def addAerosol(atmosphere, X, tau0=0.05, alpha=1.0, wavelen0=440.0, plotAtmosphere=True):
    # Calculate the aerosol contribution -- sb with aerosols = sb*exp(-tau)
    tau = tau0 * np.power((wavelen0/atmosphere.wavelen), alpha)
    # Generate new atmosphere bandpass with aerosols.
    atmosphere_aerosol = Bandpass()
    atmosphere_aerosol.setBandpass(wavelen = atmosphere.wavelen,
                                   sb = * np.exp(-tau*X))

    if plotAtmosphere:
        # Plot for a check:
        atmodict = {'Original atmosphere':atmosphere,
                    'With aerosols': atmosphere_aerosol}

    return atmosphere_aerosol
Beispiel #2
def addAerosol(atmosphere,
    # Calculate the aerosol contribution -- sb with aerosols = sb*exp(-tau)
    tau = tau0 * np.power((wavelen0 / atmosphere.wavelen), alpha)
    # Generate new atmosphere bandpass with aerosols.
    atmosphere_aerosol = Bandpass()
                          * np.exp(-tau * X))

    if plotAtmosphere:
        # Plot for a check:
        atmodict = {
            'Original atmosphere': atmosphere,
            'With aerosols': atmosphere_aerosol

    return atmosphere_aerosol
Beispiel #3
    # Build the separate vendor detectors.
    qevendors = {}
    # Add losses into the throughputs?
    addLosses = True
    qevendors['loss'] = {}
    # Vendor 1
    qevendors['loss'][1] = bu.buildVendorDetector(
        os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor1'), addLosses)
    # Vendor 2
    qevendors['loss'][2] = bu.buildVendorDetector(
        os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor2'), addLosses)
    # Generic 'minimum' detector throughputs.
    qevendors['loss']['Min'] = bu.buildDetector(defaultDirs['detector'],
                      title='Combining Vendor Detector Responses Losses')

    qevendors['noloss'] = {}
    # Add losses into the throughputs?
    addLosses = False
    # Build the separate vendor detectors.
    # Vendor 1
    qevendors['noloss'][1] = bu.buildVendorDetector(
        os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor1'), addLosses)
    # Vendor 2
    qevendors['noloss'][2] = bu.buildVendorDetector(
        os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor2'), addLosses)
    # Generic 'minimum' detector throughputs.
    qevendors['noloss']['Min'] = bu.buildDetector(defaultDirs['detector'],
    # Get the names of the directories containing each component.
    # (returns a dictionary).
    defaultDirs = bu.setDefaultDirs(rootDir = '..')

    # Build the separate vendor detectors.
    qevendors = {}
    # Add losses into the throughputs?
    qevendors['loss'] = {}
    # Vendor 1
    qevendors['loss'][1] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor1'), addLosses)
    # Vendor 2
    qevendors['loss'][2] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor2'), addLosses)
    # Generic 'minimum' detector throughputs.
    qevendors['loss']['Min'] = bu.buildDetector(defaultDirs['detector'], addLosses)
    bu.plotBandpasses(qevendors['loss'], title='Combining Vendor Detector Responses Losses')

    qevendors['noloss'] = {}
    # Add losses into the throughputs?
    addLosses = False
    # Build the separate vendor detectors.
    # Vendor 1
    qevendors['noloss'][1] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor1'), addLosses)
    # Vendor 2
    qevendors['noloss'][2] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor2'), addLosses)
    # Generic 'minimum' detector throughputs.
    qevendors['noloss']['Min'] = bu.buildDetector(defaultDirs['detector'], addLosses)
    bu.plotBandpasses(qevendors['noloss'], title='Combining Vendor Detector Responses No Losses')

    defaultDirs = bu.setDefaultDirs()
    addLosses = True

    allPlots = False

    photParams = PhotometricParameters()
    lsstDefaults = LSSTdefaults()

    # Build the detectors.
    qevendors = {}
    qevendors[1] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor1'), addLosses)
    qevendors[2] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor2'), addLosses)
    qevendors['combo'] = bu.buildGenericDetector(defaultDirs['detector'], addLosses)
    if allPlots:
        bu.plotBandpasses(qevendors, title='Vendor Detector Responses')

    # Build the other components.
    lens1 = bu.buildLens(defaultDirs['lens1'], addLosses)
    lens2 = bu.buildLens(defaultDirs['lens2'], addLosses)
    lens3 = bu.buildLens(defaultDirs['lens3'], addLosses)
    filters = bu.buildFilters(defaultDirs['filters'], addLosses)
    mirror1 = bu.buildMirror(defaultDirs['mirror1'], addLosses)
    mirror2 = bu.buildMirror(defaultDirs['mirror2'], addLosses)
    mirror3 = bu.buildMirror(defaultDirs['mirror3'], addLosses)
    atmosphere = bu.buildAtmosphere(defaultDirs['atmosphere'])

    # Plot all components.
    if allPlots:
        plt.plot(qevendors['combo'].wavelen, qevendors['combo'].sb, 'k-', linewidth=2, label='Detector')
    # Add losses into the throughputs?
    addLosses = True

    throughputs = {}

    # Build the separate vendor detectors.
    qevendors = {}
    # Vendor 1
    qevendors[1] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor1'), addLosses)
    # Vendor 2
    qevendors[2] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor2'), addLosses)
    # Generic 'minimum' detector throughputs.
    qevendors['Min'] = bu.buildDetector(defaultDirs['detector'], addLosses)
    throughputs['detector'] = qevendors['Min']
    bu.plotBandpasses(qevendors, title='Combining Vendor Detector Responses')

    # Read the previously generated 'intermediate' file and plot the comparison.
    comparison = Bandpass()
    oldDetector = '../intermediateFiles/components/camera/detThroughput.dat'
    # Plot old and new detectors.
    plotDict = {'New Detector':throughputs['detector'], 'Old Detector':comparison}
    bu.plotBandpasses(plotDict, title='Compare Detector Throughputs')

    # Build and compare the lens throughput curves, for lens1/2/3.
    for lens in ('lens1', 'lens2', 'lens3'):
        throughputs[lens] = bu.buildLens(defaultDirs[lens], addLosses)
        # Read the old intermediate file version.
    addLosses = True

    throughputs = {}

    # Build the separate vendor detectors.
    qevendors = {}
    # Vendor 1
    qevendors[1] = bu.buildVendorDetector(
        os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor1'), addLosses)
    # Vendor 2
    qevendors[2] = bu.buildVendorDetector(
        os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor2'), addLosses)
    # Generic 'minimum' detector throughputs.
    qevendors['Min'] = bu.buildDetector(defaultDirs['detector'], addLosses)
    throughputs['detector'] = qevendors['Min']
    bu.plotBandpasses(qevendors, title='Combining Vendor Detector Responses')

    # Read the previously generated 'intermediate' file and plot the comparison.
    comparison = Bandpass()
    oldDetector = '../intermediateFiles/components/camera/detThroughput.dat'
    # Plot old and new detectors.
    plotDict = {
        'New Detector': throughputs['detector'],
        'Old Detector': comparison
    bu.plotBandpasses(plotDict, title='Compare Detector Throughputs')

    # Build and compare the lens throughput curves, for lens1/2/3.
    for lens in ('lens1', 'lens2', 'lens3'):
        throughputs[lens] = bu.buildLens(defaultDirs[lens], addLosses)