Beispiel #1
def _migrate_legacy_sems(cloud, log):
    legacy_adjust = {
        'apt-update-upgrade': [
    paths = (cloud.paths.get_ipath('sem'), cloud.paths.get_cpath('sem'))
    for sem_path in paths:
        if not sem_path or not os.path.exists(sem_path):
        sem_helper = helpers.FileSemaphores(sem_path)
        for (mod_name, migrate_to) in legacy_adjust.items():
            possibles = [mod_name, helpers.canon_sem_name(mod_name)]
            old_exists = []
            for p in os.listdir(sem_path):
                (name, _ext) = os.path.splitext(p)
                if name in possibles and os.path.isfile(p):
            for p in old_exists:
                util.del_file(os.path.join(sem_path, p))
                (_name, freq) = os.path.splitext(p)
                for m in migrate_to:
                    log.debug("Migrating %s => %s with the same frequency",
                              p, m)
                    with sem_helper.lock(m, freq):
Beispiel #2
 def activate(self, cfg, is_new_instance):
     """Adjust set-passwords module to run 'always' during each boot"""
     # We run the set password config module on every boot in order to
     # enable resetting the instance's password via the exoscale console
     # (and a subsequent instance reboot).
     # Exoscale password server only provides set-passwords user-data if
     # a user has triggered a password reset. So calling that password
     # service generally results in no additional cloud-config.
     # TODO(Create util functions for overriding merged sys_cfg module freq)
     mod = 'set_passwords'
     sem_path = self.paths.get_ipath_cur('sem')
     sem_helper = helpers.FileSemaphores(sem_path)
     if sem_helper.clear('config_' + mod, None):
         LOG.debug('Overriding module set-passwords with frequency always')
 def _get_per_boot_network_semaphore(self):
     return namedtuple("Semaphore", "semaphore args")(
         ("apply_network_config", PER_ONCE),
Beispiel #4
 def _get_per_boot_network_semaphore(self):
     return namedtuple('Semaphore',
                       'semaphore args')(helpers.FileSemaphores(
                                         ('apply_network_config', PER_ONCE))