Beispiel #1
def _rollANumber():
    blockHash = GetCurrentBlockHash()
    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    txhash = GetTransactionHash(tx)
    theNumber = abs(blockHash ^ txhash) % 100
    theNumber = Add(abs(theNumber), 1)
    return theNumber
Beispiel #2
def get_sender_address():
    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References
    reference = references[0]
    sender_addr = reference.ScriptHash

    return sender_addr
Beispiel #3
def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached neo and gas

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = None
    sent_amount_neo = 0
    sent_amount_gas = 0

    if len(references) > 0:

        reference = references[0]
        sender_addr = reference.ScriptHash
        for output in tx.Outputs:
            if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                if output.AssetId == neo_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_neo += output.Value
                if output.AssetId == gas_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_gas += output.Value

    return [receiver_addr, sender_addr, sent_amount_neo, sent_amount_gas]
Beispiel #4
def GetMintInfo(ctx):
    Gets information about acception coin attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached the acception coin

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References
    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = None
    sent_amount_ac = 0
    ac = Get(ctx, "ACCEPTCOIN")
    if len(ac) == 32:
        if len(references) > 0:
            reference = references[0]
            sender_addr = reference.ScriptHash
            for output in tx.Outputs:
                if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                    if output.AssetId == ac:
                        sent_amount_ac += output.Value

    return [receiver_addr, sender_addr, sent_amount_ac]
def process_withdrawal():
    my_container = GetScriptContainer()
    my_hash = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    withdrawl_stage = WithdrawStage(my_container)
    if withdrawl_stage is None:
        return False

    withdrawingaddr = getWithdrawAddress(mycontainer, withdrawlstage)
    assetID = getWithdrawlAsset(mycontainer)
    if len(assetID) == 20:
        iswithdrawingNEP5 = True
        iswithdrawingNEP5 = False

    # inputs = mycontainer.getInputs()
    # outputs = mycontainer.getOutputs()

    if withdrawlstage == 'Mark':
        amount = getbalance(withdrawingaddr, assetID)
        # Here you can add withdraw fees and things like that
        markwithdrawal(withdrawingaddr, assetID, amount)

    byteArray = ['0']
    if iswithdrawingNEP5:
        put(myhash + byteArray, withdrawingaddr)
    # else:
    #   value = 0
    #   for output in outputs:
    #       value += outputs[output]['Value']

    withdrawing(withdrawingaddr, assetID, amount)
    return True
Beispiel #6
def vote(args):
    Vote for a proposal
    :param args: list of arguments [PROPOSAL_ID, VOTE]
    :return: bool, result of the execution
    if len(args) != 2:
        return False

    # get proposal from storage
    proposal_id = args[0]
    proposal_storage = Get(ctx, proposal_id)

    # check proposal existence
    if not proposal_storage:
        print("Proposal not found")
        return False

    # get caller address
    references = GetScriptContainer().References
    if len(references) < 1:
        return False
    caller_addr = references[0].ScriptHash

    # check if address already voted
    if Get(ctx, concat(proposal_id, caller_addr)):
        print('Already voted')
        return False

    # Deserialize proposal array
    proposal = Deserialize(proposal_storage)

    # iterate authorized address
    index = 0
    while index < len(proposal[3]):
        if proposal[3][index] == caller_addr:
            authorized = True
        index += 1

    if not authorized:
        print('Not allowed to vote')
        return False

    # increment vote counter
    if args[1] == 1:
        proposal[1] = proposal[1] + 1
        proposal[2] = proposal[2] + 1

    # serialize proposal and write to storage
    proposal_storage = Serialize(proposal)
    Put(ctx, proposal_id, proposal_storage)

    # mark address as voted
    Put(ctx, concat(proposal_id, caller_addr), True)

    return True
Beispiel #7
def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached gas

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = None
    sent_amount_gas = 0

    if len(references) > 0:

        reference = references[0]
        sender_addr = reference.ScriptHash
        for output in tx.Outputs:
            if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                #Only stick with GAS in this Hackathon
                #if output.AssetId == neo_asset_id:
                    #sent_amount_neo += output.Value
                if output.AssetId == gas_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_gas += output.Value

    return [receiver_addr, sender_addr, sent_amount_gas]
Beispiel #8
def get_asset_attachments_for_prev():
    attachment = create_attachment()

    tx = GetScriptContainer()  # type:Transaction

    sent_amount_neo = 0
    sent_amount_gas = 0

    attachment["receiver_addr"] = GetExecutingScriptHash()

    for ins in tx.Inputs:

        prev_tx = GetTransaction(ins.Hash)
        references = prev_tx.References

        if len(references) > 0:

            reference = references[0]
            attachment["sender_addr"] = reference.ScriptHash

            prev_output = prev_tx.Outputs[ins.Index]

            if prev_output.ScriptHash == attachment["receiver_addr"] and prev_output.AssetId == attachment["neo_asset_id"]:
                sent_amount_neo += prev_output.Value

            if prev_output.ScriptHash == attachment["receiver_addr"] and prev_output.AssetId == attachment["gas_asset_id"]:
                sent_amount_gas += prev_output.Value

    attachment.neo_attached = sent_amount_neo
    attachment.gas_attached = sent_amount_gas

    return attachment
Beispiel #9
 def GetTransactionHash():
    """Fetches the hash of the current transaction.
        (str): hash of current transaction.

    transaction = GetScriptContainer()
    hash = GetTransactionHash(transaction)
    return hash
Beispiel #10
def random(min,max,salt):# min>=x and x<=max
    txid = GetTransactionHash(GetScriptContainer())
    blockTime = GetTime()
    blockHash = GetCurrentBlockHash()
    sysseed = [txid,blockHash, salt, blockTime]
    sysseed = sha256(Serialize(sysseed))
    res = abs(sysseed)
    number = res % (max-min+1)
    number = number + min
    return number
Beispiel #11
def getExplodePoint():
    :return: a random number in the range of 1 to 1 000 000
    blockHash = GetCurrentBlockHash()
    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    txhash = GetTransactionHash(tx)
    randomNumber = abs(blockHash ^ txhash) % 1000000
    explodePoint = Add(abs(randomNumber), 1)
    return explodePoint
Beispiel #12
def callOracle(date):
    _require(CheckWitness(operaterAddress) or CheckWitness(adminAddress))

    req = getOracleReq(date)

    key = _concatKey(OraclePrefix, date)
    txhash = GetTransactionHash(GetScriptContainer())
    Put(ctx, key, txhash)
    oracleContract('CreateOracleRequest', [req, selfAddr])
    return True
Beispiel #13
def perform_exchange(ctx):

     :param token:Token The token object with NEP5/sale settings
         bool: Whether the exchange was successful
    last_tx = Get(ctx, LAST_TX_KEY)
    current_tx = GetScriptContainer().Hash
    if last_tx == current_tx:
        return False
    Put(ctx, LAST_TX_KEY, current_tx)

    attachments = get_asset_attachments()  # [receiver, sender, neo, gas]

    # this looks up whether the exchange can proceed
    exchange_ok = can_exchange(ctx, attachments, False)

    sender = attachments['sender']

    if not exchange_ok:
        # This should only happen in the case that there are a lot of TX on the final
        # block before the total amount is reached.  An amount of TX will get through
        # the verification phase because the total amount cannot be updated during that phase
        # because of this, there should be a process in place to manually refund tokens
        if attachments['sent_neo'] > 0:
            OnRefund(sender, attachments['sent_neo'], neo_asset_id)

        if attachments['sent_gas'] > 0:
            OnRefund(sender, attachments['sent_gas'], gas_asset_id)

        return False

    balance_key = get_balance_key(sender)

    # lookup the current balance of the address
    current_balance = Get(ctx, balance_key)

    new_nex_tokens = calculate_exchange_amount(attachments)

    # add it to the the exchanged tokens and persist in storage
    new_total = new_nex_tokens + current_balance
    Put(ctx, balance_key, new_total)

    # update the in circulation amount
    result = add_to_circulation(ctx, new_nex_tokens)

    # dispatch transfer event
    OnTransfer(False, sender, new_nex_tokens)

    return True
def PurchaseData(order_id, pub_key):
    order = GetOrder(order_id)

    if not order:
        Log("Order doesn't exist")
        return False

    if order[3] != '':
        Log("Already purchased")
        return False

    if pub_key == '':
        Log("Empty public key")
        return False

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References
    if len(references) < 1:
        Log("No NEO attached")
        return False

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    received_NEO = 0
    for output in tx.Outputs:
        if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
            if output.AssetId == NEO_ASSET_ID:
                received_NEO += output.Value
    received_NEO /= 100000000

    Log("Received total NEO:")
    price = order[2]
    if received_NEO < price:
        Log("Not enough NEO")
        return False

    Log("Rewriting order to new public key")
    context = GetContext()
    order[3] = pub_key
    order_data_serialized = serialize_array(order)
    order_key = concat(ORDER_ID_PREFIX, order_id)
    Put(context, order_key, order_data_serialized)

    Log("Payment to user")
    reference = references[0]
    sender = GetScriptHash(reference)
    usr_adr = order[0]
    DispatchTransferEvent(sender, usr_adr, price)
    return True
Beispiel #15
def perform_exchange(ctx):

     :param token:Token The token object with NEP5/sale settings
         bool: Whether the exchange was successful

    last_tx = Get(ctx, LAST_TX_KEY)
    current_tx = GetScriptContainer().Hash
    if last_tx == current_tx:
        return False
    Put(ctx, LAST_TX_KEY, current_tx)

    attachments = get_asset_attachments()  # [receiver, sender, neo, gas]

    # this looks up whether the exchange can proceed
    exchange_ok = can_exchange(ctx, attachments)

    if not exchange_ok:
        print("You cannot exchange! Contact Nodis for refunds!")
        if attachments[2] > 0:
            OnRefund(attachments[1], attachments[2], 'neo')
        if attachments[3] > 0:
            OnRefund(attachments[1], attachments[3], 'gas')
        return False

    print("We will proceed with the exchange of tokens now.")

    # lookup the current balance of the address
    current_balance = Get(ctx, attachments[1])

    exchanged_tokens = attachments[3] * TOKENS_PER_GAS_SERIES_A / 100000000

    # add it to the exchanged tokens and persist in storage
    new_total = exchanged_tokens + current_balance
    Put(ctx, attachments[1], new_total)

    # update the in circulation amount
    result = add_to_circulation(ctx, exchanged_tokens)

    # dispatch transfer event
    OnTransfer(attachments[0], attachments[1], exchanged_tokens)

    return True
Beispiel #16
def GeneratorRandom(id):
    txid = GetTransactionHash(GetScriptContainer())

    blockHeigt = GetHeight() + 1
    blockTime = GetTime()
    blockHash = GetCurrentBlockHash()

    sysseed = [0, id, blockHeigt, blockTime, blockHash]
    sysseed = sha256(Serialize(sysseed))

    resseed = sha256(Serialize([txid, sysseed]))

    resseed = sha256(Serialize([resseed, resseed]))

    res = abs(resseed)
    number = res % 100
    number = number + 1
    return number
Beispiel #17
def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX
        Attachments: An object with information about attached neo and gas
    attachment = create_attachment()

    tx = GetScriptContainer()  # type:Transaction
    references = tx.References

    attachment["receiver_addr"] = GetExecutingScriptHash()

    if len(references) > 0:

        reference = references[0]
        attachment["sender_addr"] = reference.ScriptHash

        sent_amount_neo = 0
        sent_amount_gas = 0

        received_amount_neo = 0
        received_amount_gas = 0

        for output in tx.Outputs:
            if output.ScriptHash == attachment["receiver_addr"] and output.AssetId == attachment["neo_asset_id"]:
                sent_amount_neo += output.Value

            if output.ScriptHash == attachment["receiver_addr"] and output.AssetId == attachment["gas_asset_id"]:
                sent_amount_gas += output.Value

            if output.ScriptHash == attachment["sender_addr"] and output.AssetId == attachment["neo_asset_id"]:
                received_amount_neo += output.Value

            if output.ScriptHash == attachment["sender_addr"] and output.AssetId == attachment["gas_asset_id"]:
                received_amount_gas += output.Value

        attachment.neo_attached = sent_amount_neo
        attachment.gas_attached = sent_amount_gas

        attachment.neo_attached_received = received_amount_neo
        attachment.gas_attached_received = received_amount_gas

    return attachment
Beispiel #18
def CreateOracleRequest(request, address):
    #check witness

    fee = Get(GetContext(), Fee)
    #transfer ong to oracle Admin address
    res = TransferONG(address, Admin, fee)

    #get transaction hash
    txHash = GetTransactionHash(GetScriptContainer())

    #update undoRequestMap
    undoRequestMap = GetUndoRequestMap()
    undoRequestMap[txHash] = request
    b = Serialize(undoRequestMap)
    Put(GetContext(), UndoRequestKey, b)
    Notify(["createOracleRequest", request, address])
    return True
Beispiel #19
def registerDomain(executionerPublickey, domainName):
    if not CheckWitness(executionerPublickey):
        return False

    #check domain length
    if len(domainName) > 80:
        return False

    #check if domain exists
    if existDomain(domainName):
        return False

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    refs = tx.References
    if len(refs) < 1:
        return False
    ref = refs[0]
    sentAsset = GetAssetId(ref)
    if sentAsset is not GAS_ASSET_ID:

    receiver = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    totalReceived = 0

    for output in tx.Outputs:
        scriptHashReceiver = GetScriptHash(output)
        if scriptHashReceiver == receiver:
            totalReceived = totalReceived + output.Value

    if (totalReceived < FEE):
        return False

    ctx = GetContext()
    #save owner
    Put(ctx, domainName, executionerPublickey)
    #save first transaction id
    Put(ctx, createLastTransactionKey(domainName), ("n" - 0x01))
    #save score
    Put(ctx, createScoreKey(domainName), 0x30)

    tr = concat("m:", domainName)
    addDomainToStorage(executionerPublickey, tr)
    return True
Beispiel #20
def get_asset_attachments():
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about attached neo and gas

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    inputs = tx.References

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = False
    sent_amount_neo = 0
    sent_amount_gas = 0
    sent_from_contract_addr = False

    if len(inputs) > 0:

        for input in inputs:
            if input.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                sent_from_contract_addr = True
                if not sender_addr:
                    sender_addr = input.ScriptHash

        for output in tx.Outputs:
            if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                if output.AssetId == neo_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_neo += output.Value
                if output.AssetId == gas_asset_id:
                    sent_amount_gas += output.Value

    attachments = {
        'receiver': receiver_addr,
        'sender': sender_addr,
        'sent_neo': sent_amount_neo,
        'sent_gas': sent_amount_gas,
        'sent_from_contract_addr': sent_from_contract_addr

    return attachments
Beispiel #21
def exchange_token():
    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References
    sender_addr = None
    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sent_amount_neo = 0
    sender_addr = 1
    neo_amount = 0
    if len(references) > 0:
        reference = references[0]
        sender_addr = reference.ScriptHash
    for output in tx.Outputs:
        if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
            neo_amount += output.Value
    if neo_amount == 0:
        return false
    exchanged_amount = neo_amount * 10
    current_balance = Get(ctx, sender_addr)
    Put(ctx, sender_addr, current_balance + exchanged_amount)
    return True
Beispiel #22
def get_asset_attachments():
    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = None
    sent_amount_neo = 0
    sent_amount_gas = 0

    if len(references) > 0:
        reference = references[0]
        sender_addr = reference.ScriptHash
        for output in tx.Outputs:
            if output.ScriptHash == receiver_addr:
                if output.AssetId == NEO_ASSET_ID:
                    sent_amount_neo += output.Value
                if output.AssetId == GAS_ASSET_ID:
                    sent_amount_gas += output.Value

    return [receiver_addr, sender_addr, sent_amount_neo, sent_amount_gas]
Beispiel #23
def get_asset_attachments(args):
    Gets information about NEO and Gas attached to an invocation TX

        list: A list with information about the tranzaction

    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    references = tx.References

    receiver_addr = GetExecutingScriptHash()
    sender_addr = None
    tokenAmount = args[1] * 100000000

    if len(references) > 0:
        reference = references[0]
        sender_addr = args[0]

    return [receiver_addr, sender_addr, tokenAmount]
Beispiel #24
def Main(operation, args):
    if operation == "vote":
        if len(args) != 2:
            return False

        kaiSmc = args[0]
        candidateName = args[1]
        tx = GetScriptContainer()
        references = tx.References
        reference = references[0]
        voter = GetScriptHash(reference)
        context = GetContext()

        voterKey = kaiSmc + voter

        isVote = Get(context, voterKey)
        if isVote == 1:
            print("already Voted")
            return False

        Put(context, voterKey, 1)

        key = kaiSmc + candidateName

        currentCount = Get(context, key)

        if currentCount is None:
            currentCount = currentCount + 1
            currentCount = 0

        Put(context, key, currentCount)
        OnVote(kaiSmc, voter, candidateName)

        return True

    print("nothing matches")
    return False
Beispiel #25
def sendReqToOracle(jsonIndex):
    call oracle to get format or info of Games, including the gameId, diskId

    req = getOracleReq(jsonIndex)

    txhash = GetTransactionHash(GetScriptContainer())
    if Get(GetContext(), concatKey(SENTREQHASH_FORMGAME_PREFIX, jsonIndex)):
        Put(GetContext(), concatKey(SENTREQHASH_SAVERES_PREFIX, jsonIndex),
        Put(GetContext(), concatKey(SENTREQHASH_FORMGAME_PREFIX, jsonIndex),
    res = OracleContract('CreateOracleRequest', [req, Operater])
    # if res == False:
    #      Notify(['callOracle failed'])
    #      return False
    Notify(["sendReqToOracle", txhash, res])
    return True
Beispiel #26
def MintTokens():
    Method for an address to call in order to deposit NEO into the NEP5 token owner's address in exchange for a calculated amount of NEP5 tokens

    :return: whether the token minting was successful
    :rtype: bool

    print("minting tokens!")

    tx = GetScriptContainer()

    references = tx.References

    if len(references) < 1:
        print("no neo attached")
        return False

    reference = references[0]
    #    sender = reference.ScriptHash

    sender = GetScriptHash(reference)

    value = 0
    output_asset_id = GetAssetId(reference)
    if output_asset_id == NEO_ASSET_ID:

        receiver = GetExecutingScriptHash()
        for output in tx.Outputs:
            shash = GetScriptHash(output)
            print("getting shash..")
            if shash == receiver:
                print("adding value?")
                output_val = GetValue(output)
                value = value + output_val

        print("getting rate")
        rate = CurrentSwapRate()
        print("got rate")
        if rate == 0:
            OnRefund(sender, value)
            return False

        num_tokens = value * rate / 100000000

        context = GetContext()

        balance = Get(context, sender)

        new_total = num_tokens + balance

        Put(context, sender, new_total)

        total_supply = Get(context, 'totalSupply')

        new_total_supply = total_supply + num_tokens

        Put(context, 'totalSupply', new_total_supply)

        OnTransfer(0, sender, num_tokens)

        return True

    return False
Beispiel #27
def main(operation, args):
    trigger = GetTrigger()

    if trigger == Verification():
        Validate inputs
        Check that valid self send
        Validate is withdrawing nep5
        Validate utxo has been reserved
        Validate withdraw destination
        Validate amount withdrawn
        if get("state") != 'Active':
            return False

        tx_data = get_asset_attachments()
        prev_tx_data = get_asset_attachments_for_prev()

        withdrawal_stage = 'Mark'

        if withdrawal_stage == 'Mark':
            if not CheckWitness(tx_data["sender_addr"]):
                return False
            if not verify_withdrawal(tx_data):
                return False
                    // Validate inputs as well
                    foreach (var i in inputs)
                        if (Storage.Get(Context(), i.PrevHash.Concat(IndexAsByteArray(i.PrevIndex))).Length > 0) return false;
        tx = GetScriptContainer()
        inputs = GetInputs(tx)
        outputs = GetOutputs(tx)

        if CheckWitness(OWNER):
            return True
        return False

    elif trigger == Application():

        if operation == 'initialize':
            if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
                print("initialize error")
                return False
            if len(args) != 3:
                print("To few args")
                return False
            return initialize()

        # Get functions
        if operation == 'getstate':
            return get("state")

        # ARGS: asset_id
        if operation == 'getMakerFee':
            return get_maker_fee(args[0])

        # ARGS: asset_id
        if operation == 'getTakerFee':
            return get_taker_fee(args[0])

        # ARGS: asset_id
        if operation == 'getExchangeRate':
            return get_exchange_rate(args[0])

        # ARGS: trading_pair
        if operation == 'getOffers':
            return get_offers(args[0])

        # ARGS: originator, asset_id
        if operation == 'getBalance':
            return get_balance(args[0], args[1])

        # Execute functions

        # ARGS: address, asset_id, amount
        if operation == 'deposit':
            if get("state") != 'Active':
                return False
            if len(args) != 3:
                return False
            if not verify_sent_amount(args[0], args[1], args[2]):
                return False
            if not transfer_asset_to(args[0], args[1], args[2]):
                return False
            return True

        # ARGS: maker_address, offer_asset_id, offer_amount, want_asset_id, want_amount, avail_amount, nonce
        if operation == 'makeOffer':
            if get("state") != 'Active':
                return False
            if len(args) != 7:
                return False

            offer = new_offer(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4],
                              args[5], args[6])
            return make_offer(offer)

        # ARGS: filler_address, trading_pair, offer_hash, amount_to_fill, use_native_token)
        if operation == 'fillOffer':
            if get("state") != 'Active':
                return False
            if len(args) != 5:
                return False

            return fill_offer(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4])

        # ARGS: trading_pair, offer_hash
        if operation == 'cancelOffer':
            if get("state") != 'Active':
                return False

            if len(args) != 2:
                return False

            return cancel_offer(args[0], args[1])

        if operation == 'withdraw':
            return process_withdrawal()

        # Owner Operations
        if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
            return False

        if operation == 'freezeTrading':
            return freeze_trading()

        if operation == 'unfreezeTrading':
            return unfreeze_trading()

        if operation == 'terminateTrading':
            return terminate_trading()

        if operation == 'addToWhitelist':
            return add_to_whitelist()

        if operation == 'removeFromWhitelist':
            return remove_from_whitelist()

        # ARGS: amount
        if operation == 'ownerWithdraw':
            if not CheckWitness(OWNER):
                    'Only the contract owner can withdraw MCT from the contract'
                return False

            if len(args) != 1:
                print('withdraw amount not specified')
                return False

            t_amount = args[0]
            my_hash = GetExecutingScriptHash()

            return transfer(my_hash, t_amount)

    return False
def Main(operation, txid):

    tx = GetTransaction(txid)

    if not tx:
        return False

    if operation == 'get_hash':
        return tx.Hash

    elif operation == 'get_type':
        return tx.Type

    elif operation == 'get_attrs':
        return tx.Attributes

    elif operation == 'get_inputs':
        return tx.Inputs

    elif operation == 'get_outputs':
        return tx.Outputs

    elif operation == 'get_references':
        return tx.References

    elif operation == 'get_unspent':
        return tx.UnspentCoins

    elif operation == 'get_output_details':
        res = []

        for item in tx.Outputs:
            subres = []

        return res

    elif operation == 'get_reference_details':
        res = []
        refs = tx.References

        for item in refs:
            subres = []

        return res

    elif operation == 'get_witnesses':
        res = []
        witnesses = tx.Witnesses
        for item in witnesses:
            witness = {'verification': item.VerificationScript}
        return res

    elif operation == 'get_witness_scripthashes':
        tx = GetScriptContainer()
        witnesses = tx.Witnesses
        res = []
        for item in witnesses:
            verification = item.VerificationScript
            script_hash = hash160(verification)
        return res

    # name clash with Input.GetHash and Transaction.GetHash
    elif operation == 'get_input_details':
        res = []
        inputs = tx.Inputs
        input1 = inputs[0]
        inputhash = GetInputHash(input1)
        inputIndex = input1.Index

        return [inputhash, inputIndex]

    return 'unknown operation'
Beispiel #29
def handle_token_received(chash, args):
    assert chash == MCT_HASH, 'transactions must use MCT'

    if t_from == OWNER:
        # just staking MCT tokens for storage, nothing else to do here
        return True

    arglen = len(args)
    assert arglen == 4, 'incorrect arg length'

    # parameters of MCT transfer
    t_from = args[0]
    t_to = args[1]
    t_amount = args[2] * 1
    p_args = args[3]  # 4th argument passed by MCT transfer()

    assert len(t_from) == 20, 'invalid address'
    assert len(t_to) == 20, 'invalid address'
    assert t_to == GetExecutingScriptHash(), 'destination error'
    assert t_amount > 0, 'no funds transferred'

    p_len = len(p_args)
    assert p_len > 1, 'incorrect secondary arg length'

    p_operation = p_args[0]
    if p_operation == 'createSale':
        assert p_len == 4, 'incorrect arguments to createSale'
        buyer_addr = p_args[1]
        price = p_args[2] * 1
        description = p_args[3]
        assert price > 0, 'must set a price > 0'
        assert t_amount == price * 2, 'seller deposit must be 2x price'

        tx = GetScriptContainer()
        sale = {}

        sale['id'] = tx.Hash
        sale['seller'] = t_from
        sale['buyer'] = buyer_addr  # if empty, any buyer may pay
        sale['description'] = description  # optional
        sale['price'] = price
        sale['state'] = 'new'

        r = Put(concat('sales/', tx.Hash), Serialize(sale))
        return True

    elif p_operation == 'buyerDeposit':
        assert p_len == 2, 'incorrect arguments to buyerDeposit'
        sale_id = p_args[1]
        sale = loadSale(sale_id)

        assert sale['state'] == 'new', 'sale state incorrect'
        assert sale['price'] > 0, 'sale price incorrect'
        assert t_amount == sale['price'] * 2, 'buyer deposit must be 2x price'

        buyer = sale['buyer']
        if len(buyer) == 20:
            assert CheckWitness(buyer), 'must be listed buyer to place deposit'
            sale['buyer'] = t_from  # any-buyer sale claimed

        sale['state'] = 'awaiting shipment'
        r = Put(concat('sales/', sale_id), Serialize(sale))
        return True
Beispiel #30
def _getRandomNumber(interval):
    blockHash = GetCurrentBlockHash()
    tx = GetScriptContainer()
    txhash = GetTransactionHash(tx)
    randomNumber = abs(blockHash ^ txhash) % Add(interval, 1)
    return randomNumber