Beispiel #1
    def lca(self, method=None, amount=1.):
        """Shortcut to construct an LCA object for this activity."""
        from bw2calc import LCA

        lca = LCA({self: amount}, method=method)
        if method is not None:
        return lca
Beispiel #2
    def lca(self, method=None, amount=None):
        """Shortcut to construct an LCA object for this exchange **input**.

        Uses the exchange amount if no other amount is provided."""
        from bw2calc import LCA

        if amount is None:
            amount = self['amount']

        lca = LCA({self.input: amount}, method=method)
        if method is not None:
        return lca
Beispiel #3
def lci_matrices_to_excel(database_name, include_descendants=True):
    """Fake docstring"""

    from bw2calc import LCA
    print("Starting Excel export. This can be slow for large matrices!")
    safe_name = safe_filename(database_name, False)
    filepath = os.path.join(projects.output_dir, safe_name + ".xlsx")

    lca = LCA({Database(database_name).random(): 1})

    if not include_descendants:
        lca.activity_dict = {
            key: value
            for key, value in lca.activity_dict.items()
            if key[0] == database_name

    # Drop biosphere flows with zero references
    # TODO: This will ignore (-1 + 1 = 0) references
    lca.biosphere_dict = {
        key: value
        for key, value in lca.biosphere_dict.items()
        if lca.biosphere_matrix[lca.biosphere_dict[key], :].sum() != 0

    workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(filepath)
    bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})

    print("Sorting objects")

    sorted_activity_keys = sorted([(Database.get(key).get("name")
                                    or u"Unknown", key)
                                   for key in lca.activity_dict])
    sorted_product_keys = sorted([(Database.get(key).get("name")
                                   or u"Unknown", key)
                                  for key in lca.product_dict])
    sorted_bio_keys = sorted([(Database.get(key).get("name")
                               or u"Unknown", key)
                              for key in lca.biosphere_dict])

    tm_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('technosphere')
    tm_sheet.set_column('A:A', 50)

    data = Database(database_name).load()

    # Labels
    for index, data in enumerate(sorted_activity_keys):
        tm_sheet.write_string(0, index + 1, data[0])
    for index, data in enumerate(sorted_product_keys):
        tm_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 0, data[0])

    print("Entering technosphere matrix data")

    coo = lca.technosphere_matrix.tocoo()

    # Translate row index to sorted product index
    act_dict = {obj[1]: idx for idx, obj in enumerate(sorted_activity_keys)}
    pro_dict = {obj[1]: idx for idx, obj in enumerate(sorted_product_keys)}
    bio_dict = {obj[1]: idx for idx, obj in enumerate(sorted_bio_keys)}

    pro_lookup = {v: pro_dict[k] for k, v in lca.product_dict.items()}
    bio_lookup = {v: bio_dict[k] for k, v in lca.biosphere_dict.items()}
    act_lookup = {v: act_dict[k] for k, v in lca.activity_dict.items()}

    # Matrix values
    for row, col, value in zip(coo.row, coo.col,
        tm_sheet.write_number(pro_lookup[row] + 1, act_lookup[col] + 1, value)

    bm_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('biosphere')
    bm_sheet.set_column('A:A', 50)

    data = Database(database_name).load()

    # Labels
    for index, data in enumerate(sorted_activity_keys):
        bm_sheet.write_string(0, index + 1, data[0])
    for index, data in enumerate(sorted_bio_keys):
        bm_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 0, data[0])

    print("Entering biosphere matrix data")

    coo = lca.biosphere_matrix.tocoo()

    # Matrix values
    for row, col, value in zip(coo.row, coo.col,
        bm_sheet.write_number(bio_lookup[row] + 1, act_lookup[col] + 1, value)

    COLUMNS = (u"Index", u"Name", u"Reference product", u"Unit", u"Categories",

    tech_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('technosphere-labels')
    tech_sheet.set_column('B:B', 60)
    tech_sheet.set_column('C:C', 30)
    tech_sheet.set_column('D:D', 15)
    tech_sheet.set_column('E:E', 30)

    print("Writing metadata")

    # Header
    for index, col in enumerate(COLUMNS):
        tech_sheet.write_string(0, index, col, bold)

        "Only for ecoinvent 3, where names =/= products.",

    for index, data in enumerate(sorted_activity_keys):
        obj = Database.get(data[1])

        tech_sheet.write_number(index + 1, 0, index + 1)
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 1, obj.get(u'name') or u'Unknown')
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 2,
                                obj.get(u'reference product') or u'')
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 3, obj.get(u'unit') or u'Unknown')
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 4,
                                u" - ".join(obj.get(u'categories') or []))
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 5,
                                obj.get(u'location') or u'Unknown')

    COLUMNS = (

    bio_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet('biosphere-labels')
    bio_sheet.set_column('B:B', 60)
    bio_sheet.set_column('C:C', 15)
    bio_sheet.set_column('D:D', 30)

    # Header
    for index, col in enumerate(COLUMNS):
        bio_sheet.write_string(0, index, col, bold)

    for index, data in enumerate(sorted_bio_keys):
        obj = Database.get(data[1])

        bio_sheet.write_number(index + 1, 0, index + 1)
        bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 1, obj.get(u'name') or u'Unknown')
        bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 2, obj.get(u'unit') or u'Unknown')
        bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 3,
                               u" - ".join(obj.get(u'categories') or []))

    return filepath
Beispiel #4
def lci_matrices_to_matlab(database_name):
    from bw2calc import LCA

    lca = LCA({Database(database_name).random(): 1})
    ra, rp, rb = lca.reverse_dict()

    safe_name = safe_filename(database_name, False)
        os.path.join(projects.output_dir, safe_name + ".mat"),
            "technosphere": lca.technosphere_matrix,
            "biosphere": lca.biosphere_matrix

    workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(os.path.join(dirpath, safe_name + ".xlsx"))
    bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": True})

    COLUMNS = ("Index", "Name", "Reference product", "Unit", "Categories",

    tech_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet("technosphere")
    tech_sheet.set_column("B:B", 60)
    tech_sheet.set_column("C:C", 30)
    tech_sheet.set_column("D:D", 15)
    tech_sheet.set_column("E:E", 30)

    # Header
    for index, col in enumerate(COLUMNS):
        tech_sheet.write_string(0, index, col, bold)

        "Only for ecoinvent 3, where names =/= products.",

    data = Database(database_name).load()

    for index, key in sorted(ra.items()):
        tech_sheet.write_number(index + 1, 0, index + 1)
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 1, data[key].get("name")
                                or "Unknown")
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 2,
                                data[key].get("reference product") or "")
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 3, data[key].get("unit")
                                or "Unknown")
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 4,
                                " - ".join(data[key].get("categories") or []))
        tech_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 5, data[key].get("location")
                                or "Unknown")

    COLUMNS = (

    biosphere_dicts = {}
    bio_sheet = workbook.add_worksheet("biosphere")
    bio_sheet.set_column("B:B", 60)
    bio_sheet.set_column("C:C", 15)
    bio_sheet.set_column("D:D", 30)

    # Header
    for index, col in enumerate(COLUMNS):
        bio_sheet.write_string(0, index, col, bold)

    for index, key in sorted(rb.items()):
        if key[0] not in biosphere_dicts:
            biosphere_dicts[key[0]] = Database(key[0]).load()
        obj = biosphere_dicts[key[0]][key]

        bio_sheet.write_number(index + 1, 0, index + 1)
        bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 1, obj.get("name", "Unknown"))
        bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 2, obj.get("unit", "Unknown"))
        bio_sheet.write_string(index + 1, 3,
                               " - ".join(obj.get("categories", [])))

    return dirpath