Beispiel #1
        if reagent is 'Wash 1':
            port = 2
            port = 8


    elif method is 'hyb':

    elif method is 'incubate_reagent':
        print "\n***\t*\t--> Please, enter minutes for incubation [integer]: ",
        time = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip(
        ))  # use stdin explicitly and remove trailing new-line character

    elif method is 'init':

        print '\n***\t*\t--> Error: not correct method input!\n--> Double check method name (2nd argument)\n'

    #-------------------------- Duration of biochemistry test ------------------------------

    delta = (time.time() -
             t0) / 60  # Calculate elapsed time for flowcell flush.
        '***\t*\t--> Finished %s method execution - duration: %0.2f minutes\n\n'
        % delta)
Beispiel #2
0'***\t*\t--> Started biochemistry object testing -')

#--------------------------------- Initialization --------------------------------------


#biochem.reagent_block_init()				# Set reagent block cooler to constant temperature, 4 Celsius degrees.
#biochem.rotary_valve1_init()				# Initialize reagent start points in ten port rotary valve V1.
#biochem.rotary_valve2_init()				# Initialize reagent start points in ten port rotary valve V2.
#biochem.rotary_valve3_init()				# Initialize reagent start points in ten port rotary valve V3.

#biochem.syringe_pump_init()				# Initializes syringe pump by moving it to zero position and setting speed to 20.
#biochem.mixer_init()					# Prime mixer chamber with Wash 1 as initialization step.
#biochem.ligase_init()					# Initialize ligase/ligase buffer start points in nine port valve V0.

biochem.init()						# Initialize biochemistry sub-system.

#------------------------------- Complex functions -------------------------------------

#biochem.get_config_parameters()				# Retieves all biochemistry and device related configuration parameters configuration file.
#biochem.get_excel_volumes()				# Extracts path length and tube cross-sectional area information from standard Excel file.

#biochem.clean_V1_to_syringe()				# Fills tube path V1 to syringe port 5 with Wash 1 and dumps previous tube content to waste.
#biochem.clean_V2_to_syringe()				# Fills tube path V2 to syringe port 6 with Wash 1 and dumps previous tube content to waste.

#biochem.draw_air_to_syringe()				# Draws a specific volume of air plug to syringe's COM-port.
#biochem.draw_air_to_valve('V3')				# Draws a specific volume of air plug to specified valve COM-port.

#biochem.move_reagent(1000, 20, 4, 30, 7)		# Moves a given volume of reagent from one syringe port to another at different speeds.
#biochem.draw_into_flowcell(1000)			# Draws reagent into flowcell.
#biochem.flush_flowcell(5)				# Flushes flowcell 3-times with Wash 1 or dH20.
Beispiel #3
            port = 2
            port = 8 


    elif method is 'hyb':

    elif method is 'incubate_reagent':
        print "\n***\t*\t--> Please, enter minutes for incubation [integer]: ",
        time = int(sys.stdin.readline().strip())  # use stdin explicitly and remove trailing new-line character

    elif method is 'init':

     print '\n***\t*\t--> Error: not correct method input!\n--> Double check method name (2nd argument)\n'

    #-------------------------- Duration of biochemistry test ------------------------------

    delta = (time.time() - t0) / 60  # Calculate elapsed time for flowcell flush.
    logger.warn('***\t*\t--> Finished %s method execution - duration: %0.2f minutes\n\n' % delta)
Beispiel #4
0'***\t*\t--> Started biochemistry object testing -')

#--------------------------------- Initialization --------------------------------------


#biochem.reagent_block_init()               # Set reagent block cooler to constant temperature, 4 Celsius degrees.
#biochem.rotary_valve1_init()               # Initialize reagent start points in ten port rotary valve V1.
#biochem.rotary_valve2_init()               # Initialize reagent start points in ten port rotary valve V2.
#biochem.rotary_valve3_init()               # Initialize reagent start points in ten port rotary valve V3.

#biochem.syringe_pump_init()                # Initializes syringe pump by moving it to zero position and setting speed to 20.
#biochem.mixer_init()                   # Prime mixer chamber with Wash 1 as initialization step.
#biochem.ligase_init()                  # Initialize ligase/ligase buffer start points in nine port valve V0.

biochem.init()                      # Initialize biochemistry sub-system.

#------------------------------- Complex functions -------------------------------------

#biochem.get_config_parameters()                # Retieves all biochemistry and device related configuration parameters configuration file.
#biochem.get_excel_volumes()                # Extracts path length and tube cross-sectional area information from standard Excel file.

#biochem.clean_V1_to_syringe()              # Fills tube path V1 to syringe port 5 with Wash 1 and dumps previous tube content to waste.
#biochem.clean_V2_to_syringe()              # Fills tube path V2 to syringe port 6 with Wash 1 and dumps previous tube content to waste.

#biochem.draw_air_to_syringe()              # Draws a specific volume of air plug to syringe's COM-port.
#biochem.draw_air_to_valve('V3')                # Draws a specific volume of air plug to specified valve COM-port.

#biochem.move_reagent(1000, 20, 4, 30, 7)       # Moves a given volume of reagent from one syringe port to another at different speeds.
#biochem.draw_into_flowcell(1000)           # Draws reagent into flowcell.
#biochem.flush_flowcell(5)              # Flushes flowcell 3-times with Wash 1 or dH20.