Beispiel #1
def test_cnf_from_and_to_txt(grammar):
    (fd, fname) = tempfile.mkstemp()

    cnf_1 = cfpq_data.cnf_from_text(grammar)

    path = cfpq_data.cnf_to_txt(cnf_1, fname)

    cnf_2 = cfpq_data.cnf_from_txt(path)


    assert set(cfpq_data.cnf_to_text(cnf_1).splitlines()) == set(
Beispiel #2
import pytest

import cfpq_data

cnf_1 = cfpq_data.cnf_from_text("S -> a S b | a b")
cnf_2 = cfpq_data.cnf_from_text(
    "S -> sco_r S sco | t_r S t | sco_r sco | t_r t")

rsm_1 = cfpq_data.rsm_from_text("S -> a S b | a b")
rsm_2 = cfpq_data.rsm_from_text(
    "S -> sco_r S sco | t_r S t | sco_r sco | t_r t")

@pytest.mark.parametrize("cnf", [cnf_1, cnf_2])
def test_cfg_from_cnf(cnf):
    cfg = cfpq_data.cfg_from_cnf(cnf)
    for word in cfg.get_words(4):
        assert cfg.contains(word) and cnf.contains(word)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("rsm", [rsm_1, rsm_2])
def test_cfg_from_rsm(rsm):
    cfg = cfpq_data.cfg_from_rsm(rsm)
    for word in cfg.get_words(4):
        assert cfg.contains(word) and rsm.contains(word)
Beispiel #3
import pytest

import cfpq_data

cfg_1 = cfpq_data.cfg_from_text("S -> a S b S\nS -> a b\n")
exp_cfg_1 = cfpq_data.cfg_from_text("S -> b S c S\nS -> b c\n")

cfg_2 = cfpq_data.cfg_from_text("S -> a b c d\n")
exp_cfg_2 = cfpq_data.cfg_from_text("S -> b c c d\n")

cnf_1 = cfpq_data.cnf_from_text("S -> a")
exp_cnf_1 = cfpq_data.cnf_from_text("S -> b")

cnf_2 = cfpq_data.cnf_from_text("S -> b")
exp_cnf_2 = cfpq_data.cnf_from_text("S -> c")

rsm_1 = cfpq_data.rsm_from_text("S -> a b\n")
exp_rsm_1 = cfpq_data.rsm_from_text("S -> b c\n")

rsm_2 = cfpq_data.rsm_from_text("S -> b a\n")
exp_rsm_2 = cfpq_data.rsm_from_text("S -> c b\n")

    "cfg, exp_cfg",
        (cfg_1, exp_cfg_1),
        (cfg_2, exp_cfg_2),
def test_change_terminals_in_cfg(cfg, exp_cfg):
Beispiel #4
def test_cnf_to_text(grammar, expected):
    cnf = cfpq_data.cnf_from_text(grammar)

    actual = set(cfpq_data.cnf_to_text(cnf).splitlines())

    assert actual == expected
Beispiel #5
def test_cnf_from_text(grammar, expected):
    cnf = cfpq_data.cnf_from_text(grammar)

    for word in expected:
        assert cnf.contains(word)