Beispiel #1
def p1():
    data = {}
    state = {}
    direction = {}
    for line in read_lines(13):
        idx, depth = line.split(': ')
        data[int(idx)] = int(depth)
        state[int(idx)] = 0
        direction[int(idx)] = 1
    keys = data.keys()
    m = max(keys)
    for x in range(m + 1):
        if x not in data:
            data[x] = 0
            state[x] = 0
    idx = -1
    severity = []

    # print data
    for x in range(m + 1):
        idx += 1
        # print idx, state
        if data[x] > 0 and state[x] == 0:
        for d, r in state.items():
            if data[d] > 0:
                state[d] += (1 * direction[d])
                if state[d] >= data[d]:
                    direction[d] = -1
                    state[d] -= 2
                if state[d] < 0:
                    direction[d] = 1
                    state[d] += 2
    print sum([d * x for d, x in data.items() if d in severity])
Beispiel #2
def p2():
    groups = 0

    for line in read_lines(9, 1):
        total, removed = find_groups(line)
        groups += removed
    print groups
Beispiel #3
def p2():
    # Distance:
    # 1567
    for line in read_lines(11):
Beispiel #4
def p2():
    for line in read_lines(1, 2):
        l = len(line)
        s = l / 2
        sum = 0
        for i in xrange(l - s):
            if line[i] == line[i + s]:
                sum += (2 * int(line[i]))
        print sum
def read_internal_cpds(fn):
    f = open(fn)
    cpds = {}
    for u, v, p_add, p_del in common.read_lines(f):
        mp = MutationParameter(float(p_add), float(p_del))
        if u not in cpds:
            cpds[u] = {}
        cpds[u][v] = mp
    return cpds
Beispiel #6
def read_internal_cpds(fn):
    f = open(fn)
    cpds = {}
    for u, v, p_add, p_del in common.read_lines(f):
        mp = MutationParameter(float(p_add), float(p_del))
        if u not in cpds:
            cpds[u] = {}
        cpds[u][v] = mp
    return cpds
Beispiel #7
def p1():
    for line in read_lines(1, 1):
        data = line + line[0]
        sum = 0
        for i in xrange(len(data)):
            if i > 0:
                if data[i - 1] == data[i]:
                    sum += int(data[i])
        print sum
Beispiel #8
def p1():
    programs = {}
    for line in read_lines(12, 2):
        program, childs = line.split('<->')
        childs = childs.split(',')
        programs[program.strip()] = [c.strip() for c in childs]
    found = []
    for program, childs in programs.items():
        traversed = []
        ok = traverse_to_zero(programs, program, traversed)
        if ok:
    print len(found)
def read_evidence(f):
    evidence = {}
    for node, reaction, blast, gtg in common.read_lines(f):
        if blast != "?":
            blast = float(blast)
            blast = 0.0
        if gtg != "?":
            gtg = float(gtg)
            gtg = 0.0
        if reaction not in evidence:
            evidence[reaction] = {}
        evidence[reaction][node] = {"BLAST" : blast, "GTG" : gtg}

    return evidence
Beispiel #10
def read_evidence(f):
    evidence = {}
    for node, reaction, blast, gtg in common.read_lines(f):
        if blast != "?":
            blast = float(blast)
            blast = 0.0
        if gtg != "?":
            gtg = float(gtg)
            gtg = 0.0
        if reaction not in evidence:
            evidence[reaction] = {}
        evidence[reaction][node] = {"BLAST": blast, "GTG": gtg}

    return evidence
Beispiel #11
def p2():
    particles = []
    for line in read_lines(20):
        data = line.split(', ')
        p, p_data = data[0].split('=')
        p_data = [int(x) for x in p_data[1:][:-1].split(',')]
        v, v_data = data[1].split('=')
        v_data = [int(x) for x in v_data[1:][:-1].split(',')]
        a, a_data = data[2].split('=')
        a_data = [int(x) for x in a_data[1:][:-1].split(',')]
            'p': p_data,
            'v': v_data,
            'a': a_data,

    for x in xrange(10**4):
        if x % 1000 == 0:
            print x
        collide_zone = {}
        for idx in xrange(len(particles)):
            particle = particles[idx]
            # Increase the X velocity by the X acceleration.
            # Increase the Y velocity by the Y acceleration.
            # Increase the Z velocity by the Z acceleration.
            # Increase the X position by the X velocity.
            # Increase the Y position by the Y velocity.
            # Increase the Z position by the Z velocity.
            particle['v'][0] += particle['a'][0]
            particle['v'][1] += particle['a'][1]
            particle['v'][2] += particle['a'][2]
            particle['p'][0] += particle['v'][0]
            particle['p'][1] += particle['v'][1]
            particle['p'][2] += particle['v'][2]
            key = '%d:%d:%d' % (particle['p'][0], particle['p'][1], particle['p'][2])
            if not collide_zone.get(key):
                collide_zone[key] = []
        to_delete = []
        for k,v in collide_zone.items():
            if len(v) > 1:
                for idx in v:
        new_particles = [particles[idx] for idx in xrange(len(particles)) if idx not in to_delete]
        particles = new_particles

    print len(particles)
Beispiel #12
def p2():
    children = {}
    parents = {}
    weight = {}
    for line in read_lines(7):
        struct = line.split('->')
        x = struct[0].split('(')[0].strip()
        weight[x] = int(struct[0].split('(')[1].split(')')[0].strip())
        children[x] = []
        if len(struct) > 1:
            for s in struct[1].split(','):
                parents[s.strip()] = x

    root = None
    node, parent = parents.items()[0]
    while True:
        root = parent
        if not parent in parents:
        node = parent
        parent = parents[parent]

    def set_weight(x):
        ch = children[x]
        if not len(children):
            return weight[x]

        ws = {}
        for c in ch:
            ws[c] = set_weight(c)

        vals = ws.values()
        if len(vals) > 0:
            mi = min(vals)
            ma = max(vals)
            if mi != ma:
                diff = ma - mi
                for a, b in ws.items():
                    if b == ma:
                        print a, weight[a], diff, weight[a] - diff
        return weight[x] + sum(vals)

Beispiel #13
def p1():
    data = {}
    for line in read_lines(7):
        struct = line.split('->')
        x = struct[0].split('(')[0].strip()
        has_children = len(struct) > 1
        if has_children:
            for s in struct[1].split(','):
                data[s.strip()] = x

    bottom = None
    node, parent = data.items()[0]
    while True:
        bottom = parent
        if not parent in data:
        node = parent
        parent = data[parent]
    print bottom
Beispiel #14
def p2():
    programs = {}
    for line in read_lines(12, 2):
        program, childs = line.split('<->')
        childs = childs.split(',')
        programs[program.strip()] = [c.strip() for c in childs]
    groups = 0
    # Iterate all programs
    for program, childs in programs.items():
        traversed = []
        # Check programs not already traversed
        if program in programs:
            # Find all subprocesses for the programs
            traverse(programs, program, traversed)
            if len(traversed) > 0:
                groups += 1
                for t in traversed:
                    if t in programs:
                        # Remove all traversed programs from the initial queue
                        del programs[t]

    print groups
Beispiel #15
def p1():
    particles = []
    for line in read_lines(20):
        data = line.split(', ')
        p, p_data = data[0].split('=')
        p_data = [int(x) for x in p_data[1:][:-1].split(',')]
        v, v_data = data[1].split('=')
        v_data = [int(x) for x in v_data[1:][:-1].split(',')]
        a, a_data = data[2].split('=')
        a_data = [int(x) for x in a_data[1:][:-1].split(',')]
            'p': p_data,
            'v': v_data,
            'a': a_data,

    for x in xrange(10**4):
        if x % 1000 == 0:
            print x
        for idx in xrange(len(particles)):
            particle = particles[idx]
            particle['v'][0] += particle['a'][0]
            particle['v'][1] += particle['a'][1]
            particle['v'][2] += particle['a'][2]
            particle['p'][0] += particle['v'][0]
            particle['p'][1] += particle['v'][1]
            particle['p'][2] += particle['v'][2]

    closest_idx = 0
    closest_distance = 10**50
    for idx in xrange(len(particles)):
        particle = particles[idx]
        distance = abs(particle['p'][0]) + abs(particle['p'][1]) + abs(particle['p'][2])
        if distance < closest_distance:
            closest_idx = idx
            closest_distance = distance

    print closest_idx, closest_distance
Beispiel #16
def fct_nop(i):
    global ip
    ip += 1

def fct_acc(i):
    global acc, ip
    acc += i
    ip += 1

def fct_jmp(i):
    global ip
    ip += i

execute = {"nop": fct_nop, "acc": fct_acc, "jmp": fct_jmp}

lines = common.read_lines("data.txt")

visited = set()
while True:
    if ip in visited:

    tokens = lines[ip].split(" ")

Beispiel #17
def p2():

    # START = time.time()

    # data = open("data/p13.txt", "r")
    # rows ="\n")

    # valDict = dict()

    # for row in rows:
    #     rowS = row.split(" ")
    #     valDict[int(rowS[0][:-1])] = int(rowS[-1])

    # caught = False
    # for delay in xrange(10, 10**7):
    #     caught = False
    #     print 'DELAY', delay
    #     for i in valDict.keys():
    #         print i, (i+delay), (2* valDict[i] - 2), (i+delay) % (2* valDict[i] - 2) == 0
    #         if (i+delay) % (2* valDict[i] - 2) == 0:
    #             caught = True
    #             break
    #     if not caught:
    #         print delay
    #         break

    # print "Time Taken:", time.time() - START

    # 3946838

    data = {}
    state = {}
    direction = {}
    for line in read_lines(13):
        idx, depth = line.split(': ')
        data[int(idx)] = int(depth)
        state[int(idx)] = 0
        direction[int(idx)] = 1
    keys = data.keys()
    m = max(keys)
    for x in range(m + 1):
        if x not in data:
            data[x] = 0
            state[x] = 0

    initial_data = copy.deepcopy(data)
    initial_state = copy.deepcopy(state)
    initial_direction = copy.deepcopy(direction)

    for i in range(10):
        for d in initial_state.keys():
            if initial_data[d] > 0:
                initial_state[d] += (1 * initial_direction[d])
                if initial_state[d] >= initial_data[d]:
                    initial_direction[d] = -1
                    initial_state[d] -= 2
                if initial_state[d] < 0:
                    initial_direction[d] = 1
                    initial_state[d] += 2

    for p in xrange(11, 10**7):
        for d in initial_state.keys():
            if initial_data[d] > 0:
                initial_state[d] += (1 * initial_direction[d])
                if initial_state[d] >= initial_data[d]:
                    initial_direction[d] = -1
                    initial_state[d] -= 2
                if initial_state[d] < 0:
                    initial_direction[d] = 1
                    initial_state[d] += 2

        data = copy.deepcopy(initial_data)
        state = copy.deepcopy(initial_state)
        direction = copy.deepcopy(initial_direction)
        idx = -1
        severity = []

        if p % 100 == 0:
            print p

        caught = False
        for x in xrange(m + 1):
            idx += 1
            if data[x] > 0 and state[x] == 0:
                caught = True
            for d in state.keys():
                if data[d] > 0:
                    state[d] += (1 * direction[d])
                    if state[d] >= data[d]:
                        direction[d] = -1
                        state[d] -= 2
                    if state[d] < 0:
                        direction[d] = 1
                        state[d] += 2
        if not caught:
    print p
Beispiel #18
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import serial
from common import port, baudrate, interpret_messages, read_lines

with serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=baudrate) as ser:
    for msg in interpret_messages(read_lines(ser), skip_nmea=True):
Beispiel #19
def p2():
    for line in read_lines(10, 2):
Beispiel #20
        score = score_area(points)

        if score < best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_points = points
            seconds = i
        elif score >= best_score:

        points = step(points)

    return seconds, best_points

def draw_message(seconds, points):
    coords = {point.coord for point in points}
    left, top, right, bottom = bounds(coords)
    lines = []

    for y in range(top, bottom + 1):
        for x in range(left, right + 1):
            lines.append("X" if (x, y) in coords else ".")


    print(f"{seconds} seconds")

Beispiel #21
            assert asleep is None
            guard_id = int(rest[0][1:])
        elif first == "falls":
            assert asleep is None
            asleep = date
        elif first == "wakes":
            index[guard_id].update(range(asleep.minute, date.minute))
            asleep = None

    return index

def strat_one(minutes):
    id, counts = max(minutes.items(), key=lambda x: sum(x[1].values()))
    minute = counts.most_common(1)[0][0]
    print(id, minute, id * minute)

def strat_two(minutes):
    def extract():
        for id, counts in minutes.items():
            yield id, counts.most_common(1)[0]

    id, (minute, count) = max(extract(), key=lambda x: x[1][1])
    print(id, minute, count, id * minute)

data = get_minutes(sorted(read_lines()))
Beispiel #22
from bisect import insort_left
from collections import defaultdict

from networkx import DiGraph
from networkx import lexicographical_topological_sort

from common import read_lines

def parse(lines):
    return DiGraph(
        sorted((parts[1], parts[7])
               for parts in (line.split() for line in lines)))

graph = parse(read_lines())

def build(graph, workers=5, base_cost=60):
    base_cost -= ord("A") - 1
    incomplete = set(graph.nodes)
    available = sorted(n for n, d in graph.in_degree if d == 0)
    schedule = defaultdict(list)
    time = 0

    while incomplete:
        done = schedule.pop(time, ())
        workers += len(done)
Beispiel #23
def runtests(file, expected_status):
  print "Running tests from %s" % file
  return [runtest(test.rstrip().split(), expected_status) for test in common.read_lines(file)]
Beispiel #24
    for y, line in enumerate(lines):
        for x, c in enumerate(line):
            if c in "^>v<":
                carts[x, y] = Cart(x, y, c)
                c = "-" if c in "><" else "|"
            track[x, y] = c

    return track, carts

def run(lines):
    track, carts = parse(lines)
    first_crash = False

    while len(carts) > 1:
        order = sorted(carts.values(), key=lambda c: (c.y, c.x))

        for cart in order:
            cart.move(track, carts)

            if cart.crash:
                if not first_crash:
                    first_crash = True


Beispiel #25
from itertools import cycle

from common import read_lines

data = [int(x) for x in read_lines()]
print(sum(x for x in data))

seen = set()
current = 0

for item in cycle(data):
    current += item

    if current in seen:

Beispiel #26
def get_options(src):
  xs = [x.strip() for x in common.read_lines(src) if "(* DSOLVE" in x ]
  ss = ' '.join([' '] + [x[9:-2] for x in xs])
  xs = [x.strip() for x in ss.split(' ') if x.strip()]
  return xs
Beispiel #27
_extra = (False, ) * 5

def run(lines, steps=20):
    pots, notes = parse(lines)
    score = 0
    delta = 0

    for i in range(1, steps + 1):
        pots = tuple(
            notes.get(items, False)
            for items in windowed(chain(_extra, pots, _extra), 5))

        offset = 3 * i
        new_score = sum(c * (i - offset) for i, c in enumerate(pots))
        new_delta = new_score - score
        score = new_score

        if new_delta == delta:
            score += (steps - i) * new_delta

        delta = new_delta

    return score

print(run(read_lines("input.txt"), 50_000_000_000))
Beispiel #28
#!/usr/bin/env python

import collections
import os
import sys
sys.path.append( os.path.abspath( ".." ) )

import common

current = common.read_lines( "data.txt" )
w = len( current[ 0 ] )
h = len( current )

def get_neighbours( state, x, y ):
    count = 0
    for dx in [ -1, 0, +1 ]:
        for dy in [ -1, 0, +1 ]:
            if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
            sx = x + dx
            sy = y + dy
            if sx < 0 or sy < 0 or sx >= w or sy >= h:
            if state[ sy ][ sx ] == "#":
                count += 1
    return count
while True:
    state = [ [ '.' ] * w for _ in range( h ) ]
    for x in range( w ):
        for y in range( h ):
Beispiel #29
def p1():
    # 810
    for line in read_lines(11):
Beispiel #30
def runtests(file, expected_status):
    print "Running tests from %s" % file
    return [
        runtest(test.rstrip().split(), expected_status)
        for test in common.read_lines(file)
Beispiel #31
    def from_line(cls, line):
        m = cls._line_re.match(line)
        return cls(*[int(g) for g in m.groups()])

    def x_range(self):
        return range(self.left, self.left + self.width)

    def y_range(self):
        return range(, + self.height)

    def __iter__(self):
        for x in self.x_range:
            for y in self.y_range:
                yield x, y

    def intact(self, point_counts):
        return all(point_counts[point] == 1 for point in self)

data = [Claim.from_line(line) for line in read_lines()]
point_counts = Counter([point for claim in data for point in claim])
print(sum(count > 1 for count in point_counts.values()))

for claim in data:
    if claim.intact(point_counts):
Beispiel #32
def parse():
    return [(int(x), int(y))
            for x, y in (line.split(", ", 1) for line in read_lines())]
Beispiel #33
from collections import Counter
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import combinations

from common import read_lines

data = read_lines()

twos = 0
threes = 0

for item in data:
    counts = Counter(item).values()

    if 2 in counts:
        twos += 1

    if 3 in counts:
        threes += 1

print(twos, threes, twos * threes)

def positions(item):
    return set(enumerate(item))

for a, b in combinations(data, 2):
    diff = positions(a) ^ positions(b)