Beispiel #1
    def replace_placeholders(self, substitutions):
        In-place replace specified placeholders in the Function graph with the
        specified replacements in the map.

            substitutions (dict): map from placeholder to variables

            :class:`Function`: itself
        substitutions = sanitize_var_substitution_map(substitutions)
        return super(Function, self).replace_placeholders(substitutions)
Beispiel #2
    def clone(self, method, substitutions=None):
        Clones the function. The parameters of the Function are either cloned,
        shared or frozen as specified by the method argument and any variable
        substitutions requested are applied in the cloned Function instance.

            method (:class:`CloneMethod`): one of

             * 'clone': the returned function gets its own copy of parameters (default)
             * 'share': the returned function shares its parameters with this function
             * 'freeze': parameters are cloned and made immutable (constant).

            substitutions (dict): a dictionary mapping variables in this
             function to variables in the cloned function

            :class:`~cntk.ops.functions.Function`: the cloned Function
        method = getattr(cntk_py,
                'ParameterCloningMethod_' + CloneMethod(method).name.capitalize())
        substitutions = sanitize_var_substitution_map(substitutions)
        return super(Function, self).clone(method, substitutions)