def _update_inputs(self, ast):
     """ Set the input signature as found from the underlying function
     args = function_arguments_from_ast(ast)
     inputs = [InputArgument(name=arg[0], default=arg[1]) for arg in args[0]]
     self.inputs = inputs
 def _args_from_code(self, code):
     mod = compiler.parse(code)
     # Pull the function out the Module->Stmt nodes of the tree.
     func = mod.node.nodes[0]
     return function_arguments_from_ast(func)
 def _args_from_code(self, code):
     mod = compiler.parse(code)
     # Pull the function out the Module->Stmt nodes of the tree.
     func = mod.node.nodes[0]
     return function_arguments_from_ast(func)