Beispiel #1
    def create_dir_if_not_exists(self, dir_path):
        This method recursively creates a directory if not exists

        If the path exists and is not a directory raise an exception.

        :param str dir_path: full path for the directory
        _logger.debug('Create directory %s if it does not exists' % dir_path)
        exists = self.exists(dir_path)
        if exists:
            is_dir = self.cmd('test', args=['-d', dir_path])
            if is_dir != 0:
                raise FsOperationFailed(
                    'A file with the same name already exists')
                return False
            # Make parent directories if needed
            mkdir_ret = self.cmd('mkdir', args=['-p', dir_path])
            if mkdir_ret == 0:
                return True
                raise FsOperationFailed('mkdir execution failed')
Beispiel #2
    def delete_if_exists(self, path):
        This method check for the existence of a path.
        If it exists, then is removed using a rm -fr command,
        and returns True.
        If the command fails an exception is raised.
        If the path does not exists returns False

        :param path the full path for the directory
        _logger.debug('Delete path %s if exists' % path)
        exists = self.exists(path, False)
        if exists:
            rm_ret = self.cmd('rm -fr %s' % path)
            if rm_ret == 0:
                return True
                raise FsOperationFailed('rm execution failed')
            return False
Beispiel #3
    def check_directory_exists(self, dir_path):
            Check for the existence of a directory in path.
            if the directory exists returns true.
            if the directory does not exists returns false.
            if exists a file and is not a directory raises an exception

            :param dir_path full path for the directory
        _logger.debug('Check if directory %s exists' % dir_path)
        exists = self.exists(dir_path)
        if exists:
            is_dir = self.cmd('test -d %s' % dir_path)
            if is_dir != 0:
                raise FsOperationFailed(
                    'A file with the same name exists, but is not a directory')
                return True
            return False