Beispiel #1
def test_yaml_import_fail(mock_empty_os_environ, monkeypatch):
    """Check that uninstalled yaml really results in an error."""
    file_str = '---\na: 5'
    # Check that without mocking everything is file:
    settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF', settings_files=file_str)
    # Now fake not having imported yaml
    monkeypatch.setattr('climatecontrol.file_loaders.yaml', None)
    with pytest.raises(ImportError):
        settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF', settings_files='---\na: 5')
Beispiel #2
def test_nested_settings_files(tmpdir):
    """Check that parsing of nested "from_file" settings files works as expected.

    In this case a base file references as settings file (nested_1) which in
    turn references as second file (nested_2).

    subfolder = tmpdir.mkdir('sub')
    p = subfolder.join('settings.json')
    nested_1_p = subfolder.join('nested_1.json')
    nested_2_p = subfolder.join('nested_2.json')

    nested_2_p.write(json.dumps({'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}))
    nested_1_p.write(json.dumps({'level_2_from_file': str(nested_2_p)}))
        'level_1_from_file': str(nested_1_p),  # nested_1_p references nested_2_p internally.
        'spam': 'parrot',
        'list': [
                'this_from_file': str(nested_2_p)  # dictionaries in lists should be expanded as well.

    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF', settings_files=[str(p)])
    assert dict(settings_map) == {
        'spam': 'parrot',
        'level_1': {'level_2': {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}},
        'list': ['random', {'this': {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2}}]
Beispiel #3
def test_settings_empty(mock_empty_os_environ):
    """Check that initializing empty settings works correctly."""
    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings()
    assert isinstance(settings_map, Mapping)
    assert dict(settings_map) == {}
    assert str(settings_map)  # check that __repr__ works
    assert len(settings_map) == 0  # length of settings map
Beispiel #4
def test_parse_from_file_vars(original, file_exists, mock_os_environ, tmpdir):
    """Check that the "from_file" extension works as expected.

    Adding the "from_file" suffix should result in the variable being read from
    the file and not directly.

    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(update_on_init=False)
    filepath = tmpdir.join('testvarfile')
    filename = str(filepath)
    if file_exists:
        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    update_dict = {'this_var_from_file': filename}
    if original:
        update_dict['this_var'] = 'the original password'
    assert isinstance(settings_map, Mapping)
    actual = dict(settings_map)
    expected = {}
    if original:
        expected = {'this_var': 'the original password'}
    if file_exists:
        expected = {'this_var': 'apassword'}
    assert actual == expected
Beispiel #5
def test_settings_parse(mock_os_environ):
    """Check that parsing settings runs through without errors."""
    expected = {'bla': 'test'}
    parser = MagicMock()
    parser.return_value = expected
    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF', parser=parser)
    assert parser.call_count == 1
    assert isinstance(settings_map, Mapping)
    assert dict(settings_map) == expected
Beispiel #6
def test_settings_multiple_files_and_env(mock_os_environ, mock_settings_files, tmpdir, caplog):
    """Check that using multiple settings files together with settings parsed from env variables works.

    Each subsequent settings file should override the last and environment vars
    should override any settings file vars.

    Additionally check that the logs are fired correctly and have the correct

    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(
    assert isinstance(settings_map, Mapping)

    assert dict(settings_map) == {
        'testgroup': {
            'test_var': 6,
            'testvar': 7,
            'testvar_inline_1': 'foo'
        }, 'othergroup': {
            'blabla': 555,
            'testvar_inline_2': 'bar'
        'testgroup_test_var': 9

    # Check that the logs are correctly printed.
    record_tuples = caplog.record_tuples
    secret_file_path_str = str(tmpdir / 'sub2' / 'secret.txt')
    expected = [
        ('climatecontrol.settings_parser', 20, 'Settings key testvar_inline_1 set to contents of file "{}"'.format(secret_file_path_str)),  # noqa: 501
        ('climatecontrol.settings_parser', 20, 'Settings key testvar_inline_2 set to contents of file "{}"'.format(secret_file_path_str)),  # noqa: 501
        ('climatecontrol.settings_parser', 10, 'Assigned settings from {}: ["testgroup.testvar", "testgroup.testvar_inline_1", "othergroup.blabla", "othergroup.testvar_inline_2"]'.format(mock_settings_files[0][0])),  # noqa: 501
        ('climatecontrol.settings_parser', 10, 'Assigned settings from {}: ["othergroup.blabla", "othergroup.testvar_inline_2"]'.format(mock_settings_files[0][1])),  # noqa: 501
        ('climatecontrol.env_parser', 20, 'Parsed setting from env var: TEST_STUFF_TESTGROUP__TEST_VAR.'),
        ('climatecontrol.env_parser', 20, 'Parsed setting from env var: TEST_STUFF_TESTGROUP__TESTVAR.'),
        ('climatecontrol.env_parser', 20, 'Parsed setting from env var: TEST_STUFF_TESTGROUP_TEST_VAR.'),
        ('climatecontrol.settings_parser', 10, 'Assigned settings from environment variables: ["testgroup.test_var", "testgroup.testvar", "testgroup_test_var"]')  # noqa: 501
    assert len(record_tuples) == len(expected)
    if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 6):
        assert record_tuples == expected
        # for python < 3.6 dictionaries are not ordered. For this reason it is
        # very hard to figure out in what order the hierarchies actually come
        # out.
        unambiguous_indices = [0, 1, 4, 5, 6]
        set(record_tuples[i] for i in unambiguous_indices) == set(expected[i] for i in unambiguous_indices)
        for i in [2, 3, 7]:
            assert 'Assigned settings from' in record_tuples[2][2]
        assert '"testgroup.testvar"' in record_tuples[2][2]
        assert str(mock_settings_files[0][0]) in record_tuples[2][2]
Beispiel #7
def test_settings(mock_os_environ, update_on_init):
    """Check that initializing settings works correctly."""
    kwargs = {'prefix': 'TEST_STUFF'}
    if update_on_init is None:
        kwargs['update_on_init'] = update_on_init
    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(**kwargs)
    assert isinstance(settings_map, Mapping)
    if update_on_init is False:
        expected = {}
        expected = {'testgroup': {'testvar': 7, 'test_var': 6}, 'testgroup_test_var': 9}
    assert dict(settings_map) == expected
Beispiel #8
def test_setup_logging(monkeypatch, update, mock_empty_os_environ):
    """Check that the setup_logging method intializes the logger and respects updates."""
    mock_dict_config = MagicMock()
    monkeypatch.setattr('climatecontrol.settings_parser.logging_config.dictConfig', mock_dict_config)
    if update == 'env':
        os.environ['TEST_STUFF_LOGGING__ROOT__LEVEL'] = 'DEBUG'
    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF')
    if update == 'manual':
        settings_map.update({'logging': {'root': {'level': 'DEBUG'}}})
    assert mock_dict_config.call_count == 1
    assert 'handlers' in mock_dict_config.call_args[0][0]['root'], \
        'Expected default logging configuration to be updated, not overwritten.'
    assert mock_dict_config.call_args[0][0]['root']['level'] == 'DEBUG' if update else 'INFO'
Beispiel #9
def test_settings_env_file_and_env(mock_env_settings_file, tmpdir):
    """Check that a settings file from an env variable works together with other env variables settings.

    In the default case environment vars should override settings file vars.
    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF')
    assert isinstance(settings_map, Mapping)
    assert dict(settings_map) == {
        'testgroup': {
            'testvar': 7,
            'test_var': 6
        }, 'othergroup': {
            'blabla': 555
        'testgroup_test_var': 9
Beispiel #10
def test_temporary_changes():
    """Test that temporary changes settings context manager works.

    Within the context, settings should be changeable. After exit, the original
    settings should be restored.

    s = settings_parser.Settings()
    s.update({'a': 1})
    with s.temporary_changes():
        # Change the settings within the context
        s.update({'a': 2, 'b': 2})
        assert s['a'] == 2
        assert len(s.settings_files) == 1
    # Check that outside of the context the settings are back to their old state.
    assert s['a'] == 1
    assert len(s.settings_files) == 0
Beispiel #11
def test_update(mock_empty_os_environ, mode):
    """Test if updating settings after initialization works."""
    os.environ['THIS_SECTION__MY_VALUE'] = 'original'
    s = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='this', settings_file_suffix='suffix', parser=None)
    original = dict(s)
    assert original == {'section': {'my_value': 'original'}}

    expected = original.copy()
    if mode in ['dict', 'both']:
        update = {'section': {'my_new_value': 'value'}}
        expected['section'].update({'my_new_value': 'value'})
        update = None
    if mode in ['envvar', 'both']:
        os.environ['THIS_SECTION2__NEW_ENV_VALUE'] = 'new_env_data'
        expected.update({'section2': {'new_env_value': 'new_env_data'}})
    assert dict(s) == expected
Beispiel #12
def test_to_config(mock_empty_os_environ, mock_settings_file, tmpdir, file_extension):
    """Test writing out an example configuration file."""
    settings_file_path, expected = mock_settings_file
    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF',
    s = settings_map.to_config(style=file_extension)
    if file_extension == '.toml':
        expected = mock_settings_file[1]
        assert toml.loads(s) == expected
        assert s

    subdir = tmpdir.mkdir('config_write_subdir')
    p = subdir.join('example_settings' + file_extension)
    s = settings_map.to_config(save_to=str(p))

    if file_extension == '.toml':
        assert toml.load(str(p)) == expected
Beispiel #13
def test_cli_utils(mock_empty_os_environ, mock_settings_file, mode, option_name, use_method):
    """Check that cli utils work."""
    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF')
    assert settings_map._data == {}

    if use_method:
        opt = cli_utils.click_settings_file_option(settings_map, option_name=option_name)
        opt = settings_map.click_settings_file_option(option_name=option_name)

    def tmp_cli():

    runner = CliRunner()
    if mode == 'config':
        args = ['--' + option_name, mock_settings_file[0]]
        result = runner.invoke(tmp_cli, args)
        assert dict(settings_map) == mock_settings_file[1]
        assert result.exit_code == 0
    elif mode == 'noconfig':
        args = []
        result = runner.invoke(tmp_cli, args)
        assert dict(settings_map) == {}
        assert result.exit_code == 0
    elif 'wrongfile':
        args = ['--' + option_name, 'badlfkjasfkj']
        result = runner.invoke(tmp_cli, args)
        assert result.exit_code == 2
        expected_output = (
            'Usage: tmp-cli [OPTIONS]\n'
            'Try "tmp-cli --help" for help.\n\n'
            'Error: Invalid value for "--{}" / "-{}": '
            'File "badlfkjasfkj" does not exist.'
        ).format(option_name, option_name[0])
        assert result.output == expected_output
Beispiel #14
def test_settings_file_content(mock_empty_os_environ, settings_file_content):
    """Check parsing file content from different file types works."""
    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF', settings_files=settings_file_content)
    assert dict(settings_map) == {'a': {'b': 5}}
Beispiel #15
def test_settings_files_fail(mock_empty_os_environ, settings_files):
    """Check that passing invalid settings files really results in errors."""
    with pytest.raises(NoCompatibleLoaderFoundError):
Beispiel #16
def test_settings_multiple_files(mock_empty_os_environ, mock_settings_files, tmpdir):
    """Check that setting multiple files as "settings_files" option works correctly."""
    settings_map = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF',
    assert isinstance(settings_map, Mapping)
    assert dict(settings_map) == mock_settings_files[1]
Beispiel #17
def test_assign(mock_empty_os_environ, mock_env_parser, attr, value, expected):
    """Test that assigning attributes on settings object works."""
    s = settings_parser.Settings(prefix='this', settings_file_suffix='suffix', parser=None)
    assert s.settings_files == []
    setattr(s, attr, value)
    assert getattr(s, attr) == expected
Beispiel #18
def test_settings_file_content_fail(mock_empty_os_environ, settings_file_content, error):
    """Check parsing file content from different file types raises an error on incorrect file content."""
    with pytest.raises(error):
        settings_parser.Settings(prefix='TEST_STUFF', settings_files=settings_file_content)