Beispiel #1
  def buy(self):
    Current implementation of this method buys ALL the bitcoins you can at market price
    TODO: Add a way to tell it how many you want to buy for hedging purposes
    print 'Initiating a buy...'
    cashpool =  int(['Wallets']['USD']['Balance']['value_int'])
    sellPrice = int(self.priceInfo['return']['sell']['value_int'])

    btcpool = Decimal(cashpool / sellPrice).quantize(Decimal('1.0'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
    print 'Buying:', btcpool, 'btc'

    #Actual Trade Code
#    trade = {'amount': 10, 'Currency':'USD'}
#    tmp = req.get_res('0/buyBTC.php', trade)
#    print tmp

    print 'Removing MtGoxCost...'
    tmp = cost.calcCost(int(btcpool))
    actual = tmp.removeCost()
    print 'ActualInPool:', actual

    return actual
Beispiel #2
  def sell(self):
    Current implementation of this method sells ALL your bitcoins at the market price.
    print 'Initiating a sell...'
    btcpool =  int(['Wallets']['BTC']['Balance']['value_int'])
    sellPrice = int(self.priceInfo['return']['buy']['value_int'])

    print 'Selling:', btcpool, 'btc'

    print 'Removing MtGoxCost...'
    tmp = cost.calcCost(btcpool * sellPrice)
    actual = tmp.removeCost() * Decimal('.00001')
    print 'ActualInPool:', actual

    return actual
Beispiel #3
def main():
  print 'Testing costCalculator'
  tmp = cost.calcCost(91 * 617440)
  test(tmp.removeCost(), Decimal('55849917.76'))
  test(tmp.removeCost(), Decimal('55878011.28')) #reduced trading cost