Beispiel #1
    def __init__(
        weights: Tensor,
        outcomes: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        num_outcomes: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> None:
        r"""Initialize Objective.

            weights: `m'`-dim tensor of outcome weights.
            outcomes: A list of the `m'` indices that the weights should be
                applied to.
            num_outcomes: the total number of outcomes `m`
        super().__init__(outcomes=outcomes, num_outcomes=num_outcomes)
        if weights.ndim != 1:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                f"weights must be an 1-D tensor, but got {weights.shape}."
        elif outcomes is not None and weights.shape[0] != len(outcomes):
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "weights must contain the same number of elements as outcomes, "
                f"but got {weights.numel()} weights and {len(outcomes)} outcomes."
        self.register_buffer("weights", weights)
Beispiel #2
    def compute(self, pareto_Y: Tensor) -> float:
        r"""Compute hypervolume.

            pareto_Y: A `n x m`-dim tensor of pareto optimal outcomes

            The hypervolume.
        if pareto_Y.shape[-1] != self._ref_point.shape[0]:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "pareto_Y must have the same number of objectives as ref_point. "
                f"Got {pareto_Y.shape[-1]}, expected {self._ref_point.shape[0]}."
        elif pareto_Y.ndim != 2:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                f"pareto_Y must have exactly two dimensions, got {pareto_Y.ndim}."
        # This assumes maximization, but internally flips the sign of the pareto front
        # and the reference point and computes hypervolume for the minimization problem.
        pareto_Y = -pareto_Y
        better_than_ref = (pareto_Y <= self._ref_point).all(dim=-1)
        pareto_Y = pareto_Y[better_than_ref]
        # shift the pareto front so that reference point is all zeros
        pareto_Y = pareto_Y - self._ref_point
        bounds = torch.full_like(self._ref_point, float("-inf"))
        return self._hv_recursive(i=self._ref_point.shape[0] - 1,
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self,
                 Y_mean: Tensor,
                 Y_std: Tensor,
                 outcomes: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None:
        r"""Initialize objective.

            Y_mean: `m`-dim tensor of outcome means.
            Y_std: `m`-dim tensor of outcome standard deviations.
            outcomes: A list of `m' <= m` indices that specifies which of the `m` model
                outputs should be considered as the outcomes for MOO. If omitted, use
                all model outcomes. Typically used for constrained optimization.
        if Y_mean.ndim > 1 or Y_std.ndim > 1:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "Y_mean and Y_std must both be 1-dimensional, but got "
                f"{Y_mean.ndim} and {Y_std.ndim}")
        elif outcomes is not None and len(outcomes) > Y_mean.shape[-1]:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                f"Cannot specify more ({len(outcomes)}) outcomes than are present in "
                f"the normalization inputs ({Y_mean.shape[-1]}).")
        super().__init__(outcomes=outcomes, num_outcomes=Y_mean.shape[-1])
        if outcomes is not None:
            Y_mean = Y_mean.index_select(-1,
            Y_std = Y_std.index_select(-1,

        self.register_buffer("Y_mean", Y_mean)
        self.register_buffer("Y_std", Y_std)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self,
                 Y_mean: Tensor,
                 Y_std: Tensor,
                 outcomes: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> None:
        r"""Initialize objective.

            Y_mean: `m`-dim tensor of outcome means
            Y_std: `m`-dim tensor of outcome standard deviations
            outcomes: A list of `m' <= m` indices that specifies which of the `m` model
                outputs should be considered as the outcomes for MOO. If omitted, use
                all model outcomes. Typically used for constrained optimization.

        if Y_mean.ndim > 1 or Y_std.ndim > 1:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "Y_mean and Y_std must both be 1-dimensional, but got "
                f"{Y_mean.ndim} and {Y_std.ndim}")
        if outcomes is not None:
            if len(outcomes) < 2:
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    "Must specify at least two outcomes for MOO.")
            elif len(outcomes) > Y_mean.shape[-1]:
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    f"Cannot specify more ({len(outcomes)}) outcomes that present in "
                    f"the normalization inputs ({Y_mean.shape[-1]}).")
        self.outcome_transform = Standardize(m=Y_mean.shape[0],
        Y_std_unsqueezed = Y_std.unsqueeze(0)
        self.outcome_transform.means = Y_mean.unsqueeze(0)
        self.outcome_transform.stdvs = Y_std_unsqueezed
        self.outcome_transform._stdvs_sq = Y_std_unsqueezed.pow(2)
Beispiel #5
    def _validate_tensor_args(
        X: Tensor, Y: Tensor, Yvar: Optional[Tensor] = None, strict: bool = True
    ) -> None:
        r"""Checks that `Y` and `Yvar` have an explicit output dimension if strict.

        This also checks that `Yvar` has the same trailing dimensions as `Y`. Note
        we only infer that an explicit output dimension exists when `X` and `Y` have
        the same `batch_shape`.

            X: A `batch_shape x n x d`-dim Tensor, where `d` is the dimension of
                the feature space, `n` is the number of points per batch, and
                `batch_shape` is the batch shape (potentially empty).
            Y: A `batch_shape' x n x m`-dim Tensor, where `m` is the number of
                model outputs, `n'` is the number of points per batch, and
                `batch_shape'` is the batch shape of the observations.
            Yvar: A `batch_shape' x n x m` tensor of observed measurement noise.
                Note: this will be None when using a model that infers the noise
                level (e.g. a `SingleTaskGP`).
            strict: A boolean indicating whether to check that `Y` and `Yvar`
                have an explicit output dimension.
        if strict:
            if X.dim() != Y.dim():
                if (X.dim() - Y.dim() == 1) and (X.shape[:-1] == Y.shape):
                    message = (
                        "An explicit output dimension is required for targets."
                        f" Expected Y with dimension: {Y.dim()} (got {X.dim()})."
                    message = (
                        "Expected X and Y to have the same number of dimensions"
                        f" (got X with dimension {X.dim()} and Y with dimension"
                        f" {Y.dim()}."
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(message)
                "Non-strict enforcement of botorch tensor conventions. Ensure that "
                f"target tensors Y{' and Yvar have' if Yvar is not None else ' has an'}"
                f" explicit output dimension{'s' if Yvar is not None else ''}.",
        # Yvar may not have the same batch dimensions, but the trailing dimensions
        # of Yvar should be the same as the trailing dimensions of Y.
        if Yvar is not None and Y.shape[-(Yvar.dim()) :] != Yvar.shape:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "An explicit output dimension is required for observation noise."
                f" Expected Yvar with shape: {Y.shape[-Yvar.dim() :]} (got"
                f" {Yvar.shape})."
Beispiel #6
    def _untransform(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        r"""Warp the inputs through the Kumaraswamy inverse CDF.

            X: A `input_batch_shape x batch_shape x n x d`-dim tensor of inputs.

            A `input_batch_shape x batch_shape x n x d`-dim tensor of transformed
        if len(self.batch_shape) > 0:
            if self.batch_shape != X.shape[-2 - len(self.batch_shape) : -2]:
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    "The right most batch dims of X must match self.batch_shape: "
        X_tf = X.clone()
        k = Kumaraswamy(
            concentration1=self.concentration1, concentration0=self.concentration0
        # unnormalize from [eps, 1-eps] to [0,1]
        X_tf[..., self.indices] = (
            (k.icdf(X_tf[..., self.indices]) - self._X_min) / self._X_range
        ).clamp(0.0, 1.0)
        return X_tf
Beispiel #7
    def partition_space_2d(self) -> None:
        r"""Partition the non-dominated space into disjoint hypercells.

        This direct method works for `m=2` outcomes.
        if self.num_outcomes != 2:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "partition_non_dominated_space_2d requires 2 outputs, "
                f"but num_outcomes={self.num_outcomes}")
        pf_ext_idx = self._get_augmented_pareto_front_indices()
        n_pf_plus_1 = self._neg_pareto_Y.shape[-2] + 1
        view_shape = torch.Size([1] * len(self.batch_shape) + [n_pf_plus_1])
        expand_shape = self.batch_shape + torch.Size([n_pf_plus_1])
        range_pf_plus1 = torch.arange(n_pf_plus_1,
        range_pf_plus1_expanded = range_pf_plus1.view(view_shape).expand(

        lower = torch.stack([
        upper = torch.stack(
                1 + range_pf_plus1_expanded,
                pf_ext_idx[..., -range_pf_plus1 - 1, -1]
        # 2 x batch_shape x n_cells x 2
        self.register_buffer("hypercells", torch.stack([lower, upper], dim=0))
Beispiel #8
    def _transform(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        r"""Normalize the inputs.

        If no explicit bounds are provided, this is stateful: In train mode,
        calling `forward` updates the module state (i.e. the normalizing bounds).
        In eval mode, calling `forward` simply applies the normalization using
        the current module state.

            X: A `batch_shape x n x d`-dim tensor of inputs.

            A `batch_shape x n x d`-dim tensor of inputs normalized to the
            module's bounds.
        if self.learn_bounds and
            if X.size(-1) != self.mins.size(-1):
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    f"Wrong input dimension. Received {X.size(-1)}, "
                    f"expected {self.mins.size(-1)}.")
            self.mins = X.min(dim=-2, keepdim=True)[0]
            ranges = X.max(dim=-2, keepdim=True)[0] - self.mins
            ranges[torch.where(ranges <= self.min_range)] = self.min_range
            self.ranges = ranges
        if hasattr(self, "indices"):
            X_new = X.clone()
            X_new[..., self.indices] = (
                X_new[..., self.indices] -
                self.mins[..., self.indices]) / self.ranges[..., self.indices]
            return X_new
        return (X - self.mins) / self.ranges
Beispiel #9
    def _transform(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        r"""Standardize the inputs.

        In train mode, calling `forward` updates the module state
        (i.e. the mean/std normalizing constants). If in eval mode, calling `forward`
        simply applies the standardization using the current module state.

            X: A `batch_shape x n x d`-dim tensor of inputs.

            A `batch_shape x n x d`-dim tensor of inputs normalized to the
            module's bounds.
        if and self.learn_bounds:
            if X.size(-1) != self.means.size(-1):
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    f"Wrong input. dimension. Received {X.size(-1)}, "
                    f"expected {self.means.size(-1)}")
            self.means = X.mean(dim=-2, keepdim=True)
            self.stds = X.std(dim=-2, keepdim=True)

            self.stds = torch.clamp(self.stds, min=self.min_std)
        if hasattr(self, "indices"):
            X_new = X.clone()
            X_new[..., self.indices] = (
                X_new[..., self.indices] -
                self.means[..., self.indices]) / self.stds[..., self.indices]
            return X_new
        return (X - self.means) / self.stds
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(
            d: int,
            bounds: Optional[Tensor] = None,
            batch_shape: torch.Size = torch.Size(),  # noqa: B008
    ) -> None:
        r"""Normalize the inputs to the unit cube.

            d: The dimension of the input space.
            bounds: If provided, use these bounds to normalize the inputs. If
                omitted, learn the bounds in train mode.
            batch_shape: The batch shape of the inputs (asssuming input tensors
                of shape `batch_shape x n x d`). If provided, perform individual
                normalization per batch, otherwise uses a single normalization.
        if bounds is not None:
            if bounds.size(-1) != d:
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    "Incompatible dimensions of provided bounds")
            mins = bounds[..., 0:1, :]
            ranges = bounds[..., 1:2, :] - mins
            self.learn_bounds = False
            mins = torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 1, d)
            ranges = torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 1, d)
            self.learn_bounds = True
        self.register_buffer("mins", mins)
        self.register_buffer("ranges", ranges)
        self._d = d
 def _expand_ref_point(self, ref_point: Tensor) -> Tensor:
     r"""Expand reference point to the proper batch_shape."""
     if ref_point.shape[:-1] != self.batch_shape:
         if ref_point.ndim > 1:
             raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                 "Expected ref_point to be a `batch_shape x m` or `m`-dim tensor, "
                 f"but got {ref_point.shape}."
         ref_point = ref_point.view(
             *(1 for _ in self.batch_shape), ref_point.shape[-1]
         ).expand(self.batch_shape + ref_point.shape[-1:])
     return ref_point
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(
        d: int,
        bounds: Optional[Tensor] = None,
        batch_shape: torch.Size = torch.Size(),  # noqa: B008
        transform_on_train: bool = True,
        transform_on_eval: bool = True,
        transform_on_set_train_data: bool = False,
        reverse: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        r"""Normalize the inputs to the unit cube.

            d: The dimension of the input space.
            bounds: If provided, use these bounds to normalize the inputs. If
                omitted, learn the bounds in train mode.
            batch_shape: The batch shape of the inputs (asssuming input tensors
                of shape `batch_shape x n x d`). If provided, perform individual
                normalization per batch, otherwise uses a single normalization.
            transform_on_train: A boolean indicating whether to apply the
                transforms in train() mode. Default: True
            transform_on_eval: A boolean indicating whether to apply the
                transform in eval() mode. Default: True
            transform_on_set_train_data: A boolean indicating whether to apply the
                transform when setting training inputs on the mode. Default: False
            reverse: A boolean indicating whether the forward pass should untransform
                the inputs.
        if bounds is not None:
            if bounds.size(-1) != d:
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    "Incompatible dimensions of provided bounds"
            mins = bounds[..., 0:1, :]
            ranges = bounds[..., 1:2, :] - mins
            self.learn_bounds = False
            mins = torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 1, d)
            ranges = torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 1, d)
            self.learn_bounds = True
        self.register_buffer("mins", mins)
        self.register_buffer("ranges", ranges)
        self._d = d
        self.transform_on_train = transform_on_train
        self.transform_on_eval = transform_on_eval
        self.transform_on_set_train_data = transform_on_set_train_data
        self.reverse = reverse
        self.batch_shape = batch_shape
Beispiel #13
def get_chebyshev_scalarization(
        weights: Tensor,
        Y: Tensor,
        alpha: float = 0.05) -> Callable[[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]], Tensor]:
    r"""Construct an augmented Chebyshev scalarization.

    Outcomes are first normalized to [0,1] and then an augmented
    Chebyshev scalarization is applied.

    Augmented Chebyshev scalarization:
        objective(y) = min(w * y) + alpha * sum(w * y)

    Note: this assumes maximization.

    See [Knowles2005]_ for details.

    This scalarization can be used with qExpectedImprovement to implement q-ParEGO
    as proposed in [Daulton2020qehvi]_.

        weights: A `m`-dim tensor of weights.
        Y: A `n x m`-dim tensor of observed outcomes, which are used for
            scaling the outcomes to [0,1].
        alpha: Parameter governing the influence of the weighted sum term. The
            default value comes from [Knowles2005]_.

        Transform function using the objective weights.

        >>> weights = torch.tensor([0.75, 0.25])
        >>> transform = get_aug_chebyshev_scalarization(weights, Y)
    if weights.shape != Y.shape[-1:]:
        raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
            "weights must be an `m`-dim tensor where Y is `... x m`."
            f"Got shapes {weights.shape} and {Y.shape}.")
    elif Y.ndim > 2:
        raise NotImplementedError("Batched Y is not currently supported.")
    Y_bounds = torch.stack([Y.min(dim=-2).values, Y.max(dim=-2).values])

    def obj(Y: Tensor, X: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
        # scale to [0,1]
        Y_normalized = normalize(Y, bounds=Y_bounds)
        product = weights * Y_normalized
        return product.min(dim=-1).values + alpha * product.sum(dim=-1)

    return obj
Beispiel #14
    def update(self, Y: Union[List[Tensor], Tensor]) -> None:
        r"""Update the partitioning.

            Y: A `n_box_decompositions x n x num_outcomes`-dim tensor or a list
                where the ith  element contains the new points for
                box_decomposition `i`.
        if (torch.is_tensor(Y) and Y.ndim != 3
                and Y.shape[0] != len(self.box_decompositions)) or (isinstance(
                    Y, List) and len(Y) != len(self.box_decompositions)):
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "BoxDecompositionList.update requires either a batched tensor Y, "
                "with one batch per box decomposition or a list of tensors with "
                "one element per box decomposition.")
        for i, p in enumerate(self.box_decompositions):
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, Y_mean: Tensor, Y_std: Tensor) -> None:
        r"""Initialize objective.

            Y_mean: `m`-dim tensor of outcome means
            Y_std: `m`-dim tensor of outcome standard deviations

        if Y_mean.ndim > 1 or Y_std.ndim > 1:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "Y_mean and Y_std must both be 1-dimensional, but got "
                f"{Y_mean.ndim} and {Y_std.ndim}")
        self.outcome_transform = Standardize(m=Y_mean.shape[0]).to(Y_mean)
        Y_std_unsqueezed = Y_std.unsqueeze(0)
        self.outcome_transform.means = Y_mean.unsqueeze(0)
        self.outcome_transform.stdvs = Y_std_unsqueezed
        self.outcome_transform._stdvs_sq = Y_std_unsqueezed.pow(2)
Beispiel #16
    def condition_on_observations(
        self, X: Tensor, Y: Tensor, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> ModelListGP:
        r"""Condition the model on new observations.

            X: A `batch_shape x n' x d`-dim Tensor, where `d` is the dimension of
                the feature space, `n'` is the number of points per batch, and
                `batch_shape` is the batch shape (must be compatible with the
                batch shape of the model).
            Y: A `batch_shape' x n' x m`-dim Tensor, where `m` is the number of
                model outputs, `n'` is the number of points per batch, and
                `batch_shape'` is the batch shape of the observations.
                `batch_shape'` must be broadcastable to `batch_shape` using
                standard broadcasting semantics. If `Y` has fewer batch dimensions
                than `X`, its is assumed that the missing batch dimensions are
                the same for all `Y`.

            A `ModelListGPyTorchModel` representing the original model
            conditioned on the new observations `(X, Y)` (and possibly noise
            observations passed in via kwargs). Here the `i`-th model has
            `n_i + n'` training examples, where the `n'` training examples have
            been added and all test-time caches have been updated.
            X=X, Y=Y, Yvar=kwargs.get("noise", None), strict=False
        inputs = [X] * self.num_outputs
        if Y.shape[-1] != self.num_outputs:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "Incorrect number of outputs for observations. Received "
                f"{Y.shape[-1]} observation outputs, but model has "
                f"{self.num_outputs} outputs."
        targets = [Y[..., i] for i in range(Y.shape[-1])]
        if "noise" in kwargs:
            noise = kwargs.pop("noise")
            # Note: dimension checks were performed in _validate_tensor_args
            kwargs_ = {**kwargs, "noise": [noise[..., i] for i in range(Y.shape[-1])]}
            kwargs_ = kwargs
        return super().get_fantasy_model(inputs, targets, **kwargs_)
Beispiel #17
    def partition_non_dominated_space_2d(self) -> None:
        r"""Partition the non-dominated space into disjoint hypercells.

        This direct method works for `m=2` outcomes.
        if self.num_outcomes != 2:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "partition_non_dominated_space_2d requires 2 outputs, "
                f"but num_outcomes={self.num_outcomes}"
        pf_ext_idx = self._get_augmented_pareto_front_indices()
        range_pf_plus1 = torch.arange(
            self._pareto_Y.shape[0] + 1, dtype=torch.long, device=self._pareto_Y.device
        lower = torch.stack([range_pf_plus1, torch.zeros_like(range_pf_plus1)], dim=-1)
        upper = torch.stack(
            [range_pf_plus1 + 1, pf_ext_idx[-range_pf_plus1 - 1, -1]], dim=-1
        self.register_buffer("hypercells", torch.stack([lower, upper], dim=0))
Beispiel #18
def _expand_ref_point(ref_point: Tensor, batch_shape: Size) -> Tensor:
    r"""Expand reference point to the proper batch_shape.

        ref_point: A `(batch_shape) x m`-dim tensor containing the reference
        batch_shape: The batch shape.

        A `batch_shape x m`-dim tensor containing the expanded reference point
    if ref_point.shape[:-1] != batch_shape:
        if ref_point.ndim > 1:
            raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                "Expected ref_point to be a `batch_shape x m` or `m`-dim tensor, "
                f"but got {ref_point.shape}.")
        ref_point = ref_point.view(
            *(1 for _ in batch_shape),
            ref_point.shape[-1]).expand(batch_shape + ref_point.shape[-1:])
    return ref_point
Beispiel #19
    def _transform(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        r"""Normalize the inputs.

        If no explicit bounds are provided, this is stateful: In train mode,
        calling `forward` updates the module state (i.e. the normalizing bounds).
        In eval mode, calling `forward` simply applies the normalization using
        the current module state.

            X: A `batch_shape x n x d`-dim tensor of inputs.

            A `batch_shape x n x d`-dim tensor of inputs normalized to the
            module's bounds.
        if self.learn_bounds and
            if X.size(-1) != self.mins.size(-1):
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    f"Wrong input. dimension. Received {X.size(-1)}, "
                    f"expected {self.mins.size(-1)}")
            self.mins = X.min(dim=-2, keepdim=True)[0]
            self.ranges = X.max(dim=-2, keepdim=True)[0] - self.mins
        return (X - self.mins) / self.ranges
Beispiel #20
    def __init__(self,
                 outcomes: Optional[List[int]] = None,
                 num_outcomes: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        r"""Initialize Objective.

            weights: `m'`-dim tensor of outcome weights.
            outcomes: A list of the `m'` indices that the weights should be
                applied to.
            num_outcomes: The total number of outcomes `m`
        if outcomes is not None:
            if len(outcomes) < 2:
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    "Must specify at least two outcomes for MOO.")
            if any(i < 0 for i in outcomes):
                if num_outcomes is None:
                    raise BotorchError(
                        "num_outcomes is required if any outcomes are less than 0."
                outcomes = normalize_indices(outcomes, num_outcomes)
                                 torch.tensor(outcomes, dtype=torch.long))
Beispiel #21
def scalarize_posterior(
    posterior: GPyTorchPosterior, weights: Tensor, offset: float = 0.0
) -> GPyTorchPosterior:
    r"""Affine transformation of a multi-output posterior.

        posterior: The posterior over `m` outcomes to be scalarized.
            Supports `t`-batching.
        weights: A tensor of weights of size `m`.
        offset: The offset of the affine transformation.

        The transformed (single-output) posterior. If the input posterior has
            mean `mu` and covariance matrix `Sigma`, this posterior has mean
            `weights^T * mu` and variance `weights^T Sigma w`.

        Example for a model with two outcomes:

        >>> X = torch.rand(1, 2)
        >>> posterior = model.posterior(X)
        >>> weights = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.25])
        >>> new_posterior = scalarize_posterior(posterior, weights=weights)
    if weights.ndim > 1:
        raise BotorchTensorDimensionError("`weights` must be one-dimensional")
    mean = posterior.mean
    q, m = mean.shape[-2:]
    batch_shape = mean.shape[:-2]
    if m != weights.size(0):
        raise RuntimeError("Output shape not equal to that of weights")
    mvn = posterior.mvn
    cov = mvn.lazy_covariance_matrix if mvn.islazy else mvn.covariance_matrix

    if m == 1:  # just scaling, no scalarization necessary
        new_mean = offset + (weights[0] * mean).view(*batch_shape, q)
        new_cov = weights[0] ** 2 * cov
        new_mvn = MultivariateNormal(new_mean, new_cov)
        return GPyTorchPosterior(new_mvn)

    new_mean = offset + (mean @ weights).view(*batch_shape, q)

    if q == 1:
        new_cov = weights.unsqueeze(-2) @ (cov @ weights.unsqueeze(-1))
        # we need to handle potentially different representations of the multi-task mvn
        if mvn._interleaved:
            w_cov = weights.repeat(q).unsqueeze(0)
            sum_shape = batch_shape + torch.Size([q, m, q, m])
            sum_dims = (-1, -2)
            # special-case the independent setting
            if isinstance(cov, BlockDiagLazyTensor):
                new_cov = SumLazyTensor(
                        cov.base_lazy_tensor[..., i, :, :] * weights[i].pow(2)
                        for i in range(cov.base_lazy_tensor.size(-3))
                new_mvn = MultivariateNormal(new_mean, new_cov)
                return GPyTorchPosterior(new_mvn)

            w_cov = torch.repeat_interleave(weights, q).unsqueeze(0)
            sum_shape = batch_shape + torch.Size([m, q, m, q])
            sum_dims = (-2, -3)

        cov_scaled = w_cov * cov * w_cov.transpose(-1, -2)
        # TODO: Do not instantiate full covariance for lazy tensors (ideally we simplify
        # this in GPyTorch:
        if isinstance(cov_scaled, LazyTensor):
            cov_scaled = cov_scaled.evaluate()
        new_cov = cov_scaled.view(sum_shape).sum(dim=sum_dims[0]).sum(dim=sum_dims[1])

    new_mvn = MultivariateNormal(new_mean, new_cov)
    return GPyTorchPosterior(new_mvn)
Beispiel #22
def get_chebyshev_scalarization(
        weights: Tensor,
        Y: Tensor,
        alpha: float = 0.05) -> Callable[[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]], Tensor]:
    r"""Construct an augmented Chebyshev scalarization.

    Augmented Chebyshev scalarization:
        objective(y) = min(w * y) + alpha * sum(w * y)

    Outcomes are first normalized to [0,1] for maximization (or [-1,0] for minimization)
    and then an augmented Chebyshev scalarization is applied.

    Note: this assumes maximization of the augmented Chebyshev scalarization.
    Minimizing/Maximizing an objective is supported by passing a negative/positive
    weight for that objective. To make all w * y's have positive sign
    such that they are comparable when computing min(w * y), outcomes of minimization
    objectives are shifted from [0,1] to [-1,0].

    See [Knowles2005]_ for details.

    This scalarization can be used with qExpectedImprovement to implement q-ParEGO
    as proposed in [Daulton2020qehvi]_.

        weights: A `m`-dim tensor of weights.
            Positive for maximization and negative for minimization.
        Y: A `n x m`-dim tensor of observed outcomes, which are used for
            scaling the outcomes to [0,1] or [-1,0].
        alpha: Parameter governing the influence of the weighted sum term. The
            default value comes from [Knowles2005]_.

        Transform function using the objective weights.

        >>> weights = torch.tensor([0.75, -0.25])
        >>> transform = get_aug_chebyshev_scalarization(weights, Y)
    if weights.shape != Y.shape[-1:]:
        raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
            "weights must be an `m`-dim tensor where Y is `... x m`."
            f"Got shapes {weights.shape} and {Y.shape}.")
    elif Y.ndim > 2:
        raise NotImplementedError("Batched Y is not currently supported.")

    def chebyshev_obj(Y: Tensor, X: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
        product = weights * Y
        return product.min(dim=-1).values + alpha * product.sum(dim=-1)

    if Y.shape[-2] == 0:
        # If there are no observations, we do not need to normalize the objectives
        return chebyshev_obj
    if Y.shape[-2] == 1:
        # If there is only one observation, set the bounds to be
        # [min(Y_m), min(Y_m) + 1] for each objective m. This ensures we do not
        # divide by zero
        Y_bounds =[Y, Y + 1], dim=0)
        # Set the bounds to be [min(Y_m), max(Y_m)], for each objective m
        Y_bounds = torch.stack([Y.min(dim=-2).values, Y.max(dim=-2).values])

    # A boolean mask indicating if minimizing an objective
    minimize = weights < 0

    def obj(Y: Tensor, X: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
        # scale to [0,1]
        Y_normalized = normalize(Y, bounds=Y_bounds)
        # If minimizing an objective, convert Y_normalized values to [-1,0],
        # such that min(w*y) makes sense, we want all w*y's to be positive
        Y_normalized[..., minimize] = Y_normalized[..., minimize] - 1
        return chebyshev_obj(Y=Y_normalized)

    return obj
Beispiel #23
    def __init__(
        d: int,
        indices: Optional[List[int]] = None,
        bounds: Optional[Tensor] = None,
        batch_shape: torch.Size = torch.Size(),  # noqa: B008
        transform_on_train: bool = True,
        transform_on_eval: bool = True,
        transform_on_fantasize: bool = True,
        reverse: bool = False,
        min_range: float = 1e-8,
    ) -> None:
        r"""Normalize the inputs to the unit cube.

            d: The dimension of the input space.
            indices: The indices of the inputs to normalize. If omitted,
                take all dimensions of the inputs into account.
            bounds: If provided, use these bounds to normalize the inputs. If
                omitted, learn the bounds in train mode.
            batch_shape: The batch shape of the inputs (asssuming input tensors
                of shape `batch_shape x n x d`). If provided, perform individual
                normalization per batch, otherwise uses a single normalization.
            transform_on_train: A boolean indicating whether to apply the
                transforms in train() mode. Default: True.
            transform_on_eval: A boolean indicating whether to apply the
                transform in eval() mode. Default: True.
            transform_on_fantasize: A boolean indicating whether to apply the
                transform when called from within a `fantasize` call. Default: True.
            reverse: A boolean indicating whether the forward pass should untransform
                the inputs.
            min_range: Amount of noise to add to the range to ensure no division by
                zero errors.
        if (indices is not None) and (len(indices) == 0):
            raise ValueError("`indices` list is empty!")
        if (indices is not None) and (len(indices) > 0):
            indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.long)
            if len(indices) > d:
                raise ValueError("Can provide at most `d` indices!")
            if (indices > d - 1).any():
                raise ValueError(
                    "Elements of `indices` have to be smaller than `d`!")
            if len(indices.unique()) != len(indices):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Elements of `indices` tensor must be unique!")
            self.indices = indices
        if bounds is not None:
            if bounds.size(-1) != d:
                raise BotorchTensorDimensionError(
                    "Dimensions of provided `bounds` are incompatible with `d`!"
            mins = bounds[..., 0:1, :]
            ranges = bounds[..., 1:2, :] - mins
            self.learn_bounds = False
            mins = torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 1, d)
            ranges = torch.zeros(*batch_shape, 1, d)
            self.learn_bounds = True
        self.register_buffer("mins", mins)
        self.register_buffer("ranges", ranges)
        self._d = d
        self.transform_on_train = transform_on_train
        self.transform_on_eval = transform_on_eval
        self.transform_on_fantasize = transform_on_fantasize
        self.reverse = reverse
        self.batch_shape = batch_shape
        self.min_range = min_range
Beispiel #24
def sample_perturbed_subset_dims(
    X: Tensor,
    bounds: Tensor,
    n_discrete_points: int,
    sigma: float = 1e-1,
    qmc: bool = True,
    prob_perturb: Optional[float] = None,
) -> Tensor:
    r"""Sample around `X` by perturbing a subset of the dimensions.

    By default, dimensions are perturbed with probability equal to
    `min(20 / d, 1)`. As shown in [Regis]_, perturbing a small number
    of dimensions can be beneificial. The perturbations are sampled
    from N(0, sigma^2 I) and truncated to be within [0,1]^d.

        X: A `n x d`-dim tensor starting points. `X`
            must be normalized to be within `[0, 1]^d`.
        bounds: The bounds to sample perturbed values from
        n_discrete_points: The number of points to sample.
        sigma: The standard deviation of the additive gaussian noise for
            perturbing the points.
        qmc: A boolean indicating whether to use qmc.
        prob_perturb: The probability of perturbing each dimension. If omitted,
            defaults to `min(20 / d, 1)`.

        A `n_discrete_points x d`-dim tensor containing the sampled points.

    if bounds.ndim != 2:
        raise BotorchTensorDimensionError("bounds must be a `2 x d`-dim tensor.")
    elif X.ndim != 2:
        raise BotorchTensorDimensionError("X must be a `n x d`-dim tensor.")
    d = bounds.shape[-1]
    if prob_perturb is None:
        # Only perturb a subset of the features
        prob_perturb = min(20.0 / d, 1.0)

    if X.shape[0] == 1:
        X_cand = X.repeat(n_discrete_points, 1)
        rand_indices = torch.randint(X.shape[0], (n_discrete_points,), device=X.device)
        X_cand = X[rand_indices]
    pert = sample_truncated_normal_perturbations(

    # find cases where we are not perturbing any dimensions
    mask = (
        <= prob_perturb
    ind = (~mask).all(dim=-1).nonzero()
    # perturb `n_perturb` of the dimensions
    n_perturb = ceil(d * prob_perturb)
    perturb_mask = torch.zeros(d, dtype=mask.dtype, device=mask.device)
    # TODO: use batched `torch.randperm` when available:
    for idx in ind:
        mask[idx] = perturb_mask[torch.randperm(d, device=bounds.device)]
    # Create candidate points
    X_cand[mask] = pert[mask]
    return X_cand
Beispiel #25
 def test_botorch_exception_hierarchy(self):
     self.assertIsInstance(BotorchError(), Exception)
     self.assertIsInstance(CandidateGenerationError(), BotorchError)
     self.assertIsInstance(InputDataError(), BotorchError)
     self.assertIsInstance(UnsupportedError(), BotorchError)
     self.assertIsInstance(BotorchTensorDimensionError(), BotorchError)