cpf.figconf['colorbar'] = False
                cpf.figconf['shadedcolormap'] = 'Greys'
                cpf.figconf['shadedmin'] = 0.0
                cpf.figconf['shadedmax'] = 1.0
                color_mask = 0.4 * np.ones(np.shape(radar_mask))
                color_mask[radar_mask] = np.nan
                cpf.plot_x_y_cartopy(lon, lat, color_mask, max_dbz[:, :],

            #Generate regional averages of the moment.

            bimodality_regional_mean[var][it, :], bimodality_regional_max[var][
                it, :], bimodality_regional_min[var][
                    it, :] = cmf.get_regional_average_grid(
                        my_bimodality.data, xi, xe, yi, ye, 0, 0, undef)

            #Acumulate the moment statistics in time.

            bimodality_time_mean[var] = bimodality_time_mean[
                var] + my_bimodality[:, :]  #Accumulate the mean.
            bimodality_time_std[var] = bimodality_time_std[var] + np.power(
                my_bimodality[:, :], 2)  #Accumulate the standard deviation.

        time_mean_max_dbz = time_mean_max_dbz + max_dbz  #To accumulate integrated liquid.

        #Advance time
                        'title'] = 'KLD G.R. for variable ' + var + ' at ' + date
                        'figname'] = '/Figure_KLDGR_' + var + '_' + date

                    cpf.plot_x_y_cartopy(lon, lat, my_kldgr[:, :],
                                         max_dbz[:, :, 0], my_kldgr[:, :])

            #Generate regional averages of the moment.

            kldgr_regional_mean[var][it, :], kldgr_regional_max[var][
                it, :], kldgr_regional_min[var][
                    it, :] = cmf.get_regional_average_grid(
                        my_kldgr, xi, xe, yi, ye, zi, ze, undef)

            #Acumulate the moment statistics in time.

            kldgr_time_mean[var] = kldgr_time_mean[
                var] + my_kldgr[:, :, :, 0]  #Accumulate the mean.
            kldgr_time_std[var] = kldgr_time_std[var] + np.power(
                my_kldgr[:, :, :, 0], 2)  #Accumulate the standard deviation.

        time_mean_max_dbz = time_mean_max_dbz + max_dbz  #To accumulate integrated liquid.

        #Advance time
Beispiel #3
                cpf.figconf['colorbar'] = False
                cpf.figconf['shadedcolormap'] = 'Greys'
                cpf.figconf['shadedmin'] = 0.0
                cpf.figconf['shadedmax'] = 1.0
                color_mask = 0.4 * np.ones(np.shape(radar_mask))
                color_mask[radar_mask] = np.nan
                cpf.plot_x_y_cartopy(lon, lat, color_mask, max_dbz[:, :],

            #Generate regional averages of the moment.

            kld_regional_mean[var][it, :], kld_regional_max[var][
                it, :], kld_regional_min[var][
                    it, :] = cmf.get_regional_average_grid(
                        my_kld.data, xi, xe, yi, ye, 0, 0, undef)

            #Acumulate the moment statistics in time.

                var] = kld_time_mean[var] + my_kld[:, :]  #Accumulate the mean.
            kld_time_std[var] = kld_time_std[var] + np.power(
                my_kld[:, :], 2)  #Accumulate the standard deviation.

        time_mean_max_dbz = time_mean_max_dbz + max_dbz  #To accumulate integrated liquid.

        #Advance time
                cpf.figconf['title']='KLD G.R. for variable ' + var + ' at level ' + str( int(ctl_dict['vlevels'][np.asscalar(il)])) + ' at ' + date
                cpf.figconf['figname']='/Figure_KLDGR_' + var + '_' + date + '_' + str(int(ctl_dict['vlevels'][np.asscalar(il)])) 

                cpf.plot_x_y_cartopy( lon , lat , my_kldgr[:,:,il] , max_dbz[:,:,il] , my_kldgr[:,:,il] )

         else                    :
                cpf.figconf['title']='KLD G.R. for variable ' + var + ' at ' + date 
                cpf.figconf['figname']='/Figure_KLDGR_' + var + '_' + date    
                cpf.plot_x_y_cartopy( lon , lat , my_kldgr[:,:] , max_dbz[:,:,0] , my_kldgr[:,:] )

      #Generate regional averages of the moment.


      #Acumulate the moment statistics in time. 

      kldgr_time_mean[var]=kldgr_time_mean[var] +  my_kldgr[:,:,:,0]                     #Accumulate the mean.
      kldgr_time_std[var]=kldgr_time_std[var]   + np.power(  my_kldgr[:,:,:,0]  , 2 )    #Accumulate the standard deviation.

   time_mean_max_dbz=time_mean_max_dbz + max_dbz  #To accumulate integrated liquid.

   #Advance time

   ctime = ctime + delta
Beispiel #5
   my_file=basedir + expname + ctime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + '/guesgp/bimodality_index.grd'

   my_file=basedir + expname + ctime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + '/guesgp/moment0001.grd'

   my_file=basedir + expname + ctime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + '/guesgp/moment0002.grd'

   print( kld.keys() )

   for ireg,my_reg in enumerate( reg_names )  : 
      for ivar,my_var in enumerate( plot_variables ) :
         kld_mean[my_reg][my_var][it] , _ , _ = cmf.get_regional_average_grid(kld[my_var],xi[ireg],xe[ireg],yi[ireg],ye[ireg],zi[ireg],ze[ireg],undef)
         bim_mean[my_reg][my_var][it] , _ , _ = cmf.get_regional_average_grid(bim[my_var],xi[ireg],xe[ireg],yi[ireg],ye[ireg],zi[ireg],ze[ireg],undef)
         m01_mean[my_reg][my_var][it] , _ , _ = cmf.get_regional_average_grid(m01[my_var],xi[ireg],xe[ireg],yi[ireg],ye[ireg],zi[ireg],ze[ireg],undef)
         m02_mean[my_reg][my_var][it] , _ , _ = cmf.get_regional_average_grid(m02[my_var],xi[ireg],xe[ireg],yi[ireg],ye[ireg],zi[ireg],ze[ireg],undef)

   #time_index[it] = np.floor( it/2 )

   time_index[it] = it * 30.0 / 60.0

   it = it + 1

   ##Read the analysis
   #my_file=basedir + expname + ctime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + '/analgp/kldistance.grd'
Beispiel #6
   #Plot kld

   # for key in kld :

   for var in plot_variables        :

      my_kld = mean_kld[var]

      #Generate regional averages of the moment.


      #Acumulate the moment statistics in time. 

      kld_time_mean[var]=kld_time_mean[var] +  my_kld[:,:]                     #Accumulate the mean.
      kld_time_std[var]=kld_time_std[var]   + np.power(  my_kld[:,:]  , 2 )    #Accumulate the standard deviation.

   time_mean_max_dbz=time_mean_max_dbz + max_dbz  #To accumulate integrated liquid.

   #Advance time

   ctime = ctime + delta