def test_greens_2():
	Function for testing the band structure generation.
	greens = constructor.Constructor(-3,-2,1,1.e-6+1.e-6j,0.5,0,1,1)
	hamil = calc.add_spin(greens.hamil)
def test_topo_bands():
	Function for testing the band structure generation.
	sigma_0 = 1.e-6+1.e-6j
	N = 10
	topo = make_topo(50.+0.j, 3.645+0.j, -68.6+0.j, -0.1+0.j, -51.2+0.j, -0.01+0.j, 2.+0.j, 1.+0.j,sigma_0,0.5,500,N,1)
	t_x = calc.add_spin(topo[1])
	hamil = calc.add_spin(topo[0].hamil)
	calc.band_structure(hamil,t_x, N)
def test_topo_soc_bands():
	Function for testing the band structure generation with spin-orbit coupling included.
	sigma_0 = 1.e-6+1.e-6j
	N = 20
	topo = make_topo(50.+0.j, 3.645+0.j, -68.6+0.j, -0.1+0.j, -51.2+0.j, -0.05+0.j, 0.+0.j, 1.+0.j,sigma_0,0.5,500,N,1)
	for theta,phi in [(0,0)]:
		t_x = topo[1]
		hamil = topo[0].hamil
		theta_rad = theta * (np.pi / 180)
		phi_rad = phi * (np.pi)/180		
		hamil = mod_hamil(hamil,theta_rad,phi_rad,0.00,N)
		calc.band_structure(hamil,t_x, N)