Beispiel #1
    def compute_axes(self, rotations, maskshape):
        """ scans rotation matrices for the narrowest rectangle
        stores the result in self.long_axis and self.short_axis, each a 2,2 array
        with one point per line (coords axes in columns)

        also computes the box for masks and images
        WARNING: Rotations cannot be empty and must include a null rotation

        points = np.asarray(self.outline)  # in two columns, x, y
        width = len(points) + 1

        # no need to do more rotations, due to symmetry
        for rix in range(len(rotations) / 2 + 1):
            r = rotations[rix]
            nx0, ny0, nx1, ny1, nwidth = cp.bound_rectangle(
                np.asarray(, r)))

            if nwidth < width:
                width = nwidth
                x0 = nx0
                x1 = nx1
                y0 = ny0
                y1 = ny1
                angle = rix

        self.axes_from_rotation(x0, y0, x1, y1, rotations[angle])

        if self.stats["Length"] < self.stats["Width"]:
            dum = self.stats["Length"]
            self.stats["Length"] = self.stats["Width"]
            self.stats["Width"] = dum
            dum = self.short_axis
            self.short_axis = self.long_axis
            self.long_axis = dum

        self.stats["Eccentricity"] = \
            ((self.stats["Length"] - self.stats["Width"]) / (self.stats["Length"] +
        self.stats["Irregularity"] = \
            (len(self.outline) / (self.stats["Area"] ** 0.5))
Beispiel #2
    def compute_axes(self, rotations, maskshape):
        """ scans rotation matrices for the narrowest rectangle
        stores the result in self.long_axis and self.short_axis, each a 2,2 array
        with one point per line (coords axes in columns)

        also computes the box for masks and images
        WARNING: Rotations cannot be empty and must include a null rotation

        points = np.asarray(self.outline)  # in two columns, x, y
        width = len(points) + 1

        # no need to do more rotations, due to symmetry
        for rix in range(len(rotations) / 2 + 1):
            r = rotations[rix]
            nx0, ny0, nx1, ny1, nwidth = cp.bound_rectangle(np.asarray(, r)))

            if nwidth < width:
                width = nwidth
                x0 = nx0
                x1 = nx1
                y0 = ny0
                y1 = ny1
                angle = rix

        self.axes_from_rotation(x0, y0, x1, y1, rotations[angle])

        if self.stats["Length"] < self.stats["Width"]:
            dum = self.stats["Length"]
            self.stats["Length"] = self.stats["Width"]
            self.stats["Width"] = dum
            dum = self.short_axis
            self.short_axis = self.long_axis
            self.long_axis = dum

        self.stats["Eccentricity"] = (self.stats["Length"] - self.stats["Width"]) / (
            self.stats["Length"] + self.stats["Width"]
        self.stats["Irregularity"] = len(self.outline) / (self.stats["Area"] ** 0.5)
Beispiel #3
    def remove_sept_from_membrane(self, maskshape):
        """Method used to remove the pixels of the septum that were still in
        the membrane"""

        # get outline points of septum mask
        septum_outline = []
        septum_mask = self.sept_mask
        septum_outline = self.get_outline_points(septum_mask)

        # compute box of the septum
        septum_box = self.compute_sept_box_fix(septum_outline, maskshape)

        # compute axis of the septum
        rotations = cp.rotation_matrices(5)
        points = np.asarray(septum_outline)  # in two columns, x, y
        width = len(points) + 1

        # no need to do more rotations, due to symmetry
        for rix in range(len(rotations) / 2 + 1):
            r = rotations[rix]
            nx0, ny0, nx1, ny1, nwidth = cp.bound_rectangle(
                np.asarray(, r)))

            if nwidth < width:
                width = nwidth
                x0 = nx0
                x1 = nx1
                y0 = ny0
                y1 = ny1
                angle = rix

        rotation = rotations[angle]

        # midpoints
        mx = (x1 + x0) / 2
        my = (y1 + y0) / 2

        # assumes long is X. This duplicates rotations but simplifies
        # using different algorithms such as brightness
        long = [[x0, my], [x1, my]]
        short = [[mx, y0], [mx, y1]]
        short = np.asarray(, rotation.T), dtype=np.int32)
        long = np.asarray(, rotation.T), dtype=np.int32)

        # check if axis fall outside area due to rounding errors
        bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = septum_box
        short[0] = cp.bounded_point(bx0, bx1, by0, by1, short[0])
        short[1] = cp.bounded_point(bx0, bx1, by0, by1, short[1])
        long[0] = cp.bounded_point(bx0, bx1, by0, by1, long[0])
        long[1] = cp.bounded_point(bx0, bx1, by0, by1, long[1])

        length = np.linalg.norm(long[1] - long[0])
        width = np.linalg.norm(short[1] - short[0])

        if length < width:
            dum = length
            length = width
            width = dum
            dum = short
            short = long
            long = dum

        # expand long axis to create a linmask
        bx0, by0 = long[0]
        bx1, by1 = long[1]

        h, w = self.sept_mask.shape
        linmask = np.zeros((h, w))

        h, w = self.sept_mask.shape[0] - 2, self.sept_mask.shape[1] - 2
        bin_factor = int(width)

        if bx1 - bx0 == 0:
            x, y = line(bx0, 0, bx0, w)
            linmask[x, y] = 1
                linmask = morphology.binary_dilation(
                    linmask, np.ones((bin_factor, bin_factor))).astype(float)
            except RuntimeError:
                bin_factor = 4
                linmask = morphology.binary_dilation(
                    linmask, np.ones((bin_factor, bin_factor))).astype(float)

            m = ((by1 - by0) / (bx1 - bx0))
            b = by0 - m * bx0

            if b < 0:
                l_y0 = 0
                l_x0 = int(-b / m)

                if h * m + b > w:
                    l_y1 = w
                    l_x1 = int((w - b) / m)

                    l_x1 = h
                    l_y1 = int(h * m + b)

            elif b > w:
                l_y0 = w
                l_x0 = int((w - b) / m)

                if h * m + b < 0:
                    l_y1 = 0
                    l_x1 = int(-b / m)

                    l_x1 = h
                    l_y1 = int((h - b) / m)

                l_x0 = 0
                l_y0 = int(b)

                if m > 0:
                    if h * m + b > w:
                        l_y1 = w
                        l_x1 = int((w - b) / m)
                        l_x1 = h
                        l_y1 = int(h * m + b)

                elif m < 0:
                    if h * m + b < 0:
                        l_y1 = 0
                        l_x1 = int(-b / m)
                        l_x1 = h
                        l_y1 = int(h * m + b)

                    l_x1 = h
                    l_y1 = int(b)

            x, y = line(l_x0, l_y0, l_x1, l_y1)
            linmask[x, y] = 1
                linmask = morphology.binary_dilation(
                    linmask, np.ones((bin_factor, bin_factor))).astype(float)
            except RuntimeError:
                bin_factor = 4
                linmask = morphology.binary_dilation(
                    linmask, np.ones((bin_factor, bin_factor))).astype(float)
        return img_as_float(linmask)
Beispiel #4
    def remove_sept_from_membrane(self, maskshape):
        """Method used to remove the pixels of the septum that were still in
        the membrane"""

        # get outline points of septum mask
        septum_outline = []
        septum_mask = self.sept_mask
        septum_outline = self.get_outline_points(septum_mask)

        # compute box of the septum
        septum_box = self.compute_sept_box_fix(septum_outline, maskshape)

        # compute axis of the septum
        rotations = cp.rotation_matrices(5)
        points = np.asarray(septum_outline)  # in two columns, x, y
        width = len(points) + 1

        # no need to do more rotations, due to symmetry
        for rix in range(len(rotations) / 2 + 1):
            r = rotations[rix]
            nx0, ny0, nx1, ny1, nwidth = cp.bound_rectangle(np.asarray(, r)))

            if nwidth < width:
                width = nwidth
                x0 = nx0
                x1 = nx1
                y0 = ny0
                y1 = ny1
                angle = rix

        rotation = rotations[angle]

        # midpoints
        mx = (x1 + x0) / 2
        my = (y1 + y0) / 2

        # assumes long is X. This duplicates rotations but simplifies
        # using different algorithms such as brightness
        long = [[x0, my], [x1, my]]
        short = [[mx, y0], [mx, y1]]
        short = np.asarray(, rotation.T), dtype=np.int32)
        long = np.asarray(, rotation.T), dtype=np.int32)

        # check if axis fall outside area due to rounding errors
        bx0, by0, bx1, by1 = septum_box
        short[0] = cp.bounded_point(bx0, bx1, by0, by1, short[0])
        short[1] = cp.bounded_point(bx0, bx1, by0, by1, short[1])
        long[0] = cp.bounded_point(bx0, bx1, by0, by1, long[0])
        long[1] = cp.bounded_point(bx0, bx1, by0, by1, long[1])

        length = np.linalg.norm(long[1] - long[0])
        width = np.linalg.norm(short[1] - short[0])

        if length < width:
            dum = length
            length = width
            width = dum
            dum = short
            short = long
            long = dum

        # expand long axis to create a linmask
        bx0, by0 = long[0]
        bx1, by1 = long[1]

        h, w = self.sept_mask.shape
        linmask = np.zeros((h, w))

        h, w = self.sept_mask.shape[0] - 2, self.sept_mask.shape[1] - 2
        bin_factor = int(width)

        if bx1 - bx0 == 0:
            x, y = line(bx0, 0, bx0, w)
            linmask[x, y] = 1
                linmask = morphology.binary_dilation(linmask, np.ones((bin_factor, bin_factor))).astype(float)
            except RuntimeError:
                bin_factor = 4
                linmask = morphology.binary_dilation(linmask, np.ones((bin_factor, bin_factor))).astype(float)

            m = (by1 - by0) / (bx1 - bx0)
            b = by0 - m * bx0

            if b < 0:
                l_y0 = 0
                l_x0 = int(-b / m)

                if h * m + b > w:
                    l_y1 = w
                    l_x1 = int((w - b) / m)

                    l_x1 = h
                    l_y1 = int(h * m + b)

            elif b > w:
                l_y0 = w
                l_x0 = int((w - b) / m)

                if h * m + b < 0:
                    l_y1 = 0
                    l_x1 = int(-b / m)

                    l_x1 = h
                    l_y1 = int((h - b) / m)

                l_x0 = 0
                l_y0 = int(b)

                if m > 0:
                    if h * m + b > w:
                        l_y1 = w
                        l_x1 = int((w - b) / m)
                        l_x1 = h
                        l_y1 = int(h * m + b)

                elif m < 0:
                    if h * m + b < 0:
                        l_y1 = 0
                        l_x1 = int(-b / m)
                        l_x1 = h
                        l_y1 = int(h * m + b)

                    l_x1 = h
                    l_y1 = int(b)

            x, y = line(l_x0, l_y0, l_x1, l_y1)
            linmask[x, y] = 1
                linmask = morphology.binary_dilation(linmask, np.ones((bin_factor, bin_factor))).astype(float)
            except RuntimeError:
                bin_factor = 4
                linmask = morphology.binary_dilation(linmask, np.ones((bin_factor, bin_factor))).astype(float)
        return img_as_float(linmask)