Beispiel #1
def test_minimal_graph(repo_dir, version_list, file_name=None):
    """ Smoke test minimal_graph(). """
    ui_ = ui.ui()
    if file_name is None:
        graph, repo, cache = test_update_real(repo_dir, version_list, True)
        open('/tmp/latest_graph.txt', 'wb').write(graph_to_string(graph))
        repo = hg.repository(ui_, repo_dir)
        cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, CACHE_DIR)
        graph = parse_graph(open(file_name, 'rb').read())
        print "--- from file: %s ---" % file_name
        print graph_to_string(graph)
    version_map = build_version_table(graph, repo)

    # Incomplete, but better than nothing.
    # Verify that the chk bounds are the same after shrinking.
    chk_bounds = {}
    initial_edges = graph.get_top_key_edges()
    for edge in initial_edges:
        chk_bounds[graph.get_chk(edge)] = (
            get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, edge[0] + 1, edge[1], version_map))

    print "CHK BOUNDS:"
    for value in chk_bounds:
        print value
        print "  ", chk_bounds[value]
    sizes = (512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 16 * 1024)
    for max_size in sizes:
            print "MAX:", max(version_map.values())
            small = minimal_graph(graph, repo, version_map, max_size)
            print "--- size == %i" % max_size
            print graph_to_string(small)

            small.rep_invariant(repo, True) # Full check
            chks = chk_bounds.keys()
            path = small.get_top_key_edges()
            print "TOP KEY EDGES:"
            print path
            for edge in path:
                # MUST rebuild the version map because the indices changed.
                new_map = build_version_table(small, repo)
                bounds = get_rollup_bounds(small, repo, edge[0] + 1,
                                           edge[1], new_map)
                print "CHK:", small.get_chk(edge)
                print "BOUNDS: ", bounds
                assert chk_bounds[small.get_chk(edge)] == bounds
                print "DELETING: ", edge, small.get_chk(edge)
            assert len(chks) == 0
        except UpdateGraphException, err:
            print "IGNORED: ", err
Beispiel #2
def test_minimal_graph(repo_dir, version_list, file_name=None):
    """ Smoke test minimal_graph(). """
    ui_ = ui.ui()
    if file_name is None:
        graph, repo, cache = test_update_real(repo_dir, version_list, True)
        open('/tmp/latest_graph.txt', 'wb').write(graph_to_string(graph))
        repo = hg.repository(ui_, repo_dir)
        cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, CACHE_DIR)
        graph = parse_graph(open(file_name, 'rb').read())
        print "--- from file: %s ---" % file_name
        print graph_to_string(graph)
    version_map = build_version_table(graph, repo)

    # Incomplete, but better than nothing.
    # Verify that the chk bounds are the same after shrinking.
    chk_bounds = {}
    initial_edges = graph.get_top_key_edges()
    for edge in initial_edges:
        chk_bounds[graph.get_chk(edge)] = (get_rollup_bounds(
            graph, repo, edge[0] + 1, edge[1], version_map))

    print "CHK BOUNDS:"
    for value in chk_bounds:
        print value
        print "  ", chk_bounds[value]
    sizes = (512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 16 * 1024)
    for max_size in sizes:
            print "MAX:", max(version_map.values())
            small = minimal_graph(graph, repo, version_map, max_size)
            print "--- size == %i" % max_size
            print graph_to_string(small)

            small.rep_invariant(repo, True)  # Full check
            chks = chk_bounds.keys()
            path = small.get_top_key_edges()
            print "TOP KEY EDGES:"
            print path
            for edge in path:
                # MUST rebuild the version map because the indices changed.
                new_map = build_version_table(small, repo)
                bounds = get_rollup_bounds(small, repo, edge[0] + 1, edge[1],
                print "CHK:", small.get_chk(edge)
                print "BOUNDS: ", bounds
                assert chk_bounds[small.get_chk(edge)] == bounds
                print "DELETING: ", edge, small.get_chk(edge)
            assert len(chks) == 0
        except UpdateGraphException, err:
            print "IGNORED: ", err
Beispiel #3
def setup(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg):
    """ INTERNAL: Setup to run an Infocalypse extension command. """
    # REDFLAG: choose another name. Confusion w/ fcp param
    # REDFLAG: add an hg param and get rid of this line.
    #params['VERBOSITY'] = 1

    check_uri(ui_, params.get('INSERT_URI'))
    check_uri(ui_, params.get('REQUEST_URI'))

    if not is_writable(os.path.expanduser(stored_cfg.defaults['TMP_DIR'])):
        raise util.Abort("Can't write to temp dir: %s\n" %

    verbosity = params.get('VERBOSITY', 1)
    set_debug_vars(verbosity, params)

    callbacks = UICallbacks(ui_)
    callbacks.verbosity = verbosity

    if not repo is None:
        # BUG:? shouldn't this be reading TMP_DIR from stored_cfg
        cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, params['TMP_DIR'])

        async_socket = PolledSocket(params['FCP_HOST'], params['FCP_PORT'])
        connection = FCPConnection(async_socket, True,
    except socket.error, err:  # Not an IOError until 2.6.
        ui_.warn("Connection to FCP server [%s:%i] failed.\n" %
                 (params['FCP_HOST'], params['FCP_PORT']))
        raise err
Beispiel #4
def setup_sm(ui_, repo, runner, params):
    """ INTERNAL: Helper function which sets up an UpdateStateMachine
        instance. """
    assert is_writable(os.path.expanduser(params['TMP_DIR']))

    verbosity = params.get('VERBOSITY', 1)
    set_debug_vars(verbosity, params)

    callbacks = UICallbacks(ui_)
    callbacks.verbosity = verbosity
    # DCI: bundle cache needed for inserting?
    cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, params['TMP_DIR'])

    # For Infocalypse repositories
    ctx = UpdateContext(None)
    ctx.repo = repo
    ctx.ui_ = ui_
    ctx.bundle_cache = cache
    update_sm = UpdateStateMachine(runner, ctx)

    update_sm.params = params.copy()
    update_sm.transition_callback = callbacks.transition_callback
    update_sm.monitor_callback = callbacks.monitor_callback

    # Modify only after copy.
    update_sm.params['FREENET_BUILD'] = runner.connection.node_hello[1][

    return update_sm
Beispiel #5
def test_update(repo_dir):
    """ OBSOLETE? """
    ui_ = ui.ui()
    repo = hg.repository(ui_, repo_dir)
    cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, CACHE_DIR)
    graph = UpdateGraph()
    graph.update(repo, ui, [1, 2], cache)
    print graph_to_string(graph)
    graph.update(repo, ui, [3, 4], cache)

    print graph_to_string(graph)
    graph.update(repo, ui, [6, ], cache)

    print graph_to_string(graph)
Beispiel #6
def test_update_real(repo_dir, version_list=None, full=False):
    """ Smoke test graph.update(). """
    ui_ = ui.ui()
    repo = hg.repository(ui_, repo_dir)
    cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, CACHE_DIR)
    graph = UpdateGraph()
    if version_list is None:
        latest = repo['tip'].rev()
        version_list = [[
        ] for ordinal in range(0, latest + 1)]

    chks = fake_chks()
    for vers in version_list:
        print "UPDATING TO: ", vers
        new_edges = graph.update(repo, ui, vers, cache)
        for edge in new_edges:
            length = graph.get_length(edge)
            graph.set_chk(edge[:2], edge[2], length,

        # REDFLAG: should call minimal_graph for "real" behavior
        text = graph_to_string(graph)
        print "GRAPH_LEN: ", len(text)
        print text

    if full:
        print "UPDATING TO: latest heads"
            new_edges = graph.update(repo, ui, None, cache)
            for edge in new_edges:
                length = graph.get_length(edge)
                graph.set_chk(edge[:2], edge[2], length,

            # REDFLAG: should call minimal_graph for "real" behavior
            text = graph_to_string(graph)
            print "GRAPH_LEN: ", len(text)
            print text
        except UpToDate:
            print "Already has the head revs."

    return (graph, repo, cache)
Beispiel #7
def test_update(repo_dir):
    """ OBSOLETE? """
    ui_ = ui.ui()
    repo = hg.repository(ui_, repo_dir)
    cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, CACHE_DIR)
    graph = UpdateGraph()
    graph.update(repo, ui, [1, 2], cache)
    print graph_to_string(graph)
    graph.update(repo, ui, [3, 4], cache)

    print graph_to_string(graph)
    graph.update(repo, ui, [
    ], cache)

    print graph_to_string(graph)
Beispiel #8
def test_update_real(repo_dir, version_list=None, full=False):
    """ Smoke test graph.update(). """
    ui_ = ui.ui()
    repo = hg.repository(ui_, repo_dir)
    cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, CACHE_DIR)
    graph = UpdateGraph()
    if version_list is None:
        latest = repo['tip'].rev()
        version_list = [[ordinal, ] for ordinal in range(0, latest + 1)]

    chks = fake_chks()
    for vers in version_list:
        print "UPDATING TO: ", vers
        new_edges = graph.update(repo, ui, vers, cache)
        for edge in new_edges:
            length = graph.get_length(edge)
            graph.set_chk(edge[:2], edge[2], length,

        # REDFLAG: should call minimal_graph for "real" behavior
        text = graph_to_string(graph)
        print "GRAPH_LEN: ", len(text)
        print text

    if full:
        print "UPDATING TO: latest heads"
            new_edges = graph.update(repo, ui, None, cache)
            for edge in new_edges:
                length = graph.get_length(edge)
                graph.set_chk(edge[:2], edge[2], length,

            # REDFLAG: should call minimal_graph for "real" behavior
            text = graph_to_string(graph)
            print "GRAPH_LEN: ", len(text)
            print text
        except UpToDate:
            print "Already has the head revs."

    return (graph, repo, cache)
Beispiel #9
def test_rollup():
    """ Smoke test get_rollup_bounds(). """
    repo, ui_ = setup_rollup_test_repo(TST_REPO_DIR)
    cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, CACHE_DIR)
    graph = UpdateGraph()

    chks = fake_chks()
    # 0 Single changeset
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['716c293192c7', ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 1 Multiple changesets
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['076aec9f34c9', ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 2 Multiple heads, single base
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['62a72a238ffc', '4409936ef21f'], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 3 Multiple bases, single head
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['a2c749d99d54', ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 4
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['f6248cd464e3', ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 5
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['fd1e6832820b', ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 6
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['7429bf7b11f5', ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 7
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['fcc2e90dbf0d', ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 8
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['03c047d036ca', ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)

    # 9
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['2f6c65f64ce5', ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)

    print graph_to_string(graph)
    version_map = build_version_table(graph, repo)

    assert version_map == EXPECTED_VERSION_MAP

    graph.rep_invariant(repo, True) # Verify contiguousness.

    print "From earliest..."
    for index in range(0, graph.latest_index + 1):
        parents, heads = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 0, index, version_map)
        print "(%i->%i): %s" % (0, index, versions_str(heads))
        print "       ", versions_str(parents)

    print "To latest..."
    for index in range(0, graph.latest_index + 1):
        parents, heads = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, index,
        print "(%i->%i): %s" % (index, graph.latest_index, versions_str(heads))
        print "       ", versions_str(parents)

    # Empty
        get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, FIRST_INDEX, FIRST_INDEX,
    except AssertionError:
        # Asserted as expected for to_index == FIRST_INDEX
        print "Got expected assertion."

    # Rollup of one changeset index.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 0, 0, version_map)
    check_result(result, (('000000000000', ), ('716c293192c7',)))

    # Rollup of multiple changeset index.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 1, 1, version_map)
    check_result(result, (('716c293192c7', ), ('076aec9f34c9',)))

    # Rollup of with multiple heads.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 1, 2, version_map)
    check_result(result, (('716c293192c7', ), ('4409936ef21f','62a72a238ffc')))

    # Rollup of with multiple bases.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 3, 4, version_map)
    check_result(result, (('4409936ef21f', '62a72a238ffc', ),

    # Rollup with head pulled in from earlier base.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 3, 8, version_map)
    print result
    check_result(result, (('4409936ef21f', '62a72a238ffc', ),
                          ('03c047d036ca', '7429bf7b11f5')))

    # Rollup after remerge to a single head.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 0, 9, version_map)
    print result
    check_result(result, (('000000000000', ), ('2f6c65f64ce5', )))
Beispiel #10
def test_rollup():
    """ Smoke test get_rollup_bounds(). """
    repo, ui_ = setup_rollup_test_repo(TST_REPO_DIR)
    cache = BundleCache(repo, ui_, CACHE_DIR)
    graph = UpdateGraph()

    chks = fake_chks()
    # 0 Single changeset
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, [
    ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 1 Multiple changesets
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, [
    ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 2 Multiple heads, single base
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, ['62a72a238ffc', '4409936ef21f'], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 3 Multiple bases, single head
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, [
    ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 4
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, [
    ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 5
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, [
    ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 6
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, [
    ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 7
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, [
    ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)
    # 8
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, [
    ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)

    # 9
    edges = graph.update(repo, ui_, [
    ], cache)
    set_chks(graph, edges, chks)

    print graph_to_string(graph)
    version_map = build_version_table(graph, repo)

    assert version_map == EXPECTED_VERSION_MAP

    graph.rep_invariant(repo, True)  # Verify contiguousness.

    print "From earliest..."
    for index in range(0, graph.latest_index + 1):
        parents, heads = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 0, index, version_map)
        print "(%i->%i): %s" % (0, index, versions_str(heads))
        print "       ", versions_str(parents)

    print "To latest..."
    for index in range(0, graph.latest_index + 1):
        parents, heads = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, index,
                                           graph.latest_index, version_map)
        print "(%i->%i): %s" % (index, graph.latest_index, versions_str(heads))
        print "       ", versions_str(parents)

    # Empty
        get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, FIRST_INDEX, FIRST_INDEX, version_map)
    except AssertionError:
        # Asserted as expected for to_index == FIRST_INDEX
        print "Got expected assertion."

    # Rollup of one changeset index.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 0, 0, version_map)
    check_result(result, (('000000000000', ), ('716c293192c7', )))

    # Rollup of multiple changeset index.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 1, 1, version_map)
    check_result(result, (('716c293192c7', ), ('076aec9f34c9', )))

    # Rollup of with multiple heads.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 1, 2, version_map)
                 (('716c293192c7', ), ('4409936ef21f', '62a72a238ffc')))

    # Rollup of with multiple bases.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 3, 4, version_map)
    check_result(result, ((
    ), ('f6248cd464e3', )))

    # Rollup with head pulled in from earlier base.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 3, 8, version_map)
    print result
    check_result(result, ((
    ), ('03c047d036ca', '7429bf7b11f5')))

    # Rollup after remerge to a single head.
    result = get_rollup_bounds(graph, repo, 0, 9, version_map)
    print result
    check_result(result, (('000000000000', ), ('2f6c65f64ce5', )))