Beispiel #1
Datei: Projekt: nhmc/H2
def get_par_from_lines(lines, blim=(2, 15), Nlim=(14, 19.), dz=5e-5):
    """ Get all the parameters we want to vary from a list of lines.
    P = adict(names=[], min=[], max=[], tied={})

    i = 1
    for l in lines:
        if l.zpar == '':
            P.names.append('z%i' % i)
            P.min.append(l.z - dz)
            P.max.append(l.z + dz)
        elif l.zpar.islower():
            if l.zpar not in P.tied:
                # entry gives the index of the parameter corresponding
                # to this tied character. Note all tied lines must
                # have the same lower case character (this is
                # different to VPFIT, where one character is lower
                # case, and all the others are the same letter but
                # upper case)
                P.tied[l.zpar] = len(P.names)
                P.names.append('z%i' % i)
                P.min.append(l.z - dz)
                P.max.append(l.z + dz)

        if l.logNpar == '':
            P.names.append('N%i' % i)
        if l.bpar == '':
            P.names.append('b%i' % i)
        elif l.bpar.islower():
            if l.bpar not in P.tied:

                # entry gives the index of the parameter corresponding
                # to this tied character. Note all tied lines must
                # have the same lower case character (this is
                # different to VPFIT, where one character is lower
                # case, and all the others are the same letter but
                # upper case)
                P.tied[l.bpar] = len(P.names)
                P.names.append('b%i' % i)

        if '' in (l.zpar, l.logNpar, l.bpar) or l.bpar.islower() or \
            i += 1

    return P
Beispiel #2
def get_fig_axes(nrows, ncols, npar, width=11.7, height=None, aspect=0.5):
    """ Generate a figure with a number of subplots.

    nrows : int
      Number of rows
    ncols : int
      Number of columns
    npar : int
      Number of plots in total
    width : float
      Width of the figure in inches
    aspect : float
      width / height of each sub-plot.

    fig : matplotlib figure object
    axes : list of matplotlib axes objects
      ordered from top left going down coluns.

    if height is None:
        height = width*aspect*nrows/ncols
    fig = pl.figure(figsize=(width, height))    

    axes = [fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, i+1) for i in range(npar)]

    # reorder axes so they go from top left down columns instead of across
    axes1 = []
    ileft = []
    ibottom = []
    for j in range(ncols):
        for i in range(nrows):
            ind = j + i*ncols
            if ind > npar - 1:
    # find the indices of the left and bottom plots (used to set axes
    # labels)
    ileft = range(nrows)
    ibottom = [i*nrows - 1 for i in range(1, ncols+1)]
    for i in range(ncols*nrows - npar):
        ibottom[-(i+1)] -= ncols*nrows - npar - i

    velplot = adict(axes=axes1, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
                    ileft=ileft, ibottom=ibottom)
    return fig, velplot
Beispiel #3
Datei: Projekt: nhmc/LAE
def make_interpolators_uvbtilt(trans, simnames):
    """ Make interpolators including different UV slopes, given by the
    simulation names.

    simname naming scheme should be (uvb_k00, uvb_k01, uvb_k02, ...),

    uvb k values must be sorted in ascending order!

    Models = []
    aUV = []
    for simname in simnames:
        # need to define prefix, SIMNAME
        gridname = os.path.join(simname, 'grid.cfg')
        print 'Reading', gridname
        cfg = parse_config(gridname)
        name = os.path.join(simname, cfg.prefix + '_grid.sav.gz')
        print 'Reading', name
        M = loadobj(name)
        M = adict(M)

        Uconst = (M.U + M.nH)[0]
        print 'Uconst', Uconst, cfg.uvb_tilt
        assert np.allclose(Uconst, M.U + M.nH)

    # Interpolate cloudy grids onto a finer scale for plotting and
    # likelihood calculation

    roman_map = {'I':0, 'II':1, 'III':2, 'IV':3, 'V':4, 'VI':5,
                 'VII':6, 'VIII':7, 'IX':8, 'X':9, '2':2}
    Ncloudy = {}
    Ncloudy_raw = {}
    print 'Interpolating...'
    for tr in trans + ['NH']:
        shape = len(M.NHI), len(M.nH), len(M.Z), len(aUV)
        Nvals = np.zeros(shape)
        if tr in ['CII*']:
            for i,M in enumerate(Models):
                Nvals[:,:,:,i] = M.Nex[tr][:,:,:]
        elif tr == 'NH':
            for i,M in enumerate(Models):
                logNHI = M.N['H'][:,:,:,0]
                logNHII = M.N['H'][:,:,:,1]
                logNHtot = np.log10(10**logNHI + 10**logNHII)
                Nvals[:,:,:,i] = logNHtot            
            atom, stage = split_trans_name(tr)
            ind = roman_map[stage]
            for i,M in enumerate(Models):
                Nvals[:,:,:,i] = M.N[atom][:,:,:,ind]

        # use ndimage.map_coordinates (which is spline interpolation)
        coord = M.NHI, M.nH, M.Z, aUV
            Ncloudy[tr] = MapCoord_Interpolator(Nvals, coord)
            import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

        Ncloudy_raw[tr] = Nvals

    print 'done'
    return Ncloudy, Ncloudy_raw, Models, np.array(aUV, np.float)
Beispiel #4
def make_interpolators_uvbtilt(trans, simnames):
    """ Make interpolators including different UV slopes, given by the
    simulation names.

    simname naming scheme should be (uvb_k00, uvb_k01, uvb_k02, ...),

    uvb k values must be sorted in ascending order!

    Models = []
    aUV = []
    for simname in simnames:
        # need to define prefix, SIMNAME
        gridname = os.path.join(simname, 'grid.cfg')

        print 'Reading', gridname
        cfg = parse_config(gridname)

        name = os.path.join(simname, cfg.prefix + '_grid.sav.gz')
        print 'Reading', name
        M = loadobj(name)
        M = adict(M)

        Uconst = (M.U + M.nH)[0]
        print 'Uconst', Uconst, cfg.uvb_tilt
        assert np.allclose(Uconst, M.U + M.nH)

    # Interpolate cloudy grids onto a finer scale for plotting and
    # likelihood calculation

    roman_map = {
        'I': 0,
        'II': 1,
        'III': 2,
        'IV': 3,
        'V': 4,
        'VI': 5,
        'VII': 6,
        'VIII': 7,
        'IX': 8,
        'X': 9,
        '2': 2
    Ncloudy = {}
    Ncloudy_raw = {}
    print 'Interpolating...'
    for tr in trans + ['NH']:
        shape = len(M.NHI), len(M.nH), len(M.Z), len(aUV)
        Nvals = np.zeros(shape)
        if tr in ['CII*']:
            for i, M in enumerate(Models):
                Nvals[:, :, :, i] = M.Nex[tr][:, :, :]
        elif tr == 'NH':
            for i, M in enumerate(Models):
                logNHI = M.N['H'][:, :, :, 0]
                logNHII = M.N['H'][:, :, :, 1]
                logNHtot = np.log10(10**logNHI + 10**logNHII)
                Nvals[:, :, :, i] = logNHtot
            atom, stage = split_trans_name(tr)
            ind = roman_map[stage]
            for i, M in enumerate(Models):
                Nvals[:, :, :, i] = M.N[atom][:, :, :, ind]

        # use ndimage.map_coordinates (which is spline interpolation)
        coord = M.NHI, M.nH, M.Z, aUV
            Ncloudy[tr] = MapCoord_Interpolator(Nvals, coord)
            import pdb

        Ncloudy_raw[tr] = Nvals

    print 'done'
    return Ncloudy, Ncloudy_raw, Models, np.array(aUV, np.float)
Beispiel #5
def process_options(args):
    opt = adict()
    filename = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/default.cfg'
    opt = parse_config(filename)
    if os.path.lexists('./plot.cfg'):
        opt = parse_config('./plot.cfg', opt)

    opt.atom = readatom(molecules=True)

    if opt.Rfwhm is not None:
        if isinstance(opt.Rfwhm, basestring):
            if opt.Rfwhm == 'convolve_with_COS_FOS':
                if convolve_with_COS_FOS is None:
                    raise ValueError('convolve_with_COS_FOS() not available')
                print('Using tailored FWHM for COS/FOS data')
                opt.Rfwhm = 'convolve_with_COS_FOS'
            elif opt.Rfwhm.endswith('fits'):
                print('Reading Resolution FWHM from', opt.Rfwhm)
                res = readtabfits(opt.Rfwhm)
                opt.Rfwhm = res.res / 2.354
                print('Reading Resolution FWHM from', opt.Rfwhm)
                fh = open(opt.Rfwhm)
                opt.Rfwhm = 1 / 2.354 * np.array([float(r) for r in fh])
            opt.Rfwhm = float(opt.Rfwhm)

    if opt.features is not None:
        print('Reading feature list from', opt.features)
        opt.features = readtabfits(opt.features)

    if opt.f26 is not None:
        name = opt.f26
        print('Reading ions and fitting regions from', name)
        opt.f26 = readf26(name)
        opt.f26.filename = name

    if opt.transitions is not None:
        print('Reading transitions from', opt.transitions)
        fh = open(opt.transitions)
        trans = list(fh)
        temp = []
        for tr in trans:
            tr = tr.strip()
            if tr and not tr.startswith('#'):
                junk = tr.split()
                tr = junk[0] + ' ' + junk[1]
                t = findtrans(tr, atomdat=opt.atom)
                temp.append(dict(name=t[0], wa=t[1][0], tr=t[1]))
        opt.linelist = temp
        opt.linelist = readtxt(get_data_path() + 'linelists/qsoabs_lines',

    if opt.f26 is None and opt.taulines is not None:
        print('Reading ions from', opt.taulines)
        fh = open(opt.taulines)
        lines = []
        for row in fh:
            if row.lstrip().startswith('#'):
            items = row.split()
            lines.append([items[0]] + list(map(float, items[1:])))
        opt.lines = lines

    if opt.show_regions is None:
        opt.show_regions = True

    if hasattr(opt, 'aodname'):
        opt.aod =

    return opt
Beispiel #6
def process_options(args):
    opt = adict()
    filename = os.path.abspath(__file__).rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/default.cfg'
    opt = parse_config(filename)
    if os.path.lexists('./plot.cfg'):
        opt = parse_config('./plot.cfg', opt)

    opt.atom = readatom(molecules=True)

    if opt.Rfwhm is not None:
        if isinstance(opt.Rfwhm, basestring):
            if opt.Rfwhm == 'convolve_with_COS_FOS':
                if convolve_with_COS_FOS is None:
                    raise ValueError('convolve_with_COS_FOS() not available')
                print('Using tailored FWHM for COS/FOS data')
                opt.Rfwhm = 'convolve_with_COS_FOS'
            elif opt.Rfwhm.endswith('fits'):
                print('Reading Resolution FWHM from', opt.Rfwhm)
                res = readtabfits(opt.Rfwhm)
                opt.Rfwhm = res.res / 2.354
                print('Reading Resolution FWHM from', opt.Rfwhm)
                fh = open(opt.Rfwhm)
                opt.Rfwhm = 1 / 2.354 * np.array([float(r) for r in fh])
            opt.Rfwhm = float(opt.Rfwhm)

    if opt.features is not None:
        print('Reading feature list from', opt.features)
        opt.features = readtabfits(opt.features)

    if opt.f26 is not None:
        name = opt.f26
        print('Reading ions and fitting regions from', name)
        opt.f26 = readf26(name)
        opt.f26.filename = name

    if opt.transitions is not None:
        print('Reading transitions from', opt.transitions)
        fh = open(opt.transitions)
        trans = list(fh)
        temp = []
        for tr in trans:
            tr = tr.strip()
            if tr and not tr.startswith('#'):
                junk = tr.split()
                tr = junk[0] + ' ' + junk[1]
                t = findtrans(tr, atomdat=opt.atom)
                temp.append(dict(name=t[0], wa=t[1][0], tr=t[1]))
        opt.linelist = temp
        opt.linelist = readtxt(get_data_path() + 'linelists/qsoabs_lines',

    if opt.f26 is None and opt.taulines is not None:
        print('Reading ions from', opt.taulines)
        fh = open(opt.taulines)
        lines = []
        for row in fh:
            if row.lstrip().startswith('#'):
            items = row.split()
            lines.append([items[0]] + list(map(float, items[1:])))
        opt.lines = lines

    if opt.show_regions is None:
        opt.show_regions = True

    if hasattr(opt, 'aodname'):
        opt.aod =

    return opt
Beispiel #7
    x0,x1 = ax.get_xlim()
    const = (grid.U + grid.nH)[0]
    assert np.allclose(const, grid.U + grid.nH)
    ax1.set_xlim(const - x0, const - x1)
    ax1.set_xlabel('$\log_{10}\ U$')

if 1:
    # Read the model
    cfg = parse_config(gridname)

    M = loadobj(os.path.join(prefix, simname, cfg.prefix + '_grid.sav.gz'))
    M = adict(M)

    # A finer grid of parameter values for interpolation below
    NHI = np.linspace(M.NHI[0], M.NHI[-1], 100)
    nH = np.linspace(M.nH[0], M.nH[-1], 101)
    Z = np.linspace(M.Z[0], M.Z[-1], 102)

    dNHI = NHI[1] - NHI[0]
    dnH = nH[1] - nH[0]
    dZ = Z[1] - Z[0]

if 1:
    # Read the observed column densities
Beispiel #8
- a get_initial_positions(nwalkers) function that generates an array
  of shape (nwalkers, npar) with parameter values for the initial
  walker positions.

- a plot_model(par) function that plots a model fit to the data given a
  set of parameter values, in the same order as they are listed in P.

from __future__ import division
from barak.absorb import calc_iontau, readatom
from barak.utilities import adict
from import writetxt
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np

P = adict()

# these are what we'll find the posterior for
P.names = 'z1', 'logN1', 'b1', 'z2', 'logN2', 'b2'

# these are the upper and lower limits on the flat prior ranges. these
# will be used to generate guess positions for the sampler. If you get
# these wrong, the sampler can get confused (poor acceptance fractions
# or walkers getting lost in very low likelihood regions of parameter
# space). It will take some trial and error and inspection of the
# burn-in parameter distribution to find input ranges that give
# plausible results.

P.min = 2.4997, 12.5, 5, 2.500, 12.5, 5
P.max = 2.5003, 16.5, 70, 2.501, 15.5, 70
Beispiel #9
Datei: Projekt: nhmc/LAE
- a get_initial_positions(nwalkers) function that generates an array
  of shape (nwalkers, npar) with parameter values for the initial
  walker positions.

- a plot_model(par) function that plots a model fit to the data given a
  set of parameter values, in the same order as they are listed in P.

from __future__ import division
from barak.absorb import calc_iontau, readatom
from barak.utilities import adict
from import writetxt
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np

P = adict()

# these are what we'll find the posterior for
P.names = 'z1', 'logN1', 'b1', 'z2', 'logN2', 'b2'

# these are the upper and lower limits on the flat prior ranges. these
# will be used to generate guess positions for the sampler. If you get
# these wrong, the sampler can get confused (poor acceptance fractions
# or walkers getting lost in very low likelihood regions of parameter
# space). It will take some trial and error and inspection of the
# burn-in parameter distribution to find input ranges that give
# plausible results.

P.min = 2.4997, 12.5, 5, 2.500, 12.5, 5
P.max = 2.5003, 16.5, 70, 2.501, 15.5, 70
Beispiel #10
 5 & 72 &$-0.21\pm0.11$ &$0.37\pm0.14$  &$-2.70\pm0.11$ &$\mathbf{16.37\pm0.09}$ &$18.90\pm0.16$              &$4.11\pm0.03$ &$-2.15\pm0.32(0.12)$&$1.97\pm0.32(0.12)$ &$-0.42\pm0.39(0.26)$ &$4.34\pm0.89(0.66)$
 6 & 92 &$-0.26\pm0.11$ &$0.20\pm0.18$  &$-2.66\pm0.10$ &$\mathbf{16.02\pm0.10}$ &$18.62\pm0.13$              &$4.12\pm0.03$ &$-2.21\pm0.32(0.11)$&$1.91\pm0.32(0.12)$ &$-0.65\pm0.36(0.21)$ &$3.59\pm0.80(0.53)$
 7 & 235 &$-0.69\pm0.23$ &$\mathbf{0.01\pm0.38}$  &$-2.43\pm0.17$ &$\mathbf{14.70\pm0.01}$ &$17.64\pm0.25$     &$4.27\pm0.04$ &$-2.46\pm0.37(0.21)$&$1.80\pm0.35(0.17)$ &$-1.38\pm0.55(0.46)$ &$1.17\pm1.31(1.16)$
 8 & 324 &$-1.07\pm0.42$ &$\mathbf{-0.24\pm0.48}$ &$-1.63\pm0.44$ &$\mathbf{13.59\pm0.01}$ &$17.76\pm0.57$     &$4.49\pm0.12$ &$-3.34\pm0.55(0.46)$&$1.09\pm0.45(0.34)$ &$-0.22\pm1.08(1.04)$ &$3.60\pm2.71(2.64)$

fh = StringIO(tab)

#T = readtxt(fh, sep='&', names=['comp', 'nH', 'Z', 'aUV', 'NHI',
#                                'U', 'T', 'NH', 'D', 'Pk'])

T = readtxt(fh, sep='&', names=['comp', 'vel', 'Z', 'aUV', 'U', 'NHI', 'NH',
                                'T', 'nH', 'Pk', 'D', 'M'])

from barak.utilities import adict
V = adict()
for n in ('nH', 'Z', 'aUV','NHI','NH', 'U','T','D','Pk', 'M'):
    V[n] = readcol(T[n])
    if n == 'T':
        v = V[n]['val']
        V[n]['erlo'] = (10**v - 10**(v - V[n]['erlo'])) / 1e3
        V[n]['erhi'] = (10**(v + V[n]['erhi']) - 10**v)/ 1e3
        V[n]['val'] = 10**v / 1e3


# make plots
dv = np.array(T['vel'])

# make Z plot
Beispiel #11
    kappa = t1 * t2

    # upper limit
    t1 = 10**calc_abund(elnodep, 'H', Nnodephi, NHlo)
    t2 = (1 - 10**calc_abund(eldep, elnodep, Ndeplo, Nnodephi))

    kappahi = t1 * t2

    # lower limit
    t1 = 10**calc_abund(elnodep, 'H', Nnodeplo, NHhi)
    t2 = (1 - 10**calc_abund(eldep, elnodep, Ndephi, Nnodeplo))

    kappalo = t1 * t2
    return np.array([kappa, kappalo, kappahi])

obs = adict(read_observed('../cloudy/observed_logN/total'))

from barak.abundances import calc_abund

if 1:

    print np.log10(calc_kappa('FeII', 'OI',  obs))
    print np.log10(calc_kappa('FeII', 'SiII',obs))
    print np.log10(calc_kappa('MgII', 'OI',  obs))

    print '[Fe/O]', calc_abund_range('FeII', 'OI', obs)
    print '[Mg/O]', calc_abund_range('MgII', 'OI',   obs)
    print '[Fe/Si]', calc_abund_range('FeII', 'SiII',obs)
    print '[Mg/Si]', calc_abund_range('MgII', 'SiII',obs)
    print '[Si/Fe]', calc_abund_range('SiII', 'FeII',obs)