Beispiel #1
    def test_get_insights_401(self, patch_parent, mocker):
        view = HostInsights()
        Response = namedtuple('Response', 'status_code content')
        mocker.patch.object(view, '_get_insights', return_value=Response(401, ''))

        (msg, code) = view.get_insights('', 'ignore', 'ignore')
        assert msg['error'] == 'Unauthorized access. Please check your Insights Credential username and password.'
Beispiel #2
    def test_get_insights_request_exception(self, patch_parent, mocker, status_code, exception, error, message):
        view = HostInsights()
        mocker.patch.object(view, '_get_insights', side_effect=exception(error))

        (msg, code) = view.get_insights('', 'ignore', 'ignore')
        assert code == status_code
        assert msg['error'] == message or error
Beispiel #3
    def test_get_insights_non_200(self, patch_parent, mocker):
        view = HostInsights()
        Response = namedtuple('Response', 'status_code content')
        mocker.patch.object(view, '_get_insights', return_value=Response(500, 'mock 500 err msg'))

        (msg, code) = view.get_insights('', 'ignore', 'ignore')
        assert msg['error'] == (
            'Failed to gather reports and maintenance plans from Insights API at URL'
            ' Server responded with 500 status code '
            'and message mock 500 err msg')
Beispiel #4
    def test_get_insights_malformed_json_content(self, patch_parent, mocker):
        view = HostInsights()

        class Response():
            status_code = 200
            content = 'booo!'

            def json(self):
                raise ValueError('we do not care what this is')

        mocker.patch.object(view, '_get_insights', return_value=Response())

        (msg, code) = view.get_insights('', 'ignore', 'ignore')
        assert msg['error'] == 'Expected JSON response from Insights but instead got booo!'
        assert code == 502