Beispiel #1
    def notification(self,
                     message: str,
                     pause: bool = True,
                     wrap: bool = True,
                     force_interactive: bool = False,
                     decorate: bool = True) -> None:
        """Displays a notification and waits for user acceptance.

        :param str message: Message to display
        :param bool pause: Whether or not the program should pause for the
            user's confirmation
        :param bool wrap: Whether or not the application should wrap text
        :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user
            because it won't cause any workflow regressions
        :param bool decorate: Whether to surround the message with a
            decorated frame

        if wrap:
            message = util.wrap_lines(message)

        logger.debug("Notifying user: %s", message)

            (("{line}{frame}{line}" if decorate else "") + "{msg}{line}" +
             ("{frame}{line}" if decorate else "")).format(line=os.linesep,

        if pause:
            if self._can_interact(force_interactive):
                util.input_with_timeout("Press Enter to Continue")
                logger.debug("Not pausing for user confirmation")
Beispiel #2
    def notification(
            message: str,
            pause: bool = False,
            wrap: bool = True,  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
            decorate: bool = True,
            **unused_kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Displays a notification without waiting for user acceptance.

        :param str message: Message to display to stdout
        :param bool pause: The NoninteractiveDisplay waits for no keyboard
        :param bool wrap: Whether or not the application should wrap text
        :param bool decorate: Whether to apply a decorated frame to the message

        if wrap:
            message = util.wrap_lines(message)

        logger.debug("Notifying user: %s", message)

            (("{line}{frame}{line}" if decorate else "") + "{msg}{line}" +
             ("{frame}{line}" if decorate else "")).format(line=os.linesep,
Beispiel #3
    def _print_menu(self, message: str, choices: Union[List[Tuple[str, str]],
                                                       List[str]]) -> None:
        """Print a menu on the screen.

        :param str message: title of menu
        :param choices: Menu lines
        :type choices: list of tuples (tag, item) or
            list of descriptions (tags will be enumerated)

        # Can take either tuples or single items in choices list
        if choices and isinstance(choices[0], tuple):
            choices = [f"{c[0]} - {c[1]}" for c in choices]

        # Write out the message to the user
        self.outfile.write(SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep)

        # Write out the menu choices
        for i, desc in enumerate(choices, 1):
            msg = f"{i}: {desc}"

            # Keep this outside of the textwrap

        self.outfile.write(SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep)
Beispiel #4
    def input(self,
              message: str,
              default: Optional[str] = None,
              cli_flag: Optional[str] = None,
              force_interactive: bool = False,
              **unused_kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[str, str]:
        """Accept input from the user.

        :param str message: message to display to the user
        :param default: default value to return (if one exists)
        :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI
        :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user
            because it won't cause any workflow regressions

        :returns: tuple of (`code`, `input`) where
            `code` - str display exit code
            `input` - str of the user's input
        :rtype: tuple

        return_default = self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag,
        if return_default is not None:
            return OK, return_default

        # Trailing space must be added outside of util.wrap_lines to
        # be preserved
        message = util.wrap_lines("%s (Enter 'c' to cancel):" % message) + " "
        ans = util.input_with_timeout(message)

        if ans in ("c", "C"):
            return CANCEL, "-1"
        return OK, ans
Beispiel #5
    def _print_menu(self, message, choices):
        """Print a menu on the screen.

        :param str message: title of menu
        :param choices: Menu lines
        :type choices: list of tuples (tag, item) or
            list of descriptions (tags will be enumerated)

        # Can take either tuples or single items in choices list
        if choices and isinstance(choices[0], tuple):
            choices = ["%s - %s" % (c[0], c[1]) for c in choices]

        # Write out the message to the user
            "{new}{msg}{new}".format(new=os.linesep, msg=message))
        self.outfile.write(SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep)

        # Write out the menu choices
        for i, desc in enumerate(choices, 1):
            msg = "{num}: {desc}".format(num=i, desc=desc)

            # Keep this outside of the textwrap

        self.outfile.write(SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep)
    def test_wrap_lines(self):
        from certbot._internal.display.util import wrap_lines
        msg = (
            "This is just a weak test{0}"
            "This function is only meant to be for easy viewing{0}"
            "Test a really really really really really really really really "
            "really really really really long line...".format('\n'))
        text = wrap_lines(msg)

        self.assertEqual(text.count('\n'), 3)
Beispiel #7
    def yesno(self,
              message: str,
              yes_label: str = "Yes",
              no_label: str = "No",
              default: Optional[bool] = None,
              cli_flag: Optional[str] = None,
              force_interactive: bool = False,
              **unused_kwargs: Any) -> bool:
        """Query the user with a yes/no question.

        Yes and No label must begin with different letters, and must contain at
        least one letter each.

        :param str message: question for the user
        :param str yes_label: Label of the "Yes" parameter
        :param str no_label: Label of the "No" parameter
        :param default: default value to return (if one exists)
        :param str cli_flag: option used to set this value with the CLI
        :param bool force_interactive: True if it's safe to prompt the user
            because it won't cause any workflow regressions

        :returns: True for "Yes", False for "No"
        :rtype: bool

        return_default = self._return_default(message, default, cli_flag,
        if return_default is not None:
            return return_default

        message = util.wrap_lines(message)

            os.linesep, frame=SIDE_FRAME + os.linesep, msg=message))

        while True:
            ans = util.input_with_timeout("{yes}/{no}: ".format(

            # Couldn't get pylint indentation right with elif
            # elif doesn't matter in this situation
            if (ans.startswith(yes_label[0].lower())
                    or ans.startswith(yes_label[0].upper())):
                return True
            if (ans.startswith(no_label[0].lower())
                    or ans.startswith(no_label[0].upper())):
                return False