s" % e.form.errors, status=400)
        except TypeError, e:
            result = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            hm = HandlerMethod(meth)
            sig = hm.get_signature()

            msg = 'Method signature does not match.\n\n'
            if sig:
                msg += 'Signature should be: %s' % sig
                msg += 'Resource does not expect any parameters.'

            if self.display_errors:                
                msg += '\n\nException was: %s' % str(e)
            result.content = format_error(msg)
Beispiel #10
class Resource(object):
    Resource. Create one for your URL mappings, just
    like you would with Django. Takes one argument,
    the handler. The second argument is optional, and
    is an authentication handler. If not specified,
    `NoAuthentication` will be used by default.
    callmap = { 'GET': 'read', 'POST': 'create', 
                'PUT': 'update', 'DELETE': 'delete' }
    def __init__(self, handler, authentication=None):
        if not callable(handler):
            raise AttributeError, "Handler not callable."
        self.handler = handler()
#        self.csrf_exempt = getattr(self.handler, 'csrf_exempt', True)
        if not authentication:
            self.authentication = NoAuthentication()
            self.authentication = authentication
        # Erroring
        self.email_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_EMAIL_ERRORS', True)
        self.display_errors = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_DISPLAY_ERRORS', True) = getattr(settings, 'PISTON_STREAM_OUTPUT', False)

    def determine_emitter(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Function for determening which emitter to use
        for output. It lives here so you can easily subclass
        `Resource` in order to change how emission is detected.

        You could also check for the `Accept` HTTP header here,
        since that pretty much makes sense. Refer to `Mimer` for
        that as well.
        em = kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)
        if not em:
            em = request.GET.get('format', 'json')

        return em
    def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        NB: Sends a `Vary` header so we don't cache requests
        that are different (OAuth stuff in `Authorization` header.)
        rm = request.method.upper()

        # Django's internal mechanism doesn't pick up
        # PUT request, so we trick it a little here.
        if rm == "PUT":

        if not self.authentication.is_authenticated(request):
            if hasattr(self.handler, 'anonymous') and \
                callable(self.handler.anonymous) and \
                rm in self.handler.anonymous.allowed_methods:

                handler = self.handler.anonymous()
                anonymous = True
                return self.authentication.challenge()
            handler = self.handler
            anonymous = handler.is_anonymous
        # Translate nested datastructs into `` here.
        if rm in ('POST', 'PUT'):
            except MimerDataException:
                return rc.BAD_REQUEST
        if not rm in handler.allowed_methods:
            return HttpResponseNotAllowed(handler.allowed_methods)
        meth = getattr(handler, self.callmap.get(rm), None)
        if not meth:
            raise Http404

        # Support emitter both through (?P<emitter_format>) and ?format=emitter.
        em_format = self.determine_emitter(request, *args, **kwargs)

        kwargs.pop('emitter_format', None)
        # Clean up the request object a bit, since we might
        # very well have `oauth_`-headers in there, and we
        # don't want to pass these along to the handler.
        request = self.cleanup_request(request)
            result = meth(request, *args, **kwargs)
        except FormValidationError, e:
            # TODO: Use rc.BAD_REQUEST here
            return HttpResponse("Bad Request: %s" % e.form.errors, status=400)
        except TypeError, e:
            result = rc.BAD_REQUEST
            hm = HandlerMethod(meth)
            sig = hm.get_signature()

            msg = 'Method signature does not match.\n\n'
            if sig:
                msg += 'Signature should be: %s' % sig
                msg += 'Resource does not expect any parameters.'

            if self.display_errors:                
                msg += '\n\nException was: %s' % str(e)
            result.content = format_error(msg)