Beispiel #1
    def run_perturbation_MOMA(self, boundaries, objectives={}):
        print("running MOMA...")
        moma_model = self.model.copy()
        if self.pFBA:
            print("running pFBA")
            old_sol = cobra.flux_analysis.parsimonious.optimize_minimal_flux(moma_model)                              
            print("running FBA")
            old_sol = moma_model.optimize()
        reaction_position = self.reaction_position
        # make perturbations
        for (R, boundary_type, boundary_value) in boundaries:
            i = reaction_position[R]
            if boundary_type == 'l':
                moma_model.reactions[i].lower_bound = boundary_value
            elif boundary_type == 'u':
                moma_model.reactions[i].upper_bound = boundary_value

        if objectives:
            #model.objective = model.reactions[reaction_position[objective["objective_id"]]]
            # TODO

            moma_model.objective = {
                for r_id in objectives

        self.perturbed_sol = moma.moma(self.model, moma_model)
        self.perturbed_fluxes = self.perturbed_sol.x_dict
        self.perturbed_fluxes = {
            x: self.perturbed_fluxes[x]
            for x in self.perturbed_fluxes if x in self.fluxes
Beispiel #2
def assess_medium_component_essentiality(cobra_model, the_components=None,
                                         medium_compartment='e', solver='glpk',
                                         the_condition=None, method='fba'):
    """Determines which components in an in silico medium are essential for
    growth in the context of the remaining components.

    cobra_model: A Model object.

    the_components: None or a list of external boundary reactions that will be
    sequentially disabled.

    the_medium: Is None, a string, or a dictionary.  If a string then the
    initialize_growth_medium function expects that the_model has an attribute
    dictionary called media_compositions, which is a dictionary of dictionaries
    for various medium compositions.  Where a medium composition is a
    dictionary of external boundary reaction ids for the medium components and
    the external boundary fluxes for each medium component.

    medium_compartment: the compartment in which the boundary reactions
    supplying the medium components exist

    NOTE: that these fluxes must be negative because the convention is
    backwards means something is feed into the system.

    solver: 'glpk', 'gurobi', or 'cplex'

    returns: essentiality_dict:  A dictionary providing the maximum growth rate
    accessible when the respective component is removed from the medium.

    if method.lower() == 'moma':
        wt_model = cobra_model.copy()
    cobra_model = cobra_model.copy()

    if isinstance(the_medium, str):
            the_medium = cobra_model.media_compositions[the_medium]
            raise Exception(
                the_medium + " is not in cobra_model.media_compositions")
    if the_medium is not None:
        initialize_growth_medium(cobra_model, the_medium, medium_compartment)
        if the_components is None:
            the_components = the_medium.keys()
    if not the_components:
        raise Exception("You need to specify the_components or the_medium")
    essentiality_dict = {}
    for the_component in the_components:
        the_reaction = cobra_model.reactions.get_by_id(the_component)
        original_lower_bound = float(the_reaction.lower_bound)
        the_reaction.lower_bound = 0.
        if method.lower() == 'fba':
            objective_value = cobra_model.solution.f
        elif method.lower() == 'moma':
            objective_value = moma(wt_model, cobra_model, solver=solver)[
        essentiality_dict[the_component] = objective_value
        the_reaction.lower_bound = original_lower_bound

Beispiel #3
def assess_medium_component_essentiality(
    """Deterimes which components in an in silico medium are essential for growth in the
    context of the remaining components.

    cobra_model: A Model object.

    the_components: None or a list of exchange reactions that will be sequentially

    the_medium: Is None, a string, or a dictionary.  If a string then the
    initialize_growth_medium function expects that the_model has an
    attribute dictionary called media_compositions, which is a dictionary of
    dictionaries for various medium compositions.  Where a medium
    composition is a dictionary of exchange reaction ids for the medium
    components and the exchange fluxes for each medium component; note that
    these fluxes must be negative because they are being exchanged into the

    solver: 'glpk', 'gurobi', or 'cplex'

    the_problem: Is None, 'return', or an LP model object for the solver.
    the_condition: None or a String that provides a description of the medium

     essentiality_dict:  A dictionary providing the minimum lower bounds for
     each component of the growth medium.

    warn("assess_medium_component_essentiality needs to be updated to " + "deal with new style reactions")
    from cobra.core.ArrayBasedModel import ArrayBasedModel

    if method.lower() == "moma":
        wt_model = ArrayBasedModel(cobra_model.copy())
    if isinstance(cobra_model, tuple):
        if len(cobra_model) == 3:
            the_condition = cobra_model[2]
        the_components = cobra_model[1]
        cobra_model = cobra_model[0]
    cobra_model = ArrayBasedModel(cobra_model.copy())
    if not the_components:
        if the_medium:
            if hasattr(the_medium, "keys") or (
                hasattr(cobra_model, "media_compositions") and the_medium in cobra_model.media_compositions
                initialize_growth_medium(cobra_model, the_medium)
                the_components = cobra_model.media_compositions[the_medium]
                raise Exception("%s is not a dict and not in the model's media list" % the_medium)
            raise Exception("You need to specify the_components or the_medium")
    essentiality_dict = {}
    for the_component in the_components:
        component_index = cobra_model.reactions.index(the_component)
        tmp_lb = float(cobra_model.lower_bounds[component_index])
        cobra_model.reactions[component_index].lower_bound = cobra_model.lower_bounds[component_index] = 0
        if method.lower() == "fba":
            cobra_model.optimize(solver=solver, the_problem=the_problem)
            objective_value = cobra_model.solution.f
        elif method.lower() == "moma":
            objective_value = moma(wt_model, cobra_model, solver=solver)["objective_value"]
        essentiality_dict[the_component] = objective_value
        cobra_model.reactions[component_index].lower_bound = cobra_model.lower_bounds[component_index] = tmp_lb
    if the_condition:
        essentiality_dict["the_condition"] = the_condition
    return essentiality_dict
 def MOMA2mutant(self, mutant_model, objective_sense='maximize', solver=None, tolerance_optimality=1e-8, tolerance_feasibility=1e-8,minimize_norm=False, the_problem='return', lp_method=0,combined_model=None, norm_type='euclidean'):
     moma.moma(self, mutant_model=mutant_model, objective_sense=objective_sense, solver=solver, tolerance_optimality=tolerance_optimality, tolerance_feasibility=tolerance_feasibility,minimize_norm=minimize_norm, the_problem=the_problem, lp_method=lp_method,combined_model=combined_model, norm_type=norm_type)