Beispiel #1
def reverse_array_cp(obj):
    This function reverses the y and var_y values of all the C{SO}s in a
    C{SOM} or an individual C{SO}. This is assuming that there was a previous
    transformation on the x-axis of the C{SO} or C{SOM}.

    @param obj: Object that needs to have its y and var_y values reversed
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    @return: Object containing the results of the reversal process
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    @raise TypeError: A C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s is presented to the

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "number" or o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip

    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr)

        value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(val)
        value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(err2)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)
        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, (value1, value2), map_so)

    return result
def reverse_array_cp(obj):
    This function reverses the y and var_y values of all the C{SO}s in a
    C{SOM} or an individual C{SO}. This is assuming that there was a previous
    transformation on the x-axis of the C{SO} or C{SOM}.

    @param obj: Object that needs to have its y and var_y values reversed
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    @return: Object containing the results of the reversal process
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM} or C{SOM.SO}

    @raise TypeError: A C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s is presented to the

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "number" or o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr)

        value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(val)
        value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(err2)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)
        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, (value1, value2), map_so)

    return result
Beispiel #3
def wavelength_to_velocity(obj, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from wavelength
    to velocity. The wavelength axis for a C{SOM} must be in units of
    I{Angstroms}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is assumed to be in
    units of I{Angstroms}. A C{tuple} of C{(wavelength, wavelength_err2)}
    (assumed to be in units of I{Angstroms}) can be converted to
    C{(velocity, velocity_err)}.

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword lojac: A flag that allows one to turn off the calculation of the
                    linear-order Jacobian. The default action is True for
                    histogram data.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}
    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{Angstroms}
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in wavelength converted to velocity
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{Angstroms}
    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    # Setup keyword arguments
        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "Angstroms"

        lojac = kwargs["lojac"]
    except KeyError:
        lojac = hlr_utils.check_lojac(obj)

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "meters/microseconds", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "velocity")

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    if lojac:
        import utils

    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)

    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        value = axis_manip.wavelength_to_velocity(val, err2)

        if lojac:
            y_val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            y_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            counts = utils.linear_order_jacobian(val, value[0], y_val, y_err2)

        if o_descr != "number":
            value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (value1, value2)
            rev_value = value

        if map_so is not None:
            if not lojac:
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[0])
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[1])

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so, "x",

    return result
def tof_to_scalar_Q(obj, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from
    time-of-flight to scalarQ. The time-of-flight axis for a C{SOM} must be in
    units of I{microseconds}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is assumed to be in
    units of I{microseconds}. A C{tuple} of C{(time-of-flight,
    time-of-flight_err2)} (assumed to be in units of I{microseconds}) can be
    converted to C{(scalar_Q, scalar_Q_err2)}.

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword polar: The polar angle and its associated error^2
    @type polar: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s
    @keyword pathlength: The pathlength and its associated error^2
    @type pathlength: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s

    @keyword angle_offset: A constant offset for the polar angle and its
                           associated error^2. The units of the offset should
                           be in radians.
    @type angle_offset: C{tuple}

    @keyword lojac: A flag that allows one to turn off the calculation of the
                    linear-order Jacobian. The default action is True for
                    histogram data.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}    
    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{microseconds}.
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in time-of-flight converted to scalar Q
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: A C{SOM} is not passed and no polar angle is provided
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{microseconds}

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    # Setup keyword arguments
        polar = kwargs["polar"]
    except KeyError:
        polar = None

        pathlength = kwargs["pathlength"]
    except KeyError:
        pathlength = None

        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "microseconds"

        lojac = kwargs["lojac"]
    except KeyError:
        lojac = hlr_utils.check_lojac(obj)

        angle_offset = kwargs["angle_offset"]
    except KeyError:
        angle_offset = None

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "1/Angstroms", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "scalar wavevector transfer")

    if pathlength is None or polar is None:
        if o_descr == "SOM":
                inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("A detector was not provided")
            if pathlength is None and polar is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then pathlength "\
                                   +"and polar angle information must be "\
            elif pathlength is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then pathlength "\
                                   +"information must be provided")
            elif polar is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then polar angle "\
                                   +"information must be provided")
                raise RuntimeError("If you get here, see Steve Miller for "\
                                   +"your mug.")

    if pathlength is not None:
        p_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(pathlength)

    if polar is not None:
        a_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(polar)

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    if lojac:
        import utils

    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if pathlength is None:
            (pl, pl_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("total", map_so, inst)
            pl = hlr_utils.get_value(pathlength, i, p_descr)
            pl_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(pathlength, i, p_descr)

        if polar is None:
             angle_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("polar", map_so, inst)
            angle = hlr_utils.get_value(polar, i, a_descr)
            angle_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(polar, i, a_descr)

        if angle_offset is not None:
            angle += angle_offset[0]
            angle_err2 += angle_offset[1]

        value = axis_manip.tof_to_scalar_Q(val, err2, pl, pl_err2, angle,

        if lojac:
            y_val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            y_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            counts = utils.linear_order_jacobian(val, value[0], y_val, y_err2)

        if o_descr != "number":
            value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (value1, value2)
            rev_value = value

        if map_so is not None:
            if not lojac:
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[0])
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[1])

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so, "x",

    return result
def wavelength_to_scalar_k(obj, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from wavelength
    to scalar k. The wavelength axis for a C{SOM} must be in units of
    I{Angstroms}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is assumed to be in units of
    I{Angstroms}. A C{tuple} of C{(wavelength, wavelength_err2)} (assumed to
    be in units of I{Angstroms}) can be converted to C{(scalar_k,

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{Angstroms}.
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in wavelength converted to scalar k
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{Angstroms}

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    # Setup keyword arguments
        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "Angstroms"

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "1/Angstroms", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "scalar wavevector")

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        value = axis_manip.wavelength_to_scalar_k(val, err2)
        if o_descr != "number":
            value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (value1, value2)
            rev_value = value
        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)
        if map_so is not None:
            map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
            map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)
        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so, "x",

    return result
def wavelength_to_velocity(obj, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from wavelength
    to velocity. The wavelength axis for a C{SOM} must be in units of
    I{Angstroms}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is assumed to be in
    units of I{Angstroms}. A C{tuple} of C{(wavelength, wavelength_err2)}
    (assumed to be in units of I{Angstroms}) can be converted to
    C{(velocity, velocity_err)}.

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword lojac: A flag that allows one to turn off the calculation of the
                    linear-order Jacobian. The default action is True for
                    histogram data.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}
    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{Angstroms}
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in wavelength converted to velocity
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{Angstroms}
    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    # Setup keyword arguments
        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "Angstroms"

        lojac = kwargs["lojac"]
    except KeyError:
        lojac = hlr_utils.check_lojac(obj)

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "meters/microseconds", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "velocity")

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    if lojac:
        import utils

    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)

    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        value = axis_manip.wavelength_to_velocity(val, err2)

        if lojac:
            y_val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            y_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            counts = utils.linear_order_jacobian(val, value[0],
                                                 y_val, y_err2)

        if o_descr != "number":
            value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (value1, value2)
            rev_value = value
        if map_so is not None:
            if not lojac:
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[0])
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[1])

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so, "x",

    return result
Beispiel #7
def tof_to_ref_scalar_Q(obj, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from
    time-of-flight to reflectometer scalar Q. This means that a single angle
    and a single flightpath is used. The time-of-flight axis for a C{SOM} must
    be in units of I{microseconds}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is assumed to
    be in units of I{microseconds}. A C{tuple} of C{(time-of-flight,
    time-of-flight_err2)} (assumed to be in units of I{microseconds}) can be
    converted to C{(scalar_Q, scalar_Q_err2)}.

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword polar: The polar angle and its associated error^2
    @type polar: C{tuple}
    @keyword pathlength: The pathlength and its associated error^2
    @type pathlength: C{tuple}

    @keyword angle_offset: A constant offset for the polar angle and its
                           associated error^2. The units of the offset should
                           be in radians.
    @type angle_offset: C{tuple}

    @keyword lojac: A flag that allows one to turn off the calculation of the
                    linear-order Jacobian. The default action is True for
                    histogram data.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}    
    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{microseconds}.
    @type units: C{string}

    @keyword configure: This is the object containing the driver configuration.
                        This will signal the function to write out the counts
                        and fractional area to files.
    @type configure: C{Configure}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in time-of-flight converted to
             reflectometer scalar Q
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: A C{SOM} is not passed and no polar angle is provided
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{microseconds}

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    # Setup keyword arguments
    polar = kwargs.get("polar")
    pathlength = kwargs.get("pathlength")
    units = kwargs.get("units", "microseconds")
    lojac = kwargs.get("lojac", hlr_utils.check_lojac(obj))
    angle_offset = kwargs.get("angle_offset")
    config = kwargs.get("configure")

    if config is None:
        beamdiv_corr = False
        beamdiv_corr = config.beamdiv_corr

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "1/Angstroms", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "scalar wavevector transfer")

    if pathlength is None or polar is None:
        if o_descr == "SOM":
                inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("A detector was not provided")
            if pathlength is None and polar is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then pathlength "\
                                   +"and polar angle information must be "\
            elif pathlength is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then pathlength "\
                                   +"information must be provided")
            elif polar is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then polar angle "\
                                   +"information must be provided")
                raise RuntimeError("If you get here, see Steve Miller for "\
                                   +"your mug.")

    if pathlength is None:
         pl_err2) = obj.attr_list.instrument.get_total_path(obj[0].id,
        (pl, pl_err2) = pathlength

    if polar is None:
        angle = hlr_utils.get_special(obj.attr_list["data-theta"], obj[0])[0]
        angle_err2 = 0.0
        (angle, angle_err2) = polar

    if angle_offset is not None:
        angle += angle_offset[0]
        angle_err2 += angle_offset[1]

    # Need to multiply angle by 2.0 in order to make it be Theta to
    # underlying conversion function
    angle *= 2.0
    angle_err2 *= 4.0

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    if lojac:
        import utils

    if beamdiv_corr:
        import dr_lib

    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        skip_pixel = False
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if beamdiv_corr:
            dangle = dr_lib.ref_beamdiv_correct(obj.attr_list,,
            # We subtract due to the inversion of the z coordinates from the
            # mirror reflection of the beam at the sample.
            if dangle is not None:
                pangle = angle - (2.0 * dangle)
                pangle = angle
                skip_pixel = True
            pangle = angle

        value = axis_manip.tof_to_scalar_Q(val, err2, pl, pl_err2, pangle,

        if lojac:
            y_val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            y_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            counts = utils.linear_order_jacobian(val, value[0], y_val, y_err2)

        if o_descr != "number":
            value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (value1, value2)
            rev_value = value

        if map_so is not None:
            if not lojac:
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[0])
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[1])

        if not skip_pixel:
            hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so, "x",

    return result
def create_E_vs_Q_igs(som, *args, **kwargs):
    This function starts with the initial IGS wavelength axis and turns this
    into a 2D spectra with E and Q axes.

    @param som: The input object with initial IGS wavelength axis
    @type som: C{SOM.SOM}

    @param args: A mandatory list of axes for rebinning. There is a particular
                 order to them. They should be present in the following order:

                 Without errors
                   1. Energy transfer
                   2. Momentum transfer
                 With errors
                   1. Energy transfer
                   2. Energy transfer error^2
                   3. Momentum transfer
                   4. Momentum transfer error ^2
    @type args: C{nessi_list.NessiList}s
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword withXVar: Flag for whether the function should be expecting the
                       associated axes to have errors. The default value will
                       be I{False}.
    @type withXVar: C{boolean}

    @keyword data_type: Name of the data type which can be either I{histogram},
                        I{density} or I{coordinate}. The default value will be
    @type data_type: C{string}
    @keyword Q_filter: Flag to turn on or off Q filtering. The default behavior
                       is I{True}.
    @type Q_filter: C{boolean}
    @keyword so_id: The identifier represents a number, string, tuple or other
                    object that describes the resulting C{SO}
    @type so_id: C{int}, C{string}, C{tuple}, C{pixel ID}
    @keyword y_label: The y axis label
    @type y_label: C{string}
    @keyword y_units: The y axis units
    @type y_units: C{string}
    @keyword x_labels: This is a list of names that sets the individual x axis
    @type x_labels: C{list} of C{string}s
    @keyword x_units: This is a list of names that sets the individual x axis
    @type x_units: C{list} of C{string}s

    @keyword split: This flag causes the counts and the fractional area to
                    be written out into separate files.
    @type split: C{boolean}

    @keyword configure: This is the object containing the driver configuration.
    @type configure: C{Configure}

    @return: Object containing a 2D C{SO} with E and Q axes
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}

    @raise RuntimeError: Anything other than a C{SOM} is passed to the function
    @raise RuntimeError: An instrument is not contained in the C{SOM}
    import nessi_list

    # Setup some variables 
    dim = 2
    N_y = []
    N_tot = 1
    N_args = len(args)

    # Get T0 slope in order to calculate dT = dT_i + dT_0
        t_0_slope = som.attr_list["Time_zero_slope"][0]
        t_0_slope_err2 = som.attr_list["Time_zero_slope"][1]
    except KeyError:
        t_0_slope = float(0.0)
        t_0_slope_err2 = float(0.0)

    # Check withXVar keyword argument and also check number of given args.
    # Set xvar to the appropriate value
        value = kwargs["withXVar"]
        if value.lower() == "true":
            if N_args != 4:
                raise RuntimeError("Since you have requested x errors, 4 x "\
                                   +"axes must be provided.")
                xvar = True
        elif value.lower() == "false":
            if N_args != 2:
                raise RuntimeError("Since you did not requested x errors, 2 "\
                                   +"x axes must be provided.")
                xvar = False
            raise RuntimeError("Do not understand given parameter %s" % \
    except KeyError:
        if N_args != 2:
            raise RuntimeError("Since you did not requested x errors, 2 "\
                               +"x axes must be provided.")
            xvar = False

    # Check dataType keyword argument. An offset will be set to 1 for the
    # histogram type and 0 for either density or coordinate
        data_type = kwargs["data_type"]
        if data_type.lower() == "histogram":
            offset = 1
        elif data_type.lower() == "density" or \
                 data_type.lower() == "coordinate":
            offset = 0
            raise RuntimeError("Do not understand data type given: %s" % \
    # Default is offset for histogram
    except KeyError:
        offset = 1

        Q_filter = kwargs["Q_filter"]
    except KeyError:
        Q_filter = True

    # Check for split keyword
        split = kwargs["split"]
    except KeyError:
        split = False

    # Check for configure keyword
        configure = kwargs["configure"]
    except KeyError:
        configure = None

    so_dim = SOM.SO(dim)

    for i in range(dim):
        # Set the x-axis arguments from the *args list into the new SO
        if not xvar:
            # Axis positions are 1 (Q) and 0 (E)
            position = dim - i - 1
            so_dim.axis[i].val = args[position]
            # Axis positions are 2 (Q), 3 (eQ), 0 (E), 1 (eE)
            position = dim - 2 * i
            so_dim.axis[i].val = args[position]
            so_dim.axis[i].var = args[position + 1]

        # Set individual value axis sizes (not x-axis size)
        N_y.append(len(args[position]) - offset)

        # Calculate total 2D array size
        N_tot = N_tot * N_y[-1]

    # Create y and var_y lists from total 2D size
    so_dim.y = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)
    so_dim.var_y = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)
    # Create area sum and errors for the area sum lists from total 2D size
    area_sum = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)
    area_sum_err2 = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)

    # Create area sum and errors for the area sum lists from total 2D size
    bin_count = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)
    bin_count_err2 = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)
    inst = som.attr_list.instrument
    lambda_final = som.attr_list["Wavelength_final"]
    inst_name = inst.get_name()

    import bisect
    import math

    import dr_lib
    import utils

    arr_len = 0
    #: Vector of zeros for function calculations
    zero_vec = None
    for j in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(som)):
        # Get counts
        counts = hlr_utils.get_value(som, j, "SOM", "y")
        counts_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(som, j, "SOM", "y")

        arr_len = len(counts)
        zero_vec = nessi_list.NessiList(arr_len)

        # Get mapping SO
        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(som, None, j)

        # Get lambda_i
        l_i = hlr_utils.get_value(som, j, "SOM", "x")
        l_i_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(som, j, "SOM", "x")
        # Get lambda_f from instrument information
        l_f_tuple = hlr_utils.get_special(lambda_final, map_so)
        l_f = l_f_tuple[0]
        l_f_err2 = l_f_tuple[1]
        # Get source to sample distance
        (L_s, L_s_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("primary", map_so, inst)

        # Get sample to detector distance
        L_d_tuple = hlr_utils.get_parameter("secondary", map_so, inst)
        L_d = L_d_tuple[0]

        # Get polar angle from instrument information
        (angle, angle_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("polar", map_so, inst)

        # Get the detector pixel height
        dh_tuple = hlr_utils.get_parameter("dh", map_so, inst)
        dh = dh_tuple[0]
        # Need dh in units of Angstrom
        dh *= 1e10

        # Calculate T_i
        (T_i, T_i_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_tof(l_i, l_i_err2, 
                                                       L_s, L_s_err2)

        # Scale counts by lambda_f / lambda_i
        (l_i_bc, l_i_bc_err2) = utils.calc_bin_centers(l_i, l_i_err2)

        (ratio, ratio_err2) = array_manip.div_ncerr(l_f, l_f_err2,
                                                    l_i_bc, l_i_bc_err2)

        (counts, counts_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(counts, counts_err2,
                                                       ratio, ratio_err2)

        # Calculate E_i
        (E_i, E_i_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_i, l_i_err2)

        # Calculate E_f
        (E_f, E_f_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_f, l_f_err2)

        # Calculate E_t
        (E_t, E_t_err2) = array_manip.sub_ncerr(E_i, E_i_err2, E_f, E_f_err2)

        if inst_name == "BSS":
            # Convert E_t from meV to ueV
            (E_t, E_t_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(E_t, E_t_err2,
                                                     1000.0, 0.0)
            (counts, counts_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(counts, counts_err2,
                                                           1.0/1000.0, 0.0)

        # Convert lambda_i to k_i
        (k_i, k_i_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_scalar_k(l_i, l_i_err2)

        # Convert lambda_f to k_f
        (k_f, k_f_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_scalar_k(l_f, l_f_err2)

        # Convert k_i and k_f to Q
        (Q, Q_err2) = axis_manip.init_scatt_wavevector_to_scalar_Q(k_i,

        # Calculate dT = dT_0 + dT_i
        dT_i = utils.calc_bin_widths(T_i, T_i_err2)

        (l_i_bw, l_i_bw_err2) = utils.calc_bin_widths(l_i, l_i_err2)
        dT_0 = array_manip.mult_ncerr(l_i_bw, l_i_bw_err2,
                                      t_0_slope, t_0_slope_err2)

        dT_tuple = array_manip.add_ncerr(dT_i[0], dT_i[1], dT_0[0], dT_0[1])
        dT = dT_tuple[0]

        # Calculate Jacobian
        if inst_name == "BSS":
            (x_1, x_2,
             x_3, x_4) = dr_lib.calc_BSS_coeffs(map_so, inst, (E_i, E_i_err2),
                                                (Q, Q_err2), (k_i, k_i_err2),
                                                (T_i, T_i_err2), dh, angle,
                                                E_f, k_f, l_f, L_s, L_d,
                                                t_0_slope, zero_vec)
            raise RuntimeError("Do not know how to calculate x_i "\
                               +"coefficients for instrument %s" % inst_name)

        (A, A_err2) = dr_lib.calc_EQ_Jacobian(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, dT, dh,
        # Apply Jacobian: C/dlam * dlam / A(EQ) = C/EQ
        (jac_ratio, jac_ratio_err2) = array_manip.div_ncerr(l_i_bw,
                                                            A, A_err2)
        (counts, counts_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(counts, counts_err2,
        # Reverse counts, E_t, k_i and Q
        E_t = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(E_t)
        E_t_err2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(E_t_err2)
        Q = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(Q)
        Q_err2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(Q_err2)        
        counts = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts)
        counts_err2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts_err2)
        k_i = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(k_i)
        x_1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(x_1)
        x_2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(x_2)
        x_3 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(x_3)
        x_4 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(x_4)
        dT = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(dT)        

        # Filter for duplicate Q values
        if Q_filter:
            k_i_cutoff = k_f * math.cos(angle)
            k_i_cutbin = bisect.bisect(k_i, k_i_cutoff)
            counts.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            counts_err2.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            Q.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            Q_err2.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            E_t.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            E_t_err2.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            x_1.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            x_2.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            x_3.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            x_4.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)            
            dT.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            zero_vec.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)

            if inst_name == "BSS":
                ((Q_1, E_t_1),
                 (Q_2, E_t_2),
                 (Q_3, E_t_3),
                 (Q_4, E_t_4)) = dr_lib.calc_BSS_EQ_verticies((E_t, E_t_err2),
                                                              (Q, Q_err2), x_1,
                                                              x_2, x_3, x_4,
                                                              dT, dh, zero_vec)
                raise RuntimeError("Do not know how to calculate (Q_i, "\
                                   +"E_t_i) verticies for instrument %s" \
                                   % inst_name)

        except IndexError:
            # All the data got Q filtered, move on

            (y_2d, y_2d_err2,
             bin_count_new) = axis_manip.rebin_2D_quad_to_rectlin(Q_1, E_t_1,
                                                           Q_2, E_t_2,
                                                           Q_3, E_t_3,
                                                           Q_4, E_t_4,
        except IndexError, e:
            # Get the offending index from the error message
            index = int(str(e).split()[1].split('index')[-1].strip('[]'))
            print "Id:",
            print "Index:", index
            print "Verticies: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f" % (Q_1[index],
            raise IndexError(str(e))

        # Add in together with previous results
        (so_dim.y, so_dim.var_y) = array_manip.add_ncerr(so_dim.y,
                                                         y_2d, y_2d_err2)
        (area_sum, area_sum_err2) = array_manip.add_ncerr(area_sum,

        if configure.dump_pix_contrib or configure.scale_sqe:
            if inst_name == "BSS":
                dOmega = dr_lib.calc_BSS_solid_angle(map_so, inst)
                 bin_count_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(bin_count_new,
                                                          dOmega, 0.0)
                 bin_count_err2) = array_manip.add_ncerr(bin_count,
            del bin_count_new
def tof_to_ref_scalar_Q(obj, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from
    time-of-flight to reflectometer scalar Q. This means that a single angle
    and a single flightpath is used. The time-of-flight axis for a C{SOM} must
    be in units of I{microseconds}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is assumed to
    be in units of I{microseconds}. A C{tuple} of C{(time-of-flight,
    time-of-flight_err2)} (assumed to be in units of I{microseconds}) can be
    converted to C{(scalar_Q, scalar_Q_err2)}.

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword polar: The polar angle and its associated error^2
    @type polar: C{tuple}
    @keyword pathlength: The pathlength and its associated error^2
    @type pathlength: C{tuple}

    @keyword angle_offset: A constant offset for the polar angle and its
                           associated error^2. The units of the offset should
                           be in radians.
    @type angle_offset: C{tuple}

    @keyword lojac: A flag that allows one to turn off the calculation of the
                    linear-order Jacobian. The default action is True for
                    histogram data.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}    
    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{microseconds}.
    @type units: C{string}

    @keyword configure: This is the object containing the driver configuration.
                        This will signal the function to write out the counts
                        and fractional area to files.
    @type configure: C{Configure}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in time-of-flight converted to
             reflectometer scalar Q
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: A C{SOM} is not passed and no polar angle is provided
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{microseconds}
    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    # Setup keyword arguments
    polar = kwargs.get("polar")
    pathlength = kwargs.get("pathlength")
    units = kwargs.get("units", "microseconds")
    lojac = kwargs.get("lojac", hlr_utils.check_lojac(obj))
    angle_offset = kwargs.get("angle_offset")
    config = kwargs.get("configure")

    if config is None:
        beamdiv_corr = False
        beamdiv_corr = config.beamdiv_corr
    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "1/Angstroms", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "scalar wavevector transfer")

    if pathlength is None or polar is None:
        if o_descr == "SOM":
                inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("A detector was not provided")
            if pathlength is None and polar is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then pathlength "\
                                   +"and polar angle information must be "\
            elif pathlength is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then pathlength "\
                                   +"information must be provided")
            elif polar is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then polar angle "\
                                   +"information must be provided")
                raise RuntimeError("If you get here, see Steve Miller for "\
                                   +"your mug.")

    if pathlength is None:
        (pl, pl_err2) = obj.attr_list.instrument.get_total_path(obj[0].id,
        (pl, pl_err2) = pathlength

    if polar is None:
        angle = hlr_utils.get_special(obj.attr_list["data-theta"], obj[0])[0]
        angle_err2 = 0.0
        (angle, angle_err2) = polar

    if angle_offset is not None:
        angle += angle_offset[0]
        angle_err2 += angle_offset[1]

    # Need to multiply angle by 2.0 in order to make it be Theta to
    # underlying conversion function
    angle *= 2.0
    angle_err2 *= 4.0

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    if lojac:
        import utils

    if beamdiv_corr:
        import dr_lib

    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        skip_pixel = False
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if beamdiv_corr:
            dangle = dr_lib.ref_beamdiv_correct(obj.attr_list,,
            # We subtract due to the inversion of the z coordinates from the
            # mirror reflection of the beam at the sample.
            if dangle is not None:
                pangle = angle - (2.0 * dangle)
                pangle = angle
                skip_pixel = True
            pangle = angle

        value = axis_manip.tof_to_scalar_Q(val, err2, pl, pl_err2, pangle,

        if lojac:
            y_val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            y_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            counts = utils.linear_order_jacobian(val, value[0],
                                                 y_val, y_err2)

        if o_descr != "number":
            value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (value1, value2)
            rev_value = value

        if map_so is not None:
            if not lojac:
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[0])
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[1])

        if not skip_pixel:
            hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so, "x",

    return result
def wavelength_to_scalar_k(obj, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from wavelength
    to scalar k. The wavelength axis for a C{SOM} must be in units of
    I{Angstroms}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is assumed to be in units of
    I{Angstroms}. A C{tuple} of C{(wavelength, wavelength_err2)} (assumed to
    be in units of I{Angstroms}) can be converted to C{(scalar_k,

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{Angstroms}.
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in wavelength converted to scalar k
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{Angstroms}

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    # Setup keyword arguments
        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "Angstroms"

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "1/Angstroms", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "scalar wavevector")

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip

    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        value = axis_manip.wavelength_to_scalar_k(val, err2)
        if o_descr != "number":
            value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (value1, value2)
            rev_value = value

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)
        if map_so is not None:
            map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
            map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so, "x",

    return result
def create_E_vs_Q_igs(som, *args, **kwargs):
    This function starts with the initial IGS wavelength axis and turns this
    into a 2D spectra with E and Q axes.

    @param som: The input object with initial IGS wavelength axis
    @type som: C{SOM.SOM}

    @param args: A mandatory list of axes for rebinning. There is a particular
                 order to them. They should be present in the following order:

                 Without errors
                   1. Energy transfer
                   2. Momentum transfer
                 With errors
                   1. Energy transfer
                   2. Energy transfer error^2
                   3. Momentum transfer
                   4. Momentum transfer error ^2
    @type args: C{nessi_list.NessiList}s
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword withXVar: Flag for whether the function should be expecting the
                       associated axes to have errors. The default value will
                       be I{False}.
    @type withXVar: C{boolean}

    @keyword data_type: Name of the data type which can be either I{histogram},
                        I{density} or I{coordinate}. The default value will be
    @type data_type: C{string}
    @keyword Q_filter: Flag to turn on or off Q filtering. The default behavior
                       is I{True}.
    @type Q_filter: C{boolean}
    @keyword so_id: The identifier represents a number, string, tuple or other
                    object that describes the resulting C{SO}
    @type so_id: C{int}, C{string}, C{tuple}, C{pixel ID}
    @keyword y_label: The y axis label
    @type y_label: C{string}
    @keyword y_units: The y axis units
    @type y_units: C{string}
    @keyword x_labels: This is a list of names that sets the individual x axis
    @type x_labels: C{list} of C{string}s
    @keyword x_units: This is a list of names that sets the individual x axis
    @type x_units: C{list} of C{string}s

    @keyword split: This flag causes the counts and the fractional area to
                    be written out into separate files.
    @type split: C{boolean}

    @keyword configure: This is the object containing the driver configuration.
    @type configure: C{Configure}

    @return: Object containing a 2D C{SO} with E and Q axes
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}

    @raise RuntimeError: Anything other than a C{SOM} is passed to the function
    @raise RuntimeError: An instrument is not contained in the C{SOM}
    import nessi_list

    # Setup some variables
    dim = 2
    N_y = []
    N_tot = 1
    N_args = len(args)

    # Get T0 slope in order to calculate dT = dT_i + dT_0
        t_0_slope = som.attr_list["Time_zero_slope"][0]
        t_0_slope_err2 = som.attr_list["Time_zero_slope"][1]
    except KeyError:
        t_0_slope = float(0.0)
        t_0_slope_err2 = float(0.0)

    # Check withXVar keyword argument and also check number of given args.
    # Set xvar to the appropriate value
        value = kwargs["withXVar"]
        if value.lower() == "true":
            if N_args != 4:
                raise RuntimeError("Since you have requested x errors, 4 x "\
                                   +"axes must be provided.")
                xvar = True
        elif value.lower() == "false":
            if N_args != 2:
                raise RuntimeError("Since you did not requested x errors, 2 "\
                                   +"x axes must be provided.")
                xvar = False
            raise RuntimeError("Do not understand given parameter %s" % \
    except KeyError:
        if N_args != 2:
            raise RuntimeError("Since you did not requested x errors, 2 "\
                               +"x axes must be provided.")
            xvar = False

    # Check dataType keyword argument. An offset will be set to 1 for the
    # histogram type and 0 for either density or coordinate
        data_type = kwargs["data_type"]
        if data_type.lower() == "histogram":
            offset = 1
        elif data_type.lower() == "density" or \
                 data_type.lower() == "coordinate":
            offset = 0
            raise RuntimeError("Do not understand data type given: %s" % \
    # Default is offset for histogram
    except KeyError:
        offset = 1

        Q_filter = kwargs["Q_filter"]
    except KeyError:
        Q_filter = True

    # Check for split keyword
        split = kwargs["split"]
    except KeyError:
        split = False

    # Check for configure keyword
        configure = kwargs["configure"]
    except KeyError:
        configure = None

    so_dim = SOM.SO(dim)

    for i in range(dim):
        # Set the x-axis arguments from the *args list into the new SO
        if not xvar:
            # Axis positions are 1 (Q) and 0 (E)
            position = dim - i - 1
            so_dim.axis[i].val = args[position]
            # Axis positions are 2 (Q), 3 (eQ), 0 (E), 1 (eE)
            position = dim - 2 * i
            so_dim.axis[i].val = args[position]
            so_dim.axis[i].var = args[position + 1]

        # Set individual value axis sizes (not x-axis size)
        N_y.append(len(args[position]) - offset)

        # Calculate total 2D array size
        N_tot = N_tot * N_y[-1]

    # Create y and var_y lists from total 2D size
    so_dim.y = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)
    so_dim.var_y = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)

    # Create area sum and errors for the area sum lists from total 2D size
    area_sum = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)
    area_sum_err2 = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)

    # Create area sum and errors for the area sum lists from total 2D size
    bin_count = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)
    bin_count_err2 = nessi_list.NessiList(N_tot)

    inst = som.attr_list.instrument
    lambda_final = som.attr_list["Wavelength_final"]
    inst_name = inst.get_name()

    import bisect
    import math

    import dr_lib
    import utils

    arr_len = 0
    #: Vector of zeros for function calculations
    zero_vec = None

    for j in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(som)):
        # Get counts
        counts = hlr_utils.get_value(som, j, "SOM", "y")
        counts_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(som, j, "SOM", "y")

        arr_len = len(counts)
        zero_vec = nessi_list.NessiList(arr_len)

        # Get mapping SO
        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(som, None, j)

        # Get lambda_i
        l_i = hlr_utils.get_value(som, j, "SOM", "x")
        l_i_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(som, j, "SOM", "x")

        # Get lambda_f from instrument information
        l_f_tuple = hlr_utils.get_special(lambda_final, map_so)
        l_f = l_f_tuple[0]
        l_f_err2 = l_f_tuple[1]

        # Get source to sample distance
        (L_s, L_s_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("primary", map_so, inst)

        # Get sample to detector distance
        L_d_tuple = hlr_utils.get_parameter("secondary", map_so, inst)
        L_d = L_d_tuple[0]

        # Get polar angle from instrument information
        (angle, angle_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("polar", map_so, inst)

        # Get the detector pixel height
        dh_tuple = hlr_utils.get_parameter("dh", map_so, inst)
        dh = dh_tuple[0]
        # Need dh in units of Angstrom
        dh *= 1e10

        # Calculate T_i
        (T_i, T_i_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_tof(l_i, l_i_err2, L_s,

        # Scale counts by lambda_f / lambda_i
        (l_i_bc, l_i_bc_err2) = utils.calc_bin_centers(l_i, l_i_err2)

        (ratio, ratio_err2) = array_manip.div_ncerr(l_f, l_f_err2, l_i_bc,

        (counts, counts_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(counts, counts_err2,
                                                       ratio, ratio_err2)

        # Calculate E_i
        (E_i, E_i_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_i, l_i_err2)

        # Calculate E_f
        (E_f, E_f_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_f, l_f_err2)

        # Calculate E_t
        (E_t, E_t_err2) = array_manip.sub_ncerr(E_i, E_i_err2, E_f, E_f_err2)

        if inst_name == "BSS":
            # Convert E_t from meV to ueV
            (E_t, E_t_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(E_t, E_t_err2, 1000.0,
             counts_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(counts, counts_err2,
                                                   1.0 / 1000.0, 0.0)

        # Convert lambda_i to k_i
        (k_i, k_i_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_scalar_k(l_i, l_i_err2)

        # Convert lambda_f to k_f
        (k_f, k_f_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_scalar_k(l_f, l_f_err2)

        # Convert k_i and k_f to Q
        (Q, Q_err2) = axis_manip.init_scatt_wavevector_to_scalar_Q(
            k_i, k_i_err2, k_f, k_f_err2, angle, angle_err2)

        # Calculate dT = dT_0 + dT_i
        dT_i = utils.calc_bin_widths(T_i, T_i_err2)

        (l_i_bw, l_i_bw_err2) = utils.calc_bin_widths(l_i, l_i_err2)
        dT_0 = array_manip.mult_ncerr(l_i_bw, l_i_bw_err2, t_0_slope,

        dT_tuple = array_manip.add_ncerr(dT_i[0], dT_i[1], dT_0[0], dT_0[1])
        dT = dT_tuple[0]

        # Calculate Jacobian
        if inst_name == "BSS":
            (x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4) = dr_lib.calc_BSS_coeffs(
                map_so, inst, (E_i, E_i_err2), (Q, Q_err2), (k_i, k_i_err2),
                (T_i, T_i_err2), dh, angle, E_f, k_f, l_f, L_s, L_d, t_0_slope,
            raise RuntimeError("Do not know how to calculate x_i "\
                               +"coefficients for instrument %s" % inst_name)

        (A, A_err2) = dr_lib.calc_EQ_Jacobian(x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, dT, dh,

        # Apply Jacobian: C/dlam * dlam / A(EQ) = C/EQ
         jac_ratio_err2) = array_manip.div_ncerr(l_i_bw, l_i_bw_err2, A,
        (counts, counts_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(counts, counts_err2,

        # Reverse counts, E_t, k_i and Q
        E_t = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(E_t)
        E_t_err2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(E_t_err2)
        Q = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(Q)
        Q_err2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(Q_err2)
        counts = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts)
        counts_err2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts_err2)
        k_i = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(k_i)
        x_1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(x_1)
        x_2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(x_2)
        x_3 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(x_3)
        x_4 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(x_4)
        dT = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(dT)

        # Filter for duplicate Q values
        if Q_filter:
            k_i_cutoff = k_f * math.cos(angle)
            k_i_cutbin = bisect.bisect(k_i, k_i_cutoff)

            counts.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            counts_err2.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            Q.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            Q_err2.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            E_t.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            E_t_err2.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            x_1.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            x_2.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            x_3.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            x_4.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            dT.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)
            zero_vec.__delslice__(0, k_i_cutbin)

            if inst_name == "BSS":
                ((Q_1, E_t_1), (Q_2, E_t_2), (Q_3, E_t_3),
                 (Q_4, E_t_4)) = dr_lib.calc_BSS_EQ_verticies(
                     (E_t, E_t_err2), (Q, Q_err2), x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4, dT, dh,
                raise RuntimeError("Do not know how to calculate (Q_i, "\
                                   +"E_t_i) verticies for instrument %s" \
                                   % inst_name)

        except IndexError:
            # All the data got Q filtered, move on

            (y_2d, y_2d_err2, area_new,
             bin_count_new) = axis_manip.rebin_2D_quad_to_rectlin(
                 Q_1, E_t_1, Q_2, E_t_2, Q_3, E_t_3, Q_4, E_t_4, counts,
                 counts_err2, so_dim.axis[0].val, so_dim.axis[1].val)
        except IndexError, e:
            # Get the offending index from the error message
            index = int(str(e).split()[1].split('index')[-1].strip('[]'))
            print "Id:",
            print "Index:", index
            print "Verticies: %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f" % (
                Q_1[index], E_t_1[index], Q_2[index], E_t_2[index], Q_3[index],
                E_t_3[index], Q_4[index], E_t_4[index])
            raise IndexError(str(e))

        # Add in together with previous results
         so_dim.var_y) = array_manip.add_ncerr(so_dim.y, so_dim.var_y, y_2d,

         area_sum_err2) = array_manip.add_ncerr(area_sum, area_sum_err2,
                                                area_new, area_sum_err2)

        if configure.dump_pix_contrib or configure.scale_sqe:
            if inst_name == "BSS":
                dOmega = dr_lib.calc_BSS_solid_angle(map_so, inst)
                (bin_count_new, bin_count_err2) = array_manip.mult_ncerr(
                    bin_count_new, bin_count_err2, dOmega, 0.0)

                (bin_count, bin_count_err2) = array_manip.add_ncerr(
                    bin_count, bin_count_err2, bin_count_new, bin_count_err2)
            del bin_count_new
def wavelength_to_scalar_Q(obj, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from wavelength
    to scalar Q. The wavelength axis for a C{SOM} must be in units of
    I{Angstroms}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is assumed to be in units of
    I{Angstroms}. A C{tuple} of C{(wavelength, wavelength_err2)} (assumed to
    be in units of I{Angstroms}) can be converted to C{(scalar_Q,

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword polar: The polar angle and its associated error^2
    @type polar: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s
    @keyword pathlength: The pathlength and its associated error^2
    @type pathlength: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s
    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{Angstroms}.
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in wavelength converted to scalar Q
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: A C{SOM} is not passed and no polar angle is provided
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{Angstroms}
    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr == "list":
        raise TypeError("Do not know how to handle given type: %s" % \

    # Setup keyword arguments
        polar = kwargs["polar"]
    except KeyError:
        polar = None

        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "Angstroms"

        lojac = kwargs["lojac"]
    except KeyError:
        lojac = hlr_utils.check_lojac(obj)

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "1/Angstroms", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "scalar wavevector transfer")

    if polar is None:
        if o_descr == "SOM":
                inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("A detector was not provided!")
            raise RuntimeError("If no SOM is provided, then polar "\
                               +"information must be given.")
        p_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(polar)

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    if lojac:
        import utils
    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if polar is None:
            (angle, angle_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("polar", map_so,
            angle = hlr_utils.get_value(polar, i, p_descr)
            angle_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(polar, i, p_descr) 

        value = axis_manip.wavelength_to_scalar_Q(val, err2, angle, angle_err2)

        if lojac:
            y_val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            y_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "y")
            counts = utils.linear_order_jacobian(val, value[0],
                                                 y_val, y_err2)

        if o_descr != "number":
            value1 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            value2 = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (value1, value2)
            rev_value = value

        if map_so is not None:
            if not lojac:
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)
                map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[0])
                map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(counts[1])
        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so, "x",

    return result
def energy_transfer(obj, itype, axis_const, **kwargs):
    This function takes a SOM with a wavelength axis (initial for IGS and
    final for DGS) and calculates the energy transfer.  

    @param obj: The object containing the wavelength axis
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}

    @param itype: The instrument class type. The choices are either I{IGS} or
    @type itype: C{string}

    @param axis_const: The attribute name for the axis constant which is the 
                         final wavelength for I{IGS} and the initial energy for
    @type axis_const: C{string}

    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword units: The units for the incoming axis. The default is
    @type units: C{string}

    @keyword change_units: A flag that signals the function to convert from
                           I{meV} to I{ueV}. The default is I{False}.
    @type change_units: C{boolean}

    @keyword scale: A flag to scale the y-axis by lambda_f/lambda_i for I{IGS}
                    and lambda_i/lambda_f for I{DGS}. The default is I{False}.
    @type scale: C{boolean}

    @keyword lojac: A flag that turns on the calculation and application of
                    the linear-order Jacobian. The default is I{False}.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}

    @keyword sa_norm: A flag to turn on solid angle normlaization.
    @type sa_norm: C{boolean}

    @return: Object with the energy transfer calculated in units of I{meV} or
             I{ueV}. The default is I{meV}.
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}

    @raise RuntimeError: The instrument class type is not recognized
    @raise RuntimeError: The x-axis units are not Angstroms
    @raise RuntimeError: A SOM is not given to the function
    # Check the instrument class type to make sure its allowed
    allowed_types = ["DGS", "IGS"]

    if itype not in allowed_types:
        raise RuntimeError("The instrument class type %s is not known. "\
                           +"Please use DGS or IGS" % itype)

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr != "SOM":
        raise RuntimeError("Must provide a SOM to the function.")
    # Go on

    # Setup keyword arguments
        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "Angstroms"

        change_units = kwargs["change_units"]
    except KeyError:
        change_units = False       

        scale = kwargs["scale"]
    except KeyError:
        scale = False

        sa_norm = kwargs["sa_norm"]
    except KeyError:
        sa_norm = False

    if sa_norm:
        inst = obj.attr_list.instrument

        lojac = kwargs["lojac"]
    except KeyError:
        lojac = False
    # Primary axis for transformation. 
    axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)

    # Get the subtraction constant
        axis_c = obj.attr_list[axis_const]
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeError("Must provide a final wavelength (IGS) or initial "\
                           +"energy (DGS) via the incoming SOM")
    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if change_units:
        unit_str = "ueV"
        unit_str = "meV"
    result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, unit_str, axis)
    result.setAxisLabel(axis, "energy_transfer")
    result.setYUnits("Counts/" + unit_str)

    # iterate through the values
    import array_manip
    import axis_manip
    import dr_lib
    import utils

    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        if itype == "IGS":
            l_i = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
            l_i_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
            l_f = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
            l_f_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        y_val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "y", axis)
        y_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "y", axis)
        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if itype == "IGS":
            (E_i, E_i_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_i, l_i_err2)
            l_f = hlr_utils.get_special(axis_c, map_so)[:2]
            (E_f, E_f_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_f[0], l_f[1])
            if lojac:
                (y_val, y_err2) = utils.linear_order_jacobian(l_i, E_i, 
                                                              y_val, y_err2)  
            (E_i, E_i_err2) = axis_c.toValErrTuple()
            (E_f, E_f_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_f, l_f_err2)
            if lojac:
                (y_val, y_err2) = utils.linear_order_jacobian(l_f, E_f, 
                                                              y_val, y_err2)

        if scale:
            # Scale counts by lambda_f / lambda_i
            if itype == "IGS":
                (l_n, l_n_err2) = l_f
                (l_d, l_d_err2) = utils.calc_bin_centers(l_i, l_i_err2)
                (l_n, l_n_err2) = utils.calc_bin_centers(l_f, l_f_err2)
                (l_d, l_d_err2) = axis_manip.energy_to_wavelength(E_i,
            ratio = array_manip.div_ncerr(l_n, l_n_err2, l_d, l_d_err2)
            scale_y = array_manip.mult_ncerr(y_val, y_err2, ratio[0], ratio[1])
            scale_y = (y_val, y_err2)

        value = array_manip.sub_ncerr(E_i, E_i_err2, E_f, E_f_err2)

        if change_units:
            # Convert from meV to ueV
            value2 = array_manip.mult_ncerr(value[0], value[1], 1000.0, 0.0)
            scale_y = array_manip.mult_ncerr(scale_y[0], scale_y[1],
                                             1.0/1000.0, 0.0)
            value2 = value

        if sa_norm:
            if inst.get_name() == "BSS":
                dOmega = dr_lib.calc_BSS_solid_angle(map_so, inst)
                scale_y = array_manip.div_ncerr(scale_y[0], scale_y[1],
                                                dOmega, 0.0)
                raise RuntimeError("Do not know how to get solid angle from "\
                                   +"%s" % inst.get_name())
        if itype == "IGS":
            # Reverse the values due to the conversion
            value_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(scale_y[0])
            value_var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(scale_y[1])
            value_x = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value2[0])
            value_y = scale_y[0]
            value_var_y = scale_y[1]
            value_x = value2[0]

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, (value_y, value_var_y),
                                map_so, "all", 0, [value_x])

    return result
def tof_to_final_velocity_dgs(obj, velocity_i, time_zero_offset, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from
    time-of-flight to final_velocity_dgs. The time-of-flight axis for a
    C{SOM} must be in units of I{microseconds}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is
    assumed to be in units of I{microseconds}. A C{tuple} of C{(tof, tof_err2)}
    (assumed to be in units of I{microseconds}) can be converted to
    C{(final_velocity_dgs, final_velocity_dgs_err2)}.

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @param velocity_i: The initial velocity and its associated error^2
    @type velocity_i: C{tuple}
    @param time_zero_offset: The time zero offset and its associated error^2
    @type time_zero_offset: C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword dist_source_sample: The source to sample distance information and
                                 its associated error^2
    @type dist_source_sample: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s 

    @keyword dist_sample_detector: The sample to detector distance information
                                   and its associated error^2
    @type dist_sample_detector: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s

    @keyword run_filter: This determines if the filter on the negative
                         velocities is run. The default setting is True.
    @type run_filter: C{boolean}

    @keyword lojac: A flag that allows one to turn off the calculation of the
                    linear-order Jacobian. The default action is True for
                    histogram data.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}

    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{microseconds}
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in time-of-flight converted to
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{microseconds}
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    # Setup keyword arguments
        dist_source_sample = kwargs["dist_source_sample"]
    except KeyError:
        dist_source_sample = None

        dist_sample_detector = kwargs["dist_sample_detector"]
    except KeyError:
        dist_sample_detector = None

        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "microseconds"

        run_filter = kwargs["run_filter"]
    except KeyError:
        run_filter = True

        lojac = kwargs["lojac"]
    except KeyError:
        lojac = hlr_utils.check_lojac(obj)

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "meters/microseconds", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "velocity")

    # Where to get instrument information
    if dist_source_sample is None or dist_sample_detector is None:
        if o_descr == "SOM":
                inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("A detector was not provided!")
            if dist_source_sample is None and dist_sample_detector is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If a SOM is not passed, the "\
                                   +"source-sample and sample-detector "\
                                   +"distances must be provided.")
            elif dist_source_sample is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If a SOM is not passed, the "\
                                   +"source-sample distance must be provided.")
            elif dist_sample_detector is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If a SOM is not passed, the "\
                                   +"sample-detector distance must be "\
                raise RuntimeError("If you get here, see Steve Miller for "\
                                   +"your mug.")

    if dist_source_sample is not None:
        ls_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(dist_source_sample)
    # Do nothing, go on

    if dist_sample_detector is not None:
        ld_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(dist_sample_detector)
    # Do nothing, go on

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    if lojac:
        import utils

    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)
    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if dist_source_sample is None:
            (L_s, L_s_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("primary", map_so, inst)
            L_s = hlr_utils.get_value(dist_source_sample, i, ls_descr)
            L_s_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(dist_source_sample, i, ls_descr)

        if dist_sample_detector is None:
            (L_d, L_d_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("secondary", map_so,
            L_d = hlr_utils.get_value(dist_sample_detector, i, ld_descr)
            L_d_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(dist_sample_detector, i, ld_descr)

        value = axis_manip.tof_to_final_velocity_dgs(val, err2, velocity_i[0],
                                                     time_zero_offset[1], L_s,
                                                     L_s_err2, L_d, L_d_err2)

        # Remove all velocities < 0
        if run_filter:
            index = 0
            for valx in value[0]:
                if valx >= 0:
                index += 1

            value[0].__delslice__(0, index)
            value[1].__delslice__(0, index)
            map_so.y.__delslice__(0, index)
            map_so.var_y.__delslice__(0, index)
            if lojac:
                val.__delslice__(0, index)
                err2.__delslice__(0, index)

        if lojac:
            (map_so.y, map_so.var_y) = utils.linear_order_jacobian(
                val, value[0], map_so.y, map_so.var_y)

        # Need to reverse arrays due to conversion
        if o_descr != "number":
            valx = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            valxe = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (valx, valxe)
            rev_value = value

        if map_so is not None:
            map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
            map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so, "x",

    return result
def tof_to_final_velocity_dgs(obj, velocity_i, time_zero_offset, **kwargs):
    This function converts a primary axis of a C{SOM} or C{SO} from
    time-of-flight to final_velocity_dgs. The time-of-flight axis for a
    C{SOM} must be in units of I{microseconds}. The primary axis of a C{SO} is
    assumed to be in units of I{microseconds}. A C{tuple} of C{(tof, tof_err2)}
    (assumed to be in units of I{microseconds}) can be converted to
    C{(final_velocity_dgs, final_velocity_dgs_err2)}.

    @param obj: Object to be converted
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @param velocity_i: The initial velocity and its associated error^2
    @type velocity_i: C{tuple}
    @param time_zero_offset: The time zero offset and its associated error^2
    @type time_zero_offset: C{tuple}
    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:
    @keyword dist_source_sample: The source to sample distance information and
                                 its associated error^2
    @type dist_source_sample: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s 

    @keyword dist_sample_detector: The sample to detector distance information
                                   and its associated error^2
    @type dist_sample_detector: C{tuple} or C{list} of C{tuple}s

    @keyword run_filter: This determines if the filter on the negative
                         velocities is run. The default setting is True.
    @type run_filter: C{boolean}

    @keyword lojac: A flag that allows one to turn off the calculation of the
                    linear-order Jacobian. The default action is True for
                    histogram data.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}

    @keyword units: The expected units for this function. The default for this
                    function is I{microseconds}
    @type units: C{string}

    @return: Object with a primary axis in time-of-flight converted to
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}, C{SOM.SO} or C{tuple}

    @raise TypeError: The incoming object is not a type the function recognizes
    @raise RuntimeError: The C{SOM} x-axis units are not I{microseconds}
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    # Setup keyword arguments
        dist_source_sample = kwargs["dist_source_sample"]
    except KeyError:
        dist_source_sample = None

        dist_sample_detector = kwargs["dist_sample_detector"]
    except KeyError:
        dist_sample_detector = None

        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "microseconds"

        run_filter = kwargs["run_filter"]
    except KeyError:
        run_filter = True

        lojac = kwargs["lojac"]
    except KeyError:
        lojac = hlr_utils.check_lojac(obj)        

    # Primary axis for transformation. If a SO is passed, the function, will
    # assume the axis for transformation is at the 0 position
    if o_descr == "SOM":
        axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)
        axis = 0

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if res_descr == "SOM":
        result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, "meters/microseconds", axis)
        result.setAxisLabel(axis, "velocity")

    # Where to get instrument information
    if dist_source_sample is None or dist_sample_detector is None:
        if o_descr == "SOM":
                inst = obj.attr_list.instrument
            except RuntimeError:
                raise RuntimeError("A detector was not provided!")
            if dist_source_sample is None and dist_sample_detector is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If a SOM is not passed, the "\
                                   +"source-sample and sample-detector "\
                                   +"distances must be provided.")
            elif dist_source_sample is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If a SOM is not passed, the "\
                                   +"source-sample distance must be provided.")
            elif dist_sample_detector is None:
                raise RuntimeError("If a SOM is not passed, the "\
                                   +"sample-detector distance must be "\
                raise RuntimeError("If you get here, see Steve Miller for "\
                                   +"your mug.")

    if dist_source_sample is not None:
        ls_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(dist_source_sample)
    # Do nothing, go on

    if dist_sample_detector is not None:
        ld_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(dist_sample_detector)
    # Do nothing, go on

    # iterate through the values
    import axis_manip
    if lojac:
        import utils

    len_obj = hlr_utils.get_length(obj)
    for i in xrange(len_obj):
        val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
        err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if dist_source_sample is None:
            (L_s, L_s_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("primary", map_so, inst)
            L_s = hlr_utils.get_value(dist_source_sample, i, ls_descr)
            L_s_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(dist_source_sample, i, ls_descr)

        if dist_sample_detector is None:
            (L_d, L_d_err2) = hlr_utils.get_parameter("secondary", map_so,
            L_d = hlr_utils.get_value(dist_sample_detector, i, ld_descr)
            L_d_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(dist_sample_detector, i, ld_descr)

        value = axis_manip.tof_to_final_velocity_dgs(val, err2,
                                                     L_s, L_s_err2,
                                                     L_d, L_d_err2)

        # Remove all velocities < 0
        if run_filter:
            index = 0
            for valx in value[0]:
                if valx >= 0:
                index += 1
            value[0].__delslice__(0, index)
            value[1].__delslice__(0, index)
            map_so.y.__delslice__(0, index)
            map_so.var_y.__delslice__(0, index)
            if lojac:
                val.__delslice__(0, index)
                err2.__delslice__(0, index)

        if lojac:
             map_so.var_y) = utils.linear_order_jacobian(val,

        # Need to reverse arrays due to conversion
        if o_descr != "number":
            valx = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[0])
            valxe = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value[1])
            rev_value = (valx, valxe)
            rev_value = value

        if map_so is not None:
            map_so.y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.y)
            map_so.var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(map_so.var_y)
        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, rev_value, map_so,
                                "x", axis)
    return result
def energy_transfer(obj, itype, axis_const, **kwargs):
    This function takes a SOM with a wavelength axis (initial for IGS and
    final for DGS) and calculates the energy transfer.  

    @param obj: The object containing the wavelength axis
    @type obj: C{SOM.SOM}

    @param itype: The instrument class type. The choices are either I{IGS} or
    @type itype: C{string}

    @param axis_const: The attribute name for the axis constant which is the 
                         final wavelength for I{IGS} and the initial energy for
    @type axis_const: C{string}

    @param kwargs: A list of keyword arguments that the function accepts:

    @keyword units: The units for the incoming axis. The default is
    @type units: C{string}

    @keyword change_units: A flag that signals the function to convert from
                           I{meV} to I{ueV}. The default is I{False}.
    @type change_units: C{boolean}

    @keyword scale: A flag to scale the y-axis by lambda_f/lambda_i for I{IGS}
                    and lambda_i/lambda_f for I{DGS}. The default is I{False}.
    @type scale: C{boolean}

    @keyword lojac: A flag that turns on the calculation and application of
                    the linear-order Jacobian. The default is I{False}.
    @type lojac: C{boolean}

    @keyword sa_norm: A flag to turn on solid angle normlaization.
    @type sa_norm: C{boolean}

    @return: Object with the energy transfer calculated in units of I{meV} or
             I{ueV}. The default is I{meV}.
    @rtype: C{SOM.SOM}

    @raise RuntimeError: The instrument class type is not recognized
    @raise RuntimeError: The x-axis units are not Angstroms
    @raise RuntimeError: A SOM is not given to the function
    # Check the instrument class type to make sure its allowed
    allowed_types = ["DGS", "IGS"]

    if itype not in allowed_types:
        raise RuntimeError("The instrument class type %s is not known. "\
                           +"Please use DGS or IGS" % itype)

    # import the helper functions
    import hlr_utils

    # set up for working through data
    (result, res_descr) = hlr_utils.empty_result(obj)
    o_descr = hlr_utils.get_descr(obj)

    if o_descr != "SOM":
        raise RuntimeError("Must provide a SOM to the function.")
    # Go on

    # Setup keyword arguments
        units = kwargs["units"]
    except KeyError:
        units = "Angstroms"

        change_units = kwargs["change_units"]
    except KeyError:
        change_units = False

        scale = kwargs["scale"]
    except KeyError:
        scale = False

        sa_norm = kwargs["sa_norm"]
    except KeyError:
        sa_norm = False

    if sa_norm:
        inst = obj.attr_list.instrument

        lojac = kwargs["lojac"]
    except KeyError:
        lojac = False

    # Primary axis for transformation.
    axis = hlr_utils.one_d_units(obj, units)

    # Get the subtraction constant
        axis_c = obj.attr_list[axis_const]
    except KeyError:
        raise RuntimeError("Must provide a final wavelength (IGS) or initial "\
                           +"energy (DGS) via the incoming SOM")

    result = hlr_utils.copy_som_attr(result, res_descr, obj, o_descr)
    if change_units:
        unit_str = "ueV"
        unit_str = "meV"
    result = hlr_utils.force_units(result, unit_str, axis)
    result.setAxisLabel(axis, "energy_transfer")
    result.setYUnits("Counts/" + unit_str)

    # iterate through the values
    import array_manip
    import axis_manip
    import dr_lib
    import utils

    for i in xrange(hlr_utils.get_length(obj)):
        if itype == "IGS":
            l_i = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
            l_i_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
            l_f = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)
            l_f_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "x", axis)

        y_val = hlr_utils.get_value(obj, i, o_descr, "y", axis)
        y_err2 = hlr_utils.get_err2(obj, i, o_descr, "y", axis)

        map_so = hlr_utils.get_map_so(obj, None, i)

        if itype == "IGS":
            (E_i, E_i_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_i, l_i_err2)
            l_f = hlr_utils.get_special(axis_c, map_so)[:2]
            (E_f, E_f_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_f[0], l_f[1])
            if lojac:
                 y_err2) = utils.linear_order_jacobian(l_i, E_i, y_val, y_err2)
            (E_i, E_i_err2) = axis_c.toValErrTuple()
            (E_f, E_f_err2) = axis_manip.wavelength_to_energy(l_f, l_f_err2)
            if lojac:
                 y_err2) = utils.linear_order_jacobian(l_f, E_f, y_val, y_err2)

        if scale:
            # Scale counts by lambda_f / lambda_i
            if itype == "IGS":
                (l_n, l_n_err2) = l_f
                (l_d, l_d_err2) = utils.calc_bin_centers(l_i, l_i_err2)
                (l_n, l_n_err2) = utils.calc_bin_centers(l_f, l_f_err2)
                 l_d_err2) = axis_manip.energy_to_wavelength(E_i, E_i_err2)

            ratio = array_manip.div_ncerr(l_n, l_n_err2, l_d, l_d_err2)
            scale_y = array_manip.mult_ncerr(y_val, y_err2, ratio[0], ratio[1])
            scale_y = (y_val, y_err2)

        value = array_manip.sub_ncerr(E_i, E_i_err2, E_f, E_f_err2)

        if change_units:
            # Convert from meV to ueV
            value2 = array_manip.mult_ncerr(value[0], value[1], 1000.0, 0.0)
            scale_y = array_manip.mult_ncerr(scale_y[0], scale_y[1],
                                             1.0 / 1000.0, 0.0)
            value2 = value

        if sa_norm:
            if inst.get_name() == "BSS":
                dOmega = dr_lib.calc_BSS_solid_angle(map_so, inst)
                scale_y = array_manip.div_ncerr(scale_y[0], scale_y[1], dOmega,
                raise RuntimeError("Do not know how to get solid angle from "\
                                   +"%s" % inst.get_name())

        if itype == "IGS":
            # Reverse the values due to the conversion
            value_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(scale_y[0])
            value_var_y = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(scale_y[1])
            value_x = axis_manip.reverse_array_cp(value2[0])
            value_y = scale_y[0]
            value_var_y = scale_y[1]
            value_x = value2[0]

        hlr_utils.result_insert(result, res_descr, (value_y, value_var_y),
                                map_so, "all", 0, [value_x])

    return result