Beispiel #1
def G9():
    G = Grammar()
    E = G.NonTerminal('E', True)
    T, F = G.NonTerminals('T F')
    num, plus, star, opar, cpar = G.Terminals('n + * ( )')

    E %= E + plus + T | T
    T %= T + star + F | F
    F %= num | opar + E + cpar

    return G
Beispiel #2
def G8():
    G = Grammar()
    A = G.NonTerminal('A', True)
    B, C = G.NonTerminals('B C')
    x, y, z = G.Terminals('x y z')

    A %= C + x + A | G.Epsilon
    B %= x + C + y | x + C
    C %= x + B + x | z

    return G
Beispiel #3
def __unit_testing_get_grammar():
    G = Grammar()
    E = G.NonTerminal('E', True)
    T, F, X, Y = G.NonTerminals('T F X Y')
    plus, minus, star, div, opar, cpar, num = G.Terminals('+ - * / ( ) num')

    E %= T + X
    X %= plus + T + X | minus + T + X | G.Epsilon
    T %= F + Y
    Y %= star + F + Y | div + F + Y | G.Epsilon
    F %= num | opar + E + cpar
    return G
Beispiel #4
def G4():
    G = Grammar()
    E = G.NonTerminal('E', True)
    B = G.NonTerminal('B')
    cero, one, plus, star = G.Terminals('0 1 + *')

    E %= E + star + B
    E %= E + plus + B
    E %= B
    B %= cero
    B %= one

    return G
Beispiel #5
def G2():
    G = Grammar()

    S = G.NonTerminal('A', True)
    E, T, F = G.NonTerminals('E T F')
    plus, opar, cpar, mul, n = G.Terminals('+ ( ) * n')

    S %= E
    E %= T | E + plus + T
    T %= F | T + mul + F
    F %= n | opar + E + cpar

    return G
Beispiel #6
def remove_unit(G: Grammar):
    Removes unit productions from G.
    Additionally this removes cycles.
    def is_unit(p: Production) -> bool:
        True if production have the form A -> B
        return len(p.Right) == 1 and p.Right[0].IsNonTerminal

    prods = [prod for prod in G.Productions]

    unit_prods = [p for p in prods if is_unit(p)]
    variables = {p.Left.Name: {p.Right[0].Name} for p in unit_prods}

    change = True
    while change:
        change = False
        for v in variables:
            l = len(variables[v])
            iter_set = {s for s in variables[v]}
            for s in iter_set:
                if s == v:  # Do not check own set of a variable
                    for x in variables[s]:
                        if v != x:  # Avoids add a key to his set
                except KeyError:  # Reached a symbol that belongs to right part of an unit prod
                    pass  # that is not in variables' keys (is not left part of a unit prod)
            if l != len(variables[v]):
                change = True
    # for x in variables.items():
    #     print(x)

    for v in variables:
        for s in variables[v]:
            for p in G[s].productions:
                if not is_unit(p):
                    prods.append(Production(G[v], p.Right))

    # Replace old productions by new productions
    # Don't add unit productions
    G.Productions = []  # Clean grammar productions
    for nt in G.nonTerminals:  # Clean non terminals productions = []
    for p in prods:  # Add new productions
        if not is_unit(p):
def change_grammar_from_productions(gramm:Grammar,new_productions):
    Empty all non terminal and grammar productions\n
    and add all productions in new_productions to gramm
    for x in gramm.nonTerminals: = []
    gramm.Productions = []
    for x in new_productions:
    return gramm
def fix_non_derive_terminal(gramm:Grammar,return_derivations = False,left_derivation = True):
    Remove from gramm the non terminals A that dont satisfy:\n
    A->*w  where w in {G.T}*
    return grammar 
    return grammar,derivation
    gramm = gramm.copy()
    derivation = { x:[Production(x,Sentence(x)),] for x in gramm.terminals }
    derivation[gramm.Epsilon] = [Production(gramm.Epsilon,Sentence(gramm.Epsilon)),]
    derive_something = set(gramm.terminals)
    productions = set(gramm.Productions)
    change = -1
    while change != len(derive_something):
        change = len(derive_something)
        to_remove = []
        for x in productions:
            if not any([y for y in x.Right if not y in derive_something]): # if y ->* w with w in T*
        for x in to_remove: productions.remove(x)
    remove_unnecessary_symbols(gramm,[x for x in gramm.nonTerminals if x not in derive_something])
    if return_derivations:
        return gramm,derivation
    return gramm
Beispiel #9
def unit_testing():
    G = Grammar()
    E = G.NonTerminal('E', True)
    A = G.NonTerminal('A')
    equal, plus, num = G.Terminals('= + int')

    E %= A + equal + A | num
    A %= num + plus + A | num

    parser = LR1(G)
    derivation = parser([num, plus, num, equal, num, plus, num, G.EOF])

    assert str(
    ) == '[A -> int, A -> int + A, A -> int, A -> int + A, E -> A = A]'
    return "LR1"
Beispiel #10
def eliminate_left_recursion(G: Grammar):
    recursive_prod = {}
    for production in G.Productions:
        if production.Left == production.Right[0]:
            non_terminal = production.Left
            for prod in
                except KeyError:
                    recursive_prod[non_terminal] = {prod}

    for non_terminal in recursive_prod.keys():
        new_non_teminal = G.NonTerminals(non_terminal.Name + "'")
        for prod in recursive_prod[non_terminal]:
            new_sentence = Sentence()
            if prod.Right[0] == non_terminal:
                for i in range(1, len(prod.Right)):
                    new_sentence += prod.Right[i]
                new_sentence += new_non_teminal[0]
                new_production = Production(new_non_teminal[0], new_sentence)
                for i in range(len(prod.Right)):
                    new_sentence += prod.Right[i]
                new_sentence += new_non_teminal[0]
                new_production = Production(non_terminal, new_sentence)
        G.Productions.append(Production(new_non_teminal[0], G.Epsilon))
Beispiel #11
def create_new_grammar(G, new_non_terminals, productions):
    if len(productions) == 0:
        return G
    _G = Grammar()
    inst = []
    inst.append(f'{G.startSymbol} = _G.NonTerminal(\'{G.startSymbol}\', True)')
    non_term = [i for i in G.nonTerminals]
    non_terminals = non_term + new_non_terminals

    str_non_terminals = [str(nt) for nt in non_terminals]
    str_terminals = [str(t) for t in G.terminals]
    __nt = ' '.join(str_non_terminals)
    _nt = ', '.join(str_non_terminals)
    __t = ' '.join(str_terminals)
    _t = ', '.join(str_terminals)

    if len(str_non_terminals) == 1:
        inst.append(f'{_nt} = _G.NonTerminal(\'{__nt}\')')
    elif len(str_non_terminals) > 1:
        inst.append(f'{_nt} = _G.NonTerminals(\'{__nt}\')')

    inst.append(f'{_t} = _G.Terminals(\'{__t}\')')
    p = [t[1] for t in productions]
    p = '\n'.join(p)
    for i in inst:
    return _G
Beispiel #12
    def build_grammar(grammar_txt: str):
        Transform a string in this format:

        S --> A B
        A --> a A | epsilon
        B --> b B | epsilon

        to a Grammar object
            nonTerminals, terminals, P = [], [], []

            lines = [
                l.strip() for l in grammar_txt.splitlines() if l.strip() != ''

            head = None

            for l in lines:
                if '->' not in l:
                    l = f'{head} -> {l}'

                head, bodies = l.split('->')
                head = head.split()[0]

                for body in bodies.split('|'):
                    if body.strip() != '':
                        P.append({'Head': head, 'Body': list(body.split())})

            set_terminals, set_nonTerminals = set(terminals).difference(
                nonTerminals + ['epsilon']), set(nonTerminals)

            N, T = [], []

            for nt in nonTerminals:
                if nt in set_nonTerminals and set_nonTerminals.discard(
                        nt) == None:

            for t in terminals:
                if t in set_terminals and set_terminals.discard(t) == None:

            data = json.dumps({
                'Terminals': T,
                'NonTerminals': N,
                'Productions': P
            G = Grammar.from_json(data)
            # print(data)
            G.startSymbol = G.nonTerminals[0]

            return G
            return None
Beispiel #13
def remove_unreachable(G: Grammar):
    Removes unreachable symbols from start symbol
    prods = G.Productions
    reachables = {G.startSymbol.Name}

    # Finding unreachable symbols
    checked = set()
    change = True
    while change:
        change = False
        for i in range(len(prods)):
            if i in checked:
            if prods[i].Left.Name in reachables:
                right_set = {s.Name for s in prods[i].Right}
                if not right_set.issubset(reachables):
                    reachables = reachables.union(right_set)
                    change = True

    # Removing all productions that have unreachable symbols
    for i in range(len(prods)):
        if prods[i].Left.Name not in reachables \
        or any(s.Name not in reachables for s in prods[i].Right):
            prods[i] = None

    # Replacing old productions by new productions
    G.Productions = []  # Clean grammar productions
    for nt in G.nonTerminals:  # Clean non terminals productions = []
    for p in prods:  # Add new productions
        if p is not None:
    # Removing unreachable symbols
    symbols = [nt.Name for nt in G.nonTerminals]
    symbols.extend(t.Name for t in G.terminals)
    for s in symbols:
        if s not in reachables:
            except ValueError:
Beispiel #14
def remove_ambiguity(G: Grammar):
    Transforms productions of a non terminal for remove ambiguity.
    change = True
    while change:
        change = False
        prods = G.Productions

        for nt in G.nonTerminals:
            p_dict = {}  # pi.Right[0] : {p1, p2, ..., pn}
            for p in
                if p.IsEpsilon:
                except KeyError:
                    p_dict[p.Right[0].Name] = [p]

            next_appendix = "'"
            for p_set in p_dict.values():
                if len(
                ) > 1:  # Means nt has ambiguous production (all in p_set)
                    new_left = G.NonTerminal(nt.Name + next_appendix)
                    next_appendix = next_appendix + "'"
                    for p in p_set:
                        new_right = p.Right[1:]
                        if len(new_right) == 0:
                            prods.append(Production(new_left, G.Epsilon))
                                Production(new_left, Sentence(*new_right)))
                    prods.append(Production(nt, Sentence(p.Right[0],
                    change = True

        # Replacing old productions by new productions
        G.Productions = []  # Clean grammar productions
        for nt in G.nonTerminals:  # Clean non terminals productions
   = []
        for p in prods:  # Add new productions
Beispiel #15
def remove_vars_nothing(G: Grammar):
    Eliminates variables that derive nothing.
    prods = G.Productions

    accepted = {t.Name
                for t in G.terminals
                }  # Symbols that derives in some terminal string

    # Discovering all variables that derives in terminal strings
    change = True
    checked = set()
    while change:
        change = False
        for i in range(len(prods)):  # Iter over productions
            if i in checked:
            if all(s.Name in accepted for s in prods[i].Right):
                change = True

    # Removing all productions that have non accepted variables
    variables = [nt.Name for nt in G.nonTerminals]
    for i in range(len(prods)):
        if prods[i].Left.Name not in accepted \
        or any(s.Name in variables and s.Name not in accepted for s in prods[i].Right):
            prods[i] = None

    # Replacing old productions by new productions
    G.Productions = []  # Clean grammar productions
    for nt in G.nonTerminals:  # Clean non terminals productions = []
    for p in prods:  # Add new productions
        if p is not None:
    # Removing non terminals with no productions
    for v in variables:
        if v not in accepted:
Beispiel #16
def delete_common_prefix(G: Grammar):
    Algoritmo para eliminar los prefijos comunes de las producciones con la misma cabecera
    Por cada no terminal busca si dos de sus produciones tiene prefijos comunes
    for nonterminal in G.nonTerminals:
        change = True
        primes = ''
        while change:
            change = False
            for production0 in
                _continue = False
                for production1 in
                    if production0 != production1:
                        lpc = 0
                        for i in range((min(len(production0.Right),
                            if production0.Right[i] == production1.Right[i]:
                                lpc += 1
                        # En caso de que si tengan prefijos comunes se realiza el siguiente cambio:
                        # E -> aA | aB
                        # Entonces se cambia por :
                        # E -> aE'
                        # E' -> A | B
                        if lpc > 0:
                            primes += '\''
                            temp = G.NonTerminal(f"{nonterminal.Name}{primes}",
                            nonterminal %= Sentence(*production0.Right[0:lpc] +
                                                    (temp, ))
                            alpha = production0.Right[lpc:]
                            betha = production1.Right[lpc:]
                            if len(alpha) == 0:
                                temp %= G.Epsilon
                                temp %= Sentence(*alpha)
                            if len(betha) == 0:
                                temp %= G.Epsilon
                                temp %= Sentence(*betha)
                            change = True
                            _continue = True
                if _continue:
    return G
Beispiel #17
def remove_left_recursion(G: Grammar):
    Eliminates all left-recursion for any CFG with no e-productions and no cycles.
    def has_lr(nt: NonTerminal) -> bool:
        True if `nt` has left recursion.
        return any(p.Left == p.Right[0] for p in

    prods = [p for p in G.Productions]
    new_prods = []
    for nt in G.nonTerminals:
        if has_lr(nt):
            new_symbol = G.NonTerminal(nt.Name + "'")
            for p in
                if p.Right[0] == p.Left:  # Production has the from A -> Axyz
                    new_right = [s for s in p.Right[1:]]
                        Production(new_symbol, Sentence(*new_right)))
                else:  # Production has the from A -> xyz
                    new_right = [s for s in p.Right[0:]]
                    new_prods.append(Production(p.Left, Sentence(*new_right)))
            new_prods.append(Production(new_symbol, G.Epsilon))
            for p in

    # Replacing old productions by new productions
    G.Productions = []  # Clean grammar productions
    for nt in G.nonTerminals:  # Clean non terminals productions = []
    for p in new_prods:  # Add new productions
def fix_left_recursion(grammar:Grammar, errors):
    Fix immediate left recursion of grammar\n
    return a fixed copy of grammar
    new_grammar = grammar.copy()
    new_grammar.Productions = []
    for n_ter in grammar.nonTerminals:
        for prod in
            if not prod.Right.IsEpsilon and prod.Right[0] == prod.Left:
                fix_non_terminal_left_recursion(n_ter,new_grammar, errors)
    return new_grammar
def fix_unreachable_symbols(gramm:Grammar):
    gramm = gramm.copy()
    pending = [gramm.startSymbol]
    reachable = set(pending)
    while pending:
        symb = pending.pop()
        for prod in
            for r in prod.Right:
                if not r in reachable:
                    if isinstance(r,NonTerminal):
    remove_unnecessary_symbols(gramm,[x for x in gramm.nonTerminals + gramm.terminals if x not in reachable])
    return gramm  
Beispiel #20
def create_productions(G, left, right, new=False, new_symbol=None):
    _G = Grammar()
    left = NonTerminal(left, _G)
    list_symbols = []
    if right == G.Epsilon:
        return Production(left, _G.Epsilon)
    for r in right:
        s = search(G, r)
        if not s:
            s = NonTerminal(r, _G)
    if new:
        s = NonTerminal(new_symbol, _G)
    right = Sentence(list_symbols[0])
    for i in range(1, len(list_symbols)):
        right = right + list_symbols[i]
    return Production(left, right)
Beispiel #21
def delete_unreachable_variables(G: Grammar):
    # Para eliminar mas rapido castearemos las listas a set,
    # de esta forma la eliminacion sera O(1)
    G.terminals = set(G.terminals)
    G.nonTerminals = set(G.nonTerminals)
    G.Productions = set(G.Productions)

    # Los elementos que no pueden ser alcanzados por una o mas producciones del caracter inicial
    # No son necesarias pues nunca son utilizadas para generar ningun elemento del lenguaje
    # estos elementos inalcanzables pueden ser tanto terminales como no terminales
    stack = [G.startSymbol]
    reacheable_nonterminals = {G.startSymbol}
    reacheable_terminals = set()

    # Encontramos los terminales y no terminales alcanzables
    while stack:
        current = stack.pop()
        for _, body in
            for symbol in body:
                if symbol.IsNonTerminal:
                    if symbol not in reacheable_nonterminals:

    # Eliminamos las producciones con elementos no alcanzables
    G.Productions -= {
        for production in G.Productions
        if production.Left not in reacheable_nonterminals

    # Ahora removemos los no terminales no alcanzables
    G.nonTerminals -= {
        for nonterminal in G.nonTerminals
        if nonterminal not in reacheable_nonterminals

    # Ahora removemos los terminales no alcanzables
    G.terminals -= {
        for terminal in G.terminals if terminal not in reacheable_terminals

    # Finalmente casteamos a lista otra vez
    G.terminals = list(G.terminals)
    G.nonTerminals = list(G.nonTerminals)
    G.Productions = list(G.Productions)
    return G
def fix_common_prefix(grammar:Grammar):
    returns a copy of grammar without common prefixes
    G = grammar.copy()
    G.Productions = []
    for non_terminal in grammar.nonTerminals:
        trie = Trie()
        epsilon = False
        for x in
            if not x.Right.IsEpsilon:
                epsilon = True = []
        if epsilon:
        for node in
    return G
    def parseGrammar(self, text: str):
        terminals, nonTerminals, productions = [], [], []

            lines = text.split('\r\n')

            for line in lines:
                head, bodies = line.split('->')
                head, = head.split()

                if len(head[0]) > 1:
                    raise BadGrammarException()


                for body in bodies.split('|'):
                        'Head': head,
                        'Body': list(body.split())

            raise BadGrammarException()

        nonTerminals = set(nonTerminals)
        terminals = set(
            [t for t in terminals if t not in nonTerminals and t != 'epsilon'])

        data = json.dumps({
            'NonTerminals': [nt for nt in nonTerminals],
            'Terminals': [t for t in terminals],
            'Productions': productions

        return Grammar.from_json(data)
def fix_unit_productions(gramm:Grammar):
    returns an equivalent grammar without productions of the form:\n
    A -> B
    gramm = gramm.copy()
    unit_productions = {x for x in gramm.Productions if len(x.Right) == 1 and x.Right[0].IsNonTerminal}

    new_productions = set()
    for x in gramm.Productions:
        if not x in unit_productions:
    pending = get_unit_tuples(unit_productions)
    while pending:
        l,r = pending.pop()
        for prod in
            if not prod in unit_productions:
    return change_grammar_from_productions(gramm,new_productions)
        items_to_expand = items_to_conflict_way + items_conflict_way

        conflict_string = FindConflictString(items_to_expand)

        if not conflict_string is None:
            text += "Cadena de conflicto:\n"
            for char in conflict_string:
                text += str(char)
            text += "\n"

    return text, automaton, parser

G = Grammar()

A = G.NonTerminal('A', True)
B, C, D = G.NonTerminals('B C D')
a, b, c, d = G.Terminals('a b c d')
S %= E
E %= T | E + plus + T
T %= F | T + mul + F
F %= n | opar + E + cpar
A %= B + d | C + d
B %= b + a
C %= b + a + d

text, automaton, parser = Execute_SLR1(G)
Beispiel #26
def define_cool_grammar(print_grammar=False):
    # grammar
    G = Grammar()

    # non-terminals
    program = G.NonTerminal("<program>", startSymbol=True)
    class_list, def_class = G.NonTerminals("<class-list> <def-class>")
    feature_list, def_attr, def_func = G.NonTerminals(
        "<feature-list> <def-attr> <def-func>")
    param_list, param_list_rest, param = G.NonTerminals(
        "<param-list> <param-list-rest> <param>")
    expr, not_exp, comp, arith, term, factor, element, atom = G.NonTerminals(
        "<expr> <not_exp> <comp> <arith> <term> <factor> <element> <atom>")
    identifiers_list, identifier_init = G.NonTerminals(
        "<ident-list> <ident-init>")
    block, case_block, case_item = G.NonTerminals(
        "<block> <case-block> <case-item>")
    func_call, arg_list, arg_list_rest = G.NonTerminals(
        "<func-call> <arg-list> <arg-list-rest>")

    # terminals
    classx, inherits, notx, isvoid = G.Terminals("class inherits not isvoid")
    let, inx = G.Terminals("let in")
    ifx, then, elsex, fi = G.Terminals("if then else fi")
    whilex, loop, pool = G.Terminals("while loop pool")
    case, of, esac = G.Terminals("case of esac")
    semi, colon, comma, dot, opar, cpar, ocur, ccur, at, larrow, rarrow = G.Terminals(
        "; : , . ( ) { } @ <- =>")
    equal, plus, minus, star, div, less, equal, lesseq, neg = G.Terminals(
        "= + - * / < = <= ~")
    idx, type_id, num, new, string, true, false = G.Terminals(
        "id type_id int new string true false")

    # productions
    program %= class_list, lambda h, s: ProgramNode(s[1])

    class_list %= def_class + class_list, lambda h, s: [s[1]] + s[2]
    class_list %= def_class, lambda h, s: [s[1]]

    def_class %= (
        classx + type_id + ocur + feature_list + ccur + semi,
        lambda h, s: ClassDeclarationNode(s[2], s[4], s[1]),
    def_class %= (
        classx + type_id + inherits + type_id + ocur + feature_list + ccur +
        lambda h, s: ClassDeclarationNode(s[2], s[6], s[1], s[4]),

    feature_list %= def_attr + semi + feature_list, lambda h, s: [s[1]] + s[3]
    feature_list %= def_func + semi + feature_list, lambda h, s: [s[1]] + s[3]
    feature_list %= G.Epsilon, lambda h, s: []

    def_attr %= (
        idx + colon + type_id + larrow + expr,
        lambda h, s: AttrDeclarationNode(s[1], s[3], s[5], s[4]),
    def_attr %= idx + colon + type_id, lambda h, s: AttrDeclarationNode(
        s[1], s[3], token=s[2])

    def_func %= (
        idx + opar + param_list + cpar + colon + type_id + ocur + expr + ccur,
        lambda h, s: FuncDeclarationNode(s[1], s[3], s[6], s[8], s[2]),

    param_list %= param + param_list_rest, lambda h, s: [s[1]] + s[2]
    param_list %= param, lambda h, s: [s[1]]
    param_list %= G.Epsilon, lambda h, s: []

    param_list_rest %= comma + param + param_list_rest, lambda h, s: [s[2]
                                                                      ] + s[3]
    param_list_rest %= comma + param, lambda h, s: [s[2]]
    param %= idx + colon + type_id, lambda h, s: (s[1], s[3])

    expr %= idx + larrow + expr, lambda h, s: AssignNode(s[1], s[3], s[2])
    expr %= let + identifiers_list + inx + expr, lambda h, s: LetNode(
        s[2], s[4], s[1])
    expr %= notx + comp, lambda h, s: NotNode(s[2], s[1])
    expr %= comp, lambda h, s: s[1]

    identifiers_list %= (
        identifier_init + comma + identifiers_list,
        lambda h, s: [s[1]] + s[3],
    identifiers_list %= identifier_init, lambda h, s: [s[1]]

    identifier_init %= (
        idx + colon + type_id + larrow + expr,
        lambda h, s: VarDeclarationNode(s[1], s[3], s[5]),
    identifier_init %= idx + colon + type_id, lambda h, s: VarDeclarationNode(
        s[1], s[3])

    comp %= arith + less + arith, lambda h, s: LessNode(s[1], s[3], s[2])
    comp %= arith + less + notx + expr, lambda h, s: LessNode(
        s[1], NotNode(s[4], s[3]), s[2])
    comp %= arith + equal + arith, lambda h, s: EqualNode(s[1], s[3], s[2])
    comp %= arith + equal + notx + expr, lambda h, s: EqualNode(
        s[1], NotNode(s[4], s[3]), s[2])
    comp %= arith + lesseq + arith, lambda h, s: LessEqualNode(
        s[1], s[3], s[2])
    comp %= arith + lesseq + notx + expr, lambda h, s: LessEqualNode(
        s[1], NotNode(s[4], s[3]), s[2])
    comp %= arith, lambda h, s: s[1]

    arith %= arith + plus + term, lambda h, s: PlusNode(s[1], s[3], s[2])
    arith %= arith + minus + term, lambda h, s: MinusNode(s[1], s[3], s[2])
    arith %= term, lambda h, s: s[1]

    term %= term + star + factor, lambda h, s: StarNode(s[1], s[3], s[2])
    term %= term + div + factor, lambda h, s: DivNode(s[1], s[3], s[2])
    term %= factor, lambda h, s: s[1]

    factor %= isvoid + element, lambda h, s: IsvoidNode(s[2], s[1])
    factor %= neg + element, lambda h, s: NegNode(s[2], s[1])
    factor %= element, lambda h, s: s[1]

    element %= (
        ifx + expr + then + expr + elsex + expr + fi,
        lambda h, s: IfNode(s[2], s[4], s[6], s[1]),
    element %= whilex + expr + loop + expr + pool, lambda h, s: WhileNode(
        s[2], s[4], s[1])
    element %= case + expr + of + case_block + esac, lambda h, s: CaseNode(
        s[2], s[4], s[1])
    element %= new + type_id, lambda h, s: InstantiateNode(s[2], s[1])
    element %= opar + expr + cpar, lambda h, s: s[2]
    element %= ocur + block + ccur, lambda h, s: BlockNode(s[2], s[1])
    element %= (element + dot + func_call,
                lambda h, s: CallNode(*s[3], obj=s[1], token=s[2]))
    element %= (
        element + at + type_id + dot + func_call,
        lambda h, s: CallNode(*s[5], obj=s[1], at_type=s[3], token=s[2]),
    element %= func_call, lambda h, s: CallNode(*s[1], )
    element %= atom, lambda h, s: s[1]

    case_block %= case_item + case_block, lambda h, s: [s[1]] + s[2]
    case_block %= case_item, lambda h, s: [s[1]]
    case_item %= (
        idx + colon + type_id + rarrow + expr + semi,
        lambda h, s: CaseItemNode(s[1], s[3], s[5], s[4]),

    atom %= num, lambda h, s: ConstantNumNode(s[1])
    atom %= idx, lambda h, s: VariableNode(s[1])
    atom %= (
        lambda h, s: BooleanNode(s[1]),
    atom %= false, lambda h, s: BooleanNode(s[1])
    atom %= string, lambda h, s: StringNode(s[1])

    block %= expr + semi, lambda h, s: [s[1]]
    block %= expr + semi + block, lambda h, s: [s[1]] + s[3]

    func_call %= idx + opar + arg_list + cpar, lambda h, s: (s[1], s[3])

    arg_list %= expr + arg_list_rest, lambda h, s: [s[1]] + s[2]
    arg_list %= expr, lambda h, s: [s[1]]
    arg_list %= G.Epsilon, lambda h, s: []

    arg_list_rest %= comma + expr + arg_list_rest, lambda h, s: [s[2]] + s[3]
    arg_list_rest %= comma + expr, lambda h, s: [s[2]]

    if print_grammar:
    return (G, idx, type_id, string, num)
Beispiel #27
from cmp.ast import *
from utils.macros import *
from cmp.pycompiler import Grammar
from cmp.utils_parser import LR1Parser

CoolGrammar = Grammar()

# non-terminals
program = CoolGrammar.NonTerminal('<program>', startSymbol=True)
class_list, def_class = CoolGrammar.NonTerminals('<class-list> <def-class>')
feature_list, feature = CoolGrammar.NonTerminals('<feature-list> <feature>')
param_list, param = CoolGrammar.NonTerminals('<param-list> <param>')
expr, member_call, expr_list, let_list, case_list = CoolGrammar.NonTerminals(
    '<expr> <member-call> <expr-list> <let-list> <case-list>')
truth_expr, comp_expr = CoolGrammar.NonTerminals('<truth-expr> <comp-expr>')
arith, term, factor, factor_2 = CoolGrammar.NonTerminals(
    '<arith> <term> <factor> <factor-2>')
atom, func_call, arg_list = CoolGrammar.NonTerminals(
    '<atom> <func-call> <arg-list>')

# terminals
classx, inherits = CoolGrammar.Terminals('class inherits')
ifx, then, elsex, fi = CoolGrammar.Terminals('if then else fi')
whilex, loop, pool = CoolGrammar.Terminals('while loop pool')
let, inx = CoolGrammar.Terminals('let in')
case, of, esac = CoolGrammar.Terminals('case of esac')
semi, colon, comma, dot, at, opar, cpar, ocur, ccur, larrow, rarrow = CoolGrammar.Terminals(
    '; : , . @ ( ) { } <- =>')
plus, minus, star, div, isvoid, compl = CoolGrammar.Terminals(
    '+ - * / isvoid ~')
notx, less, leq, equal = CoolGrammar.Terminals('not < <= =')
import first_follow as ff
from cmp.pycompiler import Grammar

G = Grammar()
E = G.NonTerminal('E', True)
T, F, X, Y = G.NonTerminals('T F X Y')
plus, minus, star, div, opar, cpar, num = G.Terminals('+ - * / ( ) num')

E %= T + X
X %= plus + T + X | minus + T + X | G.Epsilon
T %= F + Y
Y %= star + F + Y | div + F + Y | G.Epsilon
F %= num | opar + E + cpar

import cmp.languages

xcool = cmp.languages.BasicXCool(G)

firsts = ff.compute_firsts(G)
assert firsts == xcool.firsts
Beispiel #29

        items_to_expand = items_to_conflict_way + items_conflict_way

        conflict_string = FindConflictString(items_to_expand)

        if not conflict_string is None:
            text += "Cadena de conflicto:\n"
            for char in conflict_string:
                text += str(char)
            text += "\n"

    return text, automaton, parser

G = Grammar()

S = G.NonTerminal('A', True)
E, T, F = G.NonTerminals('E T F')
plus, opar, cpar, mul, n = G.Terminals('+ ( ) * n')

S %= E
E %= T | E + plus + T
T %= F | T + mul + F
F %= n | opar + E + cpar

text, automaton, parser = Execute_LALR(G)

#automata = Derivation_Tree_ShiftReduce(parser, [a, b, G.EOF])
Beispiel #30
rec_izq =  st.sidebar.selectbox('Eliminar recursion izquierda ',('No','Si'))
fact =st.sidebar.selectbox('Eliminar prefijos comunes ',('No','Si'))
non_terminals = st.text_area("Introduzca los no terminales (poniendo de primero al no terminal inicial)", value=non_terminals6)
terminals = st.text_area("Introduzca los terminales", value=terminals6)
grammar = st.text_area("Gramatica", value=grammar6)

cadenas = st.text_area('introduzca(s) cadena(s) a parsear', value=string21)

bt_analize = st.button('Analizar gramatica')


G = Grammar()

if bt_analize:
    for item in get_inst(parser_terminal(terminals), non_terminals.split(), grammar):

    _parser = ''

    if parser == 'LL(1)':
        _parser = LL1Parser(G)

    elif parser == 'SLR(1)':
        _parser = SLR1Parser(G)